HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-23, Page 17UN. PMI's .INS Nom .r.. r.r 0000 r..r...Imo 31. Cards of thanks JOHNSTONE : Mr, and Mrs, J. H. John- stone wish to thank all who. made their 25th wedding anniversary such a joyous occasion. Many thanks also • for beautiful gifts and cards and for other guests from Westfield, Auburn, Bruce - field and Bayfield. --25x JOHNSTON A sincere thank you to every- one who remembered me with cards, flowers and visits while In ho$pital, Mrs, Mary Johnston. . and family —25x - 32. Coming events TEESWATER EX TOGGERY Closes June 26. Unsold artic- les and money may be picked up only on June 29, 2.5 and 7 - 9 p.m. June 30 2.4 p,m, All unclaimed articles be- come the property of Corona. tion Rebecca Lodge. Rum- mage sale July 2 and 3, 2.5, —22-26 VARIETY CONCERT Sponsored by . Teeswater Lions Club, June 24, 8:15 p.m., Teeswater Town Hall. Barber Shop Choir, Mount Forest Chapter plus our own local '\'Just For :Fun" quart- ette. Also. the Colvin Sisters dancing; -Frank Renwick, sol- oist; 'Flora Nabrotzky, music- ian, The Hillerest ''Central. School 'Band:. Fun for the whole family. Admission $3.00 per person,... --24 DVNGANNON CEMETERY SERVICE The annual memorial service at Dungannon Cemetery will be held on Sunday, June 27, 3:30 p.m. '--24,25x RETIREMENT TEA A tea to honour the retire- ment of Mrs. Kay McCorm- ick, Teacher at Hillcrest Central Public School, Tees- water, will be held at the school on Friday, June 25, 2:30 to . 4 p.m. Friends, relatives and .former piupils are invited to attend. —24,25 PINECREST OPEN HOUSE June 27, 2: - 4, pent. Lunch provided. Everyone wel- come. —24,25 NORM DUNSMOOR BENEFIT At .Pinecrest Nursing Home. June 24, 7 - '10 p.m. $1.50 admission. Lunch available, proceeds to Heart Founda- tion. —24,25 SOTH ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUtE •In celebration of the 50th. wedding anniversary of Hir- am and Esther Collins, their family invites friends, neigh- bours and relatives to an open house at Lurgan Church Hall on Saturday, June 26, 1982, 2' - 4 p.m. and 7. - 9 p.m, Best Wishes. only, --24,°25 90TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Friends and relatives are invited to the Lueknow Un. ited Church on Sunday, June 27, 2100 • 6:00 p.m. to share in the celebration of the nine- tieth birthday of Mrs. John McMurchy. , Best Wishes only. ---24,25x z w........ r... 32. Coming: events SUMMER FLING Reserve Saturday, August "7 for Walter Ostanek Band in Community Centre, Sponsor- ed by. Lueknow Agricultural Society, —25 CRAFT FESTIVAL Lucknow Agricultural Society will sponsor their 12th an- nual Craft Festival,. July 30, 31 at the arena: --25 REGULAR MEETING Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold their regular meet- ing Tuesday, June 29, 9 p.m. in Community Centre, —25 THE LEAHY FAMILY, iN CONCERT Friday, July 2, Ripley Huron Complex. Concert 8 p.m.; Dancing ' 10 - ' 12. Adults $4.00; Elementary students $2:00; Family $10.00. A family night of entertain: ment. —25-26 '• ANNUAL MEETING SOUTH KINLOSS CEMETARY CORPORATION The annual meeting of the South 'Kinloss Cemeter 'Cor- poration will' be held Tues- day, June 29, 8 p.m.' in the basement of South Kiutloss Church. ---25' AUXILIARY TO WiNGHAM AND, DISTRICT HOSPITAL MEETING Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital request all members to attend a meeting to be held on Monday, June 28 at 2' p. tn. at the Clinic Building. —25 HELM PICNIC Annual reunion will be held at. Landsdowne Park, Kincar- dine, Sunday. July 4, 1:15 p.m. Please bring your.din- ner. Program \and sports to follow. —25,26 COMBINED YARD SALE Saturday, June 26 at 10:30 a.m. at Don. Thompson T.V. Shop at farm home of Wilda and Harvie Thompson on Hu on•Kincardine boundary. Small household electrical appiia.nces range hood; .8 track tapes; smoke detectors; clothing; barbecues; . books; bed; dishes; funiture; stereo stands, and numerous other articles. indoors if it rains. Watch for sign on the 15th north of Ripley. --25ar HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held Friday', June'25, 8 p.m. Wroxeter Community Hall, Admission $1.00; 12 regular games for $10,00; 2, share the wealth; one $25.00 special; jackpot $160.00 must go: purple ball, $160.00; door and consolation prizes. —25ar REGULAR MEETING All members of Lucknow Le- gion Branch 309 are request• ed to attend. the regular meeting on Tuesday, June 29, 8 p.m. -•-.25ar ' Attention Farmers A. For sale 19 ACRES of standing mixed hay. Phone 528-2333. -24,25x .ONE POLLED HEREFORD bull, Phone George Carter, 395.2706 after 5 p.m. —25 47 ACRES OF STANDING red clover hay. Phone Wil- fred Hackett, 529.4546, —25x A. for sale BALER TWINE. Phone 528- 2299,—25,26ar B. Custom work. CUSTOM COMBINING av- ailable, with: N5 Rotary Gleaner, for wheat, barley, soyabeans and corn., Contact Robert Emerson, 395.5115. 22.25 CUSTOM BALING of large round bales, hay or straw, 55.00 per bale. Larger acre• age baled cheaper. Phone 529-7302. —23-26 WILL BALE LARGE round bales, Phone Bruce Raynard, 5286144. —23,23,25 CUSTOM BALING of large round bales. Phone 529- 7152. --24,25 CUSTOM BALING of large round bales. Phone Lloyd Graham, 528-2075. —24.27x CUSTOM BALING of large round bales, 55.50 per bale. Phone 529.7857. —22-25 CUSTQM BALING of large round bales, $5.50 per bale. Phone 529.7857 or 357.3149. —25,26,27 C. Wanted Wanted Cattle, sick or dis- abled, pay top dollar. Call, 392-6829 anytime. —47tf D. Livestock TWO PUREBRED. 'register- able, one year old, Suffolk rams; ready to start breeding this '82 ' season. Contact Lesley Moncrief, 395-2480. -19tf • GOOD SELECTION of springing heifers and 'Hol- stein cows. Ted Van der Velde, 529-7465. —714 SIMMENTAL SIMMENTAL Bulls perform- ance tested, 42 purebred and percentage bulls, • average • yearling weights 109 136. Prices $1;600 -$2,500. Guar- anteed. Free delivery 100 miles. J. L. `Farms, R. 4, Shelburne: 519.925.2158.. 24nx BODMIN ' Cattle Auction, Tuesday, July 13. Two miles east of Belgrave, Ontario off Highway 4.. 85 free listed, R.O.P,• Shorthorn. Bred and open females and . breeding bulls on offer. Quarter horses working at 3:00, steak 1'arbe que 4:30° Sale, time 7:00 p. m. Lot 1 Special Feature - • Buyer picks his choice of cow herd. For catalogue 519-357• 3425. —25nx YORK, HAMP and Duroc boars; also 1larnp x York and Hamp x Duroc boars, ROP tested andhealth approved. Vista Vilia Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson, R. R. 4 Walton, 345.2317. —25-27 E. Farm. services NMI BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT • Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat• es, Water. Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, phone 395.5390. Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 23, 1982—Page 17 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! GRAB!ED 4 VARIETIES AVAILABLE *BANNER * 520 Orly maturity) (medium maturity) Ali varieties available In !O% alfalfa a 1S% Timothy mixture ora l% alfalfa & 24% Timothy mixture. BRUCE RAYNARD %gm 528-6144 Prices guaranteed at . time order Is • placed. Should. prices drop. lowest price will be honoured. Standing Fuelwood For Sale Ontario • To improve growing conditions for valuable trees, the Ministry of. Natural Resources Is thinning a woodlot in Kinloss Township and is assisting the woodlot owner in selling marked, standing trees, along with tops remaining from a harvest sale, to a reputable fuelwood contractor. The fuelwood is located in four adjoining ' areas. Fuelwood Volume in Standing trees (in standard cords) (approximate. volume) II 202 125 216 37 Area Number 1, 2 3 4 Number, of Tops 162 100 335 51, Note: one standard cord = 128 cubic feet. Average tree diameter: 7 inches. •Major tree species: Hard Maple. Location: four miles north-west of Whitechurch. Each fuelwood area will be sold as one lump sum to one contractor. No partial -sales for small volumes will be considered. For further details, contact: Harry Wilson, Ministry of Natural Resources, R. R. ti 5, Wingham; Ontario, NOG 2WO, 518-357-3131 or toll free 1-800-265=3003. Ontario ° Ministryof Natural Resources 1 Hon. Alan W. Pope Minister II W. T. Foster Deputy Minister WINGNAM SALES ARENA The Wingham Sales Arena Has done It again bringingyou MORE GREAT SAVINGS ON DISCOUNT. FOODS. THAT'S , RIGHT\ STARTING THIS FRIDAY WE . ARE INTRODUCING'A DISCOUNT FOOD SECTION FEATURING GROCERY ITEMS, CANNED GOODS, TOILET PAPER, WASH DETERGENTS, GARBAGE BAGS, and other every day Items. This Weeks Opening Specials FROM OUR. BULK DISPLAY Weekly Specials in Bulls Cookies, Bulk Pie Filihtngs, Balk Baking Goods, Bulk Spices, Bulk Peanut Butter, Bulk Candy and Nuts; Over 100 different' items to choose from. QUALITY' NEW & USEDFURNITURE curio Dining room, living room, bedroom, kitchen furniture; rockers, box and mattresses, .cabinets, all at Low Low Prices. ISI CLOTHING AND -FOOTWEAR Work boots, rubber boots, socks, coveralls, work shirts, work pants, blue jeans for men, ladies and children. • THE CARPET BIN We have a fine selection of remnants, roll ends, and complete rolls of carpet. Bring you room sixes with you. NEW &'USED FIREARMS Ammunition, fishing gear, hunting knives. THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 3571730 680 Josephine Street, North End of Wingham OPEN MON. - SAT. 96 P.M. FRI. NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. WINGHAM SALES ARENA