The Signal, 1934-8-9, Page 8IMAilter6.?!':;; II -Thursday, August 9th, 1984 CHINA AND Gifts for all occasions 11 Cole's Book Store "V inriea that are easy are cheap. Those on:y are worth having whlct come as the result of hard fighting." - Beecher . BUILDING and GENERAL CONTRACTING -Repaln and Remodelling - Work Guaranteed Satis- factory -411,I0313 RItiHT- John Jeffery Warren Street Phone 5TIw PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILI., Aug. &-Mr. and Mrs. B. Kennedy and daughter, Eliza- beth, of Toronto, visited a few days Mitts week with friends In the com- munity. Jas. Harrison has started threshing with his new outfit. George Patton is aredeting as tanker. The Men's Club will 11014 its regu- lar meeting un Tuesday evening next All nmlr.thpra ere• urggA.,ta.,Jls prerente as arrangements will be made for the club's Labor Day celebration. WARNING! Bicycle riding on the side- walks is against the law and offenders will be prosecuted (Signedl R. C. Postelethwaite, Chief of Police Save on Meats for Cash at Sanitary Meat Market LAMB- !!t Reactt4-VEAL---4111911-118- We Rib Boil ..L Rig. IN . Legg ___ Laioa Zee Ramie -' 12e'- Lean Boll ge. Shoulder lee Lein 14e Lean Roast. k Chops 22e Leg lye Blade Roast....Ile 14e Fakes 18. Ro'd Kone Resat. lis -SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY - PURE BEEF HAMBURG -STEAK PURR PORK SAUSAGE ROUND STEAK OR ROAST 9PEING CHICKENS 15e Ib. lie Ib. 24e Ib. -COOKED MEATS AT REASONABLE PRiCES-- THOS. Phone 485 We Deliver PEW Hamilton Street Town of Goderich 1934 Taxes 1934 Taxes are now payable at the: office of the Tax Collector, Pay early and save the discount. J. H. ROBERTSON, Tax Collector BIG SHOW IN -TOWN Cotton's MoeI1h APPROVES BEER W BEER LICENSES It t Cuutluuevl from page 1.1 the counsel that In future all clothing and footwear for relief purposes must be purchased from local met -ennuis a. far as possible, and no purchases must .bo ",ade through toe Centro supply warehouse In Toronto. (The local re- lief committee bad made no purchases trim the central warehouse.) _D9sinitt4ke Be ler ._ _ . The finance commlttee recommended a further grant of 4175 to the Domin- ion Day celebration committee and that the sum of $130 be- paid as the aiesn'a-abaca.uLelemitl)c Mower sN.iVted. to the Goderich Salt Co. from January to June tnclualve. To rectify au er- ror in the road ull aseeasmeuts, It was recommended that assessments on hayfield road, Britannia road Ind El- gin avenue, amounting to $128.73, be struck off the rolL The Provincial Department of Health having issued a certilkwte appruvlug of the pians and specifications of the•tew suction well at the waterworks plant, it was recom- mended that the debenture bylaw. be prepared as emu as the cost of the work was ascertained. . The puuUc works committee reported that the cement gybing oil the south bide of East street from Victoria street towards the Square had been constructed; the individual properties would be measured and accounts ren- dered at the coat per foot frontage. The rock -crushing plant has been closed down, the committee reported. The county has obtained some 104 yards ut crusted rock for the Bayfield readtadan.tecount will be rendered bJ (oans:tiler Seabrook, that E. R. for same. The last car of rotor OTT T Wigle be appointed to 1111 til ataney contained about 6,100 gallons and the on the public ntllitlee commission committee was to' get a wagonload created by the death of Commissioner from the county to finish up some of the streets. ---- - - The eemetertas4-peeks Q0 urns-. reported that calcium chloride had been applied to the roads In the ceme- tery to prevent dust nuisance. It was recommended that a garbage lnclnerar tor ter installed at the tourist camp The special committee reported -that permission had been given for the placing of a travelling show in Vie- ' torte l'ark for a week on payment of chlor Gould. 'glee,. and that the chief of police had , The motion to appoint Mr. Wigle "been instructed to take the necessary was then carrled. steps to strictly enforce the dog license Apews �H-1J0� bylaw." 11 was recommended that the Council then test Into committee 1 sum of (t27.50 each be allowed for of the whole, and is resuming adopted uniforms fot the chief and sergeant of the committee's recommendation that police. the Ontario Liquor Control Board be The water, light and harbor commit- notified of the council's approval of tee reeom:nended that repeirs be made the establishment of a beer warehouse to the town freight shed at the harbor, and the issuing of beer and wine 11 - where the flooring has settled In one 'eeuses in this tows. Councillor Gould turner. voted nay on thla natter. The conn - These reports were all adopted. On personil application of Joseph Mc -Nevin, permission was given for the sale of buttons and tags by a juvenile lodge from London at me macs Knights' celebration on Saturday. The 0osaeRIlVal to the self-imgMM1. t* et reviewing the by- laws appointing the ragbag civic of- acuy,ye produced by the clerk andTtemap ons after another. After reedit/3M co#teaUon, the several bylaws ..appoielliag auditors, medical health sSeer En treasurer were approved ; :t<' apDdaUag the remre st(>sent -te+ a emtara, clerk. and MOW tem'e scut to committee for farad" oeliideration. In consideration of the police bylaw Chief Posteletitwalt.• and Sergeant Ueda -Wan atemmemsl hetet the ems - ell and questioned regarding several matters in oonsecties with their du- ties. The Chief wa- naked to resume his former 'practice ..1 submitting to council a monthly report of police matters. In reply to a ques•'on, Chief Postelethwalte said there was abso- lutely no friction between himself and Provincial Officer McCoy. The Provin- cial police did not ask h1. assistance, and he had had se .session to call for the assistance of the Provincial officers. Two weeks' leave of absence was granted the clerk -treasurer, Miss Black beteg glues autkorltg to act lei..hes stead. The matter of a further grant to the Dominion Dy committee to cover Use balance of the expenses of the cele- bration, such additional grant not to exceed $100, was sent to the finance committee with power to act. Appointment to P. U. Cemmissisn Councillor Humber moved, seconded A rowel sveat Held at MacKay Hall Oratm& Proves Ssseeeestal The anus) picnic of the Women's Isatttute was held 011 Thursday after- noon last on the grounds of Ileelvsl Hall. The event, although menewhat marred by rain ands threatening sky, was well atteuded and a program of races and contrstr, in charge of a eous- mittee of ladles, preyed very success- ful. The roe* reeuHel ii Yttliotfsl Boys' }events Rabbit tate-Ward Barry, Walter Barlow. Meet tonteet-Ward Bares has -- ten Kueerhaw. Wheelbarrow race --Jack Tufford, Walter Barlow. GirW Erects .863e Yate -Edith Bal'row; "S. Car- son. Bha•uit contest -Margaret harry, Bernice Grigg. Shur-kk•k-Ruth Robertson, Edith Barlow. I.adire' Events Feat ladles' raoe--Mrs. H. Webster. Thin ladies' race -Mrs. W. Doak. Rlecult contest-Mre. O. Youug. Shoe -kick -Mrs. Beattie. Thread -needle coatest-Mrs. O. Youug. Target Contest -Yrs. Geo. 8lllib, Guessing contest -Yrs. C. Biseet Mrs. 'Lowrie wuu the Wise for being the oldest lady whose birthday was nearest the time of the pktnc. The hidden prize was won by Mrs. I3. B. M. Ttchborue. and Mies M. E. Salkeld discovered "the mysterious lady," Mrs. A. Higginson. Because of tbe threatening weather lunch was served Indoors, but that fact detracted very little from the enjoy- ment of the good things. The picnic was In charge of Mrs. N. McInnis, Mrs, C. Robertson, Mrs F. Tufford end Mrs. C. Thomas At a short meeting of the IrtetttVt • merubers, Mrs.. G. Young presiding, u was ries-Med-eat the amrustumed gift k botiVIrtfriteoeittlqWeive baby should gas to the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathleson. Murney. Councila Humber recalled that Mr. G•Ilow was appotatcI to the commis- sion. Reeve Munoings moved In amend- ment, seconded by Councillor Sproul,BASEBALL ON SATURDAY H. J. A. MacEwau bre appointed._ + The amendment was defeated on al baseball game -Clinton v. Goder- vote of 5 to 3, those supporting It be- lets --will be played at Agricultural ing the mover and seconder aq4 Cour- Park on Saturday afternoon. This le a Huron -Perth League game and both teams are out to win. Game called at 0.3(/. ARRIVE AT mere n NOMI Mr. sag Mrs J. L. Aitken have re- ceived word from their son-in-law and daughter, Rev. W. H."and Mrs. Moss, of their safe arrival, with their child- ren, at Hythe. Alberta. at the termina- tion of their long journey by motor from Goderich. After their year's ab- sence they were much pleased to find that their congregation had prepared for their homecoming by the redecora- tion of the manse and other Improve- ments In manse and church. AFFECTED BY THUNDERBOLT The hue* of Patrick Reynolds, Mul- lett township, was struck by lightning during the height of the atBtDYJgtat Thursday morning, and although little property damage wag done eight of cupents of the kitchen received a bad scare. The group members of the Lm11i._IRSi...IRTAIAL .��1, gytifsta who had Leen granted refuge In the house, .wass.aaatee is -the kitchen when, accompanied by a loud crash, the bolt struck the house, travelled down the chimney and emerged In the kitchen as a ball of fire. One of the group, a lady. fainted from shock and one of the men had his arm paralyzed mo- mentarily. Paper was burned and torn from the wall before the fiery bolt disappeared. DIED FISHDR.-in Goderich, on Tuesday, August T. Phoebe Nott, widow of the late Isaac Fisher, in her s9th year. SI'R 11'1.. -At Loudon, on Wednesday, August nth, David Sproul. The funeral service will take {lass at his home fief toncewjou 2, West WA wanosh, on Friday. Augnet 10th. In tervnrnt in I)ungenaoo cemetery. • NEARLY COPPED THE CUP - A Goderich rink of lawn bowlers attended the London Thistle Club In- vitatlon tourney on Monday, for the gold cup, and gave a very creditable account of themselves, according to an Item in The London Free Press as follows: ke a ell adopted ted a1% the committee's re- The only showing was the Goderich quartette eommendat1on that ws be audited sad digitall prtheicestoforn bookeach skipped hy A. Taylor. These four lade ren play cellent o audit be obtained from cbartered ac- oute"xIn th.1rbfourthwie and gamewere sty eonifanta a narrow margin. They had three wins The trrut>t it adjourned at a late boor. with a plus of 11, just one point out of the prise "money " This rink is BRIEF'S�DR. D. T. L LL going to take the old gold cap back to iT � ujacji .114e shore of lake Huron one of these r _Two Ferrate' Addr'mWa by Egist kTMhse members of the Goderich rink ,fib Mine were Thos. Taylor, Lorne Yousg, Peter Bisset and Albert Taylor. Baseball at. �Y urdey arternuo -__-- Men v..G. rat 8.30 o'clock. The W.C.T.U. will bold Its regular -eset1ng-lea pr' yEHalt as 'r Ille11.. August 1e, at 1 p.m. The Bine Bird Tea Shop at Blue Water Beach f Con, tea or dinner. Mg cis ate year next bridge party there. l meempi'. 1pet. "D. J. Lane, wNd' L Home-made jam for sale. holidaying at Port Elgin. Dr. Me- br. Forster, eye and ear spedalLt...Kermit, a well-known figure la -vault .Godac w*boveltFseewvaosred- church pension fund committee. The speaker, in both addresses, spoke of the trials and tribulations of mankind experienced in the many storms encountered In life, and of the one remedy, faith and confidence in Jesuit gist. to the morning Dr. McKerroll's text was from Acta 21:11 -"And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of gond cheer. Paul: for as thou haat testified of Me In Jeegsaalem, so must MRS. ISAAC Ir'LSHER thou bear witness Atilrin Romta-At On Tuesday, at her home on Angle -the evening service Dr. McKerroll O OF CANADA -NOW AND ALL NEXT WEEK- DAY AND NIGHT INCLUDING BIG DERRY DAY CELEBRATION SATURDLY-ADGUST llth SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE DAILY Show Grounds at Victoria Park GODERICH MAMMOTH THREE -ABREAST JUMPING HORSE CARRAUSELLE +, Canada's Largest and -Finest MERRY-GO-ROUND =Big Eli Wheel - The Big High Ride CHAIRPLANE FAST AND SENSATIONAL -JUST LIKE REAL FLYING Penny Arcade and Squintorium • A SHOW FOR A PENNY Siamese Twins Joined together Circus Calliope Band Organ ,.,v, s,,. aV,YSODY COME ANDENJOY A TREAT ran tMIIIDDIION TO SNOW GROUNDS Rev. Dr. D. T. L. MeK rroll, of Tor- onto, delivered dynasele-end forret& Uneasy Iles the head that wears the Sit y crown. Also enemy lies the team that addresses to larg ongreptlena on his KNOX STILL LEADS visit to Knox yterlan church on rods teat 1 absence of the as usual on the evening of Monday, August 13, until 12 noon of Tuesday, the 14th. Many aehee and pains can be re- lieved by elimination. PARTIES LIV- ERTONE- corrects lazy Hyena, causing them to perform normally. it also aids digestion. CAMPBELL'SDRUG STORE.. Phone 90. - OBITUARY FOR SALE OS EMT Colt 1'14RItZLL:. 1 TENT. with pules, screened door lett window: cheap. HAMILTON CMIT TON, Phoue Carlow 1414, (lode** R. 11L -Ne. & - - sits on top of the league ladder. It Is a very preearlons perch for Knox Pra byterlan church, still leading in softball league. Two teamg are so placed that they can oust Knox the e top and a third can tie for first position. And the end Is rapidly drawing near. To ensure group lead- ership at the completion of the sche- dule Knox must win the two remain- ing games, with St. Peter's and North street. The present standing Is as follows: Won Lunt 6 2 5 8 5 iF 4 4 sea street, the death occurred of Phoebe Nott, widow of the late Isaac Fisher, In her eighty-ninth year. De. ceased was born In Tucker -smith town- ship, her parents, John and Elisabeth Nott, being pioneer residents of the district After her marriage In 1963 she lived with her husband in Colborne township, coming to Goderieh eighteen years ago. Mr. Fisher died In 1921. Surviving are a daughter and two sono: Mary E. Fisher and Joseph F1'her, of Goderich, and Jacob Fisher, of Loyal. There are two grandchild- ren and six great-grandchildren. De- ceased was a faithful member of Vic- toria street United church, and In the absence of the pastor, Rev. 1'. W. Craik, the funeral aervlce this (Thurs- day) afternoon will be conducted by Rev. W. P. lane, of North street United chureh. Interment will be in Colborne cemetery. . . . MiSS MARY DOYLE A well-known and highly esteemed resldent of Goderich, hi the person of Miss Mary Moyle, passed away In Alexandra hospital on Saturday last, after an lunges of more than three months. Mina Doyle was born In Col- gan, Slmeoe county, a daughter of the tate Patrtek Doyle and Mary McBride, early settlers in that district. As a child she moved to Mullett township Huron county, with her parents, who died twenty-eight years ago. She then ram* to Goderich and resided ere Weed otreet. She in survived by a brother and a sister, Traneia Doyle and Mrs. Agnes McGlynn, both of Tee'sweter. Deceased was a devoted member crf Rt. Peter's Roman (tatholle chore*. The funeral service was held n on Wednesday from the home.of M. F.. L. (lean, East street, • niece of eieceamed. to Rt. Peter's chore's, where requiem high maw was mina by Rev. Dv. Fonikes. interment wee to thegn family plot at St. Anetfne, where Rev. Father Gaffney Attested. The pattbearn oam ware R. Tr . Dean sed- ewe 3lDem! ti ems, aaated ..Dsail Mods res, Lao Chisholm and W. A. Onnitharet, of M Oerlob, sod J. P. Ke llyas, of Teemwater. preached on "Seel a Thing Tbrongh eheoowing am his text the words of Acta 20:24. Much greater than tbe enthus- iasm with whleh we begin a task, 1• the manner in whit'i1 it Is completed, be said. Some do a great work, bat their gladneas and enthns,lasm have disappeared before the task Is com- pleted. The great prise of expended effort is to finish a job with joy in one's heart. Such app attitude, tr these troublesome times, 'tronld do much to alleviate many unwelcome conditions, he declared. Mr.,,Aubrey Pettit, Baptist church soloist, sang in pleasing voice at the morning eervice. . CLiNTON WDA TOURNEY The Goderich bsiSibaf nine lost to the Clinton •quad Who opening game in the sports groat Clinton on Monday. Thewas 8-4. (litotes reewent on to defeat tchell 7-6 In the aeeond game, w the tourney. Clinton enjoyed a fe11 and interesting day oh Monday. In addition to the double-header ha.eball, a eallthnmplan parade, /porta, concert and dance were held. Well over a tboMand people en- tered the perk to SHIM the judging and a large part of this crowd watched the ball pares. • Knox St. Peter's Victoria street North street Baptist 8t. George's LeOR BALE. -BRICK RESIDENCE • on Elgin avenue; fine location; hard- wood floors; new furnace. For terms apply to HAYS & HAYS, or to A. M. -ROrBERTSON. ' OARD OF THANKS 1 TAKE TH18 WAY OF THANKING the neighbors and treads for their kindness and sympathy to me during my mother's lUnw and at the tams of bergs iemsat. Dungannon. PERCY HORNE, MAPLE LEAF OHAPTp(, 1.0,1),14,, take this opportunity to thank all those who assisted in making "Holly- wood Might" •t1 rsvUlon last Tri - day night such an outstanding sweetie-. They appreciate also the hearty co-op- eration o-operation of the general public in attend- ing to such large numbers, WANTED WANTED. -POULTRY AND EOOS, Highest prices ptid. Let us cult your Seek. 4 : PEAtRISON,-Otlnton, 5r 'phone Dungannon. 21 r 12. SALESMAN WANTED. - MEN wanted for Rawlelgh routes in North Huron county, Write immedi- ately. RAWLEIOH CO., Dept. ONlO- KB, Montreal, Oan. WANTED -HUMP/WI' CARDPRICE 11 paid for old gold in any form, re- gardless of las condition. Phone 328, 11e4f0rd ,ll.ttel, avid our ret .roseate tive w1U call at your house for valuation. Gold refiners since 1891. MAN WANTED FOR ROUTE. - steady ; no layette: If you can and will work eight hours dally. Excel- lent proposition for man whq wants to have steady employment the year round. Apply 12 WNARNOLITFE ROAD, South London. WANTEI).-A CAPABLE SALES agent to take charge of our Christ- mas and greeting card sales In this district. Must be a good organiser and have experience In this line. Re- muneration excellent. Apply BOX 81, SIGNAL, COR SALE.-ONI.A1 ONE -HAI/ - i story frame house, in good condltlos, and lot comprising approximately one- quarter sere. Situated oe Wolfe street. Apply MRS. JOHN WEBB. AGOOD BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE at a genuine bargain. Situated on East street ; seven rooms'and complete bathroom; furnace and lights. Imme- diate possession. Apply to S. E. FAUST, Mitchell, or T. OUNDRT & BON. .Goderich. LvOR SALE. -SOLID BRICK HOUSE l' In first-elasa condition, large veran- da, electric water beater, combination furnace, Loft water cistern, good well besides the town water, lawns, garage, le and-reaTI5E- Not far from -the Squares Cash or terms. F. WOOLL- OOMBE, REAL ESTATE AND I/4 - (DURANCE. 'Phone 298. MOCT6A8i RAIZ MORTGAGE SALE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT J W. MONTEITH, Chartered Accountant RR Ontario Street, Stratford, Out. 1510 Star Building, Toronto, Ont. AUCTIONEERINO THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERICH. I LIVE STOCII AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to ere satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. 1®ICAL I DR, F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT. i Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, am lIstant at Moorefield Eye Hoetpltal and Golden Square 'throat Hospital. London, Eng. 59 Waterloo Street 8., etre:ear& Telephone 267. Aa Hotel Berthed, OederhS. Mogi -___... _- 7 pm. 011 the evening of the third Monday of each month wall the neat day. T'IIIME T, at .1 -- • 11. Under and by virtue of the Powers +sieesesee. of Sate contained in a certain Mort- DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER gage whleh will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for, early -GEORGE ELLTOTT, Auettdneer at public auction on TUB/MAY, AUOUST 89tbL9a4 at the boar of-trtw`g elsek to the atter- Abon, at the farm of the late Martin Mugford, R. R. No. 4, Goderich, On- tario, the following property namely: All and singular those certain par- cels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being to the town- ship of Colborne, In the county of Huron, and Province of Ontario, being composed of: Firstly: Lot number ten (10), in the fourth concession, east- ern division of the said township of Colborne, containing one hundred acres, mord ST -lifts Secondly : Lor number fifteen (15), in the second O 7 concealer), eastern division of the said township of Colborne, containing one hundred and thirty-three acres, more or less. At the same time and place, under the authority of a landlord's distress warrant, there will be offered for sale the following chattels: One grey horse, eight year, old; one roan horse, ten years old; one bay horse, Rey, twenty years old; one bay driving mare, fifteen yeara old; one roan Durham cow, six years old; one white Durham cow, seven years old; one black Holstein, five years old; one red Durham, seven years old; one blue Durham cow, three years old; one black Durham cow, twelve years old; one roan Durham steer, two years old; four roan Durham heifers, one year old: one black Durham heifer, two years old; one red Durham heifer. two years old; one roan Durham heif- er, four months old; one blue Derham heifer, three months old; one red Dur- ham steer, one month old; one York- shire sow, one year old; one Berk- shire sow, four years old; sa,'en York- shire pigs, four months old; seventy- five mined hens; ooe Massey -Harris dump rake; one Mammy -Harris mow- er, (3 -ft. cut.; one Massey -Harris bin- der, 6 -ft. cut ; one Massey -Harris seed drill, ten hoes; one Massey -Harris manure spreader; one Massey -Harris riding plow; one Oockshntt walking plow ; one Chatham fanning mill; one steel land roller; one cultivator; two seta iron barrowe; one farm wagon; one cutter; one baggy. On the said farm there is said to be erected • dwelling hone with suit- able farm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to s reserve bid. TERMS of sale of land: Ten per cent. of the purchase money to he paid down at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days. TERMS of sale of chattels: Cash. For further particulars and wadi dens of sale, apply to HARRY W. PAGE, fast Block, Par Bement Skip., Onto,. LPntrfYR FA the fro Y1 it Dated at Toronto"this 80th dy of Jury, 1984, 4 5 OVERTURNED IN LAKE Clinton, Aug. 7.-A party of young people from London, guests of Mr.,and Mrs, H. E. Rorke and family at their summer eottage, Lake Huron, had quite a thrilling experience on Sunday afternoon. Three of the party. Reid Evans, W. Brown and Miss Edith Es- sex, went out in John Cunin4hatne's salt boat for a short salt 'A stiff northwester had tha lake anrface pret- ty well roughened np and In potting about too short the boat was capsized and the occupant,' thrown out Into deep water. Their plight was witnessed by two yonng men. Keith Sanndcra of Goderich and a friend visiting at their eottage quite near, who, lannehtng Kenneth Rorke's motor 'boat hauled np nn the heaeh, .hurried to their as- sistanec. With ronatderablc difficulty, owing to the heavy st-o running. they reaehed the submerged twilit and tak- ing the lady to managed to tow the boat with the men swimming along- side to shallow water. All were chilled by their long stay in the water het were soon made romfortable and were none the worn*. for their 'sudden and prolonged dip. I limning the Maitland Ib- os. Our neighbor, and nptodab other overtime841e the Malt Maltiwo&* some length and sentattons made sorb a projert power fele a large dm= hot • series of a lees exp•nslve and MIsmer Dining bovetst may Patter} Omen Ilk In Stratford 13eecon-Herald) hag a live Trade. The damming at roe of pre - 11M that sunk:fent The one, of he enormous, weed he mare It .was Hydro with- vlew of tate eharge that reserves in the way of finances have been dissipated in re- cent years and that there is a likeli- hood of increases in rates, the Melt - land proposition will be df real inter - eye neem of Hydro power hereabouts. It '1a stated hy those who have been there that in Germany and other Rnropeen eoentrleea nee Is being made of metier dreamt for the purpose of genes disc elertrie /lower, and that the cost of production compares more arae farorahiy with, rnestrMo where tete expeedltur 'bas m uti trifA' figures the proportion of whiff' are tearing alarming ha Ontario. jIHIROPRA Y1 OR AND DROOL U lit • 1ST Goderich, Phone 841 Equipped with eloette-mogoode baths. Eleotronlc electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, oreanle and nervous dlaeance. lady In at- tendance. Omre boors 2 to 8 and T to s p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday. and on Wednesday 10 to 111 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., or coosettatloa spay be had by appotnlmest. A. N. ATKiNSOSI Residence and otDes-Oorner South street and Britannia reed. LEGAL DilDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Ogee-Ooart Hoose, ()adorn*. Telephone 55. DOUGLAS R. NAiRN, Barrister and Solicitor Omen -Hamilton Strbet, Goderick Telephone 512. r R. DARROW, BARRISTER, IWO, Somme to J. L. KBiora& Omce-The Square, Goderich. Titiepboae 97. CRANK DONNELLY, B.A. F Batrtater, tlotietter. Rte. • Omen-Handltan Street. GoderkA. Telephone 282. NAYS & HAYS, Barristers and SoMettore R. 0 Hays, K.C., and B. 0. Hays, B.A- Omeo-Hamilton Street. Goderkillis Telephone 88. L*RNEST M. LEE, �i Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life BntldYtg, Adelaide and Vic- toria Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 630L INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. l cKILLOP MUTT?AL TIRE INSUlt- lt/iIg ANCE 0O -Farm and leo24sd town property Insured. Omcsre--Alen. BraMtoot, President, Beaforth ; James Oonnolly, Vies -Pres. Gewlerieb P.O.; Merton A. Roll, SIM - forth, Sec. -Tram, 8saforth P.O. Directors -A. Broa4foot, R.R. Ne. 8 tireforth; James ShddIce, Waite; Wm Koos, Londesttoro; Robert Ter- ris, Blyth; Geo. Loonhardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1; John Pepper, Brumfield; Thea, Moylan, Seatortb, R.R. 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seaforth, R.R. 4; Jar Connolly, Goderfch. Agent► --W. J. Teo, R.R. No. 8, Cal- ton; Jame Watt. B1yfh ; Tinley Me- Eerherl, Seaterth; John Murray, sea- tortb: Chan P. Hewitt XIseardlas. Policy -holders can Jtaake all3to Y.. `a *gt e elrosery. Enagooe tenet, oetertJ sr 1. H. RMd's elewevel Strwt Baytilg. .5.-e.