HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-07-28, Page 173i. Cards of thanks. • CLARE t•want to sincerely thank all my neighbours, friends and relatives for all the lovely gifts lleceiv60 at the shower held for me at kingsbridge • on July 20th, Special thanks to those who decoratedi prepared the lunch and per. formed- the entertain. tti t , —Mary Luanne Clare., -30 lVitieNAV-HILL David and I would like to thank our relatives anti friends for the lovely 'wed- ding gifts we received and a pedal thanks to the *ladies of the Amberley area for their community gift to me, --Sharon. MacNay. IRWIN I would like to .say "Thank You" to everyone who made my relative, girlfriend and comititinity• showers such pleasant events, Special "thank you" to the ladies who organized them and anyone else who helped in any. way, All the • gifts are very • much appreciated,---Patti-Lou • di**. *MAIM. WOO ,44448.41.4.4°"4444044.44.4,44.4,411.01111 324 Coaling events sg. Coining events.. MaeDONALD REUNION COLLINS PICNIC Descendants of Henry „R. Collins are reminded of pic- • nic on• August 15 at Lillian Simpsons, Kintail at 1. • p.m -30,31 FLOWER SHOW& TEA Annual Lucknow and • District Horticultural Socie- • ty Flower Show and Tea at the 'Legion Hall on Wednes- . day, August 11 from 2-5 p.m. and 7-9 pent Variety • sale table, lucky prizes, Trophies and gift certificates awarded to exhibitors with most • points, -30 The MacDonald Clan Reu- nion will be held Saturday, July 31, 1982 at MaCDonaldS Cedar Grove, Lochal811. Games at 3 pan. Supper at p,m,-29,80 • COLWELL PICNIC • The annual Colwell picnic .will be held Sunday, August 1. at Kincardine 'leach Pienic Shelter by the Pavilion at 12130, Plates, eutiery, drinks .provided, —29,30 HALL TOURNAMENT Dungannon Agrieultural Soc. iety 5th annual Hall Tourna- ment. July 30, 31, August L Sponsored by the Dungan - tion Agricultural Society. Proceeds for the fair, —29,30 TRACTOR/TRUCK PULL Teeswater Agricultural SOC- iety is sponsoring a tractor and truck pull on Monday, August 2, 1982 at .1 p,m, Teeswater • Pair Grounds, (weigh in time 110 .• 12 p.m, Teeswater District Co.op), Admission: .$4,00 adults,' children under 12 free, See you there, Sanctioned by the WOT.PA. —29,30 • • 'OPEN RECEPTION An open reception will be held for Barbara Parrish and Keith Elston in the Teeswater Complex follow- ing their marriage on Satur- day evening, August 7, 1982,-30 Attention Farniers A. For sale YIN oral Milli *MO Mail earariro..... Mint) GRAIN and straw for • sale, from the combine. Phone 528.2299, —28,29 • 2,000 BUSHEL Westeel• - MaeNAY •• We Would like to thank our • family,' relatives, friends and tiel hbours • for their gifts, cards and best wishes, and all who made our wed- ding day such a ha py event, • yo •to' everyone,—Mary and Steve, -30- • WILSON • A very special "Thank you" to our familY,, relatives, friends and neighbours who made our 400 wedding an- niveriary such a metdorable event, Your many *good wishes, cards and gifts will be a constant reminder of ' your love and friend. ship,—$incOrely, Deb and • • COliTNEY -- Joe. and Teresa Courtney Wish to thank .everyone who • helped them celebrate a belated 30th Wedding An- niversarY, Your gifts, cards and best Wishes will always be remembered, •Special thanks to our family who ar- , ..ranged these• celebra. •tions, -30 •. • PARRISII PICNIC The 21st annual Parrish pie - tile will be held at Ashfield Park on Sunday, August 1, • with supper at 5 p.rri, follow- ed • by games for the. children,-29,30tix• IIUIION cArniptiors BEEP BARBECUE . Huron :Cattlemen's Associa- • tion Beef Barbecue and. Dance, Brussels, &lords and • Gray Conuntinfty tentrei • Wednesday, August litho 196, ljarhOeue 5.8 •*p;tn,1" dancing 9-1 to Willbee'S Or-, • cheStra, • Adults • Children $4,00. Tickets available from loitiships' • directors and the 0,14,A,Fe. offiee, Clinten,—.30,31 • . SHOWER .‘ Neighbodrs, friends and relatives . are cordially in- vited to a miscellaneous shower for Barbara Loree, bride -elect, in the Lucknow Presbyterian Church on Fri day, August .8, • at 8 p,m,--L30,31x •• • rota dirio atm atria omit air mos aria Oise Orr 32, Coming eveisti CitArt PESTI;VAL •'Lttatitnit Agricultural Society • will sponsor their 12th an-, PtItil craft festival on Priday, • July 30, (12 110011 10 pitti,), , • Saturday, July 31 (10 am; 5 pint)) at the. Lucknow Arena, Admission 50c,' children an- ' der 12 free, Ate drawievery hour, —28,29,30 • • SUMMER NANO Walter Ostanek Lucknow Community Centre, Satur- day,. August 1, $10 couple, lunch included.. Sponsored by Lucknow Agricultural So• .' ciety, All proceeds tO Luck. now Firemen, Tickets avail. able at Lucknow Variety and Dry Goods or any director or phone 528.2184, —28,30,31 RUMMAGE SALE Rummage sale, Monday, 'August 2, 10 am, to Sao p.m, it the home of Mrs• , Jack McGuire, 2nd cances. sioti, Huron .Township, Prof • seeds .for adopted children, Sponsored by the Huron Bruce Children' HelPers, 2842940 • Bosco grain bin, used only one season, • Phone . 529- 7253,-29,30 • • .• • FIVE YOUNG ewes. 529- 7312,-30 ' au. bow oho swami lapis • smog eamsa Tana ars BeCustom work - 44111 OMNI wad AllAull WWI Om CUSTOM SHEEP • SHEARING Licenced operator .for the Canadian Wool Growers,' wool collector, distributor of wool bags andstring. Phone .1, L. Farrell 519-395-5757, —18.30eowx C. Wanted • WANTED CATTLE, sick or disabled, pay top dollar. Call 392.6829 anytime, --47tf MAI ANY AWN diummi Mogi Ologil drool romot You • D. Livestock • marl olemio - - - fluid Oilor spoil drowl,, 4100D • SELECTION of springing heifers and Hol- stein cows, Ted Van der Velde, 529-7465. —23tf E. Farm services — aim! NON Yet MOW Yommi 41410 •,BEUGStAIILE EtiV1P1VIENT dleaners, Bunk. Peeders, Silo linloaders, Farrowing Crat. es, Water Bowls Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling Contact Lloyd Johnston,. IL 11. 3, Ilolyrood, phone 395.5390. 4OI1411"1"eletVelre"i" BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo thdoaders, Big Jim -Silo loaders, Volume Belt. Feed. ers, • Convey.n-Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Horn Cleaners, Os - wait Ensilmixers• RMATIC Blender Ham - titer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Ili -Moisture corn MOW 11164114611 Mai IMO 404161-1111461.1141 FA 8. Custom work • 11111111 NOY Sella•dr. - CUSTOM. SWATHING and •combining, grain and corn, wide and narrow rows, 'Hill Nelson; • 528-2949 after six, —28tf • . ALL SMALL graina, Com- bine equipped- with new • micro -grain -loss monitor to harvest rtiore, of what you grow, Fir reliable, efficient, • service, call •Douglas. • Cameron at 5294253: Grain buggy also available. -29.31 • CUSTOM SWATHING all grains and flax, Joe Hoyle • 529.7589,-30 • „ CUSTOM C011,415INING wheat and 'grain, J • im de Boer, 357-1458,-30,31x CI1STOM • SWATHING, 395- 3247,-30,302x• • CUSTOM COMBINING smallP grains, Call after 7. • psi -band ask forlohn at.392. 8271,-30,31,32 • KAIRSIIEA WOMEN'S • INSTITUTE MOD 800111 Kairshett WOmen's Institute "WELCOMES • YOU" to their Peed Booth at the Craft Festival, Juf ly ,30 for sand- wiches and delicious homeniade pies, all day, king, Hot dinner .served at 5 pitn, -$6,50,-30x , • . • 00..0 YARD SALE Lol 4 WM, 12th Concession, Ashfield, Saturday, July 31st, 1082, Ivy and Cliff Hart - Man, IC11'40 Lucknow.-20k LUCKNOW.CRAPT FESTIVAL Residents of the Pinecrest Nursing Horde and the Senior CitizensApttrtments who wish to attend the Lucknow Craft Festival are • Welcorlie to use the transportation arranged by the Lucian* ' Agricultural Society, The Montgomery van will make trips back and forth between 10 moth and 12 noon 011 Saturday, July 31st, We look forward to seeing you there, -30 • GARAGE SALE &yin Whiteehurek from 10 ap• 5 tun" weather permitting, on Saturday, July 31, 1982, 30 Augers, Leg Elevators.. • • ACORN • Cable'llait Clean- ers, WESTEEL-10SCO • Grain Bins • 1350 to. 250,000 bit, Runt Feed. Tanis, ACME, . Ftiti4et Ventilation Systems. • HOULE Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trus. . ses, • B & L. Complete flog Con. finement Systems, - SLURRY.SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders, • CLAY Parts and Service for Clay Equipment, • ALSO Electric Peed Carts, Straw Choppers-, FiEre.Fun. nels, Ritchie Heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment, We Handle Everything 4 •• Almost LOVirlt, FARM MUMS LTD. At Amberley • R. It. 0 1, Kincardine Phone 395.5286 ======== • The Man To See Is itisINTEE LUCK1400/ Id.aUy located 3 bedrooms home, heated gareige, roe, CdrOdiftti throughout, large' lot, Inv mediate posseasion.:• 51, 1421.21,12 rontwate4 brick; full tom storey building situated on acres, surrounded by mature maple trees, largo kitchen, living 'COW! 011ei hill basement, an oPpor• futility for di family or tunimeir pronorty. LUCKNOW year old home, four bedrooms, electric heat,. lnimatalate condition. 100 ACRES located .on paved road °diatom to Ripley, two storey, 4 bedroom home approximately 15 prodtie. Otto ow* fail patois:lam .1110 ACit02 Huron Twp, 40 workable cash coop land on • paved tioulity toad 3 baniroorit hoot* recently renovated, tomientional barn, Firlold to sell *4'12060. 130 ACIUS, kinks' Twp., 140 workable, 4 Wein:font home, heal barn, I silos, fall gioisession, check this 'form for Value. • 112 ACRES, Ashfleld Two., choice cash crop !condi 100 ACRES, Milos., 15 workable,' goring stream, Isar. &mood bush, 145 Aelltt highway location, Adifield township, Warren. & Terry bur mow itodsso • R. R12LUCKNOW iC:=01==4 kora:tar 44+444,4.w,a,s4rar.tha44...tyhaig.t.g.mo AotorodoLooribooLloilitmotoioiouLtoiloolooNtallitioldholoio. . Lucian)* Sentinel Wednesday, July 28, 1982—Page 11 mini .4 ItiVf;,?;r5,C 010001 40 04U4 .d1 00,1004 MIII'*400 .4,0 F 143 ., 1E 24 1.1 AI -Oos, [4444 444 nI 0,044 ICIL 10001 041 9," 0404 eek & Untl CiOkg fl‘Itish, frfAtA. IS3IZtobibt::.14 "A11pio/W •esgbalo4 C:417 O GAL00 MHO ItY- 111%.10 gappolg-too fritatIakiAtita0 mAtagansmos, 4 tit Fk1744. 1'Wh 00 4 o pe Fir 4.4141040444.74 Itzim tg111.4''(1,47x1fteigort uek-4.00444410404, p440 000* or, ; Vo_Pgnao4m .‘147rU4 th÷ 4:4* Mora Mo9:),10-; Hootonold '6•401:iiitiTrtifr est mew neW IMO r4o, 4 4114:14i;t10at.2, , A el itivoigt,04.' 0itat:gfp-A1 it The Winghatn Sales Arena • LIQUIDATION SALE OF CArTAIN'S.IIEDS All wood construction opproximotely 50 Captain's beds to he sold and will be offered at one low 'nice of •105." each, • Also :great Otani* on other 'new furniture • solid wood table & chair sets, living room finites, bedroom stiites, room suites, oak china cabinets, press hack rockers. Discount has A fine selection of canned goods, detergents, tat anddog food, toilet tissue and every dayliems. •• • •Sulk Goods . • Hulk Peanut Butter a e/lh. • bulk cookie's, bulk baldng ,guods a. dates, raiiista, tigar, flour, etc, bulk pie fillings, bulk nuts and candy, . ' .Clothing and Footwear Children's jeans, denims, and cords lCattaditut made) sizes • 242 a special priced at *6," each, Design bluejeans for men, and jogging suits; jogging shoes, work shoes, pants and oltirto, • • Used furniture and Appliances Pp Alwity* o gOod gteleetion of titled hotitteliOld furniture., used ' • knehen sets, bedroom suites' ete, Note! We buy good used furniture a partial or complete hottaeholds, • • Carpet & Wax Flooring • Itettmants, roll ends and complete rolls. • • Firearms • Rifles, shotgun, antMunition by leading manufacturers. '3574730 • OPEN iVION.-SAT 9.6 Fill, NIGHTS 9 p.m. THE WINGOIAMSALES ARENA Mc 0 AGH PEAL E TATE P9 l'SURA\C,E LTD 528-2031 Lucknow JUST LI$TED • one, storey, 3 bedroom home, 2 blacks from P.O. Asking $19,900. • 115 acres, farrow to NA, good blinding& . • 100 acres, 2 bedroom bungalow, vendor will hold mortgage. Asidng $68,000.: •• 150-300 acres, dairy farm minable with cows and quota, financing available at goad rate. 200 acre dairy farm available with .cows and quota; financing available iti good interest rate. , Dungannon, 4 bedroom cement dwelling, $29900.. • WhIteeharch, 2 apartments ,and store oda, 129,000. One storey house, electric heat, and 2 extra lots, 134,000. • JUST LISTED . In Lucknow, store with .2 apartments, give u� an offer. . .• Kinloss,,, 4 bedroom home on 7 acre lot, completely insulated, financing available. Point Clark Area . 3 bedroom home on VI acre well treed lot, double garage. FRASER MacKINNON Rea, 3954888 DAVID %AMNON: • 35024$3 • gOBT. CAMPBELL 5294417 BARRY MeBONAGli 328.3821 • . '