HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-09, Page 1A .1190; .01.4008:y-grou :•write. let.tr$for prisoners. Thitteert. member.of Amnesty Interne. Hanel:Action Group 125 Lucknow are. now. writing 'letters once a Month .on behalf of prisoners of conscience, • . Etch prisoner has biet't arrested beettuse of 'hie or her religioter or politieal .bellefs, eolour, sex, ethnic origin or language, None have tilted er advocated Virilencei. Their continuing. detention is a violation of the United Nikita& Universal Declaration, of Human Rights.' In ninny eases torture is routine treattiteitt for these prisoners. Por each prisoner courteous letters are written to the .head of government andthat country's ambassador in Canada, They. will receive about 40,000 letters on. behalf of this prisoner and these ititertuttlentri appeals can help secure the release of these prisoners or to improve the itli detention conditions, Ontario Shim Amnesty loternatiottal was founded 20 years ago, A 1 groups have intervened on behalf of more than 20,000 prisoners in over a hundred countries with widely differing ideologies, Of these,. 15,000 have been released, Throughout the world there are now 2,800 .loeal A I groups, In Canada there are 130. groups with 14,000 members. Bath Month three cases of prisoners of \ etinselettee, who are in urgent need of outside help are selected Detailed research has been done on each and this is 'written In • the monthly Bulletin to which each' member subseribes, Lucknow A 1 Action Group welcomes anyone interested, The ThIlowing are recent examples of people who have been Prisoners of the Turn to psge 44 leader The lairektiow Women'o Inetitute and the Lucknow Agricultural Soilety have donated two portable two.waY radios, each costing $1,700, to thelucknow District Fire Department. The ' • rodloo will be used by firemen entering a snide fined building in they can communleate with: . , eaeh other and with the truck outside at the scene, The radios, will twist the firemen in • • C 0111111t o urionsi ruc eommunicating instructions to the Men worithrg the hoses and will enable a. fireman in diffieulty to 'contact hie pettier or the firemen Guilde the burning ibuilding. Grace *Gibson) . president of the hostilitite, tuttflon Bells prealtient of the AgrieultOra,1 Society are shown with foreknow Fire Chief George Whitby. ° •iSentinel"gtaft Photol Bob Bete, Leader of the Ontario NDP will be visiting Huron and ,Bruce Counties. on Friday, June 11, Rae is touring many parts of the Province as part of the. NDP's spring • survey' and new member drive. • Ilttron.Bruce NDP 'President, Tony Mc- - 'Quail, said that Rae will be appeariog on the • program "'Open Line" Friday morning on CKNX PM, : • - Rae will then speak at a pitch.itt picnic held on the McOuttil farm near Lucknow, McQuallsaid the public. can - attend Valuable players A story in last week's Sentinel stated that, the Latteiville Lords tournament 'champions, Kingsbridge won their final game against Lucknow S1o.pitch by a score of 16- 2 when in fact the final score was 14 . 2, We apologize for any iticotweniettee whichthis error may have. caused, Additional information about the tourna. Anent includes the names of the most valuable players in the final genies, The A Champion most valuable player was Al Dekker of Kingsbridge and 11 champion MVP was Davegproule of Nile, , • Reeieation plaiis summer program • The Lucknow Recreation Committee has finalized plans for the summer season, The swittutting pool staff has been hired including Patty Barger, Diane .Miltettburg, Marilynn MacIntyre and Ann Alton. Regis. tration for switnining classes is being held. June 5 and 12 at the Lucknow Town Hall, .The playground aes'sions will be super= vised by Lindell. Cross and Sandra Irwin during swimming class times. New roller skates have been purchased for roller skating at the arena. Michael Donis and Sandra Irwin will be in charge of the roller skating, . Doug Stevenson and his assistants are coaching a mite softball team which will be competing' in a new. division In the WOAA. The boys begin their season this week with a game against Chepstow Thursday night, T.Vall for all boys and girls will COtriltletlee around the beginning of July; Plans are also underway to arrange ti recreation league of ball teams 'evolving boys 12 . 15 years of age. Coedits for -thIs league are still required, • the picnic and. meet Rae. He. said • the .pitch.in plenia was chosen. :because 11 involves shiring: and the recognition that there is no "free .luneh" ile said 'anyone who, believes. that the Liberal Aw. Tories give .them . 'Imo lutteh". has 'only.: to look. at interest rates and taxes to see where they pay for them. , PolloWingjhe picnic Rag will stop. M • Kinearditte, Port 'Bight and Southampton,* .14e will be speaking at a supper meeting In Owen Sound" • `• • ' \ Broken reams: a movie farmers' economic woes • • Bit STEPHANIE LEVESatJE " ETHEL = broken Dreams is two Humber College graduates' attempt at explaining farmers to city folks, . • Joan Black's grade 4 . 5 elms ni Lucittrotio Central Public Scheel conductednma visited verious businesoce in the village to kern what people do et' their jobs. Here Jim Hain of &rhea Groteteria showtithe students how he tikes :dock inventory and marks the prices of kerns In the store, the students include Debbie Atkittson and Stephen Tiffin., background and' 'Michelle Sheppard and Tony Gelled, foreground. • (Sentinel Staff Photo' ,6 about • • Broken breaths. is: a Ikninitte movie featuring farmers from Bruce and Huron counties talking about the economic dif- - ficulties they face. It was shown at the mon- thly Meeting of the Huron County Federa- • • tion of Agriculture on June 3 Dave Hatisley, the movie's director, was on hand for the showing, and gave credit to his absent partner, cameraman Mark Mat- thews. Both live in Toronto now, : but Mr. Ransley said his parents live in Brucetoun ty, explaining the -reason for the location of thelihn, • . Wanting to produce something, mean- ingful for a project for their college , making program, the two students chose the topic of farming. They started at an OFA task force hearing held last,fall in Hanover • by making contacts with farmers and the ' first print of the :movie ' was completed in April. Film makers, not distributors., .the two men have attempted to have the film shown on national television, It has been shown .to the National Film Board, CBC, W50 Global, the Ontario Pork Producers Marketing Board .and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Global said itis not interested, but W5 bought a two -Minute :clipfrom the movie on Bruce County pork producer Brian. Ireland. " Other area people in the movie are Gisele Ireland, Clarence Ackert, Bev Brown, Jean Moorley and Lloyd Hutton, As a result of the film, the two Men pro- duced a 10 -minute segment on farm con- sultants for CBC's Country Canada, The two will show Broken Dreams to' any interested • group, Answer fire call • Lucknow firemen answered a firecall around :8 mitt Sunday morning to a car tire on the first sidernad east of Highway 21 in ' Ashfield Township, Allan Stanley of Lucknow was proceeding down the road when he noticed smoke coming from the rear of the car. Fire chief George Whitby suspects a second battery iti the trunk of the car, used to hook up stereo equipment, may have shorted 'effusing tile fire. No one was injured in the ittrident Thc. car received extensive damage. • • • 4