HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-9-13, Page 3, Use Good 3diaaat If you are dastress et sag we In your Jule Printing, coupled with prompt or vice, you are ming good Judgment In having it does at The Signal Omen Get Jet PAWN( that Is Duller tmd Have MoneyThrough Saving You can save money by renewing your subscrlptlons for Dally Papers. Magaztues. etc., through The SIgnaL Money saved L money earned. We invite inquiries about We serrios Use our Clubbing Rates THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Pati/hers H. CLEMENTS HARRIS SHOP riagst*a Street - Geiericb Auto INSURANCE Fire Life Accident and Bieltnses N. K. WARK Gederlch, Out. PiMse iii The 011arey Co, Fire, Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE OHce :—Masode Temple. West Street, Goderlcb- NELSON HILL Telephone 280 Massager J. W• Craigie inauraiice all Real. Dominion, Provincial and Municipal Bonds PHONE 24 (iODERICH GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1934 BUSINESS BLOCK IN DANCER' LEEBURN .. Routine Business at Town Council Geo. Williams & Son Cyr.♦ .tB11 IN DOMINION, PROVINCIAL. MUNICIPAL AND COB. POEATION BONDS Pim Ardent, A.t seine set General Iasereeee Agents puce, next to Bank of Oom- menl Phone tib Ged.rleb Western Ontario Ftu'emen Pro- pose Holding of 1935 Con- - • vention in aoderioh In addition to the matters reported elsewhere in this issue, business as follows was transacted at the regular meeting of the town council on Friday evening last: The sexton of Maitland cemetery reported three interments in the month of August. The tax collector reported collec- tions since last report of $35,101.15, making a total for the year of $72,358; 63. Of this amount $55,281.42 is cur- rent year's taxes, and $17,092.21 is ar- rears. In dog licenses $270 has been paid 1n 1934. Chlef Postelethwalte submitted a de- tailed report of work done on the roads under his supervision in the month of August. Applications -fax. building persue were received as follows: gThen.Sandy, brick garage, Wolfe street; Arthur Ross, frame garage, Newgate street ; J. C. Stewart, reshtngling part of house, Trafalgar street; S. E. Mc- Kay. reshingling , bootie, Cameron street O -W.-111111: ef-tenon( dwdltsd, Colborne street; Mary Broderick, re - shingling kitchen, Napier street; Mrs. Lauder Tait, dwelling and garage, El- gin avenue; Mrs. Norman Macaulay, reshingling part of house, Wilson street. Ceedlike& et Harter A letter was received from Mr. C. Wurtele of the Goderich Salt Company as follows: "I notice that the town of Goderichla taking a very considerable risk at the dock whlle boat loading takes place. A Large number of people are walking back and forth on the docks across the gangways while the loading of the boats is taking place and a great many people sit around smoking in thesheds and are in the way of the was taken over by the tows.• Committee Regalia The finance committee passed a large number of amounts and recommended that gibe be paid to Use Jibs Wates Highway Association un this year's fee when the Board of Trade pays the 175 balance *till due on last year's levy. The sum of $634.42 was received from (,he grandstand on August titb, of w 1FL mfe'filiff P'*''WIT2t, has been mild over to the Trotting and Pacing Association. The public works committee recom- mended that the surface water drain at the east end of Anglesea street be deepened and extended to the west side of the Goderich Manufacturing Co. plant. With regard to Stanley street, where the property -owners pe- titioned fur road oil, 1t was found that there was not sufficient fold-lM to treat the street, and the committee purchased and applied a coating .of calcium chloride. The special committee recommended that the police bylaw, No. 9 of 1919, be amended to give the policemen one week's holidays instead of two weeks, and that the matter of purchasing police uniform caps be left with the chairman to procure samples and prices. Another recommendation was that the hours of offices in the town .hall be. amended—the .town clerk's of- fice to be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the office of the assessor and tax collector io be open from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., and from 1.30 to 5 p.m., except when assessing, and that slgne be placed on the doors accordingly.e- Th-wrter, ' ifghY'w� keafea. er mittee recommended: That the peti- tion for another street light on Pal- merston street, between Raglan and Blake streets, be referred to the pub- lic utilities commission; that the God- erich Salt Co. be given storage space for dry salt only in the big freight shed at the dock, at a rental of $12 per month. The cemetery and parks committee recommended that the cemetery sex- ton live In the dwelling at tbe ceme- tery and that the dwelling be made suitable for winter use. Recommen- dations also were made regarding re- quests for removal of trees at the ceme- tery. It was reported that the ceme- tery plots under the perpetuity fund 1 de Th town la interested In had all been gone over again and were Ise The Signers Advertising Celtsstos GENERAL INSURANCE $1000.00 TO PLACE FIRST MORTG FAR ON GOOD W. J. POWELL Plume 282 P.O. Bon 438 W HEELER'S We have a nice assort- ment of Radio Benches and Footstools IN ASSORTED COVER- - INGS Also Ottomans suitable for needlepoint. We make them the right size for your cov- er& J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer - • Hamilton Street, Gedericb PHONES: Store 835; Res. 1155w Ex eter Man Killed in Hi ,' way Crash George Armstrong Driven Sig Car into Rear of Bon— ._ 7-1 _)$Belt George Armstrong, forty seven-year- old Exeter live stock dealer, was killed early Saturday night, and -even pass- engers in the boot on-Lucau Exeter bus were brubied and shocked, when Arm- strong's car smashed into the rear of the heavy machine on No. 4 highway north of Centralia. - The but, owned and operated bj J. C. Howard of Lucas. bad $topped to permit a passenger to alight at a sideroad. Armstrong, truth,: police claimed, lolled to notice that the bus had stopped, and drove straight luto the back of 1t. ile died iu the ditch a few moments later. its whole length, were badly bursted Coroner Dr. Weekes, of Exeter, has i and Drennan's bowling alley was badly ordered an iuquest to be held Septem- scorched and damaged by water. De- bar 14 at Exeter. festive wiring is believed to have Doctor Bees Crag been the cause of the fire. Dr. M. 0. Fletcher, of Exeter, was perhaps the only actual eye-wiInes- of the fatal mash. The r'" eish " "ts bound, stopped his auto bid ese the northbound parked bus eldch was -EIGHTY sEV•E\'rH YEAR, NO. 37 Fire in Baseman v of Dre an's Pool - 1 room Diseovered in Time % timely alarm turned in by Pollee Sergeant Rome. who detected -the acrid odor of bunting wood as he passed. Drennan's poolroom shortly after mid- night un Friday last, saved the ('ar- sons section..A L block in the bust.- district frons -tieing destroyed by are. Had the fire gained a stronger footing the whole block would have been endangered. The ;residents of the apartments, above the poolroom, were awakened by the dense smoke and tied in might attire dowu the smoke -tilled stairway. Just as the fire brigade artleed smoke began to pour from the .1.• out of the poolroom and the aparttstrnts.qu dee was attacked in the baaeat at the rear of the premises, why; it had obviously originated, and It was soon controlled. Smoke seeped Into Che adjoining stores, but little or no (Lin- age was done to merehandlat. A base- ment partition, and the ceiling along LEEBI'RLN, Sept. 12.—Misses Edith and 1'ltsabeth Horton vlprlted their nephews at Stratford last week and returns -Lome on Sunday. -y Miss Eva Horton spent last ,week with her sisters at Listowel. We are glad to teport that her slater Elia, Mrs. A. Pierson, who has been 111, L - Imperils oa rs. e the risk of are as much as we are and In /coed condition, and that the fire - as the boat loads salt from the dock we are really not legally much inter- ested. In British Columbia and other pliteoe where loadingsomewhat shut- ter to that of Godek Via come un- der my observation, I noticed It was the pratice to rope off the dock wbite the loading operations are under way and that the general public were kept out of the road. "I am Bending you faun smov-no that later on if any trouble occurs the town authorities may not feel that they were not advised of the conditions.". The letter was referred to the wa- ter, light and harbor committee. A memorandum from the Provincial Unemployment Relief Department with reference to dtvct relief was sent to the special committee. A resolution from the Guelph board of health, urging the retention of dis- trict health offivers, was referred to the special committee. A request from the board of the Baptist church, for permission to have a tree removed from in front of the church, was left In the haude of the parks and public works committees. Firemen's Convention In 1435 TO Watertaker$! Water for Lawns and Gar- dens may be used from 7 to 8 o'clock a.m. and from 5 to 9 o'clock • in the evening These hours must be adhered to Applications for lawn or garden service mast he made at the Hy- dro Store before use. Whom are alarm Is sounded, laws or MOM wrvdMa dneeld be la- aadiat 41 cut off. PUBLIC U'E1LIT1ES COMMISSION escape ropes had been installed in the Park House as requested by the Gov- ernment hotel inspector. These reports were all adopted. WAR'S DREAD SHADOW IL I3- Grit larges Wesson's Institute to Make Influents Felt ter Pease The regular meeting of the Women's Institute was held in MacKay Hall on Thursday afternoon, September 6, and was in charge of the president, Mrs. Jas. Bisset. The speaker of the day was Mr. H. S. tariff, local manager for the Bell Telephone Company, who gave a very interesting and timely talk on "The World and Its Condition Today." Mr. 11ritr put forth the original and wotC'6wblle" idea of °tdrrettielllig peace by much the same methods as manu- facturers LUL, other producers use to advertise their product&. Wars are sometimes caused by a seemingly triv- ial thing, he said, but there is always the underlying force that springs up and glees to it a deadly and devastat- ing result. The old world of great spaces has been shrunk by the intro- duction of speedy and far -flying aero- planes, he said, and another war, with these Instruments and the terrible pois- on gas, would result In horrible slaugh- ter. The speaker urged the Institute to do Its part in fostering the spirit of "love thy neighbor" among all those its activities encompassed. Goderich Musical Society, marched A paper on "Current Events' was to the eemetesv, where a .square was given by MIss-I. E. Salkeld. — It was decided that the Institute should conduct -ft booth at the fall fair this year, members to have charge of the various tables as follows: "Touch and take" table, Mrs. Girvin Young and Mrr. McInnis; candy table, Mss.. E. C. Robertson and Mrs. H. B. M. Tlehborne; tea table, Mrs. A. D. Mc- Lean, Mrs. M. Swanson and Mrs. W. Abell- • Theloefeeeee for the day then served afternoon tea and an enjoyable social hour was ?pent. blocking his turn left to the sideroad. He noticed the lights of a northbound car approaching and turned right In- t 4)g,ki i, s19.trmtt the oncom- ing motorist to pass. She darer, www It later developed was Armstrong, ap- parently made no effort to swing out and crashed into the rear of the big machine. Armstrong's light sedan was com- pletely demolished by the impact. The Doctor and the bus operator found the Exeter man slumped behind the steer- ing wheel. They managed to extri- cate him from the wreckage- and car- ried him into the ditch, where he died o ceree on Sun nd Mrs. Sunday. McAllister and within a few minutes. Narrow for ploys Sam McAllister of Detroit are visiting The bus had stopped at the Centra- at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. 11a sideroad Intersection to let off an( Colwell and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc- i young Exeter boys, Donald Severns, Miss Helen Davidson left on Tues - elderly passenger Just at dusk. Two Allister. fourteen, and Robert Brooke, fifteen, day for Windsor, after an extended received speedy reward for a kindly visit at the home of her parents, Mr. act, as they left the rear seat of the and Mrs. Rubs. Davidson. o bus as It stopped to aid the elderly Mr. Wm. Longmire of Goderkh' passenger carry out his parcels and a visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. basket of grapes. Before they could G. Harwood on Sunday. 10 the)Lracots the car crushed Mrs. Robt. McAllister attended the in the rear of the bus and would prob- weadtns .,t -isn Mete, Miss 1y0,nthy ably have brought Instant death to Horsey, In Goderich, on Monday. A near accident occurred on the 4th both had they been seated where they concession on Friday evening, when formerly were. The bus passengers escels•cl with Ormond Alcock deicing his c•ar, ran nothing more .seriuua than a fest into James Bell with the horse and brulsee and slight shock. The crash buggy. Mr. Alcock was nnabte to tree jolted the bus over seventy feet down the buggy until it was too late to avoid the highway. The back was consid• bitting It. Luckily no one was injured. erably damaged and boxes of mercban- Anniversary services will be held in dose and baggage were smashed and Zion church, Taylor's Corner, on Sun - scattered. day, October 7. Ret. W. it. Brcmae*r— Mr. Armstrong is survived by bis of Brumfield, will preach both morn - widow, residing at R.R. 8, Exeter; ing and evening. There will be epeclal three sons, Edward, Wallace and Wil- music. _ - - - Ilam ; two daughters, Geraldine and FranceUalee Church lNles.—The regular Frances-- - ---- -- -`— meeting of the X,P.S was held on 1R1- The body leas ieunaxeA &teF• day evening.. wltb•.Oiti at ere pre - DECORATION SERVICE sent. Ilelen Davidson had charge of the meeting. The Scripture lesson (Ro- mans :1d by Maurice Rev. D. J. Lane (ayes Memorial Ad- Mcllwaln12.-1b) Threewas poemreas, "Outlook," dress at Maitland Cemetery - "The Goal of bite," and "September" A community memorial and decors- (Archibald Lampman), were read by tion service, under the auspices of Esther Meliwain. The topic, "A Cbris- the Boy Scouts of Goderich and Clln- tlan Man in Our Changing World," ton and Court Goderich, No.. 32, C.O.F'., was read by Marion Colwell. Nora held In Maitland cemetery on Sunday Sowerby announced the young people's afternoon, was attebded, In spite of convention to be held at Leamington, the lowering clouds, by nearly five on October 5, 6 and 7. The hymn hundred citizens. The Scouts and "The Day Titers Gayest._-- Lord, L Foresters, headed by the band of the Ended," was sung, and the meetings A letter from the secretary of the Ontario Weat Firemen's Association, suggesting that the 1935 convention and tournament of the Association be held ladoderich, was referred to the special committee. A letter from Hays & Hays, with reference to the flooding of the Calla- han property on Bennett street, was referred to the public works committee. A letter from the Goderleh Organ Co. regarding financial arrangements was referred to committee of the whole council. A letter from G. 1.. Persons with reference to the tax assessment on lot 986, Weat street, was referred to the finance committee. For Fall Race Meet A request from Dr. W. F. Olark, for the Goderich Trotting and Pacing As- sociation, for the use of the Agricul- tural Park for the purpose of holding a race meet some time in October, pos- sibly on Thanksgiving Day, was granted on the usual terms, as was also a similar request from the direc- tors of the Goderich Industrial Exhi- bition to connection with the fall fair next week. A request from Mrs. R. W. Bell for a refund of part of the tee she paid for s refreehtnent booth on Angnet lith (Derry Day) was referred to the finance eommtttee. The financial statement of the Do- mtnlon Day celebration committee of 1984 was .uhmttted by the treasurer, 1i. C. Whateley, and showed, after all Mils paid, a baisnes on hand of $8.09. This was referred to the finance eommittee. A request from 0. W. Stevens, pas- tor of a Free Methodist church at London, for the nue of the town hall for a series of evangelistic services to commence October lith and eontinue for several weeks was referred to the special mrnmittee. An application from F. H. Wood to have the poolroom Beene*, for the pro- misee formerly ocrnplel h40. Mister loaned In his name was referred to the finance eommkte. (knnelllor Harkins gave notice that at the next meeting of the council he would mak fora , complete stabein.rtt ltf receipts sad ependfteres 1a con- nection with the Part House proper', to determine whether it bus been a paying or a losing proposition since it Mrs. 1). Blair and Mr. and Mrs. R. Blair and daughter Susanne, of De- troit, are spending holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Robs. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Il. Locke and soa Lloyd, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Locke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Horton, at the week -end. Church Netes.^Anniversary services will be held In Leeburn church on Sep- tember eptember 23rd....The Young l'eoplea Society will conduct their meeting on Friday evening. A good attendance is hoped for.... Service next Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday school at 10 CM:. The Women's Missionary Society are holding their meeting this Thursday afternoon at the home of kir. and Mrs. W. Bellows. GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERICH TOWNSHIP, Sept. 11.- 11r. 1—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown and Mrs. M. Mcllroy, of McKillop township, visited en Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sowerby. Mrs. Melt - lb remaining"ft'. 1_spu,'"-" Miss Marlon Porter and Arnold, Lorne, Will and Dict Porter were at Teeswater on Friday evening attend- ing a reception for their cousin who was married recently. Miss Margaret Groves of Bay*dd was the guest Of her friend, Mies Bak SCHOOL FAIR DATES --11)34 mat. Helens Currie's Corners Carlow en Davidson, on Sunday. Many from this community attended tbe Decoration Day service at Maitland Sept. 1T Sept. 18 Sept. 20 A City Residence ■ ■ ■ for a dy, a weak or longer— from a single room with bath W the most sumptuous housekeep- ing suite equipped with linen, all - ver and china—affording every convenience; lusur'y and attend- ance. Delightful lounge room - Bon rooms --unexcelled restau- rant service—that, briefly, L the dtetinctive appeal of the Wind- sor Arms.-----•r-- -Write for !elder— The Windsor Arms Hotel 22 St. Thomas Street, Telephone (Bloor at Bay) TORONTO Iia -1141-2-34 e is a blooming; nature is ever teeming with life; and all is seed, and all is fruit.—Schil- ler. Dunt forget that • lazy liver can be made active with PARKE'S LIV- ERTONE, the old reliable compound that -corrects constipation, biliousness and headaches: -CAMPBELL'S DRUG BTORE, Phone 90. Huron Commercial Academy GODERICH, ONT:IKIO AUTUMN TERM BEGINS MONDAY, SEPT. lOth, 19S4 Atter Hlgh School, every young man and young woman requires at least one year of .pec•lalized training in preparation foe • good position. -- We offer thorough courses—dry competent instrwlton in Book- keeping, Accountancy, Shorthand, Typing, Business English, Letter Writing, Secretarial Dutiee, Salesmanship, etc., and at about one- half the coat of similar courses in the city. Qualified full-time students of good character who succeed in graduating from our School may reasonably expect to be placed in good positions through our placement service. Board and lodging available at reasonable rates. For farther particulars re term., etc., write BOX 896, GODERICH, or call at the SOHOOI., 20 MONTREAL STREET. REV. DONALD MacLEOD, Principal formed aboutan improvised platform occupied by tbe apeskers for the after- noon's program. Rev. W. T. Bunt acted as chairman, and opened the service with ant loves cation. The speaker was Ltev. D. J. Lane, minister of Linz Presbyterian 1 church. In a beautifully worded ad - dregs Mr. Lane spoke of the dead and of the service of remembrance. "We need no text except what our eyes are able to see about us," he began, gestur- ing to the surrounding mounds and stones. Those attending the service, be continued, were doing their small part In remembering In death those whom they knew so well in life. Life is but a brief span, the speaker Raid, and he urged his hearers to strive to make their lives worth remembering by those who wou;,l follow. "This service of decoration in itself declares to us that the grave 1s not the 'goal of man,' as Longfellow puts 1t,' he said. "Were there no life be- yond the grave we should not consider It worthy to remember the dead, but because of the Immortality of the soul and the truth and virtue of life we pay this tribute to our dead." The reading of the list of Foresters who have passed from this world was then conducted by Mr. A. Madden. This was followed by the movtfg notes of the "Lain Post," prayed by Mr. R. T. Henry. Accompanied by the band the congregation sangq the well-known hymn "Abide With MI'." The benedte- tMn, pronounced by Rev. J. N. H. Mille, brought the service to a close and the citizens', members of the Or- der and reroute dispersed, leaving many boantihnl floral tokens of love and memory on the graves of departed friends and relatives. MAFEKING MATEKING, Sept. 11.—Mrs. Paul Reed of Luckaow Is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Anderson. Mrs. Wilfred Hoffman (nee LE11* Blake) and Miss Pearl Hoffman, of Dunnville, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Blakeend other relatives. WAS Marguerite Log of Kingsville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. alit'. ,Matthew Illake of WinniPeg, who has been the guest of his mother, returned to the West on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffat and babe, of Sarnia, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Johnston. The W.M.8. of Ashfield circuit held a very soceeesfnl anniversary service at Blake's church on Sunday. The speaker for the afternoon service was Mrs. McRae of Renmlller, and the solo - let was Mrs. W. .1. Patten. At the evening eervlee the pastor, Rev. W. J. Patton, addressed the congregation and Mies Wlnnifred Lane of banes wino the soloist. The choir rendered epecial music at both nervtee*. Mr and Mrs. J. C. !Pothers and family, of London, spent the week -end with the dormer's stater, Mrs. Henry Hayle&, and Mr. Horton. Jim ,Curran and Elver Jobaston have returned hem Toret>ibo The i ieke's T.P.S. butd a cora roast st tbe mill nn FrMsy evening. closed with the Mizpah benediction. The September meeting of the-W.M. S. will be -held on Wednesday affernooe— . at lbs -tome of lira- Q..Jlarwood. Mrs. J. B. Orr will have charge of the meet- Ing......Owing to Decoration Day being celebrated at Maitland Cemetery there was only a small congregation present at Union on Sunday. The pester, Rev. F. W. Craik, delivered a flne address on the subjc,t, • Clirkt•s Method of Prayer," from the text "I pray for them ; 1 pray not for the world ; but for them wkkli thou hast given me; for they are thine" (St. John 17:9). During the service, a duet„"The iBeau- tiful Garden of Prayer," was Rung by Marlon Porter and Helen Davidson Owing to the fact that Rel.. F. W. Crack is one of the eommtedoners to the General Co,tncil of the i•nited Church, which is toeing held this week at Kingston, the pulpit -next Sunday will be (see -tooled by Rev. W. T. ,Bunt of Goderieb. -The unrest In the world today 1s Mintier to what it was twenty years ago and is being caused by the same power." --Fire Beatty nu. &Issues Ii storkei characters 1 �away' !tire lb play parts- et *scatted self-made mala"-41reem Adios. OVERTURNED iN THE DITCH Het urn ing from the war veterans' ser- vice at Brussels on Sunday afternoon, the ear driven by J. W. MacVlcar, of town, .truck loose gravel and left the road, overturning in the ditch. -The accident occurred about three miles outside of Brussel&. The ear, on top- pling oppling over Into the ditch, came to rest upside down, with the four wheels In the sir. Mr. MacVicar and hie passengers, Thoe. Pritchard, Walter J. Buchanan, Wm. Bell and Ross T1c'h- horee, all of Goderictt, crawled from the ear uninjured. Pa.stng motorist* lent a hand and the car wee rolled hack on 1t. wheels, and was then driv- en on it. way once more, with but min- or acratrhea and dents. it was a day of road accidents, sev- eral ears being brought back to town In more or lees damaged eondltton, but without any glorious Injury to the oe- cnpant.. "1f yon want to het you Will bre as letter. but W lea was* *e ate as actor "et wart act en Fer- ber Heel Hugger Shoes FOR EVERYWEAR Gone forever is the discomfort of unruly feet. Heel Huggers have solved the problem. Toany woman of any age who yearns for the nicer 'things at a moderate coat, give a thought to $est $tlgILbe Shoes. Comfortable beyond -your dreams. -yet no obis and stylish that they are iii savored accessory of C.. _dmshr. most women. ...M11115101111•111111111111..10 .. • Geo. MacVicar THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN AGENT FOR GODERICH North Side of Square Goderich FREEDOM FROM WORRY An adequate Savings Account means more than money, it means security, independence, ability to enjoy life. Regu- lar deposits in a Savings Account lead to the great objective for which all men stove --a mind at ease and free from worry. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 09oestm eaAMCB . . 1. o rwsyslAMI Mwtegse