HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-08-18, Page 17BOOKKEEPER REQUIRED by 'growing manufacturing firm in WINGHAM. Experience in preparing payroll records, accounts payable records and lob costing. Position' also entails .other office functions. Send written Resume to; ' "DRAWER No. 160 ' c/o THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR P.O. BOX 220 'GODERICK ONT. N17A 4B6 1. Articles for 'sale URINE -ERASE. guarantees removal, dog, cat, human. urine stains, odours' from. carpets. Regardless of stain age. Free brochure, Reidell Chemicals Limited, Box 7500, London, Ontario. —0-33 ONTARIO SPRING LAMBr, Now taking freezer orders for whole or half carcasses; ready late.summer/early fall; butchered to your specs. Contact Lesley Moncrief for info and prices at 395.2480. —27eow SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, ' Goderich, 524.7241. 2,5tfar NOW IS THE TIME for your installation of hydro poles, moving of grain bins, repair- ing . your barn boards and removing tree limbs. ' Call 528-2109. —30.33x TOPSOIL fora sale. Phone Lloyd Whytock after 6 p.m„ 528.2006. --15tf DEPRESSION GLASS, . dish- es, antiques 'and used furn- iture at . Jim Finnigan's Place, across from the car wash. Phone 528.3602. Clos- ed Sti days.-23tfar CEDAR POSTS 5 to 8" tops, anchor posts and braces. Phone 395.5305.. —l7tf TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. --40tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck IDA Pharm- acy, 14. Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. —25tfar IN HOME mastectomy ser- vices now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs.. Stringer. at Rieck J.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.--25tfar. ammo imm. HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR. HOME? ,, THEN TRYA DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer:T.V. & Electric, Lucknow: Phone 528.3112. 26tfar OVEN READY ducks, 4 - 5 lbs. average, SI.751b; round bale hay' feeder; , 20' head, gate for pit silo. °Phone 395-5423. —32,33 • GIRLS baby clothes, infant to size° 2, pram baby buggy, change table with bath, crib mattress. All in, excellent, condition: Phone 528-2901 after 6 p.m. —32,33 f .��llYls`,.,• .,i'(ffr�`rfwlYfritr������ �!�rr Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 18, 1982—Page 17 1. Articles for sale .-M — 111=--- s MOM MOM MINN Med. SPECIAL PRICE on stainless steel chimney until Septem- ber 15th, ULC approved. Shetler Enterprise Sales, R. R. 2, Lucknow, at St. Helens. —33,34 CHiNA PLATE, $10,95, Cof- fe Mug, ' $7.95,' commemor- ating prince's birth, with parents, history. Ontarians add 7%. $2 handling. Print- ed display available. Cree. more China, Creemore, Ont. ario LOM 100.-0-33 SWIMMING POOLS - Man. ufacturers clearance . of Slightly blemished above ground pools, Complete package including sand fil- ter, in wall skimmer, vac- cuum and maintenance kit etc. priced from an incredible $1,195.00 while quantities Last. Call 416-945-4773 for further information." —0.33 ONE RECONDITIONED Sol- id State colour T.V., 5350.00. Greer T.V. & Electric, 528- 3112. —33ar DRY HARDWOOD for sale, cut ' and split, 532.00 face cord at farm.. Bill Andrew, 529-7335. —32,33x SUZUKI 1979 RM '80 dirt bike, - Excellent condition. Never raced. Best offer. Phone 395-5038. =32,33 COME FISHING! 'All year round. Speckled and Rain- bow -Trout ponds, 1 conces- sions north of. Lucknow off Bruce County Road # 1. Follow sign.—29-34x YARN FOR SALE 20% offAll. Yarns, Kits and Rug Bookings, till Septem- ber 4, 1982. Yarns of Tralee - 6 miles east of Listowel, Junction , of Highway's 19 and 86, 291-4405, Hours 9 - 5 Monday - Saturday, Friday 9 - 9. —32,33,34,35 CONESTOGA, wood stove, 1500 square feet of heating surface, very,goodcondition, nearly new. Phone 529-7709. —33 PINTO for sale. Phone 395- 2733, —33x LARGE QUANTITY used lumber, ` 1 tongue and groove and 1" pine and spruce sheeting; 2" x 6" x 12' joist etc. Contact Mur - via Solomon, Lucknow. —33 PUREBRED GERMAN Shepherd. puppies, for -sale. Laneview Farms, 395-5247: —33,34. -" HOW DOES YOUR — SENTINEL LABEL READ? FOR .SALE, 1970 LUND 18 FOOT ALUMINUM BOAT ES H.K Jdhnson outboard motor, trailer, water skis b all accessories. IDEAL FOR FISHING! ASKING x3,000.00 PH337-3549 5OOP.M. 3. Articles for rent , IMMO — r .•r. —.__. FOR LEASE 2 -BAY SERVICE STATION .INTON, ONT. For further information please contact: BP CANADA D. STEWART • (Days) 1.500265.4157 (Evenings) (519) 271-1971 5.' Cars, trucks for ,sale — moo 17. Aut:tion Sales 17. Auction Sales 1974 F250 pickup, 360 auto- matic, ' motor overhauled, new . exhaust. and ' brakes. Good condition. $1400. or best offer. Ripley 395-2828. -32,33 , 1973 CHEV 3 TON, 350 V8, 5 x 2 transmission, 15 ft. van box and ,power tail gate. No rust. Excellent condition. Asking $4;000. Phone 529- 7291. —33,34x 9. Accom. to rent STORE ON MAIN STREET. Phone 528-3007. 47tfar .12.E Help wanted mMO sum ••••••••151pmet--- PERSON TO STAY' with eld- erly lady in Kincardine. For full details call 396-3518 after 5 p.m. —32,33x CLEANING staff (Chamber person) required by Charl- ton's Cedar 'Court, Charl- ton's Evergreen and Char- teau Jasper. Excellent ac- commodation available, pleasant surroundings. Only industrious persons need ap- ply. Contact Linda Charlton, Box 751, Banff, Alberta' TOL OCO Phone 403-762-3659 between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Alberta time. —0-33 CAREER in trucking - trans- port drivers needed. Train. now for your Class A license. Write. Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, P.O. Box 3186 .Cambridge N3H 456. —0.33 14. Employment wanted WORK WANTED! Experi- enced man wants work cut- ting firewood on weekends. Has own equipment. Write Box 147, Teeswater, —33,34x �111•1- e e e e--N.e r -.e THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA K1 The Winghanr Soles Arno 'North End of Matthew on Highway i 4 Bulk Baking Goods and Cookies BULK COOKIES • Date and fig Oars,arrowroots, raisin oat, choc. chip, wafer, assess, oatmeal turnovers and: others. ' Bulk Pie Fillings, Bulk Pesr,at Butter, Assorted Bulk. Candy. BULK BAKING GOODS • Raisins, Currants, mixed fruit, dates, cherries, coconut, cocoa, carob and butter. scotch chips, pecan crumbs, walnut crumbs, almonds and many other items. BUY IN BULK AND. SAVE BIG BUCKS Discount Foods Ind Grocery Items Canned drops, vegetables, jam, Juices, cake pies, relishes, mustard, canned tuna, herring iurd salmon, soaps, detergents, toilet Usenet etc. All at. Discount Pekes: Clothing and Footwear -Blue Jeans Work pante,, shirts, rocks, coveralls. Best Boys In the area on Blue. Jeans for men; ladles and 'chlldren by Jordacbe, Serjo Valente, Angels -Wings, Santana, Gino Verdi, 3esse, Saloon, US Top, Levi, G.W.G.. 41 Safety Work Shoes: by Kaufman, Taf Mac, Kodiak. Also a good ;election of Factory Seconds.'. New and :Used Furniture, Gift Items, Paintings . Dining room, living room, bedroom and kitchen furniture, dressers., chests; Mockers, china . cabinets, Clocks, etc. Carpet and No Wax Flooring Remnants, rollefds ind complete roils. Excellent for cottage or home renovations. New and Used Guns, Ammunition, , Scopes, Tools ' NOTE!! We buy used furniture, appliances, guts and antiques. Will buy partial or complete estates. Cain 357.1730. OPEN MON.•SAT. 9 6 P.M. FRI. NITES TILL 9 P.M. THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects will be held for The Estate of FRANK JOHNSTON • Inglis Street, Lucknow 2 blocks north of the Post Office SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 at 12:30 p.m. Chesterfield suite; colour T.V. and stand,; lamps; table with chairs; odd chairs; fridge and electric stove, 1 year old; washing machine; beds and dres- sers; dishes and tools; numerous small items. TERMS CASH 'Estate or auctioneer not responsible for. accidents BRiAN RINTOUL Auctioneer —32,33 BARGAIN DAY EVERYDAY USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS 14. Employment wanted 19 YEAR OLD farm labourer seeks full time employment on hairy, beef or cash crop farm in Lucknow's surround- ing area. Experienced in all . types of farming and large machinery. Call between 5 - 7 p.m., 528-3919. —33x 17.. Auction. Sales 1 1 i 1 1 Auction Sale of Machinery and ousehold Item. win be held kb; Reg McMullen 'Lot 36, con. 2, Kinloss Twp., 1 block north of Whitechurch THURSDAY,' SEPT. 2 at 12130 John Deere 1630 tractor with #145 loader and 300 hrs; 'Ford 5000 tractor with cab; Overum 3x14 plow.; Shultz manure spreader as new; Mas- sey Ferguson 17 run #33 seed drill as, as new; 12 ft. wheel cultivator; Case 10 ft. disc; '3 point hitch V -type snow blow- er; 5 section and 4 section sets of harrows; International 10 ft. swa then with hay condition- er; Massey ' Ferguson roll bar rake; 3 hay wag- ons; Tublar bale elevat- or; International baler; New Holland mix mill; 6 ft. cattle -oiler; 2 Surge milkers; 3 h.p, ' dust proof 2-20 electric mot- , ors; fly magnot; ' water tank; log chains; chain saw; feed box; cattle squeeze; 40 ft. extension ladder; 10 ft and 12 ft pine benches; 'dehorner; vise; paint; space heat- er; oil tank and new pipes; 3 pc. maple bed- room suite, has pull out type . desk in dresser; bedding; lamps; dishes; crown jars; 15 sheets 4 x 8 chip board; numerous small items. TERMS CASH FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. GEORGE POWELL aerk BRIAN RINTOUL Auctioneer _33,34 1 1 1 1 1 LARGE. CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE OF OVER. 80 TRACTORS 150 Pcs.' OF EQUIPMENT Al BRINDLEY SALES YARD Dungannon, Ontario SATURDAY, AUGUST 21st 10 A.M. SHARP for more information call: BRINDLEY AUCTION YARD 519-529-7625 or 519-529-797.0 Classified Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m.