HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-07-14, Page 18• 4. 'Mary Miltenhurg, tor of Marlow and '111fitenburg, .d with honours from the tlitiversity of Guelph with .s Bothelet. of Science in 'alas iliology. Mary Ann 'is priseady imploymi. with • Pielsolo. and Omani: 10 Stilt Sto. MOO, Ontmle. Michele Cook* daughter of Lorne and Marion Cook, ANNUM Township, graduat. ed June 18, 1982 from West. ervelt C011ege, London, with ' a diploma • In Travel and Tourism. She also !received • ter gold wings for travel and cruise consultant.' • Joanne 11. Crawford, daugh- ter of Fred and Mary Craw. ford of Port Albert, graduat-. ed from Fanshawe College, Secretarial Science Divialon, Legal Secretarial Diploma on Thursday, June 17, 1982. Joanne la a graduate of St. Joseph's Community School, Kingsbridge and G.D:C.I. She has accepted .4 position with Troyan and Fischer, Low Offke in Goderkh. Leicimow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 14, 1982...Pg. 18 • Simon Logtenberg of Kit. chimer graduated Awe 12 from the Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Tech. Imlay as an Electric Engin- eering Technician. Simon Is the son of Derk and 'fink Logtenberg of R. 1, Dungan- non. • , Hackett amily hold 34th ieunion, The thirty-fourth. Hackett . • redskin tviiiteld at the Ash. field picnic grounds with 55 . descendants of the- late Joa. , eph and 'Eliza Hackett gath. Ming for a barbecue dinner. - Jim Drennan prepared -the barbecue and after grace was sung everyone enjoyed their dinner. • . H • president D A. .11tickett welcomed .everytint. and ex tended thanks tri, .011 who • 'helped. A minute silence was • observed in memory of jack Curranand 1110M01 ItiekOrt# both hiving passed away • since the last reunion. 0. In the business period the minutes were read and ap. proved and the officers for the nest picnic were elected as follows: president, Alex Hackett; vice president, Keith Hackett; secretary, Irina , Wall; food committee, Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hackett; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs, Terry Hayes, Evelyn' Hackett conducted contests. Winners were lucky spots, Emily , Drennan and Evelyn Bradley; travelling • prize, Janet Drennan; most letters in lull name, Joseph Williatn.Clifford Hackett (28 letters), youngest child, Ken- .dra Ann Muller; birthday nearest September 16, Aaron Mullen. anniversary. nearest September 10, Mr. and 'Mrs.. Vernon. Hunter; Judy, Muller and children, coining from Edmonton', came .the forth.. .est. • • • • . Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hackett had charge of the sports, the results as follows, races; children under seven years, Mac Hackett, Char- lotte Hunter; . seven years, Lisa Hunter, Aaron Muller; boys and girls eight to ten, Madona • Bradley, Krista Wall; boys or girls' under. thirteen, Scott Hackett; Ar-, lene Keane; young ladies race, Brenda Hackett, Judy Muller; young men's race, Brian Hackett, Paul Hackett; wheelbarrow race, Paul and Scott Hackett, Bob and Lisa 1 Hunter; ladies kick the 511?. per, Lynda Hunter, Patricia Bell; men 's kick the slipper, Terry. Hayes, Bob Hunter; three legged race, Joan Hayes and Bonnie Osinga, Bob and Lyndit,Hunter, D.A. Hackett and Jim Drennan. Relay races were played and a social time enjoyed before all returned home. " . i . • 1 a :, .4t ' • ' ' ;,.., A ''.. ; . '. 4. - .41. A ,t.., ....""•••• • . • 4., . 4 1 •.,•1" . • • " earsuilikati:41t;11100: ileieFgewtsromnpot eitt. 4 • „ Inik0.0•04:.A...,4040,-poimot. 1;04:: ad ealidyt raisins, deur, err dubs, crictionti, chortle", 164 iretek ileitthoda irt Rem to. thou Ora. *ins 14 -year evraCeelatitinere and rave even mOrrel • (leaky No* end Used Foliiitairo thing rens siker, dining teem sidles, bedroom suites, kitchen, and table and Omsk sets, rockers box and mattresses. We take trade ims en new familri se will be, outright. ." ' • • 'Carpet and NO Wax flooring • Carport roMmuits, roll *ads, and complete roll.. Bring your Nem also we:will do the Fireenea - New led Used - Ammunition Scopes A good eakedms of new aid's* Mies sod shot pee. We teittilrede burrs 'new gime or wM by outright. 1.1,04 ittilber • Shoo Jams a•v•adis, mirk peat'''. Wadi silt., las* *Kirk bine Jeluxii for lose, led*, aid chives) *Wig sidle, me.. . . T.ds fOr the Sackett mete, viers, woo* KO,. drM presses, loped wreathes. The Wioigham SahosArona .3574130. • • 600 Jelpeplhbe Street, Nati aid 11 Wisgliam OPEN MON. ik,SAT..9 6 P.M. FRI. NIGHT,111. 9 p... Vies OW Mester Card Aeorpted • Ists of Free Parlditg ViINC•1111A111 SALES ARENA Attend Skye MacDonaI4 reunion Thesitiluill Skye MticDotik. old reunion was held July 4 at the'home of Mt. and Donald Scott. • . . • • The afternoon comMenced with ti.bcountlful picntc lunch which iYaa : followed. by the, meeting. •.• President Frank Scott wet. • ' Wined everyone to the revs. lon. During the past year there. were two births, Robert James Hamilton, son of Larry and Janice Halilt011 • and ..Sterei ,Detighti. Scott, sonotDoUtand Nelda Scott . There was also one weddhsg, SteVettand. Karen (Carter) They reside in • Edmonton. • The elected officers for 1983 are ' as follows: pres. ident, Jim Hamilton; vice president, Marvin Scott; sec- retary, Molds Scott (re.alect. ed); treasurer, Dorothy Ham. ilton (re.elected). The 1983 reunion will take place at the home of Dinny Hamilton on July 3, 1981 As this coincides with Jamboree 83, we are looking for a good turnout. There were several win. ners of contests at the reun. ion: oldest lady, Sadie Hain. ilton; oldest gent, Robert Scott; youngest child, Steven Scott; largest family present, Frank and Phyllis Scott; Inkomeonew arrivals BAILEY .. Jim ant Carol Bailey of %Ingham are de. ' lighted to announce the sr - 'rival of twins, 'a boy. and a , . girl, weighing 6 lbs. 2 or, • and 7 lbs. 7 oz., respectively, a new sitter and brotl r for Jessie*. The twins sari d on , • July 10, 1982 at W ngham and District Hospital, WALDEN Peter and Shirley Walden of R. it 1, Ripley proudly announce the arrival of their daughter, Shannon Helen, 8 Ibs. 3 oz., on Tues. day, • June 29,, 1982, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London; a sister for Lori. Proud grand- parents are Mr, and Mrs. Bill McCreath of Ripley. nautaaus TAY arftRICDAar USE 1112 exAssirren ADS • furthest distance travelled, • Harvey and Isabel McQuillin . ;and Brenda and Lindsey' Tonkonoh; closest birthday. Peter Van Diepenbeek; clos- est anniversary, Don and • Shirley Scott; largest belt (gents), iA1 Hamilton; 'sittal- lest shoe . (lady), Minnie Scott; greatest number, of• coupons in .; purses, • .Phyllis Scott. . • . • For the younger set the. kick the slipper .was won bv ?Tim Scott; most.,,freckles • (boy), Eugene Scott, hey. Lisa Scott; ° lucky nuniber, • Donna Scott. Each winner received a . small gift courtesy of Minnie Scott. There was also peanut 1 and candy scramble and ! everyone enjoyed a refresh. ing' dip in the pool. Hope to, see more our next year for 'an enjoyable after- noon. • . "CANADA'S NUMBER SELLING IMPORT PICKUP" NOW • SALE PRICED! CHECK IT OUT TODAYI, • SUMMER . TRUCK -S-ALE: • HUGE DISCOUNTS ON ALL 1982 DATSUN PICKUPS •$320.“ OF FREE OPTIONS Available only at Huron County's Full Line Diatom Dealer . • GODERICH AUTO SALES*SERVICE 288 Bayf told Goderksh 824.1076 . °vim; . • 20 COMBINES, 40 TRACTORS AND • OVER 150 PIECE$ OF EQUIPMENT eitiourys4LEs..y4ito IXiNGANNON. .ONTARIO • 10 nillet N.Et of CloderIch ,. :Moray, kik. 174 10 aln. sharp . • COMMUNE& 34411F 110, . MF 761D, 4.MF 300, C 460, olio NO,. MIL 72, 61.11. .Sepor 90, , Oliamirr E, Gioia* F, Gleam A 2, M MOW • 'Mt 2 yawl WO beads. 11A0F010St OH 14466WO, Mr" 045, Ow 730 • . *Mt teethir, 311.710 *kir leader, M 2000. wills Volsotiell ES% Sit 301•400061 ififraMaitafkr, MF 650, JD 40, MB 1011.770, With teatjer, 8W 130. . • • , EQUIPP4ENTI- Nor V beset and wager's, 25 044 *wheel ,,tillee; ceitiveters; Nome • spade* meow, 500.1*. grids dryer, $imi' 411161 . . . MISCELLANEOUSs Wpm •ftewers, rietereyriee, Wore, easel bus, 36 ft..vaii lager, rod rm. , 6414H --MUCH MOIIE Further trititikair rukfeet addition semi ileledeme. . ' . . Por hirther intortnatiOn contact • • 01.1.0010 ilitIOUT 51,42042.5 611,404970 • 0Aiti DAY OF SALE Gordon H..Brindlay • •