HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-30, Page 20P , 4" 11110 ‘/O N10"1‘0 67:0200 ;•;•;?:: lask, % 4:4, • % • • v. Lucknow Sentinel,. *ethic sday, June 30, 1082 -Page 20 1•Fm "on Imm 1. Articles for Uhl CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, hwy.. 8 west Stratford, 393- 5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent ' trailers, travel trailers. - from lightweights sight up to park models, truck campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler, Golden. Falcon, Lionel. Sales, rent- als, parts, service. -18-27. TOPSOIL for sale. Phone Lloyd Whytock after '6 p.m., 528-2006, -15tf DEPRESSION GLASS, dish- es, antiques and used furn- iture at Jim Finnigan's Place, across from the c• r wash. Phone 528-3602. Clos- ed .Sundays. -23tfar • ...% .••••••ggin„ 1. Articles for, sale SEE US FOR aluminum, siding, soffits, storm Odors and windows, shutters, reno- vations, sponge ceilings. Glenn's Aluminum Sales, 528-3723. -16eow 2. Mobile Homes MOBILE HOME, General 10 x 45' stove, furnace,. 3 pc. bath with shower, undercar- riage, ready to move. $2300.0a or best offer. Phone 395-5251. -25,26x ' 5. Cart, trucks -for sale 1974 NEWPORT Chrysler, good running condition. Phone 395-5617. -25,26x CEDAR POSTS 5 to 8 to, 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA anchor posts and braces. or 1979 Capri for sale. W. J. Phone 395.5305, ....ntf 1 Kinahan 357-1987. -26 COME FISHING! All year round. Speckled and Rain- bow Trout ponds, 3 conces- sions north of Lucknow off Bruce County Road. # 1.. Follow sign. -24-27x • TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -40tf SWIMMING POOL Sale - Brand new 1982 models com- plete with 3/4 hp sandfilter, inwall skimmer, ladder, vac - 11111T1 and maintenance kit etc. Discount prices start at $1,395.00 on complete pack- age. Call collect 416-945- 4773. -25nx • OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances, Rieck IDA Pharm- 14 Sh s Sur Gode c , - . - ar • SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14. Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -25tfar IN HOME mastectomy ser- vices now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -25ffar DRY HARD WOOD cut and split. Phone 529-7587. -25,26x • RE -CONDITIONED late model 20" colour T.V., $375.00. Greer T.V. & Elec- tric, Lucknow, 528-3112. -26ar • HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? •THEN TRY A • DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer T.V. & Electric • Lucknow. Phone 528-3112 -26tfar 6. Pets sem limns mum • IRISH WOLFHOUND pups reg. CKC Vaccinated, worm- ed all puppies !guaranteed • healthy. Call 705-382-2724. -26nx EARN UP to $140,000 PER ANNUM with this. unique product backed by a proven sales record. Distributors needed in Ontario. No selling established locations. Full or part time. Min. investment $24,900. This is not a fran- chise. Call ext. 400 (416) 624- 0000. -26nx WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. includes mattress, heater liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making 'frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. (416) 637:6904. -26nx DACHSHUND MINIATURE, 2 male puppies, smooth haired, 7 weeks old. Tattooed for indentification. Excellent house pets. Ready for out- door training. Blyth 1-523- 9652. -26x 7. Real estate for sale - - 9. Accom, to rent . •••• 'Tenders MODERN FIVE ROOM farm house, electrically or stove heated in. Belmore area. Call 57-2870. -26tf op. 12. Help wanted am, !me. um. =pre RELIABLE LADY to live in and look after one adult in mid July. Nursing experi- ence helpful but not neces- sary. Apply to Box 13, Lucknow, •Ontario. NOG 2H0. -25 FIVE EXPERIENCED; prim- ers and kiln hangers. 37 ,acres tobacco; bathroom, kit- chen and sleeping accommo- dation. Gerald Cuylle, R. R. 2, Langton. Call 519-875- 2402 noon hours or evenings for interview. -26,27,28 ..mn.g.tuni.min. am. =ma 14. Employment • wanted NEED A .HANDYMAN? Experienced • in carpentry and home renovations in- cluding roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electric- al. Call 528-3834 after 6 p.m. --a0-29x 17 YEAR OLD boy wants any type of • work. Phone. 528-5353. -26nx • 18. SerVices available SAVE high, real estate fees. Sell your property through the 1-2-3 home sales system. Instruction kit includes large sign. Information write Box 895, Barrie. --26nx • TOWN of Huntsville land sale by public auction. Par- cels of waterfront, vacant land acreage •and serviced lots. Terms: personal cheque with bank letter of authoriza- tion. All parcels subject to reserve bid. Huntsville arena Saturday July 31, at 10:00 a.m. Displays at arena. July 17 and 24. Information and full description • of lands contact Huntsville Parks and Recreation, Box 342, Hunts- ville, Ontario • POA 1K0 Include stamped, self ad- dressed envelope. -26nx mom 8. Real estate wanted WHITEWASHING • stables, 'specializing in air compres- sor power cleaning.Wm. Cronin Spray Service, Mild- may, 367-5303. -23-26 WANTED TO BUY - modern one storey house, on a dry lot, in Lucknow area. Apply in writing to Box "Y", c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, LUCKNOW, NOG 2H0. -25x C.) • 9. Ai:corn. to rent HEATED, BEDSITTING room, furnished with linen supplied; cooking facilities including fridge \ and 'stove. Phone 528-3723. -.---14tfar HOUSE for rent in Lucknow. Phone 528-3007. -19tfar • SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment in Lucknow. Phone 528-2174 or days 528-2213, nights 528-3516. -17tf STORE ON MAIN STREET. 'Phone 528-3007. -47tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment, ground floor, one block from Main Street. No pets, no children. Phone 528-2031. -23tfar CEMENT WORK Specialize in pointing up stone barn walls. Phone 529-7274. -23-26 • LUCKNOW TAXI Reasonable Rates. Delivery Service 528-3116 Local and Long Distance Trips DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion gervice, .395-3466, Rip- ley. -9tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley \Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Serving Lucknow, Kincar- dine and areas for 25 years. Phone Doug Harker, • 364- 5005, R. # 3, Hanover. -2ltfar •• RUTH'S HOME DAY CARE During the months of July and August a drop in center for children will be operating to serve the needs of working moms, morns who want to go shopping or just want a break. For more information call 528-3141. -26,27 fr IND IT :?:::::iill'?••••:•••••••••••••-.••••-•••-•••• 15. Tenders ••• simf S.•!. Ontario Government Tender The Ministry of Natural Resources in- vites contractors to bid on the con- struction of a 500 square foot viewing platform at the Hullett Wildlife. Management Area, on Lot 14, Con- cession 6, Hullett Township, Huron County. Plans and specifications will be on view and available for pickup at the •Wingham District Office, RR 5, Hwy. No. 4, South, Wingham, Ontario, on July 8 and 9,1982, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. each day. The construction specifications Will be e available on those days only. •I - • • Ministry of Hon. Alan W. Pope Natural Minister Resources W. T. Foster Deputy Minister Ontario 8. Services availab14. 20. Public notices • CUSTOM SHEEP SHEARING Licenced •operator for the Canadian Wool Growers, wool collector, distributor of wool bags and string. Phone J. L. Farrell 519-395-5757. • -18-30eowx NEED 'SOMEONE to .take care of a dinner or banquet? The Ladies Auxiliary of the LucknowDistrictChristian School can provide the help' you need Call Bertha' Askes • 960-628. 26nx 395-5610. 22-34 I.,OSE 5 - 14 pounds in the •next two Weeks with nature's. own "No -Nonsense Diet". Ask for it a local drug, health and .department stores. • -26nx MISERABLE? Find out why and get rid of it, easily,. at home. Write or call for a copy of "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Menta Health" Dianetics Foundation, 700 Yone St. Toronto (416) •AUCTIOr/ vIlt!‘o ANY TYPE -ANYWHERE YOUR PLACE OR MINE GORDON 14..11111NRLEY 'Auctioneer • • - 529.7625 5294970. • SALES NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS The Township waste disposal site will be open Tuesdays 4:30 to 7:30: p.m. and on Saturdays 9:00 ant. to 5:00 • p.m. during the months of July, August and September beginning July 3rd.• , Township of Kinloss -26,27ar • Appliance Repairs To All Makes Refrigeration . Service • BURKE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor , & Supplies Appliances • Lighting Fixtures 357-2450 ,Winghem 20. Public notices HAYRIDES for family out- ings or groups, etc.Our place or yours. Clete Dalton, • Kintail 529-7420. -16ffar HURONTOWNSHIP 'Garbage Pick -Up RURAL RESIDENTS , starting July 1, 1982, garbage will to. picked up on Friday only from Kincardine Boundary to 86 Highway. LAKE RESIDENTS - garbage . will be Picked up from Lurgan Beach South to Ashilsold Boun- dary on Monday only. Blair's Grove North to Kincardine Boundary on Tuesday only. • • .4 21. Personal IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number. -45nx 17. Auction Sales. •••••• 11111111111. 111.1111111 NNW. 0111•111 NM. •Nommu wo,•••• AUCTION SALE OF INTEREST beheld at WINGI1AM AUCTION CENTRE SATURDAY, JULY 3 . 11 CONTENTS OF MRS. MAY YOUNG'S Apartment with additions from two prominent Wingham Families PARTIAL LISTING IN - CLIMES: 9 pee. dark oak period dining room suite; 2 pce. French Provincial •chesterfield suite; 2 step- up tables iwith leather Insert tops; outstanding antique bureau chest with long and Short drawers refinished in 2 tones; pine kitchen table; pine blaailt- et box; pine bench; mat- • ching pair twin beds; single bed; night stands; round parlour table; Dun- can Fyfe glass top coffee table; several other coffee tables; child's andque wicker rocker; antique picture frames; new''G.E. vacuum cleaner; Westing- • house frost free 2 door refrigerator - as new; °small apt. size Cheat free- zer; quantity hand paint- ed, pictures; 2 coat hang- ers; lawn chairs; dehUM- Idifier; quantity upholst- ered chairs; excellent chesterbed; spotting scope 15.30X Objective 50 m.m.; brass jardiniere with stand; swag, table and floor lamps; metal filing.eabinett quantity of bedding; 31 pieces of a set Coalport dishes; quantity Of dished - many of inter- est; several pieces green depression glass; antique goblets; cornflower stem- ware; quantity good cups, saucers; several small wicker baskets; . chrome coffee samovar w. cretin' and sugar; canner; kit- chen utensils, including some stainless' steel; gar- den tools and many more items. PREVIEW: FRI. JULY 2. 2 - 5 and 7 - 9 and Sat., July 3, Prior to sale time • Mobile Lunch JACK ALEXANDER Auctioneer Tel: 357-1011 & 357-1442 -26ar ONTARIO'S Largest Farm Machinery •Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Fri- day, July 9, 1982 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Fri- day each month). Approxim- ately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information„call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K. S. Hamulecki & Sons. -26nx 21. Personal ,HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. -40tfar PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357,2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. -9tfar