HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-08-25, Page 7kInlough news
Le knew Sentinel, Wednesday, August 24, 1902—PItigtr 1,
Presbyterian WMS group hold annual meeting
"The Klnktugh Pret byterr
:fan W,M,S, held the August
meeting last Wednesday aft.
ernoon at the home of Mrd,
Frank Maulden with presldr
eat, Mra, Glen Haldenby
opening the meeting with the
poem, Fitt the world with
Love, The purpose was re,
peated in •unison and the
business followed, ' •
Conveners for the' meeting
were Mrs. Don Robertson
and Mrs, Don Reid with the
study Aherne being, The
Pluralistic Nature of Canada
and how we as Christians can
witness to people of other
faiths by having a more
understanding . attitude and
being . more loving and for.
giving, Christians are out.
numbered in Canada by
other religions,
Those taking part in the
program were Mrs, Don Itob•
ertson as leader and 110liss
Winnlfred Percy, Mrs, Glen
Haidenby, Mrs, Don Reid,
Mrs, Tom McDonald, Mrs.
Frank Maulden, Mrs, Don
Bushell, Mcg, Glen Haldenby
read an article on, We were
the only. Indians,
Mrs, Don Robertson read
the scripture and led in.
prayer,. Suitable hymns were
sung and all repeated the
Lord's Prayer. Mrs, Pion
Robertson gave the courtes.
ids, Refreshments and a time
U.S. visitors welcomed
By Kae Webster,
(Recent visitors with Elmer
and Edna .Culbert were Mr,
and Mrs, Gerald Matheson
of Atwood and also Sharon
DcLeauter and a girl friend
from Oxford, Michigan, "
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Halsey
and family of Stirling
Heights, Michigan and Mrs,
Don McKinnon and son Pat•
rick of Paris, Ontario were
weekend visitors with Finlay
and Margie MacDonald, Ju.
He MacDonald, daughter of
George and Andrea MacDon.
ald, returned home . with
Mrs, McKinnon and .Patrick
for a weeks holidays,
Mr, Dan: Wylde, Mr, and
Mrs. Warren. Wylde, Baugh.
ter Linda Wylds, and son
Kenny Wylds and his daugh.
• ter, . Melany Wytds, were
Robb had their daughter and
s+on.in•1aw, gob and Sandra,.
Darling of Hanover .with
them a . couple of days relit
weekend, Sandra was mild.
of.honour at the Matthews...
Liphick wedding,
, Hob .MacKenzie of Toronto
was home on the weekend
with his parents, Ross And
Jean MacKenzie,
The farmers of the area
have been very busy this last
coupie of week§ keeping the
combine going: It is nice to
hear that there are a number
how that have their wheat,
"oats and barley finished and.
are now waiting for their flax
to ripen,
Sunday visitors with Mrs,
Wy1ds' mother., Mrs, Irene
Stone of Goderjch, They all
helped Melany celebrate her
ninth birthday,
Mr., and Mrs; Thomas
O'Neil. of Hamilton visited
early in 'the week with Mrs,
Dorothy Finlayson and Mrs;''
Betty Monerief,'Mrs, O'Heir
and Mrs, Finlayson were in
training in Stratford together
and her and Betty worked
together later,
Mrs, Dorothy FinIaysdn
had her,daughter and son•inr
law, Paut and Jane Emberlin
of Toronto visit with her'for a
couple of days last week,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon
of fellowship was enjoyed,
Relatives from here guests
at the itittorf•Stanley wed.
ding 'at Kinloss United
Church en Saturday' after,
noon and to the dinner and
reception. at Kincardine,
• Sympathy is extended to
the family and relatives of
the late Mrs,•.Oladys Davis of
Toronto, Mrs, Harold .(Mad.
e.line) Haldenby, Walter
Hreckies and Reg Powell are
a niece and nephews.
Mr, and Mrs, Weir Eck.
enswiller entertained relativ-
es and friends on Saturday
evening at a' pork and chick,
en barbeque supper, It was.
delicious, .. , .
Mr, and Mrs; floss 'Ham.
Mott,. Karen and liavid of
Braddon, Manitoba and Miss
Betty Hamilton of' St, Cath
arines visited with . Mr, and
Mrs, Jack. Harr;
Mr, and Mrs, 'Ralph Zab•
ototney, • Beverley; Chanda
Are.A grain Crop harvestc,d
By Lillian Young
Sunday's cool wet weather
wilt hold up the last of the
harvest for a while but .a lot
of the grain crop was harv.
ested last week,
The girl's ball teams; of
Brookside and Whitechurch
played their last ball game of
the playoffs last Monday ev,
ening, August 15,. They were
tied at two games . each
before, the game and Brook.
side won the final game after
two extra innings, It had
been an interesting playoff
and we congratulate both the
winners and losers 011 play.
ing excellent ball,
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
Clifford Young: last week
were. Mr, and Mrs, Ed
Wightnian of Belgrave and.
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Wall of
Mr, and Mrs, tan Thomas
and boys. visited a few day§
last week with last's parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Thom.
as of Preston and with Ian's
sinter, who was home from
the States, They also called
on Ian's grandfather in Galt,
Cody , and Chad Thomas*
were two of the ppupil§ in the
August ,swimming classes'
who passed their final tests,
Liane Young spent_ two
days last' week with her
friend, Nannie Perry of Blue.
The Whitechurch girl§ ball
teats 'held a barbeque� ,on
Saturday evening.,to end the
ball season, There,were
about 30 people presnt,
• Paul Horbatiuk of Toronto
visited with. Mr, and Mrs,
'Russell Young on Sunday,
Dungannon Fair boar
Foundation receives new Therac-25
A powerful new Weapon .in
the fight against cancer is
being installed at the Ontario
Cancer Foundation in Toron•
to, Called . Tf ierac'25, the
device is known technically
as a high.energy medical
"linear accelerator and the
first unit was formally unveil•
ed at the Atomic Energy of
Canada plant near Ottawa
recently by federal Energy
Minister, Marc Lalonde,
It is more than, 30 years
since thc'first.cancer therapy
machines, pioneered in Can,
ada and using cobalt as .the
source of radiation, were put
into service, It has recently
been calculated that these
devices, which are in world,
'wide use, . have helped to
Successfully treat nndrt than
four million patients, extend,
frig each of their lives by an
average df at ' least three
More recently, cobalt
machine's have been Joined
on the world 'capable
by linear
accelerators .capable of delivr
ering mote penetrating Xray
beams, Therac,25, its beam
delivering 25 .million elec.
tron•volts of dnergy,is settle
series of donut,shaped..cavit•
les which form a waveguide,
Inside, microwaves set up by
a radar amplifier move elec.
frons faster and faster, much
like surfers riding an ocean
wave, The longer the wave,
guide, the more energy .can
be,lmpa reed to the electrons,
The challenge has been to
generate a high energy beam
without using a wavcguide so
icing it is unmanageabie in a
clinical unit,
. The breakthrough carne itt
the early 1070's when Dr,
Stan Sehribcr, working at the
Chalk River Nuclear Labora•
MAO of AECL, invented a
machine caked 'a Refleatatrart
in which the electrons were
accelerated through the
same wageguide twice giving
twice the a ceteratian for a
given length of guide, Prom
20 times as powerful as a
cobalt unit, (and 4 time the
power of other accelerators),
represents an all,Catnadian
design of world ' leading
sophistication and perform,
A linear accelerator is a
ibis prototype, theclinical
model's were developed and
Theraic•25 is really two
machines in tine; For the
treatment of cancers at or
near the body's surface the
electron beam energy is ad•
justed for depth oflpenetra•
tion and electrons are mag..
netically scanned across the
cancer site, To reach deeper
tumors, the beam bombards
a metal target °making it give
off powerful ' X•rays, These,
in turn, are directed against
the caneer site, The energy
level of the machine is
considered ideal for many
types of cancer as well as for
minimizing side effects,
A decade' of development,
testing and refinement' has
gone into Therac,25 and to
date, ten have been sold hi
Canada and the United Stat,
es, The • Ontario Cancer
Foundation should have its
two units in operation by the
fall and further. orders are
expected as the . machine
becomes more widely known
on the world market,
and LeAnne Grace of Medi.
cine Hat, Alberta have been
visiting with her 'parents,
Mr, . and Mrs, Weir Eden.
Miss Norma Coutta of
Winghani spent a few days
with Edna and May Boyle
Thacker, daughter
Mr, and Mrs, Eric Thacker,
has been very sick in Kin=
sardine Hospital, We send
get well wishes,
Michael and Teresa Stan.
ley spent the weekend with
Sara Haldenby,
Its nice to see Mrs, Ronald
Thacker able to be out again
after a ,long convalescence
following her surgery, Keep
Ott improving Kay,
Visitor§ on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Harr were
Mrd, Pat O'Meara, Joey and
Shane of London, and Mrs,
Ales Percy, Mrs, O'Meara
was the former Sonia Hur,
Miss Lindell dross' return,
ed home after " attending a
Cheer Leaders'Camp at 'York
University, Toronto,.
Guests at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, Ron Cross and
family were Mrs, Jim Robin,
son and Lori of Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan and Dannile
Shortreed of Toronto,
. Mr, and Mrs, AI Eizinga,
Mr, and Mrs, Pred Johnston
and family of London spent
the weekend. with Mrs, Mar.
retta Hodgins, .
Enloy the "INN" Weekend
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