HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-16, Page 164 4, ...�;-..cal r:.s r.4-•,�a�:ssF••,u aua� •C1 v��,..�}, ‘, •'.1y1� •,. C }} v v. •. 1 vv,1,}`�•`Cv9$ �8V�'}* 17C mow, SentinelWw' slay, 3visie 16, 1982 •-Page 16 stmt Mau INS 1000 1.1.01 dry r IMO 1101101, hrr 1 Articles for sale. -- sass r.M►,rrr - r..r wry rrr r.r. HURRY TO THE. Teeswnter Ex Toggery, We still have O plenty ofspring; and summer. bargains, Time is running shirt. We close June 26. X22.25. SEE US FOR r aluminum stding, soffits, storm doors and windows, shutters, rens • vations sponge ceilings. • Glenn's Aluminum Sales, 528.3723, . --.16ebw • ' USED desks, chairs: and Ming cabinets, metal &hely. • ing racking and showcases. Excellent for store, light industrial, warehouse, gar• age, home, farm. • Different slates available, Phone (519) 842.9091. -23nx CAMP•OUT TRAILERS, hwy..8 West' Stratford, 393• • 5938,. Your •headquarters for hardtop tent trailers, trave Ateliers r from lightweights right , up to •park models, • truck 'campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler,.: Golden Falcon, Lionel, Sales, rent. els, parts; service; -18.27, SWIMMING, 'Pool Sale • Brand New 1982 mnctdels a/w. % HP Sand filter, 'mall • skimmer, ladder, "vacuum and maintenance kit etc. 'Discount prices start i at 51,395.00' o t complete pack. age. Call. collect ' 416.945• 4773,-19nt Um — racy Mir urn syr sir dry 1,. Articles for sale IWO MI Milk TRY C & R Iaurniture, new and: used, Dial Gederleh, 524.7231, '•40tf • ?mamma. Aaaaasiaa.warassalastastat CLEARANCE SPECIAL . One only ttttereWave oven, 1.2 cu, ft.. meat probe, vari .cook and defrost, 5549,95; one only' compact plug in dryer, (damaged cabinet) 5269;95; 1 •30" smooth top range, white, 3489,95, Greer T►.V, & EIectrle, Lucknow,. 526.3112. -24ar 7 ILP, Ford riding .lawn mower; double bed • box spring and mattress; red and. black swag lamp. Phone 528.3837. -24,25x ATTENTION Hydro Workers Fara Workers TOPSOIL for sale, Phone Lloyd .Whytock:after 6 p.m., 5284006, --iStf', amosiaamatagmainau DEPRESSION GLASS, dish- , es, antiques and, used Turn Music at Jint Finnlgan's Place, across from the car wash; Phone 528-3602. Clos. ed Sundays,--23.tfar 'CEDAR POSTS 5to8"tops, anchor . posts and braces. Phone 39't-5305; -17tf • ONTARIO .SPRING . LAMB • Now taking freezer orders for .whole and , half carcasses; ready late summer/early fall; butchered •. to . your specie Contact Lesley Moncrlef for info and prices at 3952480. -u24eow' manualimaimaingsaorifisawarkamaisawas 2,,117814.inch summer tires on Ford. rims, like • new, $45,00, Phone after .six .528- 3238, -24 ONAN 15 kilowatt • standby generator, PTO driven, $900; Culligan Mark .50 automatic water softener; $450; Patz gutter cleaner, includes re. verse corners, corner wheels; 350 feet of three Inch flight chain, 30 feet of chute and 3 hp motor, $2,500, call 357.. 1220 24,25 airaindaridarialsaisiolamosatianimmamariarimulaimarporier COME FISHING! All • year round, Speckled and Rainy bow 'Trout ponds, 3 conces- skns north, of • Lucknow off .• Bruce County stood # 1, Follow sign,. -24.27x STRAWBERRIES for sale or pick your own, No children under 10 years, . Kingsview Farms, Huron Road 20, 1 mile east of Hwy, 21, -24,25 • airdairmstalwas LIKE NEW, New Holland mower, model 450, V, 3 pth power take off, Phone 528. 3917. -24,25x The- Construction` and Farm Safety Code • rrqulr. es allwork boots ' must have the OMNI Patch to most safety standards re- qulred'by law. If your In need of new. Work 'Beets some In and iN us now... Platter Shoe 522011 4. Articles wants ... HORSE DRAWNhayleader. Contact :Atlee' .Miller, first farm south of St, Helens. -24x USED BABY STROLLER and high char.. Phone 529.7671. -24x 8. Accern. to rent rr.1m� sirs .rri rr ralr sr.• rrr alis. alis HOUSE for. rent ,In Lucktnow..• Phone 528.3007.. -19tfar - asissimiiiataissummummawarawama.lhasearAPa.,..—..--....ada • ONE BEDROOM apartment, frig and stove; good parking, available July 1, phone 528. 2113. -23tf . HOUSE for rent; available June 15, .1982, . near. Kin. lough. Phone 3955247. -24,25x • HEATED, -BEDSITTING room, furnished with linen supplied; ` cooking ` facilities h luding fridge and stove, Phone 528.3723,---14tfar samiamossUomialaimi SMALL FURNISHED apart. mens in Lucknow. Phone 525.2174 or days 528.2213, nights 528.3516,.-17tf STORE ON MAIN STREET. Phone 528.3007.-47tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment; ground floor, one block from Main Street, No pets,' • no children, Phone 528'2031, :-23tfar - HOW DOES YOU* SENTINEL LABEL R141??` lay srrrs 11,110101118k rr.,.—rWr. .1101110106111.6101111001011600101106110. 13. Servlos r OV$11101e .ri. al.r, n.r rids sirs - rrr rrrr.wry wr1 12 Wap vented rrl..rr MISS 1111. rr► NOS rw • —rift LICENCE!) BODY MAN and second year apprentice. Send resume to Box 504,.1,,ueknow,. NOG 2110. -22,23 • TWO STUDENTS needed to pick stones, Must have own transportation, Call Jim Ross. 357.38.9S. X24 • AREA promotion managers w. anted."580 i day plus, earn exceptionally large eomntis.. sinns, Send 52,00 for booklet today on T;V.R'.O, receivers, Country Cable,. Box •' 248, Ingersoll, Ontario, NSC 3K5, '-24nx . WEB Press Operator Central' web plant requires web,oper stor to run 4 unit press; 1st operator or experienced sec• end •will be considered. Stete name, address, phone; ex.. pected salary. Apply • Com. triunity Impressions Ltd., Box 428, Durham, • Ontario NOD 111®. ;P.-24ns WOULD you tike, to earn up to 5200 per week displaying and selling top, quality. rush• ion jewelry, For Information write Vanessa Creations, P,a Box 19000, Barrie, Ont. arlo L4M 4V3'. .24nx, IMO 1110111 NM 100111 . 14. .Employment wanted , rrr rsrs aim rrr •rr sisal ria ma Ms arm NEED A I IANDTMAN? Experleneed In ' carpentry and .home renovations ins eluding roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electric. al, Call 528.3834 after 6 pan, -20.29x - 18. Services' available s ire rrsrr' Ors iris ion ma 11111111111/1111 — WHITEWASHING 'stables, specializing in air cotnpres• sod . power . ' cleaning.Win. Cronin .Spray • Service, Mild. may, 367.5303; -23.26 .. CEMENT WO Specialize in • pointing up stone - barn walls, Phone 529.7274, -23.26 LUCKNOW TA I Reasonable Rates Delivery Service 52813116, Local and Long Distance Trips DON THOMPSON T;V.. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an.'. 'tenna installation, refrigera• tion service, 395.346 6, Rip. ley,-9tfar • AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Batlitgh, Teeswater neonatal Auctioneers Sales'of All Types - Phone Ripley 395.5353 • Teestitater 392.6170 • T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE,, Serving Lucknow, Kinear. dine and areas for 25 years, • Phone . Doug Harker, 364. 5005, R, # 3, . Hanover., .,..-21 tfar NEED SOMEONE' to take care of a dinner or banquet? • The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lucknow' District Christian School can provide the help you. need, Call Bertha Askcs 395.5610. -22.34 - WNW ail waft alrr, ie, Services, available ,rill war Will am alis stir lip* r1., loss.: �. Ak. at, A. ? 1 1 11. MINI Ater CLASSES Taught by Professlonal Artist Rob Skipper, Lucknow• Beginning June ;29 Por ager 14 . Adult Cos,Available SMER For Further information Phone 525.2922 1 •• vim AUCTIO1 SALES. ANY ?YPI ANYWHIIRR - YOUR PIACI OA NUM *aim N. a1NNbhr<Y' Av►etibneer , S21•y?2$. Set CUSTOM SHEEP - - WEARING Licenced operator • for the 'Canadian Wool Growers, wool collector, distributor of wool bags and string, Phone J. L Farrell 519.395.5757.. _...-18.30eowx • - sal) — rri OW OWN 20.. Public notices. •irrmaw rir • ATTENTION VETERANS EX'SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN & DEPENDENTS . The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr, C. Wall, Provinelai Service Officer; • London, Ontario, will be visiting in the area. Anyone.wishing information, advice or assistance, regard- ing; , (a) War.' Disability . Pensions• (b) Treats rent for entitled veterans (c) Application • for lienevol. • ent Funds (d) Appeals against adverse, original applications for War Veterans and Wid- ens Allowance . isrequested to contact the Service Officer or Secretary of the Local Branch, whose name appears below, . not : later. than June 19, 190 to arrange an interview. • . • • • Irvine Eedy, Service Ofr. • -24ar NOTICE The annual meeting of Loch- alsh Cemetery will be held on Saturday, June 19, 1982 at 2 p.m, at Lochalsh Cemetery • ground; All interested share. •;holders please attend this meeting.. • • - Ewan•MaeLeaD, Chairntatt, Edna McDonald;, Sec.Trcass, -23,24 • WONDERLAND speeial: from 529,95 per person in. eludes* three nights . accom- modation in fully equipped tent and unlimited day pass- • port to Wonderland, Tete. phone Canadian Canvass Hole idays 416.584.2689. = 24nx EARN UP TO $60,000. PART TIME with this unique prod. uct backed by a proven sales record' Distributors needed in Ontario, Full or part-time. Minimum investment 55,0110, This is not a frau. chlsc, Call George Phillips 1.416-62410964, -24nx - Appliance Repairs To All Makes Refrigeration Service Sswice BURKE Electrical Contractor i Supplies. Appliances Lighting. Fixtures 357.2480 Wingham, nrwr,.--sirsdial—rr.1r.r1 . 0. Public notices ; isms mar. NM 'r.r; irri,.ialr y.w rrr sal..alr► HAYRIDES. for - family out. 'logs • Or groups, etc, Our place or yours. Clete. Dalton, Klntail 529.7420.-I6tfar MO Mir'�sr.s alms rr., sire sir rralimp ralr, 21. Personal' ' • - sirs -1116111 rr. WWI ars sal. 1101 11 rids HAVING . A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help: Phone '.Ooderich•.:524.6061 or Walkerton 881.3655, •--40tfar PREGNANT and need help? • Free , positive confidential Support; Birthright, .Call ;357• 1066, .3572302, 357.1769 or London 432.1197 collect IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM . in your family? Al -Anon -cat help. families.. and friends of., .alcohollcs.,'-Phone Walkerton 881.31.13, - `Goderich '524'• 6001, Ask for . an AMyAnon number. -45nx • 22. Lost. and found mrd rrr — stir niW sirs .tri .alr rrr dale STRAYED one Hereford ow from the 8th. concesslbn of. Kinloss, east of • Itolyrood, Phone 528.5242, - 23 rim.. orris Nor .m.y WWI 25. To obit away rr.rr.11.rs»rr..i>;.rd.r—alr -- 5 • pups, Australian Slue Healer and 'Australian Shep- herd, ton good home. Phone 529.7187, -24,25 - s rrr 11.1 NOM* al.11r. rsa1+ heW lima 30, In m.morlani •,w., rWY, W.W r.d. rr►..�!. MrW fr•M �!+w,l.yr. WARDELL 1 & memory of our loved one,. Glen:Wardell, Wardell, who passed away, June 22, 1980,' • Olen was t► happy boy down. here, , We watched hint grow up, year by year; But out Pretiaus Saviour for hint sent, We knowing that . feel. • • more content. . God tool( him to 141s Heaven- .ly home, • And He sat him close to His Glorious Throne. He was a good, hard=working. , son, • Honest and kind to everyone; • Four happy years with Lori he spent, Two : lovely children they ' were sent . '• To help make his life'eontcnt, He had Parents, Brother, Sisters, Friends, - We.all loved hint;' to the end... Then. one day an Angel • Band, • • - Came and took Glen 'by his hand; ' • And led him o'er Jordan we won't cry, I We know we'll be with him bye and bye, , We know he's reached the Other Shore, • He's happy there, withloved ones, gone before: For -. if we'll take our: Father's.Hand. ' He'll lead us to The Prontis>,- cd Lind, This world is but a stepping. stone, By which we' reach our Resit. .wily Home; Wc'l! dwell with Him in that Mansion so grand, Ifwe'1i love and follow God's Continent!. • - I Lovingly remembered by Mut and Dad, tori and children, brother and sisters. -241 • • • I11WIN • Inloving" memory of a dear 'husband, father and grand. father, Calvin 14. Irwin, who passed away .lune 18, 1981: So many things have happen - Since you were called away, So • many things we could have shared, Had you: been here to stay, So many times we've needed you,. So many times we've cried, ff,love could have saved you. • You never would have died,'. To hear your voice and - sae your smile, To sit with you and talk •awhile, • To be together fn' the sante old way Would be our. greates;<tivlssh today. Sotreasure him, :Lord, In your garden of rest, For when on earth • He, was one of the best, Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife,• Lorene and family, 24x -