HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-26, Page 4news
The , Luclmow Brownies'Girl Guides, and .Pathfinderii held
their cookie day recently and 'glad ill but 10 carton. of cooldes.
Proceeds from the cookie sales will go to fund the girl guide
programs In Lielmow: Shown selling their tooldei are
Ultima Hunter, left, and Megan Johnstone, rIght.
• [Sentinel Staff Nieto]
Dr. Fraser Ashton and his
son, Antoine of Aylmer, Que-
, bec, recently visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and
Mr. and Mrs, Don Thompson
and family in. Lucknow. Fras-
er was in Hamilton where he
presented a seminar at Mc-
Master University and .spent
an evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Sandy MacKenzie'and
family of Oakville.
An item in the St. Helens
news -in last week's Sentinel
read Gordon McPherson,
Ross McPherson and Charlie
• McDonald recently travelled
to Dutton to visit .with Colin
MacDonald when in fact it
should have been visited '
• with Carlyle MacDonald. We
• apologize for any inconven-
ience this error may have
Present outline to separate
board for focus on faith day
• By Stephanie Levesque
DUBLIN - An outline for a
focus on •faith day was _
presented to: the Huron -
Perth Separate School Board
at its May 10 meeting..
Trustee • Ray Van Vliet,
• chairman of the focus on
faith ad hoc committee,.
Presented a draft plan to the
board for information. When
a definite plan, including a
date, location and guest
•-speaker are deterznined,, it
will be brought back to the
• The theme for the day will,
• be the "Catholic Trustee,
Faith and the Community."
Objectives • are to bring
.trustees, community
representatives, principals
and administration together
to think about their faith, its
growth, celebrate their faith
• and to add to the faith, in the
school systern. •
"Otir faith is the only
, reason for our school
board," said Mr. Van Vliet.
He said trustees, because
they are in.a leadership role,
must grow in their faith. He
added trustees should not be
satisfied with a. grade 8
knowledge of their faith. ,
Several trustees expressed
pleasure for the idea of a
focus on faith day and en-
couraged. Mr. Van Vliet to
continue with his plans.
The board will.take no ac-
tion regarding recomMenda-
tions from a coroner's in-
quest into a school bus acci-
dent on Sept. 9, 1981 which
resulted in the death of five-
year-old Paid Riegling of
• Two recommendations'
made by the jury were that
• bus drivers keep flashing
lights on while in front of a
cluld s home and signal to
the child when it may cross
•the road and also if bus
drivers pull over to let other
drivers pass, that it be done
between pickup points and
the flashing' lights be turned
"The (transportation)
committee feels both these
things are being done," said
Trustee -Ron Marcy of the
,committee which was re-
quested by, the board to look
into the recommendations.
The committee's 'no ac-
tion' decision was also made
because the recommenda-
tions have universal effect
and should be imposed by
the • Ministry of
• Transportation and Com-
munication, not, said the
committee's recommenda-
tion, by individual school
. Wards.
• In other business, the
board: Accepted the
• resignations • of Gerda
Vanden Hoven, effective
•Aug. *31, a teacher at St.
Joseph's, Clinton, and of
Mrs. Alma Biesinger, custo-'
• dian of St. Mary's, Hesson,
effective June 30;
Granted a transfer of posi-
tion for special education
consultant Mary Flannery,
• to that of classroom teacher;
- Approved hiring Ted Gor-
- ski • of London, • as a
classroom teacher. No
schoa placement has •yet
been determined;
• „• Approved a transfer tor
teacher Justin Tomastdo
St. Mary's, Hesson from
French teacher at Holy
Name of Mary, St. Marys,
St. Ambrose and St.
Aloysius, Stratford;
Authorized Trustee Ted
Geoffrey to be absent from
three • • regular board
meetings. Mr. Geoffrey, who
•is ill, missed his third
• meeting •on May • 10.
Authorization by the board is
in accordance with •the
• Education Act and must be
• done to remain a trustee.
Visit Whiceetturch-
•from page 3
Falconer on the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fal-
coner, Tony, Tim and Amy,
and Mr. and . Mrs. Angus
Falconer were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Purdon of Strathroy.
• Visitors on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Beecroft and
Karen were Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Beecroft, Kevin,
Heather and Shannon of
Rev. John and Mrs, Bell of
Inverhuron were dinner
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
John A. Currie and family
following the services at St.
Andrews Presbyterian
• Mr. and Mrs. Tom Day
d Richard spent the week -
end in Ottawa with their son,
John, who is attending col-
lege there. •
Brian Rintoul spent Mon-
day assisting an auctioneer
at Mount Forest.
Visitors on the weekend
with Mrs. Pauline Adams
were Mr. and Mrs. John
Adams and Sheryl of Wind-
s& and Mr. and Mrs. John
Stewart, Margaret Ann and
Pauline of Blyth.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Rintoul, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Robinson and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Rintoul. Steven, Stewart and
Scott were Mr. and •Mrs.
Harry Gutoikie, Michelle
and Michael of Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholt-
zer, Jeffery and Julie, Wat-
erloo, and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Campbell and Heath-
er, Kitchener.• '
We are pleased to report
that Ted McClenaghan of
•Kitchener is improving since
his surgery:
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc-
Clenaghan „ visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Sacks of
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin John-
ston, Robert and Graeme
attended the funeral of, Mr.
Johnston's brother-in-law,
Mr. Harvey Tanner of Mil-
verton on Monday.
• The village has been with-
out street lights since the
storm last Wednesday. We
hope hydro can soon restore
• IA ...w Sentinel, Wednesday, May 26, 1982 Page 4
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• Make it a special night for you ,with Steak and Seafood
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