HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-09-08, Page 17°mint'
Lucknow Fireman Bob Peck receives n donation for the Mueactder Dyetrophy Association
when the Aire department held theft canvass for "Jerry's Kids" on the outealdrtea of Ludlow
Friday ttfternootn. Deputy Chief Bud Hamilton repots the local drive raised aatpprota hnately
II g1,600 for the childrdn who'eauffer from the &mum. The Camellia Telethon ridged a total of
$2.5 million and the Jerry Imitia Telethon In the United State i reported OS million raised to
farther the research necessary to find a cure for the dltaaa o *high atarikes dale in every 20,000
children. Lewis made ananrrorurcetwant at the start of hien 21 how' telethon that a Whintpeg
doeter heti Isolated a Wising protein In the gene which eauetadaa muscular' dystrophy which
may lead to a eeantrel or mire, (Photo by Kris .Sveial
Ii.sielesow nt f . Wednesday,
The September meeting of
South Kinloss W,M,S, ,was
held at the Witte of Mrs,
Harold Campbell. on Wed.
neeadny, September 11 at 8
p,nt,-. The president,Mrs
Evan-keith.opened the meet.
ing with the poem, Loving
The scripture and tnedita.
tion WAS taken by Mrs, Bruce
Hamilton . with the topic,
Handicapped . and Disabled,
The roll call WAS answered
with a Bible verse having the
word, Harvest, Mrs, Herb
Buckton and Mrs, Lloyd
MacDougall were presented.
with Life Memberships in the
Mrs, Bruce Hamilton in-
troduced the. special guest,
Miss Blaine Townsend, who
spoke about. the Physical
Handicapped, Several. cotis-
ntents she made were:
Handicapped people are be.
coating snore organised at all
levels, Working together can
overcome many. problems,
Most important is aware.
nets, to become more aware
by meeting with people,
Mrs,. Don Bell and Mrs,.
Jack . Forster rendered a
lovely duet, He Touched Me,
Mrs, Jark Needham read the
poets, Shirley's Song, . writ,
ten for the year of the Dis,
abled 1981, Mrs, Bay 'kelt,'
'Meier read the poettr, A, Sure.
Way to. aHappy Day.
The closing prayer was
offered by Mrs, Gib Hamii
'ton, •
Whttevhiu'ch:coupk..:*.iilt with sons
lly alettirEmerson.
do `fitesday hast Mr. 'and
'Mrs, Dave 'Gibb . arrived.
• hong° from a two week visit.
• with their sons, Marray at
Brandon and Carl and:wife in
the farming vicinity.
ElginJohtistoti :visited
• Wednesday • evening.. with
Mr, and Mrs, iris .Emerson,
..Last week when fishing in
the Maitland. Ili* at • God,
erieh, Bi11 Ialintotrl• caught a
large trout •whieh he was'
happy to. show his friends, 0
weighed 15 pounds, •
Dawson Craig his sold his
house. to Mr. and Mrs,
°fordcisnt Ritrtoul,
B, Mtallen . -held a very -
5twee>essful farm sale on 1�tt
Op Sunday • Mrs, • Mabel
Prank, Miss Bessie MacGre.
'gut of Acton, Mr, acid Mrs,
• Doug Hope, Marilyn and Bob
of Cambridge and Mrs, Ger.
• trade Tifn, Winghama were
griests with • Mr, and Mrs,
`Octet Emerson,
• On Sunday evening Mr,
and Mrs, . Angus falconer, -
Mr, and Mrs, Kevin Palcon�
er, Mr4, Cassie Mawbt°ay
and Mr, and .Mrs, Wesley
Tiffin gathered at Mr. aril
Mrs, .lot Piteonees home
to celebrate Mrs. Angus Pal,
artier and Mrs, Nevin Pak
comer's birthdays,
Lois #aalcotiaer of. Stratford
is Visiting with Mrs. Cassie
We are. pleased to report
that Athol Purdon isimprov.'
ing after undergoing surg.
Mr, anti Mrs, P. W.
Beecroft and Karen visited
an Thursday with Mr,' and
Mrs Stewart Vorsyth,,. Walk-
(1n the Weekend Mr, .and
Mrs. Sam Prizdll and family
of Niagara.'on=thetaake visit=
ed with Mr. and Mrs, 1, W,
Beecroft and Daren, and
Hugh Sinii'atnon,
On Sunday, September 12
the Bev, D. ll.: Gordon
Hazelwood, retired minister,.
will have. charge of the
services at the United
Student preacher, Mr, Rod
Lamb, had charge of the
services at the Presbyterian:
church where he will be for
this term,
Mr; and Mrs, • Raymond
Bowes .and Mrs,. Charles
Bowes of Lanark; near. Hope-
town, spent the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs, Lorne
Mullin and visited with Mrs,
Agnes Pallier and other Gil,
lespie relatives,
On taesday, Michael Mer,
Cienaghan of gitchenerv�isit�
`ed with Mrs,. Mary McCien,
aghan and Mt. and Mrs, Catl
On Thursday Mr. and Mrs,
Maack Stewart, Waterloo and
Mrs, Bill Ryan and Mrs.,
Jefferson of Gederich visited
with Mrs; Mary •MacClenag-
Iran and Mr, • and . Mrs, Catf
Sunday .visitors with Mrs.
Mary McClenaghan and Mr,
and Mrs. Carl Mddlenaghan
were Mrs. Beverly Glanville,
Benji,. and Billie of Eteter,
Mrs.. 1✓. Gerken, Otgaange=
ville and Mt. and Mrs, David
Nichol, • Richmond Hill.
Mrs, Hugh McMillan of
Sarnia, Mrs; Isobel. Tiffin,
Ltieknow, Mrs, Cassie Maw-
bray and Mr. 'and Mrs,
Wesley Tiffin .spent a few
days last week with Mrs.
Wealtha Henderson, Brant-
ford. • .
Mt, and Mrs, Dan llffitii
went to Porrneysa on Sunday
to . Pickin in the Pines".
Mts, Pauline Adams and
Colleen arrived home last
Thursday after a two week
visit its Winnipeg with Mr,
and Mrs. igen Pettigrew and
family. ' •
Mrs, • Linda Runtbie and
Jeffery psf . Lucknow were
Monday visitors with Mrs.
Mtttray irwe!irc,
Mr, and Mrs, Paul Laid
law, Michelle, and Jason of
Ldttdthi .spent the weekend
with their parents; Mt, and
Mrs. Walter Elliott. and Mr.
and Mrs, Elroy Laidlaw,.
Whitechurch MCA',
Wednesday, September '1
the Whitechurch
held 'their meeting- at the
home of Mts. Plwaod Gros,
J'he rtteeting opened with a
sing song. Mrs, Agnes Par.
ries read a poem, Gifts for all
Scatting, Mts, Evelyn Gibb
read the scripture. Mrs,
Agues Partici' explained that
gifts are to be .unwrapped
and used as our talents, Mts.
Parties led itt prayer. Mrs.
Elizabeth Tiffin read a poetic,
• Giving. .
Two contests were . held,:
f mbletns of the different)
countties and the liftoffs of
the Bible. Winners were
Mrs. Groskorth and • Mrs.
" Moore, . Mrs. Genevieve
Moore led in prayer. .
The roll call was answered
by 12 telling how they fight
inflation, . Mrs,. Wilda Laid:
law closed the meeting after
. which the , hostess aserved
the Birthday Tea.
• Whltechu et W.l.
The Agriculture and Can,
adian Industries meeting of
Whitechurch' WI branch
was; held Wednesday, Sept.
ember 1 at 8 p,tn, in
Whitechurch Community
Memorial shill, Mrs. Tom
Metcalfe was hostess giving
all a warm' welcome,
The president, Mrs, Agnes
Farrier .opened with prayer,
The secretary -treasurer;
Mrs, Russel McGuire read
the the minutes and gave` thea
financial ,statement,
The ma'tto, end generation
plants trees; the : nest ,gets.
shade, was given by Mrs,
Agin Johnston
The speaker, Alice Hee,
croft, community • relations
coordinator with the Malt-
land Valley Consetvation
Authority, showed pictures
of water sheds and planting
trees and other apsects of
their work;
Mrs, Tent Day conducted a
contest' :an Trees, The first
parize was won by Mrs. John
A. Currie,
Mrs, Pigin Johnston gave
asi�vo Minute convener report
otr Agriotrlture and Canadian
Lunch was served by Mts.
Lorne Durnin, Mrs, Prank
Boss and Mrs. Sohn 'Gaunt,
ither 0, 1 2 -Poe 15
' M 4
SUNDAY, apt. 12
Sunday School llran&f tui
WO arm.
Morning Worship
11100 a.m.
ltev. Witten Mebougall
11.A. M.bi'v.
06646 t.+►rrNl.lww rw1406464.++#1..w6u
Nursery and Junior
Congregation Provided
Everyone Welcome
-Combined Climb tuttl
Sunday School tit30 brim.
Awards for Sunday School.
.Deers Spoken
Mss Norma Ma41 atyre
Everyone Welcome
irn Milting
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