HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-07-21, Page 11wedIn! 'Ackert Underwood Photo by Harvey McDowell Wed in Lucknow. Lucknow United Church was decorated with spring flowers May 1, 1982 for the exchanging of marriage vows between Cathy Ann Under- wood and. Kevin .Ewart 'Ack- ert. The bride is the daughter of Helen and Gerald Under- wood of Waterloo, and the groom's parents are Betty P and Jack Ackert of Kincar- dine. The ceremony was ' con- ducted by Reverend Warren McDougall. of Lucknow Un ited Church. The bride was given . in marriage by her father and wore a floor .length gown with long lace sleeves and a high neckline. Her headdress was of matching lace, pearls, and a three-quarter length veil. She :carried a bouquet of pink and blue spring .flowers backed with white. forget -me-' • nots, made by her mother. Denise King of R. R. 2, Holyrood , was maid of hon - our. She wore a pink floor - length gown with a high neckline of lace. She carried a smaller bouquet, similar to the brides. Debbie Underwood, sister of the, bride, Lynn. 'Under- wood, sister of the bride, and Rhonda Lowes; friend of the bride, all of Waterloo, were bridemaids. Kevin Murray of Holyrood: was groomsman. Tub Hamil- ton of Lucknow, Steve Eadie of Holyrood and Bob, • of .Edmonton, were ush- •ers. . Music was provided by Marilyn.. Murray playing the organ and Gary, Boyd and BlainCarruthers, who sang. An open reception was held at the Lucknow District Community . Centre where the bride's mother received the guests. She wore a • beautiful gold dress with a gold hat. ' The couple are now resid- ing in Holyrood. Langskk news... 'efrom page 9 attended. Sympathy of the com- munity is extended to relatives and friends in the pasing of both John Mclnnes Sr. of Wingham and his brother, Tom McInnes of Pinecrest Manor in Lucknow. ; The ' McInnes family lived at Largside' when they were young and John spent most of his life in the surrounding districts, while Tom spent part of his life out west and later far- med in the Gorrie district. John passed away July'9 and the funeral was. on Sunday, July. 11 with burial in the Langside cemetery. Tom passed away on July 11 and the funeral was held on July 14. Married 45 years By BettyRftehfe Patty and Randy Lowry, Jeffrey and Sarah of Woodstock visited. Saturday with Wilf and Virginia Hackett. Congratulations to Frank and Sarah, Ritchie of Lucknow, formerly of Zion who Were 45 years married otl'July H. Mr.. and Mrs. Terry Logtenberg and grand- * daughter, . Kim of Huron Haven Park 'Visited with Tyne and Allia Reurink :on Sunday. Mrs. Laura Morgan of Paisley visited last week with her daughter, Terry and Phil McCann, Michael, Paddy and Brian. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 21, 1982—Page 11 N///// 71.111±44,16 llie WAir / // ////// // /11#101//// ////////MW/ //N///N// /p/H/ /N// /N// // ///// ////////N/ ////N///#W/// /N LUCKNOW JAMBOREE '03 LOTTER.Y Draw made every second Wednesday NEXT DRAM/ JULY 21st, 1982. STILL TIME TO BUY 'YOUR TICKET CUSTOM WORK Custom *COMBINING (2 Combine) •SWATHING !,TRUCKS & AUGERS AVAILABLE T &. A MITCHELL FARMS ..395.2447 EXPLANATORY NOTE RESTRICTED •AREA BY-LAW NO. 30.82 of the CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HURON By-law No, 30.12 was passed pursuant to the provisions of Sectlon 39 of The•Planning Act, R.S.O., 1980; The purpose of By-law No. 30-82 Is to amend the Corporation's comprehensive By-law No. 1142 to change several provisions of the By-law. The changes as set out in the By-iaw, aro general in nature, rather than affecting a specific property, and cover the following mat- ters: •clarification ofthe provisions for nonconforming and non -complying uses . •permitting the Corporation to construct a road in any zone •clarifying the watercourse setback provisions' *changing the setback provisions in Residential zones The syaaw,applles to all lands within the Corporation of the Township of Huron. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HURON ,Restricted Area By -Law NO. 30-82 BEING a By-law to amend dy-law. No. 1142 of the poretlon of the Township of Huron deems it advisable to. NOW THEREFORE the l Council of the Corporation of the Township of �.r...+ sry--r .w si-aa.• I p p Huron enacts as follows: • 1. Section 4.3.1 (d) (1) is hereby repealed .In its entirety and the following Inser- ted in Its place:, "(1) Such restoration shall be completed within one year. Thereafter the use of the lands must be in conformity with the provisions of the zone within which it is located." 2, Section 4.3.1 (d) (111) Is hereby repealed in Its entirety. 3. Section 4.4 of. By=law 11-$2 is hereby repealed in its entirety, and the following Inserted in its place: "4.4 Notwithstanding any other provision of the. By-law, lands, buildings, or structures which conform to the uses permitted in the appiicable zone but do not comply with one or more other provisions of the By-law may beused or strengthened to a safe condition as provided for in the non -conforming uses section of this By-law." 4. Section .4.1.1 (a) is hereby amended by adding to the end of the Suction the words: "or prevent the Corporation from constructing a street." • 5. Section 4414.5 is hereby amended by adding to the, end of the last paragraph of the Section the following sentences "Notwithstanding the foregoing the parking of one school bus on a lot in a Residential zone shall be permitted.", • • b. Section 4.25 is hereby repealed in its,ontirety and the following adopted in its place: "No person shall hereafter erect any permanent building or structure which is closer than 30 ,metres from the 'top -of -bank ,of any wptercourseor open municipal drain." Section 7.2 ,(c) is hereby repealed in its entirety and the following inserted in its place: • "c) Minimum Building Setbacks . 1) Front Yard - 7.5 .metres II) Side Yard - 4.5 metres Hi) Rear Yard • 7.5 metres" r Section 9.1.1 (c) of By-law 11-82 is hereby repealed In its entirety end the following inserted in its place: "c) Permitted in the side' yard but not closer than 2 , ietres tooany side lot line.' 9. Section 10.2 (c) of By-law 11442 k hereby repealed in its entirety and the following inserted in its place: • . "c) Minimum Building Setbacks ) 1) Front Yard - 74metres ii) Side Yard 4.5 metres 111) Rear Yard - 7.5 metres" 10. Section 12.2 c) of By-law 11-82 is hereby repealed in its .entirety and the following Inserted In Its place: • "c) Minimum Building Setbacks I) Front Yard -1.5 metres 11) Side Yard - 4.5 metres ill) Rear Yard - 7.5 metres" READ A FIRST and second time this 21st day of June, 1402. READ a third time and passed this 21st day of June, 1402. Bert EliIoft 7. REEVE NAariarre CoIIing CLERK 1