HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-23, Page 16\A� �� .��� t't•.� i. ti:'h �`�� . �_ 4'.. 4�����'4 ��k M �� . l,y}V�'1� h..t 4.4�'�� � t A.\ 4.„ N,I, '� �' '�i�,'�� �t '�`� 1. Articles for sale , HURRY TO THE. Teeswater Ex Toggery. We still have plenty of spring and summer bargains. Time is running short. We close June 26. -22.25 ELECTRIC FENCERS for sale. Repairs to any make. Loaners till yours is repaired. Phone 345-2306. -21-39eow CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, hwy, 8 ,west Stratford., :393- 5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent trailers, travel, trailers, - from .lightweights right up to park models, truck campers and caps. Dealer . for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Lionel: Sales, rent- als, parts, service. -18-27. TOPSOIL for sale. Phone Lloyd Whytock after 6 p.m., 528-2006. -15tf DEPRESSION GLASS, dish- es, antiques and used furn iture at Jim Finnigan's Place, . across from the car wash. Phone 528-3602. Clos- ed Sundays. -23tfar CEDAR POSTS S to 8 " tops, anchor posts and braces., Phone 395.5305. -17tf ONAN 15 kilowatt standby generator, PTO driven, 5900; Culligan. Mark 50 automatic water softener, 5450; Patz gutter cleaner, includes re- verse corners,.;eoetter wheels, 350 feet of three inch flight chain, 30 feet of chute : and 3 hp motor, 52,500, call 357- 1220. -24,25 COME FISHING! ,Ail year round. Speckled and . Rain- bow Trout: ponds,. 3 conces- sions north . .of Lucknow off Bruce County Road # Follow . sign. 24.27x STRAWBERRIES for sale or pick; your :owo..No children under 10 years. ICingsview Farms, ' Huron. Road 20, 1 mile east oi~Hwy. 21. -24,25 LIKE' NEW, New Holland mower, model 450, 7', 3 pth power take off. Phone 528- 3917. -24,25x • H.P. Ford riding lawn:. mower; . double bed box spring and mattress; red .and black swag lamp. Phone 528-3837. -24,25x TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -40tf SWIMMING POOL Sale Brand new 1982 models Com- plete with �/4 hp sandfilter, inwall skimmer, ladder, vac- uum and maintenance kit etc. Discount prices start at 51,395.00 on complete pack- age. Call . collect 416-945- 4773. -25nx CAT D7 (17A), hydraulic blade, scraper winch, new hyd. pump, excellent under- carriage (80% track), needs motor work, best offer. Call MCS 705.645-4453, Massey Ferguson Mod. 356, Diesel, 1'/4 yd. loader, rebuilt steer- ing axle, best offer. Call MCS 705-645-4453. 9 cu. yd. pull scraper, good condition, $1,250.00. Call MCS 705- 645.4453. -25nx 1. Articles for sale _.... • 'CLEARANCE SALE. Must sell Miracle Spansteel build- ings. Complete or partial 25', 32', 40' wide, Will sell cheap. Call Bob Hard 1-800- 268-4840, -25nx FOR SALE WRINGER wash machine, A-1 condition, phone 528.2912° or 395.2880. -25 OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck IDA Pharm- acy, 14 Shoppers Square,. Goderich, 524.7241.-25tfar SICK - ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments,convalescent prod- ucts, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-'25tfar • IN HOME mastectomy ser- vices now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer• at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-.7241.-25tfar HEINTZMAN Upright piano, Rosewood, original ivory keys.. Good working condi- tion. Phone 528-5443. -25x 12 x 15 BLUE GREEN quality nylon shag rug. Just cleaned. Also small crystal chandelier and pair of French doors. Phone 528-5443. '---25x. ' MODERN MAID 30"_ green stove, ceramic • top. Also Inglis washer and dryer. Phone 528.5443. -25x TWO EY house to be torn down and removed from property. 1500 sq. ft. of floor space, aluminumwindows, doors, electric furnace, white vinyl siding. Bids received until July 7, 1982. Phone 528-5443. -25x EUREKA VACUUM SALE 20% off all Eureka Vacuum cleaners in stock. Greer T.V. - A Electric, Lucimew, 528- 3112.---25tfar� 4 MICHELINS on Ford rims, 205-15x, 540.00 each. Phone 395.5907. -25 17 FT. TRAVEL TRAILER; Franklin stove; Frigidaire automatic washer. Phone 528.5353. -25 DRY HARD WOOD cut and split. Phone 529-7587. -�25,26x 2. Mobile Homes MOBILE HOMES: for cot - tages, offices, permanent homes, affordable living. Barry's Bay, Ontario (613). 756-2872. --25nx MOBILE HOME, General 10 x 45', stove, furnace, 3 pc. bath with , shower; undercar- riage,, ready to move. $2500.00; or best offer: Phone 395-5251. -25,26x - awl 641- 4. Articles wanted. 411011. WANTED TO BUY. - modern one storey house, on a dry lot, in Lucknow area. Apply 'in writing to Box,; "Y", c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, LUCK .N(;t , "JOG 2110. .25x 5, Cars, trucks for tela 1974 NEWPORT Chrysler, good running condition. Phone 395.5617. --25,26x. FORTY-FIVE POLICE CARS, trucks, vans and sta. tionwagons. 20 - 1979 and 80 Mercurys, Fords and Ply- mouths; 4 1977 to 79 vans and stationwagons, • Fords and Dodges; 16 1976 and 77. half "and three quarter ton pick-ups and drew 'cabs; 4 - 1977 and 78 Dodge and Chev 4 x 4's; one. 1977 Plymouth. As low as 5595.00, license # OEN01O. Mighton's Car Sales,, six miles east of Hanover on #4 highway, phone Durham ;369-3136. -25 mop vim ono mei' immi Imo gm's. •111111 •. Ascom. to rent 0111111 HEATED, BEDSITTING room, furnished with linen supplied; cooking facilities including fridge and stove. Phone 528-3723.-14tfar _.. HOUSE for rent in Lucknow. Phone 528.3007.-19tfar HOUSE for rent, available June 15, 1982, . near .Kin - lough. Phone 395.5247. -24,25x SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment in Lucknow. Phone. 528-2174 or days 528-2213, nights 528.3516. --17tf STORE ON MAIN STREET. Phone 528-3007. 47tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment, ground floor, oneblock from Main. Street. No pets, • no children. Phone 528-2031. -23tfar CENTRALLY LOCATED, one bedroom apartment. Stove and fridge. Clean. Very reasonable, rent. Phone 528.2701. -25 12. , Help wanted HAIRDRESSER - TEACHER AIDE, a qualified hairdres- ser to act as a teacher aide, 3 hours .'per week at F. E. Madill Secondary School. Apply in writing to the Principal of the F. E. Madill Secondary School by the 28th of June. 1982. -25 CANADIAN TIRE, Parry, Sound. requires Class "A" Mechanic. Flat rate shop. Full benefits. Contact Paul. East, Service Manager. 705- 746-2133, 60 Joseph St., Parry Sound, Ontario: , --25nx RELIABLE LADY to : live in and look after one adult in mid ,July. Nursing experi- ence helpful but not .neces- sary, Apply to Box 13, Lucknow, Ontario. N(G 2H0. -25 HiGH SCHOOL summer farm help required. Tractor experience helpful; must provide own transportation, Phone 528.-2173. (1'--25 14. Employment wanted .omm...is.. oar roam ,dile as nom MIME aw. sari A SEVENTEEN year old student, experienced in farm work. Phone David Edisbury, 195.2438. -25 14. Employment • wantd NEED A HANDYMAN? Experienced In carpentry and home renovations in- cluding roofing, ' plumbing, cabinet' making and electric. al. Call 528.3834 after 6 p.m. --20-29x 17 YEAR (OLD boys wants any• type of work. Phone 528.5353. -25 17. Auction Salsa Pomo u..-_m..-1.-osr- sus nue: 18. Services available. NEED SOMEONE to take care of a dinner or banquet? , The Ladies Auxiliary. of the Lucknow District Christian School can provide the help you need, Call bertha Askes 395.5610,--22.34 MOO -moi.- IOW .-•!!!,. r.. ,• 'tS AUCTION. SALE Of Household Effects, Antiques and Rail Estate will be held for HAMILTON • MacKiNNON Lot 235, Queen Street,. • Ripley on SATURDAY, JULY 3 at 1030 a.m. AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald, Ripley 395,5353• Wallace Banish, Teeswater, 392.6170 -25ar . EVENING AUCTION SALE : Of Household effects and * Antiques with additional ConslgomentawW be heldfor:. MO,S. DUVE T. • WALKER of Winghani, in the arena IN TEESWATER ON MONDAY, JUNE 28 at6pan. TERMS CASH NIGHT OF SALE Auctioneers WALLACE BALLAGH Teeswater, 392.6170 - GRANT McDONALD LRipley, 395.5353 -25ar K 18. Services available WHITEWASHING stables, specializing in air compres- sor power ' cleaning. Wm. Cronin Spray Service, Mild- may, 367-5303. --23-26 CEMENT WORK Specialize in pointing up. stone barn walls.' • Phone 529-7274. --23.26 LUCKNOW TAXI Reasonable Rites Delivery Service 528.3116 Local and Long Distance Trips DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera• tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. - -9tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagb, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395.5353 Teeswater 392-6170 T.V. ANTENNA' SERVICE Serving Lucknow, Kincar- dine and areas for 25 years. Phone Doug Harker, 364- 5005, R. # 3, Hanover. .._.... 2l tfa r .. AUCTION, SALES ANY TYII*ANYWINRI YOU* PL ACIION MINIt 001o0Nl 14. IINNOUY Avelloneor 521.7525 520.70711 . Appliance Repairs To. All Makes Refrigeration Service Electrical' Contactor & !applies Appliances Lighting Fixtures 357.2450 Wingham 20. Public notices OM IMO OM -� • HAYRIDES for family out - Ings or groups, etc. Our place or yours. Clete Dalton, Kintail 529.7420. '16tfar 21. Personal • HAVING.: A DRINKING 'PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich. 524.6001 or Walkerton 881-3655.. -40tfar PREGNANT. and need help? Free , positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. 9tfar IS ALCOHOL A, PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Goderich 524- 6001, Ask for an: Al -Anon number, -45nx 24. Business oppor. MINI TOUR train - jeep with 3 special coaches. Carries 50 passengers, • special bells, horns and P.A. system, Ideal for city tours, carnivals and amusement parks. Total price 516,000. Contact Bill Emmerson, Box 840, , Hali- burton, Ontario KOM ISO 705.457.1550. --25nx 25. To give away 111111ill WWI arm owe OM NNW ONE mini rim* moo 5 pups, Australian Blue Healer and Australian Shep- herd, to a good home. Phone 529.7187. y--24,25 • SOMETHING TO SELL? 528.2822 28. Engagements IMO NIRO DICKIE • CRAMP it is with pleasure the forth- coming marriage is announ- ced of Brenda Marilyn, only • daughter of Emerson and Phyllis Cramp 'of Meaford to Denver John Lauchlan Dickie, Keswick, Ontario, son of Ira. and Elizabeth Dickie, Lucknow. The wed- ding will take place On Satur- day, July 10, 1982 at '4 o'clock in South Kinloss Presbyterian Church, Luck - now, Ontario. Reception 9 p.m. Brookside School. r McDONALD•CARTER Walter and Marion Shier and David and Isabel McDonald of Ashfield ., Township and Goderich arepleased to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their children, :Barb- ara Leigh Carter and Roder- ick' 'David McDonald, The ceremony will take place. on Friday, July 30, 1982, at Ashfield Presbyterian Church. at 7R Non in Ripley. -25 p.m. ecep. 31. Cards of thanks RACKETY We would like to thank everyone who made our wed- ding day such a .special one. Thanks to our . relatives, neighbours and friends for the lovely gifts and for the showers 'held in my honour. Ali isvery much appreciated. Mary and Aaron Hackett -25x WRAITH We wish to express our sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbours for the " many expressions of sympathy and support dur- ing this difficult time. The Wraith Family -25 r BARBOUR 1 would like to thank my friends and neighbours for visits, cards, treats and .flow- ers while in. Wingham' Hos- pital. Special thanks to sec- ond floor nurses, Drs. Cor. rin, McKim and Jolly. Thank you all. It sure helps to know others were thinking of you. SadieBarbour -25° CAMPBELL A sincere thank you to our immediate family for the dinners in Lucknow and Kit- chener in honour of our 40th anniversary June 10. Also thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for gifts and cards, It was all very much appreciated. Harold and Marion 25x'