HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-8-9, Page 44-Tbureday. August 9th. 1851 BENMILLER ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF Fashion-Craft MADLTO.IZASURE —_SAMPLES FOR FALL nrianntrs"rstr-rms-sprreitt effort In aetwiribl ltig the uew•edt 1D style and design, with valued that are uneect•IletI for ,ervie and satiate -00n. --- We invite yon to drop in any time and see this epiendld col- leeUuu of Deported and theoretic Woolleue. BENMILLER, Aug. 7.- Mr. and Mrs. 'Kest. Bowdeu, who have been intending their holidays with Mrs. Buwdrpr parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. GledhW, have returned to their home in Tu- _mutts amtur:ti dwl,'t Mr. Clyde Gled- hill 310 Mist. 'Weirhi.IP1.j Little Luis Fisher. daughter of Flet - •o iter--irltdtse,-who v'rr foal' hurt accidentally hit by a swing last week, l» somewhat improved. M1as hand.. Loug and friend +{mut Sunday in Detroit. ste-e 1_-wse i w terwes. •rad family of Hamilton ere lutlldat)Ing iu the village. Mr. toll Mr. Dave Harman, Mussell Pfrimeer anti friend spent Sunday in London. Mrs. M. Pfrimwer returned hone on Sunda)' after sleudi)tg a work- at Ful- lerton.I t Mrs. Itues•l of.Oraugeville is swell- ing a few days with her daughter, Mre. Robt. Pett. [tee. Jae. and Mn. McRae are away on their holidays. There will be no all in the church :on Suuday, are invited to attend seta it•e at the CRAFT CLOTHES church at ('Yrlow. W.C.Pridham & Son SOLE AGENTS FIIR FASHION- nd Million n�.{�.�l.... fir. and Mrs. Ralph - Don- na 11.. of 'streffordrlll(:-9pertr Twitch. with Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Moore and family. Dorothy Moore returned to $traffordvllle with them. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. anti Mre. Thot1. Roes, Ted sad Betty, of Klugetou, visited on Sunday at tit h role of Mr*. Jas. Roes. Mier Marguerite Falconer spent the past week holidaying with friends la Toronto. 'Ye. Altars Roar has seemed work oil a pumay farm near Guelph. t --r PARAMOUNT 1936 t �. ASBYIELD. AUK &-Mr. liars) Harris of -Toronto visited friends hero a wee Mre. Leuuie and her daul .iter Grace and sons Biot and Toni, of liau►IIWu, vilified a.t the home of Mr. and etre. Tout Maclluuald over the week -end, - Mr. George MReLeod of 1'riuee Al- bert, Sask., visited relatives here over the w er•k -enol. Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Wagner and children of Detroit visited for a week with Mrs. Wagner's sisters here. Mrs. J. B. 'Diodes. Cohourg, visited Iver mother. Mot. M. C, MacKenzie, bet week. Mr. Audrew Macl.enuuu refereed home on Saturday from ItuRalo, !there --bad-- tw-.I.I*LUyc_1tL� uuuetilL_.�L[v Jack MacDonald. Visitors at the haute of Mr. J. K. MacDonald over the week -end included Mrs. George Blue and family. Mrs. , r The dally antwuu. ed ait ttseuuo bgneet) herr to flat-lu weiklug os bears tuts taug_t La_ dee, untag Ula w Douga ... Laad.and children, Diss Sadie Mathte- 1'hia, it aha Qanh10RA1IG MARKERS FOR son, lir, :end Mrs. Kenneth Matbieseti ' RA310UNT Aug. 7. -Bins and Mr. and M. 1 t id Mathleson, Msi.tulev is gwtldiug a few walks with Mr. and Mea. Allan MaeAuley. t Net s Grit Color, Mr. Nixon Laugh- ingly }lstggetsts of Detroit, and Mr. aka Mrs. Mile Mil. Ripley. Mr. Dave Carruthers, Mrs. Carruth- ers and family, Nth convention, were re - tent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Martin. . Mims Mary Cook 1s nursing in Wing ham hospital this week. Mr. and Mm. Joe Anderton, St Helensveined . .oi with Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, July 31. -On a shelf in the oMte of Hon. H. C. Nixon, Provincial Secretary, rest's a sample copy of the automobile license pate for 1933. The Ieud. plates are just being turned out at Miss Selena MacDonald of Windsor ArtGuelph Reformatory, where they aanent tht.me.'L•*sd tat .Ua.bme. tanf Mr... eau, Sarum. lea. Mrs. Maclean and daughter. of Mon tredl, clatteed at the home of Mr. An.t Mra. .ilex. MaeDututhl over the week - made every year. The 1933 p show black figures on an orange back - Grant MaoDlartuld recently. ground. Mrs. Wm. Martin epee' a day last "i think the new Government ought color of the plated.' M•, wwish air. and Mra John 'Me he exhibited them. Quili11In, $t. tlele•ns. Nixonf Suture the laughed. as SPECIAL! DRESSES and SUITS MASTER -CLEANED TAILOR -PRESSED -MARY() SYSTEM OF DRY CLEANING- ..-__ A.TERING_---_ GET OCR PRICES ON Rl•G-CL ANING J. A. NIVINS ('alkd for and delivered. East Steed tad Square CAPITAL 'THEATRE how !'laying ---Joan Crawford and Frani-hot Toni in ' MONDAY.- � d_W >AY auEeQtiESD.YY- IN HATHARE HEPBURN . ua The dvuiie mew star in her greatest r •lr- -111111{,. prscintt witch girl of the Or.•lrks. "SPITFIRE Goderich Phone 47 "tadiP NMiiier.. ' with ROBERT YOUNG and RALPH BtLLA:>'IY_- THl'R$DA]•, ?EIDAY aid ,.4 Rs1tDAY-"` r1�rYTt l: Str:L-r- "COUNTESS OF MONTE OBIiTO" A rart_advetlture stat )a a rtntntt' backgmwnd. _ -TON MIX -- .e.e or all Westerners -its a nipping outdoor yarn. -- ----r'TERROR TRAIL" Matinees Wednesday and 4atunlay at a p.m. Coming- Welker• nwery. in -VIVA VIi.L.%" D. A. alatlenwkl. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. F. 1). MacLennan. We hope for a sturdy recovery. Mr. E. D. Horton of Toronto spent the week -end et'ther home of Mr. and Mrw. Robert Dr^nnatre fin bit return he wait *eeompanied by Mrs. Horton and 'would DreIIMn.. LEEBURN LEEIt1'RN, Aug. 7.- Mrs. Roy l)a- son .of Toronto 11 visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clutton. Sirs Grace Bogie is helping Mrs. Dan McKenzie of Port few weeks. «'e are pleased to report that Miss snore with ttlair! li Biso4h and body ut e a t wiut aR CYdts to eieeMaaa bah" where the teaseler&. ewe(f of the ♦tte1;nserk pours into this peculiar area aur'wlnterrupteit Perim ut euormow wavy ehkh 'u reeoWug from the sharp, rectangular coral Rues are of Decently '.hruwu luso great coufusioa." These eesUees and rutb- less waves bare leers dertwihed as UPI' ell of the pageant of humauity, "al- teruatlug emselere:) between ferut-Ity and geutleneleat, txr and petite." It war into this turbtuent water with its ince troratbeteosa uade[tltl..t4lt._tbe of Wake-whpse life is probably bly the must 'important W the world tolay- uuheaitatingly insert' to save au un- kuuwn boy, a*ih,s-helms le distress. way. 013ERT : , ONT. e British Way I of August lith, 11134, I Tweuty years before, rimuit to a ut etseeptluual ewe- I day, a cry came over the w atereerr. Whig when the part of the fellow -beluga Iu Belgium throne. While V ruthlessly butchered awl their teem- der - tat ee m- der - at Merril& he try caught le the treat orb druwulag buy,,tow or '-au uuluterraptetl eerier of �.ygevw uudertuw euorwuur wve" of furelgu wittier* ,su, lately ou the spitz uiut � .t the most highly trussed -red - sesttgrd lu, caught the dent urs) hi the world, let louse on uud• Yn innocent isrupIS to gratify the ►� A ream beck • to. tweed ea the Bay u{ y ,tcomeeeisl. rtah pu,st.,us ut tU egutlatkal wuuert Like the l'rlut•e at Biarritz, Br tuna, ttear151 t ltr-a ei .+t +IWyrtli• iJ u11 ln to the »uirliug waters of war to saw r ltelitles .wall natluu from the treacherous. uudertow of iuvaalou. Like the Prime at Biarritz, they acted immediately, not Mopping to 11r - ten to the pacltdate, to read such books as "Cry Havoc,' or to debate the pros and tour, while their neighbors were being put W death. Like the Prince at Biarritz, Britons the world over inatnutly "plunged tu- tu the surf' of war W rave huwaulty. "Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do-" Like the Prince at Biarritz, to rescue the inher- ent >s n hel,u ria. tori buffering eat lu all Brltoua.,+ In obe4I lice -lir the two great commaude: Love thy Uot -Love thy neighbor. Thio is the British way. F. J. NAFT}:L. AUBURN AUBURN, Aug. 7. --Mlle Anal* Mc- Leod of 1 ronto and Mt and Gordou Smith of Milverton spent the weekend et the home of.tlhelr mother, Mrs. J. M,Leud. Mrs. Alex. Shaw of Mimics) was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Watson the forepart of the week. Minima irate rad Peru Sytuingtou, 4y their . ;lime,. were visitor at the bode of Mr. and Yn. A. Asquith on Sunday. Mr. and Mn. Alvin Way and Miss Gladys. of Tuckerrutlth, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roberton oil Sun3`•y elle iffreided the memeriet service at Hall's cemetery la the even - lug. Mr. Frank M.eClincliey of Stanley called ou friends Imre on Sunday. Mr. and Klee E. Kelly of Toronto visited their cousin,. Sadie Car- ter, veer the week -evade Mrs. Lear la visiting relatives in Blyth and Londesboro. Mr. Eldon Stoltz of Toronto was a visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz, over the week -end. Rev. Wm. Itaithby of St. Thomas this in ele vtsltlmY his many relatives vlciulty. The service at Ball's cemetery on Sunday evening was well attended. Re''. Wm. Raltbby conducted the service and gare an impressive address. Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Gravestetn and all Joined :e repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Eoberteoa rad the ted chapter of St. Matthew tor the Scrip- ture reading and a mama of prayer was then held. Several lovely old hymns were sung heartily and thea the various reports were given. Oon- alderable business the looked after attd $ was delated to the ehureb treasurer. Mrs. Mc8rden Invited the Aid der September. The program eon»Isttd of the following: Radlnas t.y MIta Walper "The Average Man" and Mrs. Howatt. "Miracles:" a deet, "Fate to Face." by Mrs. Mellveen and IELD late Rev. Mr. Caswell, • former family. of Idstowel, were among the minister of the Methodist church here. many who returned to be present at Verse. -Thea The late Mrs. George the memorial service on Sunday even- l\'}18TFI Aug. 7. -Mr. Donald iiawied away powerfully on Monday, ing- }. Richards os. ltivth is vialttttg at :he July .51. et her home one-half wilt•, The reunion of the Yungblut family house of Mr. asd.Mr'. }'red J. LUUG. mouth of Dungannon, another `tf the Mr. and Mrs. J. 1:. Furl of Cow are -feuding a week at 115 bout.. of the tatter's shuteye -Nita uteerdtta W. 1'. Campbell Miss EliaabetN Good of Auburn Is visiting her aunt, Yrs. Gent., 1 susit Mrs. J. Bell, gids Mas Le11, bits. 'obb tel (earn and Mrs. Win. near Tarltto•k on Monday w s at - ter t he dl t t n and • - west i1 s weak. be had made his home for some years zr of liur� � d Luther Brown. she moved to Ilan -'re u. htic• Bay visite+ ' a3lr. and Mrs. Hsu jttuuou over half aceutury aR str..ke suffered leo .lays ago. The 1 Let act with lir. pioneer reridr¢ts o t » r c r tended by Mr. C. Yungblut, M the leraon of Nancy Hrown, wldow of Mrs. J. 1-ungblut, Mrs. Arthur George Horne. lits. Horne, wb - was iiobtry• eighty-two years of age, had been in On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Thomas failing health tion the infirmities of Johnston, formerly of Dungannon old age for some time, but was Pee- t-Iclntty, dirt at the home of his ` ,_ _ sesearl of all her faculties until the end daugitter, Mrs. C. M. Beadle, whereit. Ili* death wee the result of a Miss Walper; a reading by "Miracles: Elkin, "The 51a of Omission:" an instrumen- tal, "Brown'', Jubilee March," by Mn. Glenn Ttai'11115,1 a reading - stns. Ferguson, "He Is ('oming," and a duet, "The Old-fashioned Way," by the Misses Good. Miss Small spoke a few words on the question, "How Would Jesus Find Us, If He Came Todavr Mrs. Walper dismissed a very enjoy- able meeting with prayer. A ten -cent lunch was then served by the hostess. ar.r Inc name from year Markman. maul funeral will tie he'll on Saturday after - Mr.W. F _l'ttnslrbrll at►d other Crlru•I• �t Tertnto. tthe was later married to Mr. anal lin. .t• awith lir. -.. miller visited on gmol.y Of a quiet and retiring dlspositluu, Mrs. .fames ladle. Miss Kathie. h ate was very highly tiring•tdi nal vias )Miall aeeomp noel them hove anal will stand a week aith thew mu, h' id all Por luaus years { \e.. al r. and Mr -.Horne n••hitrl In Dun - i of ••ichteen members and nine- 4 owned by William Shields, on conces- George Horne: trio predeceased her. Baptist Iadk� Aid. -The August meeting of the Baptist Ladles' Aid wa- held :it the home of Mn. Glees R:,ithbr .rel .tugu't 2nd, with an atten- Iter. Mr. and aL-. 1111. -..On p Yuck visited tart we•e•, wilco the int _.ulnon. voterWilliam moving ie the farm now tree ci.inrrs. Mrs.. Asquith ted and er- w itt�trr, Mrs. J. E. Wil. Thr Sunday nlr' l picnic wee hal on Wetluesday aft,rnuou by the rite ire. A stood t: 1 ;ion •t. Ashfield tow n. tip. 11Mb' dis- t , posing of it they purchased the farm south of l)un*annon, whheh continued Winnie Shaw to improved and w18 I at Mr. Marvls x•')row soon be able to be up. crowd was in steedante. The atter I to be their home a- long as they Ifved. Mr. Jas. Chieholm, sr., was not so noon was meat in i,.t:lung and playiak l Deceased 1- survived by one sou, Pere,. win re -Iden with her. Another s.tu. . well s. week, milt but l tttn is again. rariett s.grtatee. „Edgar Horne. Irestcrt away many Mrs. Hamilton Clutton is sprudiug j DUNGANNON year. nett. The funeral hell in Lucknow' Wedoe+ela, 1 afternoon, the aprclve this week with her mother and slater I c -ate and at the know and graveside twilit; c••.. Church Metes. -Neat Sunday the I)['NGAN:�tOlr. •lug ! tilt Io+1 lac RFe. W. J. Patton, of A. - eervice In Leeburn church will be un- Mrt. l'tnrll Zzjeacru and Misses Wil - Dungannon. 1%nited church circuit. to the eh der the leadership of the �'t•Minn'e ma and Lots, !list Eunice Long and seaoe vat Rer. D. A. In Ma M(ILn. of Missionary Society cud Miss Minnie 1-1 r. Palmae =i)(Igtrick spent the week• Dungannon. The remains were laid Dickson, of Port Albert, who has leen roll with f at•i,earls,rn, Mich. - -- w-Tcrme ru Tne Etbetnert tilers -time- - M fetal as a nurse, will be the guest daughter .r speaker... .The Young People's Society Que•, were had charge of the service last Sunday. and Mrs. The pee•ieent. Mil' attldred Sallonsr, ladies be:ug eou.:utted the exercises: Mt.. ltti tb xi':. and M Horten led In the Bible reading. ail py spent $nnd au9 netRtlstrs nerd are peltheee'en: R.,II•. ;,f Rrr•kenr ge•;.MiKeuzii, Abram Culbert . nit 141 at the home of Mr. (: l Merittan, John Howitt. Jos. t Kit Inst week, the lough and Robt. 1lavidsrm. Retarive• I �,(gl� were present for the funeral from ' • • w""T ) 5Ud sett' (trait and Toronto, enema Mem see, I Mr. and Mra. Arthur Lesile. Torew•u Jean Hunter gave the prayer.. certm .% Masson, of Stratford, who ! .. aaw.hnd two vemcee from an old familiar hymu. I home of the furies''. parents, Mr. and lues Mlle of GMerl•h then gave a Mrs. Thos. ST“then--_ Sae address 'keel on the text, -Jest',al r, and M: J. W. Graham have ILcreased in wisdom and statute and sty nrntd to their home lis Detroit atter_ !ft favor with God and man." The adsiz week's vi -it with fries& here - Should was well worth hearing. The I -,{a*ten hobble Gard of =reeve choir song an anthem, "i1 ChrhR 1 ;ind Bruce Nit-kel of Stratford have Should ('ome." The eery tee was ,returned bolae after visiting their (40' ed with pro. --.- I ornrince Irvias..aud Frank Eedy. The young itwiple were pleased to have Rev. Ketu •th McLean of Wingham at their service thirty GG.1.T. girls i occupied the ptilp)t In the Presbyterian from Clinton and Auburn who are' church last Senility afternoon. Next camping at the grounds of the d 1 Sunday Ret-. D: T. L. McKerroll of Church Summer School for a week.eek. Toronto wtll be the speaker. Hiss lfargaret Ryan U the guest of -ss'aes -'1111rilejTtlg vat Hunter'' Rearh•sane onto were tae- -WM visitors at the 1 far •_ BARGAINS Bar • Sale of Summer Wear Women's Dresses lar $7.95. Clearing Misses' Dresses in white, pastel and printed silks. Sport styles and others. Sizes 38 to 44. Regu- styles, cape $4.95 in wash crepes. White with pastel trim- mings.$2.95 Sizes 16, 18, 20 Cool and summery in dainty patterns, light and dark shades. • Voile Dresses Styles to suit everyone. Sizes 14 to 44. Clear- $1.95 1 ts95 X77 ing Weldrest Full-fashioned weight and.chiffon . s mhiooe� Silk Hose in all the Special 69c shades. So smart for LADIES' and MEN'S Swim Suits AT SPECIAL PRICES Girls' And boy's' ilathing Suits in colors blue, red and black. SPECIAL--- -- $1.00 Greetings to the Black Knights We extend our greetings to the visiting Black Knights who attend the celebration on Saturday, August 11th. Bathing Suits Form -fitting, made of fine wool Sixes 34 to 42. SPECIAL— $1.49 A. GORNF1ELD Agent for Royal York Made -to -Measure Clothes at Shop where you are Invited to shop" Phone 418 Auto INSURANCE Fire Life Accident and Sidearm N. K. WARK liodeuirh, Ont. Pbose 5411 If It's Paint see Blackstone ALL WANTED COLORS 6�c quart Take advantage of thi, special offer and brighten up the property. Blackstone'3-- -=ON THE BROADWAY OF - - OODERICB DANCING AT THE -- God erich Pavilion Tuesday, Thur.day and Satur' : y TONY FARR'S BAND MEET M.E AT THE PAY! GODERIOH t her friend Miss Dorothy Allen of G,..l- (erich tilt week. Mr. and Mrs. chits. Alton and family spent the itPek -end In Musk`ka. The regular monthly meet g of The West Wawatu»h Fire Insurance Co. w -as held In Use Secretary's off'- -05 Tuesday of this week. '-mire eongretnitte Mr. Kidd, prim -lea' ndid of Dungannon school, on the splendid 1 sue ese of his ptiplls of the Lower 1 School, all having passed their •exam- lnatious. Mr. and Mra. Burton Roach spent the week -end at Tobermory. Saab., Mrs. Mt•('lo•klin of Saskatoon, is visiting her sunt, Mesa L. Weeny. Master Donald Ross Is visiting aunt. Mrs. Jas. McNatn, Amherley, this his week. Mks Belle Swan spent the week -end att the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jrhnstone, Aahtield. s visiting friendsMater Irvin Eedy 1 at Stratford this week. and dauRh Mr. and Sirs. Jas. Smith ter. Mies Mabel. god Mr. Sam Swan vleltcd friends at Black Ilorse lath itunday. Mr. and aft. A. Osasar and family, of illinois, are the Beate of the form- er's brother, Mr. Mx. Cfiaaar. Mr. an.l Mrs. Jots Blake of Wing - ham rind Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alton of At llfiPld t$twlita' mother, MAI Rohl. Nltaslty, lasteladhSunday• Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shackleton and family, of Detroit, are visiting the former'* mother. lila. Wm. Shackle-. ton. Master Norris Rtadfotd ha' returned home after a week's visit with hi* aunt, Mrs. J. ('asaerus, at inverhuron Reach. The i w, ,inoon branch of the United church W.M.S.. held its meeting Fri- day afternoon. lite preildent hwhng ab- sent. the vice-pres+dent, Mrs. A. Elliott, presided. The teeeting was opened with rkvollottal exercises 1w which all present took part An In triannenlii diet givhr Mrs sell Tr'ie*ven sail Mlsw WIImaen was tascli enjoyed. MIt- eionery readings were. given by Mrs R. McKentle and BIia meeting ii td Pent l lend. The eeting woe a hymn and the Mypab benediction Mr. -end Mrs. R S. wIMI* *rad Mr end Mrs. Root. Rieman of Detroit mo- tored rap to flee? eettag• et Port Al- bert Wit I4lnrdagntr. anti jars. Sea men rbinrood to twt)'e*'VU 110eeAay. Ant Mr end Mra ie fern rolnaInlnit for throe weekly Mr send Mra Hunter of Itrsmptof Dalt' an friends Wile on WIMn•sal.11 Met Nnnter 1s a g,gddaneltPt nr Iho 'VA' e' 1. i 1Commercial Printina sasseetasseeetereetseeposeeen We can give you prompt and W e and satisfactory service in -_ Financial Statements Booklets Pamphlets Reports Folders Fine Stationery Statement Forms Factory Forms Business Forms Blotters Cheques Receipts F.,velnpes (all kinei'' Tickets Business Cards Personal Cards Wedding Stationery Funeral Folders Announcements Shipping Tap Posters Sale rills Window Cards Auction Bala Bills • • 'Printesd Formas Safe Time and Simplify Many Otheroolhe Tedious Tasks ^/k/ru/Wr► Better Printing is our aim Prices Reasonable The Signal Printing Co., Ltd. Phone 35 North Street 4. F`y."�l'`:.:w.....vai+r.71>lC�. ^...r _. .. .- - _.. .,-..ar.r:v :LlO�'7 •`^'.�- � �.