HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-16, Page 104 • 4 s' • .1; 1 wkatiephourah news Lacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 10, 1982—Page 10 Whitechurch United holds centennial services By Valetta Emerson • Whitechurch United Church held their centennial anniversary services on Sun- day with Rev. Wilena Brown as guest speaker • at the morning service and Rev. Wes Ball speaking at the evening service. Rev, Brown chose ' •the topic, Away and Ways and a Way. Wayne Farrier played a saxaphone solo, .Bless this House and • former choir members sang, Come to the Church. At the evening service Rev. Ball of Thamesford chose the topic,. Love. The. Howick municipal quartet of Harold Robinson,Wesley • Ball Jr., Ken Detmen and Stuart Douglas sang, Breath on me Breath of God. The ' offertory prayer was given, by Rev., Ure Stewart who is. 100 years of age. ' • All 'were welcomed to a Fellowship Dinner in White,. church Community Hall after the morning service • and in the , evening refreshments were served in the Sunday School room following the service. A large crowd gathered for the 'morning service with the church and basement filled and in the evening the church was filled. All enjoy- ed the reunion., • Among those present from a distance to the WOth anni versary were Charlie Moore, Cobalt; Stanley Moore, Pres-' ton; Ruth James, -Wood-, stock; Mrs. Cofftn, Kitchen- er; Ken Weaver, • Sud• - bury; Mr. and Mrs. ScOtt: 'Patterson, Detroit; Mrs. Hicks, Brantford; Mr. ancj. 6Mrs. Jim Moffat, London; • Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gros- korth, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Ure Stewart, Seaforth; the Ben McClenaghan family and, the Sleightholm family. • Visitors on Wednesday' Dates Available Lucknow& District Community Centre FRL, SAT., SUN. • Jane 18, 19, 20 Kinsmen Summerfeat FRIDAY,JUNE 25' Pat Courtney and MovIta Bradley SATURDAY, JUNE 26 Karen Campbell and Don Degraw SATURDAY, JULY 3 IVIr and Mrs Gortbni • • Johnstone OPEN DATES .AVAILABLE JULY Friday 2 , Friday 9 Fridayld • AUGUST • Friday 13 CALL THIS NUMBER • BETWEEN ' 9:00 a.m. AND 6:00 p.m. ' ONLY 528-3532 evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Janet and Kim were Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Crowston of Lytton, Mr, and Mrs. Alton, Ashfield, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart of Teeswater. We were sorry to hear that on June 5„:4 Mrs. Lenora Hamill, mother of Mrs. Carl • Schack, who had been resid- ing in the village moved back to her former apartment in Kitchener. She was very happy to go back where she had many ,friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore of Cobalt while on holidays called Friday on Mr. and Mrs, Durnin, Mr., and Mrs. Millan Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Emerson, They •,remained to attend the 100th anniversary of the 'United Church on' Sunday. Congratulations to the High School pupils who have, been, able ,to pass on the year's work and do not have to write one exam., To those who have to write a few, we wish them success. This community extends sincere sympathy of Mr. and. Mrs. Rod Wraith and family of Wingham and to Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Wraith and fam- ily of Sarnia in the passing of their mother, "Fanny", Mrs. John Wraith last week. Bur- ial was in Langside Cemet-. ery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichtenberg of Port Elgin were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Alex • Craig; also Mr. and Mrs. Elwood • Groskorth of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat of London. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Gaunt, Jennifer and Graeme of Chatham spent a few holidays on the weekend with • her parents, Mr. and Mrs., Wingham Junior Hockey Dance Saturday, June 26,1982 Music by "DRUMLIN" at Teeswater Community Centre Dancing 900 P.m. to 1:00 a.m. $5.00 per person. Age of majority card. Lunch provided. ' Tickets •atiallable • MIDDL.ETON'S HOME FURNISHINGS or KNECHTELS WINGHAM JULY 1 5 - 1 PARADE. ENTRY FORM Wingham Western Hoedown Days July '17,1982 PRIZES CLASS OF ENTRY •1sT 2N0 (Check One) Most Original • •$50 • • $25• Most Original • Authentic Float $50 '$25 Best Commercial • " $50 $25 Best Non -Commercial $50 • $25 • Most Humourous. $50 $25 Antique Vehicles $50 ,$.25' Best Horse & Rider in Dress •. $50 $25 Best Horse & Carriage $50 $2.5 Bet Horse Team • $50 $25 Best Children's Float • (15 and under) $50 $25 • Name of Entrant: Name of Contact Person: _ • Address: •, Phone No.. BriefDescription of Entry: • a. J CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1 Entries should strive for Western interest or theme 2 Registration deadline July 3 1082 3 Parade position' and number allotted between 10 a m • and 12 30 p m Parade at 1 p m ..Stanley Door lot 4 All entries mu'st meet approval of Judges 5 Return entry form(s) to WINGHAM & DISTRICT SNOWMOBILE ASS'N Clo MR. LLOYD or MR. CARL BENNINGER,• MARTIN P 0 BOx ala• RR 3. Wingham. Ontario Wingharn, Ontario 357-3533 357.1213 41111•111114•1 Bill Putdon, Callers on. Sun- day . were Mr. and Mrs, Dirstein of Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Pal- coner visited friends at Stra- throy on Sunday: Mr,' and Mrs.' Don 'Ross attended a shower on Sunday for bride-to-be, Cheryl Ross, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. George Ross. This community was 'very sorry to learn that Douglas Ross had .the misfortune to be in an accident it Ignace while on a return trip with truck load of cattle. He re- quired stitches. He is expect- ed home right away. Dr. and Mrs. Ed Carey of Kitchener were weekend vis- itors with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Purdon. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dicki- son of Hanover were visitors Friday evening with Mr. and LIMN Ti11111111cv Phone 357.1830 for 24 hour movie information Mrs, Wesley Tiffin. On Sunday a family reun- ion, was held at the home of Mrs. Mary McClenaghan and Mt and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan. Present were Mr, and Mrs. Harry Moss, Plattsville; Mr. and Mrs. Benny Moss, Vicki and Kelly Geramay, New Dundee; Mr. and Mrs.. Don Moss, Amy and Andrew, Plattsville; Mr. • Tarn tO page 12• ,STARTS FRIDAY, JUNI ISIk 5110YMIAIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 7 end 9 p.m. S7'F' SUNDAY THURSDAY at 8:00 .m.01IL ....,.: STARTROCIL i0:1 91' A afe • 0 • 48. • • • • 11_,0 '0 ,110 • • • 0' 41 0 -0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4PREMILR THEATRES 1. PARK THEATRE )O THE SQUARI GODERICH 524-7811 411,PREMIER THEATRES DRIVE-IN Wedeeserplkersdtry EMANUELLE & FRANCOIS EROTIC FRENZY Q49204— SHOWTIMI 0 P.M. • SIMS FRIDAY, JUNE 18 1411..SAT. & 0010 SUN,THURS. 0110 SOMETHING 1r11/14NY'S 001P40 014 HERE HWY 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD 4 . . PHONE 524.9981 4,5744'e- 110X WACO °PINS 11;011 $140W AT 01110.11iN (NOIR 11111 •WID.411URS. ULST 2 DAYS FOR . • ""16-711 tsHAry & PARENTAL 1 GUIDANCE 2. F WARNING: 110411 SONIA MAY PRIORTIN N E D STARTS FRIDAY, JUNE 18 VICTORY) • A PARAMOUVI PICTEIRE GalirogE1 • WERE.' TI EvEffilmitio Pithogil COveroloon AIME Noi4....1 forever. in &manila GILDA GENE • . RADNE11 • WILDER - 119oky- Psoky A Martin Marienbad Production."HANKY PANKV'' GENE WILDER • GILDA RADNER riterring Kathleen Quinlan and Michird Widmark Directed by Sidney Pallier • 4 cc:RW.101e PICTURE PRICES AS OF FRIDAY', JUNE 18. ADULT 3.0 • YOUTH -3.30 , TAX .39. cHiuntEN.1.50 4.25 DRIVE -el 3.16 PLUS .39 TAX - 4.2$ • • • ' TAKE DAD TO THE MOVIES His Specicd Day Is Sunday, June 20 '82 Happy Father's Day Dad. • • • SI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ketimiti!] • 0 • • • A ROBERT STIGWOOD/ALLAN CARP, PRODUCTION PARAMOUNT PICIMS latk46 ' Starring MAXWELL CAULFIELD. MICHELLE PFEIFFER ' 2ND FEATURE • •0 • 00 0 SI • 00 ADDED IONUE FRU-SAT. ONLY AIRPLANE 11, 00 • • 0. • • • .0 • • • • • • • •