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Jedgegae In The Signal
Vi1GHTT-8116Vi)NTft YtrAft, NO. al
Town Council Passes Recommendation to Ontario Liquor Control
Board -E. iL. Wigle Appointed to Public Utilities Commission
Town Books to Be Audited by Chartered Accountant -Bylaws
Appointing Town Officials under Examination
After a month's "holiday," the town
council met on Friday night last and
had a long session, in the course of
__V._-teldaa.aaverai important matters were
dealt with. In committee of the whole
(from whose sessions the press is ex-
cluded) the council decided upon a
recommendation to the Ontario Liquor
Control Board that a beer warehouse
be established in Godertch and that
licenses be issued for the sale of beer
and wines.
Another recommendation from com-
mittee of the whole was that all the
town books be audited by a chartered
accountant after prices for the work
have beenetterertaisedc- _ • - _
in open council the vacancy on the
public utilities commission was filled
by the appointment of E. It. Wigle
for the remainder of the term of the
late W. T. Murney, that la, until De-
cember, 1934.
Council spent considerable time In
examintug the bylaws under wheel the
-various town officials are appointed.
Several of these bylaws were referred
to committee for further considera-
Another matter to which the coun-
cil gave attention was the request of
the Goderich Salt Company for better
facilities for loading salt at the har-
bor. Members felt that the Federal
Government should not be averse to
spending the small amount of money
necessary, rather than let the work of
loading the salt be taken to Point Ed-
All the mem) era were present.
The tax collector reported collec-
tions since last report of $9,867.44.
Some of the councillors wanted fur-
ther Information, and asked that the
collector, when be gets over bio pre-
sent busy spell, Indicate for what
year the taxes are paid.
- The sextan of MelHeed -et'ssetery-
reportect six Interments lel the month
of July. I
The retitle sena* fey- two webs'
bonder', but Whose 111811118'
with the request after the bylaws had
-- •been' examined.
A petition by residents of the local-
ity for a Hydro light on Palseraton
street, between the corner of Raglan
street and Blake street, was referred
to the water, light and harbor commit-
Applications for booth privileges on
August l lth (Derry Day) were sent
to the cemetery and parks committee.
Applications for building permits,
as follows, were referred to the fire
committee: Wee-]sessions=aemudellinL.
dwelling. William street ; Thos. Swarta,
repairing livery barn, Montreal street;
A. H. Jane, shingling dwelling, East
street ; Mrs Swanson, re -siding dwell-
ing, Bruce street; A. O. Sonley, re-
siding dwelling, Palmerston street; C.
11. Humber, repairs to dwelling. East
street; W. H. Good, addition to dwelt-
ing, Cambria road.
A petition for road oft on Stanley
street was referred to the public works
A communication from the secretary
of the Blue Water Highway Assoela-
tlon. asking for the usual contribution
of $300 for 1934, together wit1T ar-
rears of $73 from 1933, was referred
to the finance committee.
Shipping Facilities Needed
A letter from the Goderkfi Salt
Company gave rise to considerable die
-suasion. The Company had written In
Jane with regard to the possibility of
the council's taking some steps to have
ramps put In at the wharf, opposite
the town freight shed, to facilitate
the loading of salt on boats for ship-
ment. The Company had taken the
matter up with the district engineer
of the Federal Public Works Depart-
ment, but apparently no progress had
been made In the matter. A letter
from the Company to the Mayor on the
same subject had evidently gone
astray; His Worship said he had not
received it. The Company now wrote
to ascertain the present state of the
('ounelllor Huekins, who had been In
touch with the Salt Company, stated
that the Marine Department gave as
the reason for not spending any money
at this harbor that the Company'e salt
could 1* shipped from Point Edward
at the same rate. This the councillor
consldered a "ridiculous statement"
for the Department to make. Why
should we ship from Point Edward
rather than from our own harbor? he
sated. The harbor was established
here for the ronventenee of local ship-
pers, Coenelllor Hucklns contended.
The Mayor interposed to say that
Engineer Brown had informed him that
the government had no money to
emend and did not conakler the ramps
would be of we.
Depnty Reeve Turner --Surely we
can get title much event on our har-
bor. The Government Is speeding a
lot of money elsewhere. The matter
cannot have been laid before the Gov-
ernment in the right way.
Councillor Ilacklrut said the propo-
sition was to give Point Edward em-
ployment that - eau needed here, for
the wen Blase tipsediaf-a-
hundred dollen.
To the suggestJon that the matter
be taken up with the member for North
Huron at Ottawa, Councillor Huckins
retorted that it would be useless to
depend upon a member who considered
bis outlook was hopeless.
Reeve Munniogs considered -it- !in-
tonate that the work of loading the
boats should be kept her and urged
immediate setlon-by telephone if
nosily a motion was adopted that
the matter be taken up with the De-
partment of Marine.
Another letter from the Salt Com-
pany, calling the ■ttentlon of the
counsel to leaks In the harbor freight
shed, and still another, enclosing a
copy of a letter from the Canada and
Dominion Sugar Company, were re-
ferred to the water, light and harbor
eumailttee. Tlie enclosea'l letter slated
that the Sugar Company bad been ad-
vised that as long as an airtight parti-
tion were put up between the section
of the shed in which salt was stored
and that in which sugar was stored
there should be no diffieulty with re-
gard to the effect upon the sugar.
Must Treat Al Alike
There wan a little flare-up over the
mutter of signs' for the gasoline ser-
vice stations. Some of the councillors
seemed to think that Reeve Munninge,
whose committee hes charge of the
matter, was not sufficiently _strict
demanding adherence to the council's
regulations concerning each signs.
Connell decided that all appttegeta
would hare to be treated alike and
that signs not properly placed would
have to be mored.
A eIreniar with reference to the an-
nual convention of the Dominion Ahso-
eiation of Fire tillers, to i* held at
Iondon August 14th, l5th, 10th and
17th, was sent to the finance commit-
A circular from the Provincial Un-
employment Relief Department notified
(Coettnesd emir pegs 8)
Mr.-aieg, Velum-ta+r-erf Teermfo,-+.lw-nt
the holiday w-eek.end in town.
Mr. T. D. Mume, of Toronto, la
Weeding the week visiting his father,
Principal flume.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Young, ut North
Bay. epeut.WgJettele u1 n:L.e.]lz_aWl
Mrs. Thos. Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Huey
c'aughter, of Toronto, visited
friends here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mele'lu Martiu and
Mr. and Mr,. Charles Stokes u
Saturday in London.
Mies .►u4r'u Litt bgs•ut the past
week w'Ith her friend, Miss Helen
r, at titttticent.
Mr. Stanley Peter of Atwood visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg.
Needham on Wednesday.
Mrs. R. R. Sallow* and daughter,
Nancy Jean, are spending two weeks
with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mallough were
guests of their daugbter, Mrs. C. R.
Rubinson, at Toronto over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Trumble, Mr. Jack
\'tetany and Miss Marjorie Schultz of
Flint, Mich., spent the week -end In
Mrs. A. G. MacDonald has returned
house from Swift -Current, Sask., where
she visited ber son, Mr. Lorne Mac-
Mies Margaret Mero left on Sunday
for Flint, Mich., where she will vlatt
ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Ws. Ben
Mrs. Devlin. of Stratford, spent the
week -end with her mother, Mrs. Jaa.
Yesrng. at loyal. anti with her son who
is holidaying tln're.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Badonr and sun
Leon, of Stratford, strut Sunday with
Mr. Badour's sister. Mrs. Noah Gero-
vette, Terontu inset.
Mr..1. A. Dalton and his sister, lti.'s
M. irit.lton or -I'hicag' ' hnve re-
turned from a trip to Montreal mud
other pointe of. inteleeie
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Warrick have
returned to their home in Toronto
after a visit with Mrs. Warwick's
mother, Mra. P. B. Fox.
Mr. and Mra. Vernon J. Bourke, of
St. Louie, Missouri, are eisleing with
Mrs. Bourke's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Baechler, North street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Longmire were in
Gowanstown on Wednesday of last
week attending the funeral of their
cousin, Miss Margaret Strong.
Mr. Reg. Needham visited in Toron-
to last week. Hie
Oblrie- Mies ANA Jask-Weed..
Belfry, returned with him and is
The. Clod
to be ready
lion bustle*
go was un
"Win -the A-
25:1,182 bustle&
The ahlp ilea
second eergo i.
--Pr—Mero—germ, of Toronto, ttr v1s1e-
Mbat mother, Mrs. J. E. Tom.
r. and Mrs. Reg. Munro, of Strut-
, are spending holidays In town.
Mr. Fred Munro of Toronto was
ong the holiday vlaltora. Jn tows.
Mrs. Robt. Wilson and Miss Maxine
n are visiting at Port Lsmbton.
. Jas. Young, of Loyal, visited
week with her daughter In Strat-
Alt hough
lashed by a
rainfall on W
sinful. as the
ure craft are w
bor. A small
been thrown up
Grand Bend by
traffic The in
has fallen off la
made port during
Little Nell, Chin
Benton Harbor; Ev
Mary Bob Roy, of
• i
The water tem
high mark of 70
day and Wednesday
oesday's Fiona d
ture two degrees.
the recorded telt
K week:
reacted 'the
if on
f the to Mat
were t. 06
News this (Thursda-4 afternoon
from the home of Ma. Chas. A. Rob-
ertson, M.Y.P., is that le Is making ex-
cellent progress In recovery from hie
Thieves attempted to (ores a was
into John ('trtt's grocery, Victoria
street, on Monday night. but were
thwarted by iron bare that have reln-
forced the cellar windows mince the
robbery there on Snndaf night, July
''2 At that time a qua,. 11`7 of tobat
co, candy and chewing was ss0�
after entrance had : , -T . ' bo a
cellar window. On
the screen was torn fro
The new well being
reached a depth of abet: mkt
work la progressing
BO 01' a course" of the
Ing a soft, soap -LW substance has
been brought up, Mot a large hall of
the subseance has been ki•pt for fur-
ther examination. The workmen ex-
pect to strike salt at about 1100 feet,
and will probably reach tbat depth by
the end of August.
of the oderieh a 11 team, had
narrow mope from drowning on Sun-
day, July 29, when a leaky rowboat
in which they were riding eapsized
about a mile from whore at Ipperwash
Beach. Archer and Wood were chang-
ing places tu the boat and it turned
over. They clung to the overturned
craft and began calling for help, but
were too far away to be heard or
noticed. As Archer was unable to
swim, their plight became desperate
aa an hour. then two, passed with still
ntlITeed for another bitithour and the
pair had Just about given up hope of
rescue when they were heard by the
occupants of a retesting boat. So ex-
hausted were they that they had to be
dragged Into the rescue boat, which
played them safely ashore.
Something out of the usual run of
charges was introduced in eettrt before
Magistrate Reid on Monday. when
three Toronto men appeared to answer
a charge, laid under the Game and
between -sunset -on Saturday and sun-
rise on Monday. The thoother oc-
curred in Goderich township on Sun-
day. Wm. Treymoutb, sr., was fined
$10 and costa of 17 and Wm. Trey -
mouth, Jr., 41141 Wm. Dietrich received
six months' suspended sentence. The
guns were conflecated.
Malcolm Hague, of Woodstock, was
on Saturday sentenced to six months
definite end six months; indeterminate
in the Ontario Reformatory after
pleading guilty to a charge of taking
an automobile without the owner's con-
sent. Ilague some time ago had served
a term for an attempted hold-up in
Toronto. His companion on the ille-
gal auto ride, Harry Watson, of Ger-
rie, is to report regularly to the police
during a period of one year's suspended
sentence. The pair took a car eelong-
Ing to Roy Flanderoon during a hues -
now celebration and abandoned it with
a broken wheel after riding several
miles; on 11 flat tire. Rewtitution was
made for the damage. Tiet men np-
In another column of title toper is
letter from Mr. Tetee McDonald of
with regard to the 1)intiop tomb- Mr.
McDonald evidently writes under the
impreeeion (het the tomb ix on proper-
ty Meowing to the town uf Goderich.
It in, of VOlielle, in the township ol
Cotbornes am, the town authorities
hare no jeriadictioe. Our correspon-
dent's suggestions aa to a stairwsy and
other improvernenbt are quite in order,
and it la to be hoped that, if the town-
ship la not prepared to act, Roane ar-
rangement may be made In co -osiers -
tion with the town, or With tie Gode-
rich Historical Society, to esrry out tl*
The Dunlop tomb le one of the him -
eerie points nir Weettern Ontario and
niThirld not leek in tiles Moot eareful
presorted and Mat visitors may have
easy &MOM It.
Scott and Mien Scott, at Clifford and
and with friends at Iestowel and neigh -
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Trutt/Ake Miss
Marjorie Schultz and Mr. Jaek Vseeey.
all of Flint, Mieh., spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrx. Melvin Martin tied
other ...lathes.
Peardon. with Mr. E. V. Lawson ot
Colborne township, were at -W3T.
on Friday attendiog the funeral of
their cousin, Mr. David Glilatly of
that place.
- Went visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Lonernire were: Mr. ir d
Mre. Robe. Resnick, Mr. and Mrs. Ken.
Woods, of Wept Monkton ; Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Burke, of Listowel.
Mine 'Lila McIlwain, of Berkeley.
Csilf., Is vieiting her parents, Mr. anti
It et nine years since Mies Mc -Dwain
hoe been home and on her Journey her.
she attended the ehleago World's Fair
Mr. J. A. Hume of Ottawa visite&
hies either, Principal J. I'. Hume, this
week after spending a week with Sam-
uel Factor M. P. Toronto, at the
able to come to Goderich. having suf-
fered a sprained ankle while motor-
ing with relatives from Quebec to her
home at London.
In Traffic Court on Saturday, before
Megletraie Reid, F. A. Campbell, of
Mitchell, and Hugh Oke, of Seaforth,
were fined $10 and eossto for reeklese
driving. Appearing on charges of
speeding, Clifford Yundt, of Clinton,
Tyndall, of Brucefleid, each paid
fine of $5 and costs. Driving a car
hearing license plates not isemed by tbe
Department proved rather eipensive
for John Ilupfer, of Wroxeter, who
pale a $10 fine.
Guests regintered at Hotel Sunset
the past sweet were: Mr. and Mrs.
B. Ripley, Toronto; Chas. Jamieson,
Toronto; A. J. Levine, Franklin, Mich.;
Henry A. Butgel, Detroit ; W. Me-
Gillivray, Toronto; Dr. A. W. Holmes
and family, Detroit; Mr. aod Mr.. Ed-
ward taper, Detroit; Miss) Lilian
Crothier, Toronto; Miss MeDenn How-
ard., Toronto; Dr. Boyce and family,
Hatnilton; Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Duncan,
Toronto; Miss Mary Stone, London;
Mite Phyllis Adam, London; Mr. and
Mrs. H. Woolson, Detroit ; Miss liar-
siebeHan, Bay City, Miele ; Mho Mary
Masterson, Ray City, Mich.; Mrs. Wm.
Elliott, Mitchell; Jas. A. Itlekmoo
Cleveland, Ohio; Miss Margaret 1.ele
T. Millard, Windier; Mr. and Mrs. 11.
G. Ralph, Ilamilton ; Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Kelso, Detroit ; Noryal Mc-
Clelland, Toronto; Dr. G. C. Chem., De-
troit ; Arthur Fergnson, Brantford; W.
M. Ileghttl, Toronto; F. C. Kennedy.
Loekport, NJ.; Jas. D. Carr, Detroit;
10101111451h tilageen ,Pailet -Miss. Mr
Ratter. Clactonati; John P. Meram-
mon, Paris; J. C. Perker, Toronto.
Park House were Mr. Chas. 8. Nel
eon, St rettoetli---Mr.-- Nntl--111bra-PT
:103% Orillia; Mr. Alton Burnett,
Mimeo Viola end Ann* Burnett, IA)
troll: Mrs. A. M. Rice, Ayr; Mee
Ltorothy Gordon. Kitchener; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Russell, Thane:grille; me.
S. B. Bedell, Waterloo; Menem. 14. anJ
Mrs. F. Sktin•. Tomato; Mimes Ethel
IleCardiek, IISZOI Howell, Rodin Pat-
terson. and Annetta Bradley, St Caen
alines.; 11r. and Mrs. Goetiou end
A. Gostiou. Riverside: Mr. and Mr,
a M. Janette' and daughters, Dorothy
and 1111dred. Brantford; Mho Winnie
H0000n. R. J. Phillips. Auburn; Mises
A. Houser. Detroit; T. W. Chapman.
Miss Ann MacDostelti. Caledonia Ter-
race, was taken to Alexandra hospital
early Monday moralite with a gashed
head and bruises, and suffering severe-
ly from shock resulting from a motor
accident cn the Blue IVater Highway,
when a ear in which ehe was riding
turned completely over after striking
the narrow bridge Mout nine miles
south of Godertch. Miss MacDoetald
was thrown through of the
ear. Her illjtirless, a painful,
are not serious. The seel eat occurred
about 6 o'clock on Mondey morning,
when the car driven b . Wm.
Matheson of Chealey, rs. Mathe-
son and Lwo children hr. Miss Mac-
Donald as passengers, tileewiped the
narrow bridge. The ear ;swerved, and
sifter crowing the hedge atielteriel
"several fenceposts. then turned COM
pletely over, coming to rest on Its
wheels. The Matheson family escaped
with bruises, but the ear was almost
a total wreek. The party were en rotrte
to the World's Fair at Chicago. Pro-
vineial Traffic Officer Itupp investi-
Rev. Father 'Thos. Ferguson, of
Beantford, is spending a vacation to
Milo Margaret Timbers, of Kings
ston, he visiting Mr. and etre. William
St niche n.
Mr. Janie:, K. Straehan of Deland,
Floridn, is %editing hie brother, Mr.
Mrs. ?S. S. Young, of Glendale, Cali-
fornia, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam fitraehan.
Mr. Mingles Clitesibell. of St retie
&einem, is on holidays and bas been
visiting friends+ in town.
Mr. Harry Creighton and Miss Mar -
genet Creighton, of Strathroy, *ere
week -end vialtors in town.
Mrs. P77.1111141: aad son, Charles, of
The Signal again offers $5 in
cash prizes for shoppers in Gode-
rich on Saturday, August llth.
The first five persons showing
at the Signal Offlos after 3 o'clock
oe• ipted bill for a purchase of 65 or
more made on that day from a
Goderich merchant or business
man, and showing at the same
time a copy of this week's Signal
with tlie advertisement of the
merchant from whom the pur-
chase was made, will each receive
n L4480 of $1 tm mob.
TIMM offer willow:en our
Dr. Alfred Holmes, Mrs. Holmes and
etaildren, of Detroit, visited their re-
latives in town the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mueller and son,
of Woodstock, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. K. Stowe at the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Allison returned
on Friday from a slx weeks' trip to
Victorta, 13.C., and other Pacific Coast
Mies Lillian R. Patterson, of Tor-
onto, is spending a two weeks' %sea -
tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Patterson.
Misses Lydia and Ella Beck, of Tor-
onto, are spending their vacation at
the home of Mrs. Swanson and with
other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Watson and child-
ren hare returned to their home at
Hamilton after camping for two weeks
at Sunset Beach.
Mr. Thomas Nairn, of Walkerville,
was among the week -end visitors in
town and was heartily greeted by
ay old friends.
Mr. Angus Matte, of the Bank of
unnerve. X.41.Tessa_ &Dent tie
es* at the home of his parents,
agag lam A. Macao -
Mr. tad Mrs. A. 1111•41fttISI
Viarregsgir err
home at Brantford after visiting Mr
and Mrs. C. Pittman.
Mr. an.I "Mrs. Sullivan and their
daughter, Miss Sullirau. of Cayuga
spent the week -end in town, the guests
of Mr. and Mee A, Matte.
--Me arid- eiss.-Gpos-Mseeregios
Mr. Harry Matthine, of New York,
were visitors of the past ,week at-tbe
'Morris Swanson and'
some nuether, Mrs. M. C. Swanson.
Mr. A. 3T. WICWITIRITIllirilie-
Mary and Margaret Rohertson have
left for Nora Scotia to visit relatives
and to lake pert in a family gathering.
Miss Meta Sheardown has returned
home after spending three weeks at
with her friend, Mies Margaret Em-
Mr. and Mos Clarence Robertson
and daughter, Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Johneton, Miss Myrtle John-
aton and Mr. George Stokes epent the
week -end at Toronto.
Among the visitors In town for the
holiday were the Snazel brotbers, Will
and. Bob, from Bracebridge. Will re-
port' gocel tateeees so far in his bust -
nese -venture In the northern town.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gee and daugh-
ter Vera, of Brantford, and Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin Gee, of Slmeoe, have re.
turned home after spending the week-
end with Mr. anti Mrs. C. Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. IL Holme. and Mr.
and Mrs. T. Laughton, of Fort Erie,
end Mr. and Mrs. H. Coulthurat, of
Pontiac, Mich., spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mro. W. A. Coulthurst, West
Rev. A. W. Brown and timely, of
Mr. Brown some years ago was pas-
tor of the Benmiller church and he has
never loot the fancination of the Mait-
land and its purileux.
Mrs. John- ?Mennen and daughter,
who had loon •leiting friends in God-
lAteknow and Tuckeremith tow
ship for "leveret weeks, started on their
return journey te their . in KW
lam, Alberto on Tueseley morning.
Mr.. Those Reid n 1141 two datiehters,
Mrs. Alois Knapp anti Mrs Mark Web-
ber, and grandson, Edward Kropp. all
of Clevelend, Ohio, who are onimmering
et Morpetb. ringed recently with their
aunts, Moe Kenyon anal Mies L. Smith.
Mirk, were the poste of Mrs. King's
minter and Mete, Mrs. Ale*. Muldoon
and Mem A. Melchor'. Colhogne street,
this week. Mr. and Mr.. Jernd Ring,
of Flint. Miele, Moo visaed with Ara.
Davidson end at Blyth and Brussels.
Tale e° l N.1 I. i':Si N'i I N 1 (;v. Ltetri'r v, t'ubpah-111-
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson of Colborne Township the Centre of an
Unbroken Family Circle as Sous and Daughters Join in Honor-
tng Them on the Completion of Fifty Years of Wedded Life
A notable gathering was that whisk
was held on Saturday at "ltlde-a-wee,"
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wil-
son, Colborne township, to celeprate
tiNr golden wadding. The twelve
children of the family were all to-
gether for the first time, making an
iollooLeu circle in honor of their par-
ents. With the "in-laws" and the
grandchildren and a few intimate
friends, ter company which gathered
about the tables fur the wedding din-
ner In the early afternoon numbered
about one hundred. It was a beauti-
ful summer day and the tables were
mete on the lawn. They were appro-
priately decorated In gold and purple
and presented • pretty picture. The
waiters ams, grandsons and
granddaughters of the bride and groom,
were attired -la gold -colored aprons
and cape.
Mr. Thomas Wilson acted as toast- The gift, presented by Mr.
master for an elaborate series of t'rswford ht behalf of the tamely, wh
the rock teem which he soaked that
'posterity alight behold the eiuboctiment
"4"111suroluid"y01.11 we learned that frugality
Was nut uoutupatitele with a charity
that came from the heart, teed that a
deep devotion to one'," household was
no bar to the striice uf our fellow
-1.'rom your ezatuple we learner that
domestic (elicits- gave opportunities
fur public. seri-lee barred to title who s
travels alone.
"And sau today, under lights that
have tome from the efforts of those
who work that the great treasures in -
collocated In the waivers, by an all
wee- Providence may be revealed for
1111111',, benefit, we pledge again our
love, our (wisp respect. and all that Ire -
4o lid of upportunity to du His
wilt. as surety. tlutt we 8111 endeavor
to lie worthy of an heritage more val-
Wilde gold."
toasts and speeches. The tirst toast that of Holm lighting for the home,
WaS to the bride and groom of tlfty and wit* iteknowledged in fitting and
$eara, el I. Mt. Geor Fore- tieing terms I.y the parents.
Among those present at this note -
'behalf sofAbe groom.
next toast, to the sons glad rorrhy evisiff were-oeveral who were
daughters. was proposed by Mr. eohn In the welding party fifty years ago:
Woodotock; Mr. John Foreman, Mr.
Stoll and Mr. Fred Wilson.
The sons-in-law and daughters -In- anti Mrs..G. (frenke. Mr. Alex. °raw— so_
law were honored In the next toast, ford and Mr. John Wilson, all of Roo
proposed toy hir. Frank Wilton and iteau, Ont. The Messrs. Foreman are -
Mrs. Itolwrt Wilson.
man watt "hest man- at the wedding
Presentation by Grandchildren oft
rotten -1'x Model Show' are at Vie -
torte Park end will h4s here all SPIlt
week The mammoth merry re Mind.
the high ride and many other attraie
Dons will prnvide entertainment for
old and %sonny. afternonn end evening,
And en Matotelay next (Derry My)
the straws will tet In operation all del.
long The management Invite the
at any time antl have an hovires hut--
and don't forget to take the kiddies.
"The Grandchildren" was proposed Horn In the Old Cotnstry
by gr, tirenee, of Hossein', nod
Mr. Wiloon was born at Rutherglen,
two of the grandchildren, Irene Stoll
and Allan Marlon, spoke nicely in (Continued on page 5)
responee. Betty alid Had Crawford,
in adult disguise, song "When You and THE WEATHER
grandchildren's presentation took Ironies' tor the past week, as compared
plate. Helen Wilson of Cochrane rind with .62 etch for the corresponding ,
Robert Bruce Wilson of Flint, 111(.11., week of Met year. The temperatures
brouelit baskets; containing fifty roses, reeorded were as follows:
wbile Greta Weston of Cochrane read 1934 1933
the addre-s to the grandparent*. Max. Min. Max. Min.
the gathering with an appropriate solo. Fri., Aug. 3 00 57 68 59
The final toilet, to the visitora. was Sae, Aug. 4 72 51' 75 53
proposed by Mr. Gordon Wilson and ttun., Aug. 5 75 el 08 51
brought respon-es from Mr. W. H. Mon., Aug. 6 82 52 73 41
Robertson of The Signal, Mr. Williem Tues., Aug. 7 s2 06 85 es
Guilliat, of Pakesley, Ont., Mr. John Wed., Aug. 8 75 6e 90 87
Foreman, of ROPPIPall,' Mr. Robert
Brooks, of Toronto, Mrs. It. M. Young STRUCK BY LIGHTNING
and Mrs. A. Y. Henderson, of Carlow. On Thuriday Met, during the heavy
At this Juncture Mr. Charles Wilson, electrical storm experieneed In God -
on behalf of the sons and daughters', erieh, the home of Andrew Straughan
read the following address: Wesit street, was struck toy a bolt of
lightning. As the _bolt imaged through
"To Our Beloved Parento-This
Address and Pre•tentation
was wreckell, and the doors were blown
tee ionise down the chimney, a bed •
occasion, marking, as It does, the fte from the kitchen Stove as the charge
le -merited yvmr children and grand- ately no fire resulted, hut theoccupanta
children, an opportunity to render an of the house suffered a Reeere nervous
eepeefal tribute to thole. who, under abia.k.
God, have been the author* of all WP
A tent in whieh Mule. Naftel is
cherish. and hope to hand down to our camping. neer the Wiliam! Golf Club
successors, ,
"The pledges riven fifty years ago on Thor.day. according to an eye -
have been to 115 a never -failing beacon witnee. The tent was not damaged.
thnt -storm could dlm. but the contents received a thorough
-Through days of thought** ehild- drenehing. RR the fabric was not sue
hood, through dreams; of adoleseenee,
ficiently heavy to yrIthstand the heavy
and now when manhood's and woman. rainfall.
hood's estate have brought lift to a bet•
ter etuleratanding Of all Met you hare
peel In travail of hody. mind and spir-
it, thnt ee might find our appointed --
Nail !Ahem se/14, their CaPlaln FAL Roldlewstex fleet Carried
t4Pitta.ieumiy a:lei:ruse ham held to onr Lareest Caren in len
"From yon we have, by precept and
example, teemed the orletiom that lies
w•tthin the pages of the Mx* Eternal.
"Through years when trailing peek.
the Mow -paced oxen. and the horse,
mooted .hengIng environment. our rpoord. of the St. Mary's ship canal
tethere moieties* esetrapre, our moth- 11110 releases! The tomoyne (*retail
ere cere anti forbearanee with our Rano tons for its hea•lest cargo Mat
Mae Melts, became inserinnents that I rear. In •pite of low water leretavrbleet
graved our Norte and mind'. more. prevailed Fier mord of 17.1410 time
indelibly than ever sculptor's enhlei In IP.29 lets never been equalled•
The streamer LeMoyne, Canada leceem-
retool it has held since 1028 for carry-
ing the lareeet single oftrgo 01.04411111
the locks melt year, secordIng to the