HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-9-13, Page 1To New Subscribers To introduce Tim I31pua1 into as many new homes as possible we are offering a Special Rate for • short time only. lieu Dot overlook this wouderful uppurtuulty. Te January 1st, 1935, ter only 4k EIGHTY-SEVENTH YEAR, NO. 87 GODERICH, ONTARIO, TH ionat A Friend's Recommendation An advertisement in The Signal 1. like a friendly recommendation. That L wby so many merchants tell ua that it pays, and pays well, to place their advertising message* in these columns. Advertise to The Signal Y, SEPTEMBER 13, 1934 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publish•s, COUNCIL DECLINES TO ACCEPT JUSTICE MAKINS' DECISION- Not ECISION Not According to Law or Reason, Say llMemben—Tax Collector Robertson, Tired of His Job, Tenders Resignation—Two Coun- cillors Regret Vote in Favor of loser License --Council Un- animous in Asking for Earlier Closing Hours --Legality of Ap- pointment to P. U. Commission Questioned The town council -at any rate the militant majority of that body -at the regular meeting last Friday night IN MAGISTRATE'S COURT Bay ticId People Indulge in a Family Iiiquabb Magistrates J. Axl M ktua dealt with aeven cases on the docket in court this (Tburaday) morning. Three re- mands from last week were again set aside, fines were—imposed—la—two—eases, one was dtsmissed and nue was -ad- journed for one month. In an intoxication case the accused was tined 510 and costs, or In default twenty days in jail. from his oflke to "answer any yuan- Joseph Quigley, of Mullett township, tions" from the council. pleaded guilty to having liquor un- Cuunclllor-Hucklns tour the lead in lawfully, It not being acquired on a catechizing the collector, one point be - permit He paid 1100 and costs of jumped withboth feet on the Judi- ing whether the collector was getting $250 went of Mr. Justice Maklns in the after the little fellows and letting big- Sentence was suspended on Henry ger ones ---men who should be able to Kerr, West Wawanosh farmer, who was charged by Thos. McNall with ob- taining 570 by false pretenses. Kerr la to make restitution and pay court costs, amounting to $22.60. In default he will spend two months In jail. Reldisou Bone, charged with the theft of diamond rings valued at 5610 and kitchen utensils and food, also with breaking and entering into several summer residences just north of God- erich, was remanded a week for sem tent*. Ile pleaded guilty to the charges. In the absence of Baz._Fatber Low- ry, now of .Sarnia, whose residence Earl Mero was charged with entering and stealing therefrom 130 in sliver, the youth was remanded a week. Fath- er Lowry was unable to attend court. Bail was.-as3.i.L.ia:9- each, but was not forthcoming at the time. The courtroom was the scene of a family squabble during the bearing of evidence in the case of Sturgeon v. Sturgeou, In which Mrs. Wm. Sturgeon, of Bayfield, charged her husband with non-support of herpelf and three child- ren, all girls. The Sturgeons have been separated since April 19✓ 1933. Hl Worship advised that they agree on a weekly allowance to be paid Mrs. Sturgeon and adjourned the case trutil Thursday, October 18. action taken by the Collegiate 'nett - tate board to enforce payment of funds required for school purposes. All the members of cornett were is their places, and there was an unusual- ly large "gallery" of spectators. When the town eoll4tor's letter with a copy of Judge Matins' judg- ment was presented, Councillor Hum- ber led off with the attack. "It is the must unheard-of judgment 1 ever eard of,' he declared. Ile wanted to know if the Collegiate r Institute boardfifty tutr board ce&LLircrease-mala cent. and the council have nothing to say about it. Reduetlen' at Listowel Councillor Iluckina asked for the odactton of a letter from themut the blatant." A dg ,J C his, wnen read later, showed t a area different reductions in salaries f High School teachers had been made ere -7% per cent., 71/2 per cent, 15 per cent. --approximately thtr- per cent. altogether. This, te - oett r Hucklns declared, showed rence oetween the Listowel and the oderlch board in the matter of pm - thy for the ratepayers. -When this council asked for a little tten five per cent. reduction the rd wouldn't give It," said Coundl- r Humber. Councillor expected a lengthy state - t from the Judge his rea- rs for judgment, but urthcomtng, aud Councillor Humber rticularly expressed a desire to now more about the judgment before ecfding on action to appeal it. Reeve Against an Appeal Reeve Munnings he not vote for an appeal in se, but other members Indicated their Inten- tion of fighting out-the-timer-- The utth' imer-- The matter was dropped for a while rntll other bominess was transacted. but the council came back to it later. TILE Impression was that Tuesday of this week would be the_last day for ntering an appeal, and .-- ptoblts was to And out, in the absence of the 'reasons for judgment,' on just what points an appeal could be based. Coancthtor Seabrook auggeateda de-. Latton to the AttorneyOeneral. Reeve Munntngs again declared Hhim- self opposed to an apps bad otpd, be ‘saW..be pay the Collextate rd's estimates. because he believed It was in the province of the board to tix its own expenditures without dic- tation ietatlon from the council. He would be very glad; he said, If the board decided to make ■ further reduction, but why, he asked, spend more money in fighting the board after the judge has given his decision? If the coun- cil could do something for another year, notke should be given to the pay their taxes -get away without pay meat. Mr. Robertson in reply said he could not ctasally the delinquents. Every- body was poor, and in some cases the supposedly wealthy man found It as dlfllcult to get money as the so-called poor man. Mr. Robertson went on to advise that the council get a new cul - lector. "1 would not go again through what I have In the last three or four months for four times the salary," be declared. This dea'rratlen was followed by ex- preaatons of sympathy with the collec- tor In his work, councillors evidently feellug that they bad ofer•hot the mark and were losing a valuable of- -Skis l ; bat-Ms.-Ilehertens. declared that AldwaliaL . nitt_tR. ils1 = iia resignation was coming, anyway, blrt he would remain long enough to coach his successor in the office. Mayor Lee, who had not taken part to the questioning of the collector, ob- served that Mr. Robertson was to be congratulated. upon having brought up the arrears as he had done. Pelee en the Carpet Next the pollee -Chief Postele- thwalte and Sergeant Ross -were called In and subjected to questioning. Coun- cillor ]lucking said there were com- plaints of had language on the Square. The Chief pointed out that hie duties as street inspector left him little time for pollee work; some days he was on the Square hardly at all. Various matters in connection with the police, their duties, their relations with the Provincial oMeer* etc., Isere aired. and Sergeant Ross denied emphatically (Oontlnaed on page 4) PERSONAL MENTI hirci--'. A. Rowson, of vIelted with Mra. Alex. Osbaldeston On Monday. - M'a- K. •dasiereli. Ciinton..was a inert on Tuesday of Mrs. Alex- baldeatee. Mrs. D. A. Mc4arten, of Wlnnlpeg, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. G. MacEwan. _ Mr. C. W. Watson and Kenneth, of New York City, are spending their holidays in town. Mrs. C. E. Robinson, of Tbronte, M visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mallough. Mr. and Mrs. b'. Cole of Lseknow called on Mr. and Mrs. R, T. Phillips one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Phillips visited with friends in Listowel, Wtngham and Iwuc•know, last week. Mrs. R. Stonehouse, of Chatham, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Wil - AT THE HARBOR (I Three cargoes of American wbea Celebrating Her PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Raymond Player Re-engaged Ise h 94th Birthda a to Munk The meeting of- he public -ktT1001 _ board on Monday evening, being the have been unloaded at the elevator ugin- Bret of the school year, was devoted the past week, brought by the followiug Happy Event of Tuesday at the' steamers: Thos. Britt, /Way, 218,000 Home of Mra. Jane principally to the annual reallotment brehele?4y0.-Meek-,Va Wif,t`t75.. e+.. flats_l tw•eeu the two schools. see bushels, and on W uc.day the n r'y — --g s a ways a ratf erg lliiu i 542 -foot S. B. Way, with 10:-..000 bush- as the relative sizes of the classes in elm. A fourth boat is expected this The home of Mra. Jane Lynn, Angie- the two schools, as well as the roaven- (Thuroday) evening. sea street, on Tuesday was the se, fence of the pupils in attending one The sailing Tercel Naraacan was of a happy gathering as that it school or the other, must be taken into lifted from the harbor by the Forrest old lady celebrated her ninety -b , 'consideration. dredge on Wednesday, when work be- birthday anniversary. Mrs. Lyng. In the. absence of the chairman of gen on the replacing of the rudder, good health and is exceptional) is in \the hoard, Trustee Schaefer, the chair j1evt sp s taken by Rev. J. N. H. Mills. some w r. Raymond Player's contract as board in due time. son Cameron. E astreet. Cod, of Windsor, Is visit' Councillors h llore held to the opinion that Mr Judge Mekins had Ignored or over- ing her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. ruled the statutes in giving his deet- and Mrs. Albert Ward. sion. They eomatdered It beyond rea- _-Mr,- )rank MacKay._ of Stratford. son that the Collegiate board could visttgd with his mother, Mrs. Chas. do as it wished and the council re- MacKay, and his sister this week. rna► A Sy empatto check t Sympathetic Government" Councillor 'lucking expressed bis be- lief that they Ithe councillors) were acting in the Interests of seventy-five per cent. of the ratepayers. The pre - Mr. and Mra., Conrad Brown and littkrson of London, visited with' Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Pltftltpe tint week. Miss Charlotte Johnson of Walker - rine, Ont., was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Henderson, sent Government at Toronto, he said, Saltford. bad shown Itself favorable to munlef- Mrs. H., Menary and little daughter pallties faced with falling revenues. Irene, of 'Ashfield, made a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. T. Phillips last week. Mr. and Mee. J. S. Henderson and Mrs. Geo. Morrow attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Joe Bloor at Kin- cardine on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Macda and Miss Marjorie Marfle will spend the week- end at Collingwood and will attend the Collingwood exhibition. Mrs. Cecil Bolt and Mee. Birming- ham, of Wallaceburg, visited the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilson, Cameron street. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wllson, who since their wedding had been on a Visit to England, have returned to town end will reside on Quebec street. Mr. J. E. Lambent, of hue Angeles, who has been visiting in town for the past week, watt accompanied on his return by his mother. Mrs. Wm. Iash- a m. Mrs. Henry Trowbridge, who spent most of August with her nnele and aunt, r. end Mrs. R. T. Phillips, re- tnrned to her home et Spanish, Al- goma, last week. Mrs. Roan E. Martin and•daughter which was broken during a heavy and active and in fact sho storm some a smart, compact craft owned by a group of London and Stratford men. It le skippered by C. Orr. On Monday the etr. Superior loaded 200 tone of salt from the Goderich S's warehouse and cleared weeks ago The ship to signs of rejuvenation In that alt ompany for the bead of the Lakes. The salt to destined for distribution in the West. The classy Barbette, racing schooner of Toledo. was the sole pleasure craft to make port this week. A cargo of 105,000 bushel` of wheat was unloaded at the W. C. F. M. on Tuesday from the str. Joseph B. Richards. A GODERI®17ST Mr. W. 11. Henry, Cambria road. took secopd prize at the We -tern Fair, London, this week for one of his land- scape paintings. )ir. Smry'asgrk.aa Oodertcb. SEVEN PRIZES AT WESTERN Thom. Bowler had eight of -his buff Orpingtons at the Western Falr this week and took seven prizee : Writ and third for cock, first end second for ben, second and third for pullet, third for cockerel. The w,mpetitlon was especially heavy at London' this year. but Mr. Bowler's fowl are top• notcbers in any company. LEG CUT BY GLASS The family argument started when The hug day was spoiled for little the defendant seemed to be getting the Garth Hamilton. eve -year-old son of worse of the flood of accusations and Mr, and Mrs. Thos. tfamllton, Huron denials that filled the air. One of the road. when. at the public school picnic two sons then entered the fray. Mra. on Friday Iaat, he fell, it is believed, Sturgeon admitted getting food sup- on a jagged ply of glass and sus - plies from her spouse at times, but Mined a severe -and painful gash in only on some occasions that she asked the calf of his leg. Although the ngly for them. Sturgeon claimed he had three-inch cut was almost to the bone, bought shoes for the girls and had sight, once poor, has receutiy much. Improved. She takes pride in the fact that she baked her own_birthday cake, and on Tuesday she was in her hap- piest mood, entering In sprightly fa- shion into all the doings of the young-' er people gathered about her on this anniversary occasion. Mrs. Lynu was torn in Brant coun- ty, on the Grand River, in 1840, and remembers distinctly several unpleas- ant experiences with Indians. At the age of fourteen she moved with her parents to Brantford, and at eighteen years of age she was married to Patrick Lynn, who died in 1902. The couple moiesto Mortis townahlp.where they suffered many hardships and dangers while clearing two hundred acres of land, most of which was bosh. ThIr- teen_.c_htldren were born.. during the ay the farm. Ten are still i1v= ng, a rs. nn Sits also eT-gh(een grandchildren and ten great-grand- children. In 'In 1881 the family came to Goderich, where Mrs. Lynn has since resided. - The devotion anti loyaity ofber fam- ily were never more happily demon- strated than on this occasion, when there were assembled at a dinner 1n her honor her sone, P. G. Lynn, of-De- trolt, with his daughter Georgina; Ed- ward Lynn of Goderieb, with his wife and two sons: Dennis Lynn. of Gon- zales, California : Andrew A. Lynn and wife, lately of Detroit: her daughters, Mrs. D. B. Faust, of Detroit. and son, and Miss Jenny Lynn. of Goderich, the lifelong companion of her mother. given them money for clothing, but remember when _fie ht shoes for his wife. When the -showed asps of developlag WO a brawl the Magistrate ordered the Sturgeons from the court - A.charge of disposing of s rifle, the properly of the Government, lodged against Carl Hemingway, was d1s- missed. and he believed a deputation from the council would get a sympathetic re- ception from the Government. There were more or leas lengthy ar- guments over various points In dla- rd*, including one between Mayor I.te and Councillor Huekins over the farpine shown by the Collegiate board. One member expressed his belief that the teachers themse:Tea had not been consulted by the board, and that if they had been there wonld hare been no trouble. Motion Adopted Finally a motion, Introduced by ('ounciliors Hocking and Seabrook, was adopted: That a deputation be ap- pointed to vlset the Attorney -General to meek information and enlightenment n the high school question. The proposal was that the deputa- ot1 ,lsOnkl drive to Toronto on Mon- day, see the Attorney -General, and re- turn the same evening, adjournment to be made to 9.30 Monday night so that the eouncil might decide for or against an appeal. (These plans were altered later.) Read 011 Assessments In a diecuasion of road oil *mesa- Dolores returned to Fort Wllltum fo- ments, Councillor Seabrook expressed day after *pending the past two weeks the opinion, which was endoried by with Mrs. Martin s mother, Mrs. R. J. Reeve Turner, that theme charges Phelan, Rritannla road. abould be put In the general levy. Mr. and Mrs. 9 Ward end ern, Ron- Conneillor Humber pointed Ont that If this were the praetlre every rate- yer wonld want to have his street treated with o1. Reeve Mnnninge said that the •n- heer appointed to make the ammeess Ws might have made some error', nt they mild be rectified. Qui NEW DIVISION COURT CLERKS A. C. Chamberlain has been ap- pointed clerk of the Seaforth Division Court, in place of J. C. Greig. - A. -.7. Kalhfletseb to appointed clerk of the Zurich Division Court, In place Thiel. Them appointments were enflamed by AttornoyGeneral Roebuck last week, the little fellow gave Intim Indication of the pain be was sole g. and al- Taii•evT-1iTiiisPtf to be foto the school, where theswsed from the sehooTir first -4t Tib tet. Rt1 was then driven to his home. FiRED BY LiGHTNING A steel barn owned M Mtn Mills. concession 2, West Wawalash, was the prey of Ifamea after being struck by lightning at the height of • severe storm about 2 o'clock- this (Thursday) morning. The Karn and stored crops, to value of VOWS were completely dem heel. Although the building woe by Insurance. the strops were no red. A barn on the same site was burned to the gr0and about a 'During the same storm, the home of Thos. McNeil, in West Wawaao.h, al- so was *rock by lightning. A bolt travelled down a water pipe and crashed Into a clatern In the cellar. A whole 'Me of the cement structure, measuring six by eight feet, was ripped out by the bolt. No other damage was BOlCE-FITZSIMONS Announcement 1s made of the mar- riage of Miss Josephine Fitzsimons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Fitz- simons of Clinton, to --,Mr, Russell Itoyr•e of Goderleh. The ceremony war performed by Rev. M. C. Parr at the done. parsonage of the Hyatt avenue United church, London, on Wednesday. Sep- tember eptember 5th. Mr. and Ilya. Boyce are residing in Goderich. THE PLOT THICKENS eld, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melo and dangbter, Gladys. of Windwnr, and Mr. Ernest Reed. of Detroit, visited at the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ward. Mr. and Mee. Norman McDowell, Mr and Mrs. Alvin McDowell and Mr. Wleriam McDowell, of We td 4si, 'pest ay with Mrs. Osbaldston, OiOn- 'FiigAi 'lid id *iiended OW de- i'the as wall 'asked to conn* 1 e ration *frets. at V*ttisnd eetwefery. SILVER WEDDINQ Anniversary Saltford Heights Mr. ant Mrs. R. J. P. Walter cele- brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding at their beaulifatl..home on Saltford Heights on Saturday even- ing. Nearly seventy friends and re- latives attended the reception, and among them were several who attended the wedding ceremony-, in the home of the bride's parents, a quarter of a cen- tury ago. The bride's mother, who 1s over eighty years of age, attended the function. Mies Elisabeth Bisset, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bisset, was united in marriage to Mr. R. J. P. Walter, eon of Mr. and Mrs. John Wal- ter, be 41109 by the late Rat -Jae_ An- derson. then minister of Knox Pres- byterian church, of which the couple are well-known and valued members. MIPs Jean MacEwan, who is to he married on Saturday - next, was the flO*er gift 611` tTie Oeeision. The groom's parents and the bride's fath- er have since passed nn. The couple hare five children, Mien Yam; who is a graduate of MacDonald College, Guelph, Samuei B., welt known as, a baritone singer, Gordon, who Is at- tending the Goderich ronegiete Insti- tute, Peter and Dan, who are attend- ing public school. The home waabeaof1in;iy decorated on Satnr4ay with seonntle.% flowers from the Walter garden. A short pro- gram was given to which Mr. H. N. Liven. contributed several piano *doe. He alert played the piano aeeompenl- merit for vocal 'Moe toy Miss Gertrude HAW and Miss Mary McKay. Speak- er. during the evening who added their beet wishes' to those Already received by the <simple were i)r. J. H. Barnett, Dr. T. Wsrdlaw Taylor, sec. D. J. Lane, Mr. F. G. Wetr end Dr. H. R. Hall. Many beantifil gifts were re- ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Walter. A large three-story coke was est by Mra. Walter and refreshments were served by a gronp of young ladles. -They were Mies Jean Walter, Mimeo Mary and Helen Bisset and Mines Rdtfh Tristan. Madeleine Ip ga'ret Parsed/ anti Keith Veld music is tructor having expired, It peas decided to re-engage him for an- other year at theAmme salary, $350, and to solicit the %nal assistance of the home and school clubs and the Women's Irlstltnte by way of eentrl- button towards the salary. A request for a list of kindergarten supplies. amounting to $42.07, was re- ferred to the supply committee with power to purchase. The board passed a vote of thanks to the home and school clubs and to Bisset Bros. for existence In connec- tion with the school picnic on Friday last. Fred G. Weir Is New Justice of Peace Well-known Citizen of Ooderioh-- Six Appointments in Huron , 'County- =_ Announcement was made yesterday of the appointment of some two hun- dred justices of the peace In Ontario. These appointments are in connection with the reorganization of the magis- terial system of the Province which is being carried out by the new Provin- cial Government. The justk'es of the peace will, it is stated, hear complaints, take informations, Issue summonses and warrants, and act as clerks of the magistrate's courts. They will re- ceive allowapces of from $100 to 5150 each and will not be aliblved to charge tees. The appointments for llurou county are: Goderich-Fred G. Weir. Clinton -George A. McLennan. Seaforth-Andrew McLean. Wingh'am-W. C. Adams. Exeter -B. W. F. Beavers. Brussels -Allan Lamont. The New J. P. ed G. Weir Is a well-known and highly esteemed resident of God- erich, with a fund of native ability which will serve him well In bis new omee. Ile is a native of 'Ktrkealdy, Bcoilit-d;-1W cabn0 directly to fled- eritc'it 'mom his natfPtt'"T3'S2F"fwenty- one year` ago, accompanied by him wife, a native of Aberdeen, and they have lived In Goderich ever since. Ile has been sanitary Inspector__foo•Sbe town for some years, 1s a Mason of prominence, being I.P.M. of Maitland Lodge, and is especially active In con- nection with the affairs of Knox Pres- byterian church, being a member of the session and -holding other offices In the congregation. His son and only child, William, is a student at Knox THE FAITHFI'L COLLI With unerring accuracy and tireless faith, Pat, collie dog owned by Pete Rutledge. _local regelsoree-ews9f,-0* neadaf-covnsinked ,s 4ijn-Ot Rit1GL than 300 miles from Rrockvllle. Ile showed up at his home here footsore. unkempt and well-nigh exhausted, with just enough strength left to give Ms tall a shake or two and grin happily as he met his master. The dog left C.oderich some time ago with John Mullen, racehorse driver, but disap- peared while Mullen was in Brockville. It was Judged by the general condition of the dog that he had made the full distance on foot. AWARD TO FREI) C. MIRNEY College in preparation fele the ministry of the Presbyterian Church. In the Surrogate Court on Monday I Mr. Weir ha. not yet received of - Fred 1'. Muruey was awarded $275 ficial' notification of his appointment and court costs by Judge Costello Int sod is unable to say what plans he Felicitous letters and telegrams were an action against the estate of the late will adopt in the carrying on of his reeefved from her soots William Lynn, W. T. Murney for $900, wages Rileg- work as justice of the peace. of San Frandsen, and Joseph Lynn ediy due the plaintiff. The award was and wife, of Detroit, and from her made on the strength of a request on daughters, Mrs. Thos. Fahey, of Spok- the part of the late W. T. Murney that ane, Washington. and Mrs. James Na- I his torother Fred, who had been em - vin, of Denhnrr Iowa • alero from ployed on deceased's stock farm at $5 ether ewswklerations, be - allowed the weekly aura until the times Improved. The allowances were not made after a disagreement between the parties and judgment was granted to cover a period of a little more than a year'.' Harold Murney and Mrs.. B1I1th Johnston, children of deceased, are -Mrs. Dennis Lynn, -of efenzries-(iei1r tornia, and from numerous -contains, nephews, nieces and grandchildren. The gifts presented were valuable and rare. Inelnding a jade ring and eetsaente`-Imported from China. ter- rines set with amethyst and diamonds. rug -links of mother of pearl and gold, 1 and a choice white shawl of exquisite- the executors of the state. Developments in the G.C.L.-town council dispute have followed thick and fast the last few days. Yesterday Frank Donnelly, solicitor for the Collegiate board. caused the Individual members of the council, in- cluding Mayor Lee, to be served with pepers preliminary to action for con- tempt of court In failure to obey the mandatory order fumed by Mr. Juctiee Makins for the payment ofmoneye to the Colleglate board. Yesterday, too, it wen learned that- Connelllor Huckins, who has been prominent in the majority group In council, and lost his position with the Western Caned Flour Mille Co. Mr. J. W. Fraser, can 1s chairman of Rte G.C.T. board, Is also local manager for the milling company, but he states that Ode had nothing to do with , the miesal of Mr. Huckins, the reason for whish was that the latter had left the plant without permleaion. Mr. Huck - ins says he .had permission -anyway, he is nut. Two other members of the majority group In eonneil--Reeve Turn- er and Councillor Colclongh--also are employees of the Western Canada Flour Mille. They hare not been dfe- tnrberl In their posltinne. There 1e said to he some feeling Among the worker. In the mill Over the d1.mtesal of Connclllor Hockints, but, if It exlets. it tins not remedied in env overt action. This ,nnrning Councillor., Humber, TTncklns end Seabrook. with Town Clerk Knee, left for Toronto to Inter- view Attorney General Rrehnek and hr T, J. Slmpann. Minister of Fzl0ee- tion. with reference to the matter. In !Repute _ They may aloe, while they ere In the elty, see other facile.' Ith referenee to other angled of the quar- rel Appointment heti been made an Interview with the Attorney prat at 1 o'clock til, aftern00n. 18 MO medioi11& VII TIr.T. farthrwP ' are mhmr. their .alurtee. r pattern and texture. the handiwork of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Goderich. An interesting feature of the feast was a large fruit rake of unsurpassed deliciousness made by Mrs. Lynn's own hands, without aaaistance. She blew.. out the tiny lighted candles amid shouts of laughter. The..ti►llowing lines, contributed by Mrs. Andrew Lynn, are particularly appropriate to this occasion: Autumn days are happy days, So full of memorles are they, Enveloped in a golden hale Of joyous hours, and. day by day, Of holy lessons learned thro years Of loving acts, and smiles and tears, Each act and smile and tear a star That rises ever, near and far. To crown our well -loved mother's lite, -With jewels wrought through precious e - - And set in aznre skies of love, As beauteous blessings from above. CHILD'S FACE BADLY CUT Maxine, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Oke, of the Siusou highway, was. brought_toAlex= andra hospital yesterday suffering trom injuries received from being struck by a passing car when she ran out on the road to meet other children returning from, school. Her left cheek was laid open-wltT * Mit-tlsat agrarded behind the ear. The child is reported to be getting on all right. Goderich Exhibition Next Week {tt{ay{s Weet.JnAioderich, and the directors of the Goderich, In- dustrial ExhlDLtlon feel'tbat they ere MfgLAREN=HORNEY A quiet wedding took pace at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Horsey, Nelson street, on Mondry afternoon, at 3 o'clock, when their youngest daughter. Dorothy Marie, was united In marriage to James A. Maclaren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maclaren of Cromarty. Rev. F. W. Crack, pastor of Victoria street United church. of - Related. The wedding march wan played by Miss Ruby Carter. eoasin of the bride. The bride, who watt giv- en in marriage by her father, wore pale blue silk Crete. The bride and groom were unattended and only their Imme- diate relatives were present. After the ceremony the young couple left by motor for Port Arthur end other points, the bride wearing a travelling 'stint of Klerk wend white watA. eiM$ with accessories to match. On their return they will reside In Goderich. prepared for one df the -best exhibitions ever held In Goderich. Tuesday and Wednesday, September 18th and 19th, are the fair days. In addition to the usual exhibits provided for by a generous prize list, many special events have been ar- ranged, and all that is needed to en- sure a successful exhibition is good weather and the support of the people of town and district in the matter of attendance. For the opening night, Tueiwda7,"The directors have secured a galaxy of artists for a high-class performance befoie the -grandstand. These artists are secured through the same agency that supplied the splendid program that.. was so papular on the opening night last year, and a thrilling pro- geaut of music, denying, contotly and other enterrntnment le assured. W edoeaday Afternoon Program Wednesday afternoon will toe filled with events. Resides the speeding tests, including a 2.2s trot or pace anti two running races, there will be a new feature -a jumping contest. It ia sold there are quite a number of horses in the dl-triet ready for such a com- petition, and this may prove to be one of the most Interesting features of the afternoon. Three prises are offered In this event. WiNS TRW TO Qt1FJWEC Mies Marjorie T)aer, Rayfield road, woe one of the more fortnnatg! of the Many hard-working yonng lltex in the travel s4,ntest conducted by The Atratford Reason -Herald. She was one of the winners of the Queliee tour, her weeks of painstaking work having amassed her 4,855,200 votes, with which she took second place in the Quebec group. Her companions on the trip, which will be eondneted by Mr,. Chita, DJnlman _of Stratford. will be Miss Margaret Kelly of Stretford. w-hWI wan first in the group, Mrs. Marlon 1 Morrtcr of Stratford end Miss Blanche Struthers, RR. 2. Atwood, Mise floor left Goderleh this (Thins - day ) morning for "litratford, whence etre w111 entrain with the group for Toronto. thence proceeding by boat to Montreal and (Reshot The party will retnrn to Toronto early Monday morn- ing. and after a tree day wtli be en- tertained to a theatre party In the evening. The retnra to Stratford win reeds on Tuesday mozning..„,plue mpl•t1ee the Trt " stile (nitwit at Vsytew ea Tostsdits and their request for the usual vote to the Air was promptly and cheer- fully granted. The Goderich township council bad previously made an equal - 1y generous grant. • • • The jumping conteet will be a new feature of Wednesday afternoon's pro- gram. It is said there are a number of horses in Huron that can travel skywards, and they will he given an opportunity to show their points. • • • A request has been made for addi- tional space for the school children's section --bin year, In order to allow of better arrangement and classification. This is one of the most Interesting features of the exhibit in the main ball. The Women's Institute is taking a double space In the main building this I and, as usual, will have something of practical iutere-t to present to the etteatiou of visitors. • • • A perusal of the prize list will show many epeeist prizes oITenal by mer- cliti , bank*, ma nn fact u rers and oat hers. • • • The lays are all looking forward to peeing the two girls' softball team - from London. Those who know about I such things say these girls are .about_ as smart as they make them and can put up a real snappy game. - • • • Softball Special -Alise._..cuuatdcrab:e negotiation the direetore have eoucladed arrangements' for w epeeist softball feature -a matcher] ;tame between the SIlverwooda. anal Burroughs ladles' teams of Lon- don. Ball- tons know these teams as two of the most femme ladies' soft - hall teem- In Ontario, and as great Interest has been taken In their re- spective :rsords this isenson a snappy game may 1* looked for. All these! feature. In addition to the Prize iista and entry forms may be had on application to the secretary, J. H. Robertson, at the town hall. • • • 'Phe band of the Goderieb Musical Society will play Tuesday night and Wedne.day afternoon. • • • Admission to the grounds will be at the papular price, 2.s•. And it will be a big 25 cent. worth. • • sr Don't Isis. -seeing both of the pro - exhibits in main hall. poultry house. grains before the grandstand, Tuesday stock shed., Tete., promise two days night and Wednesday afternoon. En - full of interest to all who attend the tirely different, both will be worth com- Goderlch Industrial Exhibition next ing mans miles to see. • • •. The people of (todericlt and.dlstrlet shoukl torn out In full force on Tues- day and Wednesday next and give the Exhibition the support It need.' to make It as prosperous and nsefnl as it should he. Don't refrain from exhibit- ing beeline. your *tuff foo not as good as It might be: everything cannot get the flret prise. Show your Interest in the fele by exhibiting it possible, and at any rate he .ore to attend on OTIS or bath days. it k yonr fait, and the least you can do 1w -to be on hand to *how yon appreciate what the 41- :rlr .itg, _ weer. The- adieetlsemwat on page 5 of The Signal thin week gives details. EXHIBIION NOTES Those who remember the good pro- gram given on the opening night of Ilse Exhibition last year will be pleased to learn that a 'similarly smart per - formates will be given next Tuesday night. The artist. will he different, but ander the game management. • • • tache' of the Agrkultnral tis i11x Tliwewse fawn=