HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-07-28, Page 10rip -WV newer 1 A Lrwe'mow Sentinel, Wednesday,: Judy+ 2$, 1982—Page 10 Lucknow '8 Kate Smith celebrates 85g1,,, birthday BY AB WYLDS. On Monday of last week, 19, Mrs, Sam Emerson Mrs. Jack Carter of ey , were guests at the birthday party of Mrs. Clinton Smi at her home in Lucknow. Mrs. Smith is the former, Kate MacDonald who was the principal of the Lucknow Public School for many years. She is a sister, in-law of Mrs, Sam Erne'', son. ++ Last Friday and Saturday, July 24 and 25, were the days of the 1982 Annual Ripley Craft Show and Mrs:. Marion McCharles of Kincardine the organizer and chief director, says that it was the • most perfect show to date with never a hitch. She is well pleased with the friend- ly, cooperative, and helpful way in which everybody connected with the show car- ried out their part. Even the weather was perfect - dry, Warm and sunny but not humid. Then there is all that spacious pavement making. for easy parking. The area north of the Complex was us- ed by vans, trucks, and camper trailers. On Thursday the arenawas; marked for the exhibitors. Doing this job were the members of the Huron Bruce Crafts Committee - Marion and Oliver McCharles of Kincardine, and from Lucknow Omar and Dora. Brooks, Russell and Jean. • Phillips, Russell and Pat nit chle; Mn and Anne McInnes of Blyth, Bob and Irene Markham of Lucknow and Art and Emily Dawson of Goderich and also on the job assisting were Peter and Evelyne Cook from Lucknow and from Ripley were Don and Anna cTTavish, Don and Anne IVIcCosh, Francis and Margaret Gemmell. With the marking com- pleted; over a hundred stalls or rented spaces were in operation. The arrangement was a singlerow of spaces around.: the boards, • in. the arena and three.rows of:dou- ble back to back stalls runn- ing the length of the -arena. On display were articles m the following crafts ceramics, china painting, quilts and rugs, pottery, knitting . and crocheting, wood working, upholstery,' jlaster and resin casting, ewellery, picture framing, photography, • sewing and clothing, stained and golden glass, and glass sagging, to name some of the classes. Outside the front entrance of the Complex the Bell Brothers of Goderich. had their farm produce truck stand with baskets of peaches, tomatoes, and ap- pies fresh from their •farms. On Friday Arnold Bell was here and on Saturday it was brother • Gerald Bell. On Saturday noon inside the lex were Omar Brooks and Oliver Mccharles on ad- missions -11 fifty cents for adults and young children free, • A big event on Friday evening was the auction sale of quilts conducted 'by auc- tioneers Grant McDonald • and Wallace Ballagh. They donated their services to the craft .show. The report was that the sales went well. Prior to the sale on Friday, Mrs. Elaine Pollock for St. Andrews United Church Women talked to the viewing folks about these quilts, More people .visited the show this year and there were people there . from every province in Canada and of course from several states across the border. Among . the American. visitors was Mrs. Athol Grant Who provided the cor- respondence course by which Mrs. Marion Mc- Charles received her first in- struction in China painting. A man who attends several craft shows, Mr. George Winton of Hamilton said that. the Ripley Craft. Show had excellent quality of crafts and cleanliness of exhibiting area. For the first time there was an exhibitor from out. side Ontario, a lady from Montreal. A repeat ex- hibitor, . Joan's Trims and Laces from Hamilton also said that this was . an outstanding show and that her sales for, Friday were double, those of last Year. Another repeat eitor who comes back each year to her native Ripley area ' for the craft show is Mre. Laurens (Alex) Stewart of Orangeville. Polnting out the popularity of the RipleyCraft Show was the fact that all 24 free admission tickets' Cgiven out' by the Wingllam. ,K.N.X. radio station as prizes were used for admis- sion to the Complex. A lucky draw for a fine table cloth hand made by Mrs. Kitty (Alex) Purves of Lucknow was held on Satur- day afternoon. The winner was Lorie Chapman of Fredericton, New Brunswick. Draws for the. consolation prizes and the winners were as follows - the special flashing light Leonard Maclnnes of Lucknow and formerly of the 2nd concession at Huron Kinloss boundary; a cushion Mrs. ; Lenore (Mervyn) Hooey of Ripley and a hand painted cup and saucer Don- na Burrows of Kincardine. So congratulations go to everyone involved in holding this fine show. + + + Last Wednesday morning, Gwen Moore of Bruce Beach and Henryville, Indiana, called to say that a nest of bees under currant bushes at her garden back of the cot- tage were acting hostile. They were bumble bees of the species Bombus Impa- r�ierpor�! from ya 0ertes park 'gym, page 6 province's labour incentive program, this would cost Windsor more than $750,000 for materials and equipment, in order to take advantage of the $1:5 million grant; Windsor recommended that the province either roll back the tax, changes or at least defer im- plementation until 1983, thus giving the city anopportunity to make some accommodation • for the increased costs in its budget. Crop W . Insurance Information Attempts to have flax added to the. 1983 crop : list to be insured by the provincial plan have been frustrated. The board has apparently decided to 'postpone any decision with respect to adding flax to the insurable crop list for one . year, which means that flax. will not be insured. fbr 1983. Chronic Home Care We are pleased to hear that the Minister of Health has allocated significant funding to the Counties. of Barn Painting We use "Korzite" palet, one of the best for long life and durability. FREE ESTIMATES W. Adamson and Son CONTRACTING LTD. Lucknow 528-Z1 13 • SUMMER WORSHIP SERVICE ;JOINT PRESBYTERIAN - UNI TED CHURCH SERVICES Auguat'1 10 A,M 1.ueknow Presbyterian Church He*. Warren Mcnyttgall A 10 A.M. Lucknow Preahyterian Church Rev, Terry Trites, Blucvale 15 10 A.M. M.urknow Presbyterian Church Rev, Terry Tritca,.Bluevah • 22 10 A.M. South Kinloaa Presbyterian Church (to he annnuncedt 29 10 A.M. South Kinloss Presbyterian' Church Rev. Rohe, Currie, Owen Suomi Sept, S 10 A.M. South !Wilms Preahyt+rian'(:hurch (to he announced, Sunday, Aug, 1st' Parable Service "THE ONLY TRUE FOUNDATION" EVERYONE WELCOME All Services 10:00 asn, Grey and, Bruce .for chronic home care. The announcement, -made last week, is a follow-up to earlier com- mitments made in the House by the Minister to lend assistance to these programs in order to help older people remain in their homes longer. It is encouraging to see the assistance to Bruce County, and I: am continuing to press the Minister to live up to his commitment to provide the same program to Huron County, where the need has been .demon strated as well. teens. Since they are very useful in the pollination of. clover they were removed to a safe location, . +4+.. On Wednesday afternoon. Reg Powell of the Queen's Bush Stampsand Postcards Shop at Kinlugh balled here with a picture post card of the former Ripley Public: School back around 1900. He was taken over to see the building, It is presently a renovated apartment building. The card Showed the picture of the teachers and pupils of this school also referred to on occasions as S.S. No, 10 Huron Township. Mr. Powell would like more information on the card so anyone who would know get in touch with him - phone 395- 3545. +++ Last Friday " afternoon Eimer Wylds of Kincardine and Bill Robertson of Metro Toronto called here to visit Ab 'and Fran Wylds. This was the first visit by Bill back to Ripley since last fall. It was nice to see him again following illness last winter and spring. He visited with -Christena Robertson and Morford Mackay in Ripley and with Jim and Dorothy Needham on' the Tenth and expected to call at the Craft show on Saturday before returning to Toronto. +++ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Em- merton, Brenda and Brian of WANT ADS work. IRI IN TING BUSINESS FORMS ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES LUCK, N OW 528-273() Deep River, Ontario, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Omen Rock and attended the wed- ding. of their nephew Robert Rock and.Heather McNven, Also John Phelan of Toronto attended the Rock-McNiven wedding and holidayed with Orden and Doris Rock and Ran at Ripley. + On the way .across the parking lot in front of the Ripley: Huron Community Centre Complex last Satur- day. noon Mrs. Margaret (Floyd) Strathdee and daughter Mary` Lou Strathdee of Metro Toronto and Bruce Beach with Gwen . Moore their' neighbour and friend at Bruce Beach met withthe writer and had a chat. , Margaret Strathdee was the fernier Margaret McLay . of Ripley and a classmate of Ab Wylds in the Ripley Continuation School (R.C.S.) back in the 1920's. +*+. About twenty friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mrs. Ralph Hunter last Thursday, July 22, to honour Mrs. Frances Elliott on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Mrs. Joy .McLean wasthe chair lady for the afternoon and alsofavoured with some of her fine accor- dion music.. A sing . song, readings, contests,and a social time .wase enjoyed followed by refreshments. Everyone joined in wishing Turn to page 13. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED • CHURCH S f i SBkVICES, FORt AND Av'GUST 10t00 aim. and 7130 p.m. REV. BERT SILOFSTRA Nursery Provided , I ALL �� SUMMER'0 °A) OFF 2 5 NI `..,, MERCHANDISE WELCOME TO THE CRAFT FESTIVAL te 4: ja ASHTON'S FASHIONS St FABRICS i di, i 1,111. 0 LUCKNOW 328-2126 S viii