HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-30, Page 137,7 Luc ow Sentinel, Wednesday, Jam, 3U; 002-.4)6110 Wins season tickets • - flue Web ter , Jim Webster of Waterloo, son of Kee and. Wellington Webster, was the winner of two seasons. tickets, to the home sanies Of the Junior A Kitchener: hangers Hockey team during a Go hanger Go promotion put on the Kitch. utter Waterloo Record, Jim Webster's ttanie was select. ed from the eligible entrants by.John Thompson, business Manager of the Hattgers, Congratulations, ' Jilt, Mrs, Barbara Sheppard of 'Faris,. Ontario, daughter of Charles and Mkyme :Wilkins, visited with her parents for a day or two during the week, Mr, and- - Mrs, Warren. Wylds and Mr. Dan voids had a few of the family visit with them on Father's Day, There were Mrs, June Wylds of Kincardine, Mrs, Gayle Bell and her three daughters of Ripley, Miss Linda- Wylds of London and Kenny *ids andhis daughter, Mel'aney of Goderich. • •Thursday, June 24wasthe last day of school 'for many pupils in the public schools, it was an eventful day at the Drookside School, the pupils of the kindergarten elass'had their graduation execises and the other pupils : received their • report cards: We )want to congratulate all the pupils who tried sohard during the past term and good luck in your new grades next . term, Congratulations to Roddy McDonald and Barbara Car' ter on their up aiming mar. riage later next month, Mr; and Mrs, Bill Kemp. ton had a nice time on 'Father's Day . when their family took .them out to. brunch at ,the Druce Inn in. Kincardine, Congrattuiations are.' also sent out to Steven McNay and Mary Kempton on their up corning marriage July 10. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Luther were in Ridgetown and olein. 1ty visiting relatives .there, Notes to Financial Statements .ACCOUNT/NO 1Ottelis a) Statement of Revenue and f;xPendibure ,This statement fefletts the revenueg• and c%pendj.tures of the revenue funde stat/Ment of Capital„Operations This statement.teilects.the capital expenditure of the municipality to be recovered from the .general municipal revenue of 'the; municipality.. finance” sheet .stgtement refletts tke"ati9ets ani -liabilities of the revenue fund and the Capital ,fund, I) hilted Assets i The historieat cost and accumuiatecldepreciation of fixed assets is trot reported tot tttuni.tipal purposes. ,, Instead,, "Capital outlay En be • , trecdvetred •in: future .yeara't i hili is the aggregate of 'the' principal.' portion ref uftifatured long term liabilities,.ctptial funds transfurryd " to other-orgatnisat ons, and the .oast of capital piojects not yet petwatiently l:trattecd; is reportedft the balances Photo:. .l4uniCipal' Citterprises . . 'There are,'tia municipal enterprise dCt.ivities carried on by -the. municipality, f) Charges fate Net tang Term tiabiiit los fbebt retirement costs including principal and interest. are charged against cur'teft. revenues it the ,periods 'in which they. arc pate], interest ehdrges'..tre not accrued for •the periods. from 'the date of the latest'interest payments to.the end of the financial 2. Cl1'/Tat OUTLAY TO . gg ,1;CCoVgFtgb. tN yams nts YEAi s 4. a). Sinha Capital Outlay td be,tecot'ered in future) years does not represent a burden on general municipatl revenues, as At . is to be recovered in ftiture year's from other aourtes: Spacial charge's on benefitting lando*►ners 1981 ° 12s0 $275.0686 $19.7,138 b)- Capital outlays, inaluding.fitted assets and, the transf.c;rs'of capital funds. in the altnourit of $78,110, which have_ beim financed frgn gate i .tl municipal t'evenues of the citrtont yt.nr, Aro deported:on t(a Statement !If itevetue and bxpetiditure. MT 1.ONC 'CLrttH t tAf l`I,tTlrl5. The balantse for 'hurt loris tt<rttt ]islet ]ictus repo4e4 ori '..le U.11nnc' Sprat i:, isade up of tha fdiiottittg s • i'dtal .long tetra liabilitir•s incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of. the year amount to ' ACCUttil k'rt;U MT MAIM A'1' 'tar, v41,, or Tilt; MA Aht+ balance in the r'cvenue fund at the yt:nr end is. ev,ilnlilu to redact (to' be added to, 'the leviea of)the following classes of irdtepnycrs. • Specikal area ratepayer's Cetera' ratepayers *hoed board ratepayers• County ratepayers' . 19:81 1980 $ 12,910 ' .$ 4,192 • (10,791) 211931 53 r, !2,55 $27,804 $, 2,227 CNARC`Ss FOR.N81' toric zEttitt 111Afi]ttl'tlES ' Tata/ charges for the year for lOtrg.term liabilities -were as follows; 1981 1980 • $180587 $17,181' 9�y6 4.. 9..285 $28,281.. $26,469 Of the total chairges Shove above, $28,281 wore paid from general municipal tevtt,des of the municipality acid atcs, in'cittded• in ,expenditerrs oat the. 8txtement of Revanae And t xpendittre' ciassif�:nd under the appropriate functional headings, Principal paytnattts interest Boys' Field Day champions at Brookride .Publle School. are from the left, Scott Hackett, hitermedlate; Duane.Durinln, primary; Scott Gibson, junior; Soul Wright, primary; Wayne Drs, senior' and Phillip Luedemann, midget. (Sentinel Staff 1Phottil • • Girls' Field Day champions at Drookside ' Public School are . from the •left, &ulna Itaynard, junior;Shella Hymers, primary; Shelley Good, intermediate; 'Julie Pentland, midget and Reify Markham, senior. {Sentinel Stab' Photo] Sunday schgol picnic Trinity Sunday School con ducted the morning, worship service on Sunday, June 27 followed by the congrega- tional , picnic at . Brookside Public .School in the after. noon.. Scripture lessons were tak- en by Ken Wilkins and. Sharon Alto•.t; the offering was received by the primary junior class and the wheel of prayer offered by the inter- mediate and junior classes. A contemporary dramatization of Christ's Parable of the Sower Was presented by the senior class. Attendance pins were presented 'to the following members of the Sunday' School by Kevin Alton: Kind. ergarten, . Heather , Alton, Sandia Alton, Erie Andrew, Danielle Cranston,, Mac Hackett, l4rista Ritchie; Primary, Vanessa Alton, Warren Andrew, Kim Far- rish, Stacey Hakkers, Doug Helm, Darrell Scott; Primary Junior, Shauna Andrew, Chris Parrish, lan Hakkers, Janine Retch; lntetmediaite, Jamie Alton, Scott Hackett, Nancy Hunter, Debbie Ray, nard, Donna Baynard, Donna Scott; Senior, George Alton, Kevin Allan, Sharon Alton, Steve Alton, Suzanne Alton; Brenda Hackett, Paul Hack- ett, Diane Ka ynard, Shirley Scott,Elizabeth Wilkins, Ken Wilkins. Members. who achieved perfect'attendance were Kim Parrish; Shauna Andrew, Sharon Alton, Suzanne 'Al- ton, 'Brenda Hackett, Paul Hackett and Chris Parrish. Winners of prizes at the picnic were running races for Kindergarten, grade 1, Eric. Andrew and Laura Gold; grade 1 and 2, Kim Parrish, Warren Andrew; grade 3 and 4, Marina Andrew, Chris Farrish spoon race, Janine Hel;m's team of Chris 'Far- • risk, Doug Helm, Kim Far. risk, Mac Hackett; oldest man present, William E. Andrew Sr.; oldest woman present, •Margaret Andrew: biggest feet, Don Alton; smallest feet, Joanne Hack- kers; women with most coup,. ons in purse, Evelyn Hack. ett; man with the longest belt, Douglas Itaynard; larg est family present, Don Alton and' Charlie Wilkins tie&' with Charlie guessing the right number to 'win a , prize; • lucky piate, Joan Helm; peanut' and candy scrambles were enjoyed' by the pre -Sun. day School children, Pre. school and kindergarten and grades 1," 2, 3 and 4,