HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-8-9, Page 2•
11-ThusIay, August Otte 1934
Mreem.mes tau
iteedur of 0J `to esw Nases
te •ssers
Published every Thursday morning.
Snbecriptlon price $2.00 per year;
61.60 It paid in advance.
Telephone Ile : Ooderlch, Ont.
W. IL RoasriDtteAiitor sal Misys
Thursday. August 9th. 1904
The Bank of Canada notes are to
be of smaller size. But we don't care,
so long as they give us enough of tbene
• • •
Premier Hepburn and his colleagues
are still swinging the economy axe.
They are working hard to fulfill their
election promises.
• • •
High Commissioner Fergusoaliie efe
rived in Canada on a holiday. He will
find a few changes In the Parliament
buildings at 'Toronto since his last
To the Olitor of The Slgual.
Dear . Sir, -Yesterday, I passed
through your city and climbed the hill
to the tomb of that famous Luau, Dr.
Dunlop. It was a most arduous climb
and no one with eweakheartought to
attempt 11. Wheu the wall was beat.
wirywa• cwt :series.uf rrrtb•
lug It provided? A stairway with •
baadralt could be built aglainat the
tht11 opposite the tomb and many per-
sons would visit it who now cannot
do MI. flu clewing the .1tuat1uu, t tads
fon-ibly.f .- 4te--a.t4 Wee_.aL
Babei's Tower and I wondered whet
peetlteroua, peuteetsatal crew of coun-
oun•cillors lad prevented 1hi• dor .,'wp-
that of that laudable work on the
Besides the needed stairway, a
roof, with a wtndow ite.rem.gable.
ought to be bulk on Ube wall slid the
letters tau the toamto ought to be te_eut
and painted with aluminum paint, s0
that the lnecriptioa might be read
easily. TbLe is absolutely hxrcsaalry, steam.
If the tomb and Ks inscription le to be 1879. -Much damage and some loss
of any tahte to posterity'. otherwise, of life were caused by a cyclone on the
the elements and times devastating north shore of New Brunswick.
auger will moos obliterate all the re- I Augur •
cord. tl
• • •
One benefit of a change of Govern-
ment Is that you get an entirely new
set of Cabinet Ministers to open fall
fairs and be the "big men" at other
public functions.
• • •
Poor crop prospects have brought
dollar weeat In sight. It Is only a
few years since a big crop was mar-
keted at a much better price; but
times have changed.
• • •
goimi ICH, ONT.
Con.ptl.d from Files ah( The
iluutreal suzette
by F. J. N.
-m e r mires cootetteer
1789. -Atter a visit to Three Rivers
and Montreal, Bishop Inglis of Nova
&'otla returned to Quebec. where he
held a conference attended by eight
clergy1Wof whom three were French,
and appointed Rev. John Stuart cone
miaeary for tbe westeru end of the
ecclesiastical province. Bishop Inglis'
diocese at that Wu extended to the
1833. -The steamship Royal William
lett Quebec, where she had been built.
for England, and was the first vessel
to cruse the Atlantic entirely under
1731 -The Hudson's 1�,--1Neetated
lh•. Dunlop was the first, and, cap to
date, ie the most illustrious resident est
your city. He planned and surveyed
your city and the whole Huron tract
end you have now the most unique and Fresub under Admiral IA Perouse'on
sensibly planned city in this Province. August 8th, 178.,." but the ruins are
Planned, ea It is, like a wagon wheel, still to be seen.
with a central circular park In the ren- 1+111. -The Great Eastern, which at
ire of which stands your court house that time was the largest steamship
in the world, left Quebec after being
a month at that port.
1919. -Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King
was elected leader of the Liberal party
at a Liberal convention held In Ot-
tawa. s '
the walls of Fort Prince of Wales,
which are uu the site of Churchill,
Mau. The fort was destroyed by the
as the hub and the streets radiating
fn.tu It like ,filo►roti it is signal proof
of the originality of mind and the
vision of the man who designed It.
The court hoot* be the symbol and em-
bodiment of law. order and justice -the
great trinity of clvlllzattort: "3ttl of
humanity's aims and efforts are con-
secrated to the attainment of these
three things. The Doctor's Celtic tem-
perament gave him great imagination Falls, for the purpose of bringing furs
and vlsle on and he has left this idea down from the head of what is pow
to the people of Goderich by the city
11179. -The Griffon left for tbe West.
This vessel had been built by L Salle
at Cayuga, two miles above Niagara
Ottawa reports that tlhe Dominion lie is now dead. but his work and
Government has obtained a loan at I his Wena will live forever 1n your city.
two 'per cent. If the entire public I The only way you can now pay honor
and tribute to bis memory is by preeer-
debt could be refunded at this rate,
v° the grave sing tl record over his and
1t would mean a huge reduction. mati' paroeible ng a 19.SS.--A riot occurred ■t Port Cred-
antwal interest charges
• • • (►n my aezt visit to ,oar ill r. TWff
it betwten mta•h amt teeth to tortes
to find that these things have beta in ratlw•ay lemony -Hon ramp. In whicb
Reports Ltom the \1'c: St
tern ates i clone. 1 am. _ two were killed and many wounded_te
Yawn marl traThe military had to be called out to
PETER McDOXALD. suppress the dtaordera.
!'*Vo utut•l-, Ont., Aug. 6th. 19114.1 11r27. -The Prince of Wales took
pert in the dedication of the Peace
CHALLENGE$ A VOTE bridge between Fort Erie, Ont., and
Buffalo. N.Y.
Lake Huron. She reached Green Bay
and 1u September left there with a car-
go of fe. hot was never heard of
1837.- Seven lives were lost when a
smapen•iou bridge over the reversible
!n the public sores to It as ems, as falls st St. John. 44,11.. collapsed.
indicate -um eertous drought condl-
Rona. sive stock Ie starving and hun-
dreds of people have died of beat ag-
gra,vated by thirst. Western Ontario
is still one of the ebolce spots of the
• • •
Another accident at the narrow m.iet heartily your attitude In regard Skye. list. Rout
ucss mumlering a
sad diet
ttoa arta,
at L dies.'
with tree*
14 T. 0.
weerb gave
The Editor of The Signal. A
Muse 1
of colonists from
Argyle and Inver -
tout 8 , under the
Selkirk. landed on
the' early name of
Province of Prince
Dear stir. -art me first commend
lwp3.-A party
bridge north of hayfield should be a to the advertising of liquor. It to • dirar tion be Kurd
apo to the authorities in getting rid 9117 that all our citizens are not w[il- St. John's island,
the Pro Ing to sacrifice pecuniary gain for the what is now the
of the menace. Now that sake of the wolf+re of •-car youth.
rnwaru J2-
'there are tB rhfee dmvmrr common-
ate 1!102.-7Tc .l,-ath tt finis. oT BW --"'"s-
ly put forth toy rhes to putruthem sale [Seale' '\hl -on. president of the UM- ��
of signor that are. it mildly, rt (y of Toronto. He came to Cao-
rather Wee a,re t First, t .,t a few
refnrtaeri' are tryir2 to torte .;.y ada from tiee n i In 18y became Pt's- Weldor postai
stalest of the University in 1884, and `
vine hit liken over toe roan, the'
will be no excuse for further inaction
Another season. -''null not toe allowed
to pass before the road is nate sale
fur r traffic.
Ip cad
r.cm.d b
i • t 'adsslolstcaltes
tr. Isaiva-
.� wa 'ArPafsad
a (la>t We Army met
, mud to court
ba i,. streets, tut -
It neared a decision
"Mita of free
1rt streetright •er-
at pf New k'rs w'e.
to the king asking to
aide prisoners at
us year sent
These lthdlans
had berm �1ow the power of
the French Artists, taut being
dietrtbuted tialea/t tbe missions and
others asst N 1 causal Dugan. the
Tart. to demand
scot to France be
1.ugltzb ambaesa-
James II asserting
sere British sub -
Wed to British pro -
thirteen of them
Meir former homes,
died in the galleys
Alleys. "
that tbe
dor at
that tbe
jects ea.
the o
in Fra
11101. ler from New
York, wt' . surprbaed the
French et and then re-
treated, -they reached the
Richelieu ones intercepted
them and "the moat hot
and stub ever known in
Canada," aero' the bor-
der a diso • -- rabble. The battle-
ground at Lair'sir is marked by a
1(1(14.-A hill s given the Royat
assent which the Legislative
Council of the rime of Canada
elect toe, thus a long struggle.
I$$4. -The rtes of Ontario
and Manitoba were* redefined. They
phare been changed again since then.
(John /YLolal,u's Wcel,ly)
The late John (elsworthy, author
and playwrlgbt,- remembered, after
paying his Income :.ie one time, that
he had left oro a ' ertatp _large sum
received, awl wrote to the atithoritles
Factory Cotton
std -inch nun/ etched, IMO -sturdy.
teen thread. Segtalar 1'a,:.e. At
Floor Covering
Per 1
Heavy Feltul in large choice of patterns,
in 1 and 2 yards wide. Special, per 388
square yard
• Sheets and Pillow Slips
Bleached Sheets, good weignt, double -bed
size. Neatly hemmed. Size 72 z 86. 1.98
Pair-- rr
Best quality 42-ineh Pillow Slips
- Superior hemmed $lips. Special.
fI nnelette Blankets -,
BIua a1tM1 white rasps and whtte, ft tttiy
check. Largest double -bed size. Finished
and whipped satiety. Value 83.00. C'2.48
At per pair f
Penman's make, all pure wool.
to 4'2. On Sale
Mercury Hose
Pure silk chiffon and crepe.
All Summer shades. 8112 to
10. Regular $1.00. 79c
Sizes 14 to 44, in neat patterns, prints and
broadcloths. Organdy, pique and button
• trimmed. Colors warranted Lust. ;1.00
t ztra value:'tach
Will not ride up. Perfect
fitting. We have all styles.
Prices special.
$325 t0 $5.50
COURRIE'S CORNERS tallied t rhit,..,.rolo lss Jean with them ouu Y
'Air. .1,0 •.. Parrish vetted with
friends in Gexlerich Ia•t week.
Mr. :u, I Mr-. \Varner Smythe and
two . hlldren, of Teeswater. Miss Freda
Mequon!, of Toronto. Mr. Jureph Haa-
kill. of \i- •retown, anal Mr. Albert
Mateno!d. of Belfast. visited with Mr.
and Mr-. .Ida. Little on !Sunday.
• John Little %•tatted with
offering the extra amount sine. They Miss Ids and Mr. George Mt4Juobl of
replied that the m.tiuIIt• were -new Whitechurch over the wceh•end.
closed and sestina e'nisi Iw done *boat Quite a number from bere attended
It the redeem picnic held at Metall last
Mr. and Mr
Oat+worthy repl..1 by sendlni s Tuesday.
cheque for the amount. They returned Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bray and Yt
it with a letter saving that the lords and Mrs. Len Arkdale of
lbmmiaalunero bad ordered that the visited on Sunday with Mr.
corre•Tondenee 511.1 now cease. - .
(ialsworthy, en?ag'•d. went on worry-
ing the authorities afoot _it fora long
time. How was it possible. he said.
that the poorer •1a -se- should not be
unduly hiird.. when rhe eompara-
tirely weal k.• - h ,teelf could
,,•r,,lemts•e• -tis►-wamm°°ttx'-letl�lr-.
• • . s. was Irlghtea July :A, 1843.
Castilla ,,r a to+i inelWa a tilt sits Ifni. -Thr Dela et Dreaseblee
population of London. OahtlOh� of Lw; third. that seetlseet Governor-General. ream
for the first time has reached 74.000. i regarding Ii Uhor lues t . sags � � until i!rSl Itis Iran of .'tri , in -
It has often been said that "London ly, as evtdeu.ed I'y toe yogi ..es stilted chu,lu the la I of the war
The pope s t (radical apv ointtd
at two ears ,
h;. over one thousand 10 the drm•dnlh.hng cat fisc C.F..1 -. the
sever 1ud•a boom:' lts progreem has A. 1,. •1n• tir-t •:atetttteat the vote 1
been slow but steady and substantial.(le. At of sir mitt -id Laurier and thee
It 1t has missed.t
the excitement and I at the las[ lova: option �•ampafgu 1
showed er fifty-eight per cent. of I 11r` ,nhvtlnn of site ('apaAla• \atlnn-
al Itnllwav-.
n of a boom period. e the v r• of 4:eh-tell h ht fHwr of a I 1111,8. -The battle of Amiens begin, tweet. I r li to forty-two Jac.
!t had never had the relapses tato d peat. for Iinnnr -a •nh*tantlal majority ,•
t,..o .h Iaekti,
ly follows .ueh a period. l lM iW fora dry
of possibly the finest agricultural dis- votes of the three-t.&ths majority neees-
trict on tbe continent, its future le as-, eery ;1 that tines to carry local op -
cured tion. Should a (trebled minority of tbe
• • • voters overrule the wish of the major-
It Is aft the turn of the Cosset- Ton many people titter the cry that
vativea to turn their shafts of criticism
against judges sitting as commission-
ers. Not so many months ago Mr. Hep-
burn was severely criticized for sl-
ing Impolite things about a judge ap
Pointed by the Henry Government for
• quasi -political inquiry. Now we see
The Toronto Telegram talking In just
about the s•thse manner of Judge Latch-
ford. appointed by the Hepburn Gov-
ernment to probe Hydro affairs. It
make* a difference whose ox is gored.
which Ole Canadian Corps took
y This to Be Ex -
Dry Sumner
sty. 1934, proved
perantre far MM t ly otisee_ days'
88 degrees which le the mean for thel'
terve alegress abode the average of
past fifty ye.rs.
is°any ons of the beet months of
the Comedic, coir from the stand-
point ut ruiutu.l. July, 1934. yielded
tenets AllPiredle. below• ay... -average.
Something --ger three inches of rain
captnri°g 9990 prisoners, 1141
gutra•-umF hander n •--a.tuta •ung
In Jnly is the average.
pert* aeseeihe .metesoneettielll,,...ett,;..
flees state that aa tbe result of forty-
thtee years' rxperienee they have i
found that a dry summer generally
mea•li a heavier snowfall In the forth -
(riming winter. Spring In Ontario was
more than ordinarily dry and wits
June and July also dry months res
dents of the city may expect plenty of
-now this winter. Hears of sunshine
during July were also well over the
average, • factor to be expected from
the over average temperature figures.
1.5)0. -.Admiral Sir William Phipps, i
wit, 32 +-ships and -l)0 men, left Nan-
tasket netr Boston. to take Quebec.
He entered Quebec harbor on (Mtoler
and •sent a demand to Frontemac
prohibition Is responsible for law- 16
breaking. Do they really believe what , to surrender. This was refused with
they ,Jay? Why. long before there was contempt. He then bombarded the
any prohibitory law, in the days of the city for s week, but bad to give up'
open tar, the liquor Interests constant- and retnrn to Boston for fear of being
ty and continually broke the law. It frozen in the river. Two years later
is not id this day probibitlonixts who he was appointed Governor of Massa -
• • •
In another column Is reproduced en
editorial article from Farm and Dairy,
one of the well-known agricultural
publlcatlona of Ontario, nominating
Mr. Drury for a position on the Pro-
vincial Hydro Commission. This 1s
in line with the suggestion made by
The Financial Post and endorsed by
The Signal three weeks ago. When
the Government gets around to the
appointment of permanent Hydro com-
missioners, Mr. I)rury's name should
receive careful cnnslderatiom.
• • •
The "Lunger march" On Toronto did
not do anv harm -nor, so far as Is vis-
ible to th^ naked eye, any good. If
those who organized It expected to
make a ,enaation, they are probably
disappointed. Everybody knows the
are hard times and that many people
are out of employment: It did not
require a march to Toronto to Inform
the authorities of these conditions.
However, the outing, the change of
scene, and the opportunity of giving
expremton to their grievances may
have had tome gond effect upon the
• • •
A report from Toronto la to the ef-
fect that the Provincial highways are
not In future to be designated as
"Ring's Highway No. Ito -and in" but
are to bare names, as the Dun-
dee highway. the Hamilton highway.
Ne. According to this, we shall still
be able to call the lake shore road the
litas Water highway, illielead of blgh-
tlrs7 Na N or whatever °limber 1t
might bra Head He. 8 weld natural
OW ly be s Herat Ngfway. NO No. 4
wall be W IAADiles bleeway. We
■Ya fae yea el a same Waled et a
break the Lw, an4 encourage others
to break 11.
As to the third statetneut: It is
poaalble 11' Wine -tend • pq ek send,
ment has chahged of late years. Why,
thee, do not those Ulla. want liquor
petition for the repeal of the Canada
Temperance Act. and give the voters
an opportunity for expressing their will
in the matter' That would be a fair
and alotebard move to ma ace.
in eoneluahon, let me quote, as near-
ly as I can, words uttered from a local
pulpit on Sunday lad:
"Apart altogether from the moral
aide e o the question, I1 f tl the sale of liquor
_Hydro and the Farmers
(From Farm and Dalry) 'one- -
in all the discussions In regard to support for the Hydro systemWhile
the Ontario Hydro Commission, which 1 Hon. Mr. Cooke, the former chairman Commission, the Hydro ommission, was a farm -
have taken place since the advent of I er, he lacked the gift; required, and
the Hepburn Government, It is fnte giciidlgy-the eapaetty. to sell the see_
eating to note that not a snggestiom l vice to the farmers of the Province.
appears to have been made by anycine l There 1s a man who could fill the p001-
ti the farmers of Ontario have, of tion to advantage. We refer to Hon.
to lad economies. It will Increase thei at least should have. a vital interest E. C. Drury, Ontario's flaws farmer
Incomes of a few. hot it will subtract its the proper administration of that Premier. Had it not been for the op-
t nrnme of the many. No I great public utility. Poeidhly the position 0t Hon. Hr. Drury and his
rrom me
man le a better man be-an••e of the' greatest weakness of the Hydro-Elec-
beer he drinks. No home Is happier , trlc system to that it has never se-
hecanse liquor 1s consumed there. The I cured the confidence and support of
present move for the open sale of beer
and wine Is dote to the eelfishneas of
some then, and the stupidity of others."
Goalerlch; Augotat-'j.J<984.
(Brandon Rnn)
Mneh of the sighing for good old-
feahinned meats Is sighing foe a tithe
teen -year old *tomech. _-
(Daily Oklahoman)
Alas' If the rich loy doesn't work.
he Is n worthless loafer: If he does,
he Is taking tome poor man's job.
(Atlanta Conatltntlonl
There are two things that keep 's
man from putting a proposition over.
Orn' Is that people misunderstand It
and the other re'sans Is they under-
stand It.
(idstowel Banner)
if condition* that masted In Listowel
ml Saturday night, the first Saturday
for tnsny year* when steer was ea sate
herr. enntinee from week to week, the
pubtie wlIl become mit diere.ted with
the ton sinew that. they will rho le
protest again* smelt a law and hanleh
It from the eountry
fir. --
nnmber, though possibly for asap pair
pas the nnrnber is pelferahle
Cabinet, to the p o.als of the late
Hon. Mr. Beck, el those then In
charge of the Hydro Oommleslon, to
the farmers of llntari°. Not only has I extend •electric radtals all over the
1t not had this support but It has had Province, site Hydro System would
to contend with the almost violent op- have bees rulnelutMd the Province
position of the farmers In most sectional let 1n for enormous banes. At that
of Ontario over certain features et Ira itime the propo..ale were receiving the
policy. The result 15 that the Hydro approval of leading dally papers of
service has not been extended to the the Province, particularly In Toronto.
farms to anything like the extent that and strong support In municipal and
it should have Men and could have other circles: HOD. Mr. Drury he -
been. had the Hydro commissioners tiered that the advent of motor cars
and their officials had a better under- was destined to Undermine such rall-
standing of the rural viewpoint and roads and make them unprofitable. The
the possihllltite of the rural field as experienee of the 'United States lndi•
an outlet for Hydro. t•ettd this. The f More since then of
Farmers have felt for years that these systems all over Ontario proved
Hydro was administered in far too ex- the soundnese of' that view and has
tietlalve a manner. 'lgol* ennvletlon has juatlfiad the action of the Drury Gov -
been justified by the recent revel's- ernment which, at that time. was so
tion that some forty-six employees of bitterly criticised and astailed.
Hydro were recieving aalaMM tinging It sheaved be p neelbte for the Hepburn
from $5,000 to approximately 1:'10,000 Gorernzlent to add a farmer-represen-
's year each and that the chairman, a satire to the C'ommis'sion, such as Ilion.
farmer like themselves, was reeetrtng
a salary of $18.000 a year. if is t0
be presumed that other expenditures
have been made on ■ like basis. in
milling for a great ehange In this cnn-
dltlon, the llephnrn Government has
gone far to gain for the Commleslon
the snppnrt of the farmers of the Pro-
vince whlch hitherto has been licking.
One thing more t* newlie • Thera
should be some one on the (.4omtnM*Io°,
scall known to the farmers and in
whom they breve cmr4den(e. a Mita
who known rural ennalltions and is
almpetbetie with them and who. 1s
addMlon to being a capable menials-
trator. h*e the power of addressees
fersrsetw' mooring. aa11 ea%ning their
Mr. Drury, and to pal both the pre-
eent ehalrman of the fantod and the
teennd remminaloeer no greater eat-
ery than the former clmtrtnan alone
reeelrevf. There la a neat oppprtnn-
Ity here for the Government to more
In the direction of melting Hydro t
the farmers of Ontario and thereby
finding an 'Motet for 11e curs power
whlloh 1s prelim tla'h a heavy wmrer
of leen to the ('ntsmt**Inn. rand and
Ds lry seldom snakes suggpallona of
lite kind. We statue it in 'big eaW
only hreemse of the great opportunity
the Hepburn Gaseernment ha* to
Mrengthett what -tae been the weak -
ed point t* :Jtydr .The stair Rye
children, of Detroit, and Miss Effie
Johnston of London were recent vi.i'-
ors with Mr. and Mr* Frank Johnston.
MIes Elia Hogan was in a car :(
dent while returning from a dams,
last Friday night and was taken to
hospital. We Mhlw •11e *111 =04 -
be able to be home again.
Miss Mary N1, bohon spent Friday;
at her home at Belfast.
and Mrs.
Mr. tine Mrs. Paul Stleler anal two 1. The Signers .Advertising columns
on fi.ttedt fay&
foie today~
los, 1Sugar c ,
__ PORK and BEANS 2 T,r u 19•
Choice Tomos 2 11•
2 This 33'
r4. I 741
iirigirAMMONIA 2 Pia. ee
CoUgaiSiriffearORITES * 23*
FIG BARS 2 ibs• 258
alsin Loaf wirati'd 76
LK RINGS Rasill 25e
OILED RAM ib 49c
lb. 19e
D•s. 274:1