HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-08-11, Page 17• 21. Engagements DOHERTY-CLARE Mr, and Mrs, Walter' Clare and Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Doherty wish to cnneunce the forthcoming marriage of their, children Mary Luanne and Mark, on Friday, August the thirteenth, 1982,.at St Joseph's.: Church, • Kings- bridge: . 29. Marimgges •,• AUGER • FORAM John and Sophie Foran, R. # 2, Auburn are pleased to 'announce the marriage of their daughter, Donna Maria to Brian Rodney, son of John and Eliza Auger, of Wabas- ca, Alberta, The marriage took place on Juni 4, 1982 at Slave Lake, Alberta,.. Recap - tion Brindley$ Hall, Dungan- non, Friday, August 13, 1982, -732. 30. In memoriam HELM In loving memory of Myrtle (Ritchie) Helm who passed away six years ago, August 13, 1976. 0 happy hours we once en- joyed, How sweet their memory still. But death has left a loneli- ness The world can never fill. Lovingly remembered by • Roberta, Tom, Art, Grant and .families; --32nx MaePHERSON In loving memory ofa dear mother and 'grandmother, Luella, who passed . away August 'filth, 1981. In our home she is fondly remembered; Sweet memories cling to her name,: Those who lived her in life sincerely, Still love her in death just the .same. Lovingly .remembered by her family. --32x HAMILTON In loving memory . of Ray- mond Hamilton, who passed away August 9, 1979. Remembered with love by Blanche and family. —32x .. LEDDY In loving memory of a dear son, Brian, who passed away August. 14th, 1974. Time . may heal the • broken heart, Time may make the wound less sore, But time can never stop the longing, Fir the loved one gone be- ' fore. Deeply missed, Mom, Dad, sister and brother, —32 McINTOSH In loving memory to a dear sister, Lois Mcintosh, who died a year ago, August 11,., 1981. Upright and just in all her ways, Faithful and true to the end of her days, In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, Till God called her home 10 snuffer no more, Ever remembered by Jim and Isabel, Alma and Lorna. —32 HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? • NMI MIMI "WM OM 31, Cards of thanks HARTEMINK Mr. and Mrs, Hank Harte- mink wouldlike to sincerely thank. friends, .neighbours and relatives for the gifts and blessings received. A special thanks to the children who gave us this special day to remember, —32 • LVCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The Lucknow Agricultural Society would like to thank all those who made their twelfth annual craft. festival such a success,. -x•32 Argawamerawarrimoaarmo JANSEN FAMILY We would like to thank everyone who sent cards of sympathy in the loss of our daughter Theresa. Marion and Hugh Jansen —32x REiD The family of the late Gordon Reid, would like to express thanks for all kindness and care shown him during his lengthy illness and expres- sions of sympathy at the time • of his passing. Sisters and brothers • and families -32 PEARSON Many the nk& o my relatives, neighbours and\ friends for enquiries, visits and . gifts that l received in Wi_ngham Hospital and since coming home. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin, McKim and Jolly and Dr, Watts; also the nurses in intensive care, Your kind- ness and care will always be remembered. Nels Pearson —33 . MENARY I would like to thank every- one who visited me in Uni- versity Hospital, London and also for the flowers, "t'ele- phone calls, treats and cards. 1t was all .greatly apprec- iated. ' Rena Menary —32x FARRiSH I would like to 'express my sincere. appreciation for the visits,. cards, - gifts • and so many acts of .kindness by relatives and friends while a patient in University Hospit- al, London and since return- ing home: Bill Parrish —33z 32. Corning events FLEA MARKET M Pinecrest . Manor Nursing Home on August 14 from 11 a,m, to 4 p.m. 'Vendors bringing own tables, $3; tables supplied, . S5, Phone 528.2820. Food booth avail- able, --31,32 BLYTH ART GALLERY SEMINARS. Everyone welcome, All free, Three workshops August 16, 17 and 18, August 16 • Slide show of Denise' Ireland's work, August 17 •-Workshop , for children, August 18 - Workshop \ for adults. Bring art supplies. For more infer - motion call the Festival at 519.523.4345. —32 ROGER QUICK'S Country Music Jamboree in the Stix, Sunday, August 15, mile south, mile west of Parkhill, on •Hip' #ay 7, Admission $2.00 ,ach, fancily $5.00. —0-32 32. Coming events 3 FAMILY YARD SALE At • Van Villa, Amberley Beach, Saturday, August 14, Rain date August 15.9 a.m. - 4 p.m. - 32x SHOWER For Rose Bowler August 17, 1982; Kingsbridge Parish Hall, 8 p,m. Everyone wel- come, ---32 ammilgoomirm FLY -IN FISHING ADVEN- TURE ONLY $150.00. Long weekend . fishing special . - Friday to Monday . only $150.00 .per person or the seven day package for only $250,00 per person. Mini- mum four persons per party. We have 44 remote lakes with an equippedcottage and boat and motor on each one. We fly you in and out, Offer good for August 1 to Sept- ember 15., Call now to re- serve 705.272.5570 or 705- 272-3268, Cochrane Air Ser. vices Ltd., Cochrane, Ontario POL ICO, --0=32 FLY -IN MOOSE HUNTING for only $500.00. Hurray and make your reservations now, we only have one week left open from October 3 • Oct- ober 10. Imagine only $500.00 perperson for seven days of the best moose hunt- ing in Northern Ontario, for an extra $200.00 per person we will include a guide and food supply, We have 44 remote lakes with an equip- ped cottage and a boat and motor with each one. Welly youin and out and we clean, quarter and hang your ,moose. Then .transport it to your car. Call now to reserve. 705.272.5570. or 705-272- 3268. —0-32 PORK BARBEQUE Dungannon Agricultural Soc- iety is ' sponsoring a ball game and Pork . Barbeque Sunday, August 15 from 4;301 1.7:30 p.m. Adults .$5.50;. children 6' - 12 years, $3.00; five:, and under, free, Call 529-7956 for tickets. Variety concert 8;30 p.ni. Crowning of Dungannon Pair Queen to follow; -32 Attention Farmers A. For sale f 34 MF 10' swather with conditioner, new 'knife and belts; 303 International com- bine, complete with cab, floating cutter bar, pickup reel, Innes pickup, stored. inside, look and. run like new; Kincardine .,396.8107. —31,32,33 GLEANER F corn head 435, 36 inch wide. Phone 528- 2004. if no answer call 528- 2293, .-31,32,33x NEED A truck for hauling grain, corn, 'flax and beans, Ca11 Hilltop Farms 529-7448, Barry Kilpatrick, •--31.43x CUSTOM SWATHING, 395- 3247. —30,31,32x . CUSTOM COMBINING small grains. Call after 7 p.m. , and ask for John at 392-8271. —30,31,32 79 MF 750 COMBINE, hy- raustatic, air, 3 heads, low hours, M.F. financing avail- able, $40,000.00. Phone 529- 7619, —32.33 75 ACRES wheat straw in field. Phone 529-7619. --32,33 A. For sale MILK KEEPER, 400 gallon bulk tank, Bender step saver; with 98' of stainless pipe, 16 nyln. water bowls. Phone 395.2438. ---32 SIXTEEN USED farrowing crates in . good condition. Phone 395.2438. —32 , NEW HOLLAND #38 crop chopper; also Martin Zero grazier, in good condition, both, used two seasons. Phone 395.2438. --32 STRAW BALEDor in the • field for sale, 357-1318 even- ings, —32,33 B. Custom work SEED WHEAT • Cleaned and Treated CLOVER ik GRASS SEED Bought and Sold. LICENSED TRUCKING' (Protect Your investment) ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL And Tnrckieg LUCKNOW 5211-3500 —32tfar , I'I rq....r...i.r•..►.►. Wwrw..rvrub. CUSTOM SWATHING and combining, grain and corn, wide and narrow rows: Bill Nelson,528.2949 after six. --•28tf : . CUSTOM WORK • combin-, ing and swathing in Langside area. Phone 528.2299. -32 CUSTOM BALING of large round bales, $4.85. 55.00 per bale. Phone 529-7302. —32,33 C. Wanted WANTED CATTLE, sick or - disabled, pay top dollar. Call 392.6829 anytime —47tf E. Farm services BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, .,Farrowing. Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling,' Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Hoiyrood, phone 395.5390. BUTLER • ging, Drive ` Silo Unloaders, .Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, • Convey -n -Peed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers FARMATIC - Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Ham- ,mer Blender Milks for - Ground 'Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Leg Elevators, ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers, WESTEEL�IROSCO - Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. • • ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems. HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trus- ses, 13 Si L - Complete Hog Con- finement Systems. SLURRY -SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. ALSO - Electric Feed Carts, Straw Choppers, Fibre -Fun- nels, Ritchie Heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment, We Handle Everything y Almost LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD At Amberley IL R. # 1, Kincardine Phone 395.5286 Lucknow sentinel, Wednesday, August 11, 1952- -ice 17 THE WINGNAM SALE ARENA The Winsham Sales Arena North End otWWgham on Highway N 4 Burk Baking Goods and Cookies BULK COOKIES. Date and flg bars, arrowroots, raisin oat, shoe. chip, waters, cremes, oatmeal trrnevers,aod: others. Bulk, Pie FlWngs, Bulk -Peanut Butter, Assoite d Bdk Candy. . BULK BAKING GOODS • Retshni, Currants, mixed .frult, dates,. cherries, COMM, cocoa, carob and butter- scotch chips, pecan crumbs, walnut crumbs, almonds and many other items. • ' BUY IN BULK AND SAVE BIG BUCKS • • Discount Foods and Grocery items Canned Milli, 'vegetables, jam, finless, cake sizes, relishes, mustard, canned tuns, herring and salmon, soaps, detergents, toilet tissue, etc.; All at Discount Prices. Clothing and Footwear -Blue Jeans Work pants, shirts, suck., coveralls. Beit Buys' in the area on Blue Jeans for men, ladies and . children by Jordache, Selo Velente, Angels -Wings, Santana, Gino Verdi, Jesse,Saloon, VS Top, Levi, G.W.G. 91 Safety Work Shoes by Kaufman, Ted Mac, Kodiak. • Also a good selecgonr of Factory Seconds. New and Used Furniture, Gift Items, Palntins: DInkg • room, living 'room, .' bedroom and kitchen furniture, dressers, . chests, rockers, chhur . cabinets, clockuretc. I Car et end No. Wax Flooring Remnants, rollends and complete rolls. Emotion( on( for cottage or home ,renovations. New and Used GUrrs, Ammunition, Scopes, Tools NOTEt i We buy used furniture, appliances,' guns and antiques. WM buy partial or Complete estates. Call 357.1730. • OPEN MON:-SAT. 9 6 P.M. FRI. KITES TiLL 9 P.M. 1'HE WINGHAM SALES 'ARENA Ft A C oNAGH . PF !,F F ., ; ;., . .,f , t r, '528-2031' . ,, Lucknow LUCKNOW , - 'one storey, 3. bedroom home, .2 blocks from the P.O.. Asking 319,900. • LUCKNOW - 3 bedroom' bungalow, with rec. room,, paved drive, In a good location: JUST LISTED in Lucknow. Store with 2 apartments. Make us an offer.. . ; DUNGANNON • 4 bedroom bonne on well treed lot, , good location. Asking *S29,900. WHITECHURCH - 2 apartment budding on Large lot, financing available and reduced to sea at 522,000. 100 ACRES Kinloss Twp., 2 bedroom- bungalow, vendor will hold mortgage. Asking $66,000.. 100 ACRES Kinioss .Twp., 3 bedroom home with conventional barn, 62 workable acres. Priced to sell at 595,000. - - 100 ACRES, Ashfield Twp., 4 bedroom brick home recently modernized with good bare,. Priced to sed with terms available. 100 ACRES Kinloss. Twp., 95 acres workable with good beef barn, priced to sell. Financing available. 200. ACRES, dairy .farm, cows and quota available, flnancing.•avahlabie m good interest rater. • 150400 ACRES dairy farm, with cows and morn quota, gage available at good rate. POINT CLARK - one well Beed tat, serviced with hydro and water, 2 blocks hum the lake. • • • FRASER MaeK114106 ROBT. CAMPBELL Res. 395.2880 - 529.7417 DAVID MacKINNON BARRY McDONAGH 395-2483 • X2a-3621, Subscribers - . , • s If your L�ckno Sentinel; i .kibel reads , . ,, , AUG. 65432' Youris due �. 'w"1rA"...... .. •_„sA'AA,..,..'._• %1'A.4„....,'S •