HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-08-18, Page 15news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday,August 18, 1982 --Page IS Blyth Centre board members hard at work BY IWEA HAMILTON Being a member of the board for. the Blyth Centre for the Arts sounds like a pretty cushy appointment: The first, thing that comes to mind about - the position is. free theatre tickets and maybe a little cash on the side for running a few er- rands. the board members for the Blyth Centre for the Arts are a hard working lot and if you have the chance to become a member you had better be prepared to work for the title. Thereare 16 inerhbers and they are - responsible for the direction that the Blyth sum- mer theatre takes, and for looking after fund raising. But it is not as stiff as all that and they do have a lot of fun with the projects they in- itiate. Mildred McAdam, presi- denL of the board, remarked that they (the board) likes to run on their stomachs. In fact their food oriented events are the most fun and generate a - lot •of funding towards the theatre. The most recent project was theboard -dinner last weekenwhere members of llie. board and Friends of Blyth donate home , baked courses for •the dinner. The tickets sales are then donated to the Festival. Initially the. board had eight 'members but has ex- panded to 16 and includes a broad cross section of people from the immediate area and, surrounding corn munities. Mrs. McAdam is a nurse, mother ;:.and homemaker from Clinton. Along with her husband Eugene they are kept hopp- ing organizing events and overseeing projects. One vice president is Liz Herman from The Blyth Saga, Blyth. The vice presi- dent of fund raising Lynda Lentz besides being moth. and h. , nemaker. and forme public school teacher, head up the 80 voice Festivi Choir and takes a maior ro' Cranston family enjoy visitors sy Kathryn Todd Last Week Mr. and Mrs. John Siecker returned . home last week after a two week vacation visiting with relatives in Hol- land, This Week Mr, and Mrs. Allan Cran- ston enjoyed the company of their -granddaughters for a Couple of days, The girls are from Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Du- charine of Wingham visited with, Kathy Todd and family on Saturday. Larry MacPherson, Wayne and Hugh Todd and Tom Pegg of the Lucknow • Inter- mediate ball team travelled to , Deep River for a ball tournament, Hugh Todd won the Most . Valuable Piayer trophy, Jo -Ann Todd also spent , the weekend in Deep River, Sympathy is expressed to Ann Pritchard and family on the passing of her mother, Mrs. . MacKay resided in Lucknow. in: the fund raising commit- tee, Bev Walker as secretary, also heads the art gallery at. the theatre. She is an artist and mother of two. - The 'board meets once a month to hear reports from Keith Roulston, the ad- ministrator, and Janet Amos, the artistic director. The group enjoys a . good working relationship with these' two and a' continuity that few other boards can boast about. "It helps having had Keith as the first. president of the board," said Mrs. McAdam, "He .knows the problems and snags the board can come up against and helps work around them for a better working relationship between the board and the. administration." The board has been given a challenge to keep the .com- munity involved with the theatre as well as raise funds to keep the whole operation in the black. And they have been successful on both counts. Many of the projects in- volve community, members. and as time goes on more and more of the work that board members took upon themselves to do is being routed to a new group called the: Friends of Blyth. While the board takes on bigger projects, The board members set up the annual book and bake sale every June and everyone for miles 'arownd digs.. out their well read volumes and donates them to the sale, The fun part is then going to the sale and buying up all the: books you haven't read and trotting ,them home. Each year the volume of books sorted and sold becomes More and more im- pressive. The big event 111 the fall is the medieval feast which was a whopping success last fall and has become an an- nual event due to popular de- mand. Here again the board members and their spouses organize the menu- anddo the cooking as well as the decorating and entertain-. ment for the evening. This year it is November 13.. The community also is. drawn into the happenings at the- theatre through the children's'Ivorkshops each summer and the church sup- pers. Blyth youngsters do the ushering and board membersalso take charge of selling memberships, quilt tickets, cushions, cookbooks and try to mention the T- shirts and posters available. A new project undertaken this year is a small handy pamphlet called Rendevous which offers in- formation onthe many ac- tors and actresses who grace the Blyth stage.. There are a lot of fun things done like having a dessert and coffee party for the board to meet the stiff and cast for the 'summer theatre. A beach.party to end the summer for the same crowd has become a hitfor the season. While not a money making event it does offer the staff and summer crews a chance to meet and enjoy more members of the community. Over the past year the board members have been calling more and more on the Friends of Blyth the new- ly' formed support group. The board members have so many projects on the go that more hands are needed. But the old saying "the more the merrier" holds true. . Hands are flying now in preparation for the upcom- ing Country Fair. The brain- child of Jennifer Hill, it will feature a rummage sale. table, plants, books, baking, ani Clothes. Both, board . members and Friends of Blyth are -involved and the date is set for August 21. Donations are welcome, and a drop off point in Goderich is at John McKibbon's, Mildred McAdam's in Clin-, ton and Jennifer Hill is coor-' dinating the mint. (526-7532). Treats will also include surprise packages, garden fresh produce and preserves as well as a few art and craft items. - But before you think that all the work is done: in the summer hold on to your hat: Blyth has a winter program that has been expanding each year, The board gets together and suggests acts that they feel the community would enjoy and Mr. Roulston, as administrator sets about booking and pric- ing the attractions. The winter program has expanded to' include a musical program, theatre, and children's shows. Plus there -are matinees every month for the kids •with homemade goodies available for treats. Again these are donated, The activities of the board have grown so much that president McAdam feels they could use someone full time to organize press releases and . travel. to the dinners and functions to sell the cookbooks, quilt draw tickets,. posters, T-shirts and booklets. The Blyth Summer Festival and the Blyth Cen- tre, for the Arts. have done well and will continue to do so with the hard work and dedication of the board and the work of the volunteers., This is a community working to improve,itself and enjoy- ing the job. est wishes sent to resident.. By May Boyle Mrs. Bill Burt wens to Toronto to be with he 'daughter Marjorie, Mrs. Ray Fransisco. who underwent major surgery. We sendget well wishes. Mrs. Jim (Volaine) Hod- gins returned home from Vancouver after an enjoyable holiday with her daughter, • Tammy. Visitors at the Maulden home iJecently were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lavis, of Luck - now, and ; Alex Chatreau of Riversdale. Mrs. Fred Page ° is a patient in Orthopedicand Ar- thritis Hospital, 43 Wellesley Street East, Toronto for hip surgery. We send get well wishes. Mrs,, Alex Percy returned home from a week at Coch- rane with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jansen and. family. Holidaying this past week with : Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haldenby and family were Mr. and Mrs. 'Guy Dumont and Cindy of Cochrane. Mr . H. Reiek. (Louise Schne filer's mother) has been moved from Wingham Hos- pital to the Pinecrest Manor at Lucknow. We wish her improved health.: Miss Susan McGregor of Scarborough is spending this week with Miss Lea -Anne Haldenby. Mr. Harry Cole of. Exeter and his daughter, Miss Hel- en Cole .of Sarnia. visited on Sunday with Edna' and May Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breckles returned home from their holiday trip, Mrs. Maretta Hodgins and Mrs. Phoebe .Stanley ,were dinner guests at noon on Sunday with Mrs. Evelyn Hodgins. Kinloss and they had supper at :the 9 home of Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell. and girls. concession 10. Pastor atld Mrs. Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst and girls of Courtright renewed acquain- tances here on Sunday. They, had been at Tara. attending his parents Golden Wedding Anniversary, ' Farmers register good grain crop. By Lillian Young Farmers have been busy harvesting the grail , and another week of good weath- er should see a lot of it finished, The grain is of a good quality this year. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Young last week were Wesley Young of Luck- now, Fred Moore of Wing - ham and Mr, and Mrs. Len Coughlin of near Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs, Ian Thomas and 'boys visited friends in the Ripley area last Monday evening. • Kathy England of the Whitechurch area returned home last Wednesday after being a patient in St. Jos eph's Hospital. London for a while. • Beth, Jane and Erin Young, daughters of Mr; and Mrs, Robert Young of Ches- ley spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young of Luck - now, Barbara, their mother; is presently visiting relatives in England and ttheir other grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Hayter . of Woodstock are keeping the girls till their mother gets home again. One of the earliest signs of fall are the fall fairs and one of the earlier fairs, at Dun gannon, is being held this year on August 21, ,w ,1 ll• A1TENTIOi AREA FARMERS MIA FOR LATER UUI WE PAY '20,00 TO $50.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD COWS AND RECENTLY INJURED OR SICK SOWS, COWS; STEERS & HEIFERS MUST BE ALIVE a DRUG MME! • ANY DELAY could be COSTLY FOR IMMEDIATE PICKUP WITH OUR WINCH EQUIPPED VEHICLE • CALL COLLECT 24 HOURS A DAY -- 6 DAYS 'A WEEK . CLAYTON RILEY (519) 482-9957 or (519) 482-7815 11 KIDS' KLUB AUGUST 23rd To 2lth Huron Chapel Missionory Church MIN WW1 AUBURN 9:30to11:30A.M. Kids ages :4 and over WELCOME 1 Withus, your business could really ijo pIaCe.S. See us at The Bedford Hotel G oderlch, Ontario on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month NEXT VISIT DATE: Tuesday, August 24th REPRESENTATIVE: PAUL McCUSKER. We're FBDB, and our mandate is to encourage business development and expansion. If you need backing, and have a problem getting it, try us. We offer financing, counselling,' management training, and information about government assistance programs for business. Perhaps together we can get your plans moving. `1 D VELOPMEN BANK DE tVELOPPEMENT Your success is our only business. For an appointment or farther 'lnfor- . motion on the Bank's services pill 271-5650 (coIleetj or welte 1016 Ontario ws St,, Stratford, Ontario. nac is iminmminimamminammenwommummo