HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-19, Page 1Siitgle Copy 3sC
rnboree 113
Published in. Lucknow, Ontario, Wednesday, May 19, 1982 16 Pages
Adehe Andrew of 'Point .Clark attended the Lucknow District.. Horticultural -Society's spring
flower show and tea on May 12 with her .grandmother, Catherine Andrew of Lucknow, She,
couldn't realst the huge deep pink' blossoms on this orchid cactus and climbed onto a chair for
a closer look. The proud owner of the beautiful cactus Is Jean Whitby, president of the
. Horticultural Society, [Sentinel Staff Photo]
ainbow o
The Lucknow and District Horticultural
Society has done it, again with their very
successful "Rainbow of Flowers" Spring
Tea and Flower Display.
It was a delight to enter the Legion, Hall to
see the beautiful cheerydisplay of flowers
and plants sand attractive tea tables.
Guests were greeted at the door by
president, Jean Whitby, and 1st vice presid-
ent, Mary MacGillivray, ' After signing the
guest book, Margaret Mowbray and Thelma
Brawn gave each one a ticket for a draw
which was held every half hour.. These
`consisted of plants donated by Lenore
Glenn, in memory of a faithful member,
Mrs. Beatrice Adams. .
Shown on the walls were several works by
Lucknow artist, Robert Skipper ,and paint-
ings by his pupils. The attractive displays
were courtesy of'Cedarhill Garden Centre,
Believe in Music, Quinn's Flowers and Gifts,
Silks by Sharon and Ashton's Ladies Wear.
A lavish sale table consisted of plants.,
shrubs and baking. This was supervised.by
Eunice Cunningham, Margaret Mole, Myr-
.tle Stonehouse, Belle. Herbert and Lenore
The theme, A Rainbow of Flowers, which
was featured ina colourful displayof a
rainbow, beautiful flowering house plants
, and foliages, and placed around the hall
were arrangements of spring flowers and
several hanging plants. The flowers consist-
ed of .everything frompussy willows to
, At the brightly coloured tea table during
the afternoon Mrs. Jean Jardine,Mrs, Janet
Drennan, Mrs, Mayme Henderson and Mrs.
Ellen Cardis poured tea and in the evening
Miss Elizabeth Robinson and Miss Ruth
During the afternoon and evening, ,appro-
-priate music was supplied by Edith Webster,
Wilma Clark, Mary MacGillivray and Elmer a
The Society congratulates everyone for
making this such a successful day. Con-
veners were Vi Arnold and' Ena Henderson
and their committees were Ruth:, Pritchard,
Audrey MacDonald, Lenore Glenn, Belle
Herbert, Jane Treleaven,Jessie Johnston,
Kay Cbllyer,'Mary Cleland; Jessie Joynt and
Margaret .Corrin. "
iscuss park proposal
Lucknow Village Council considered a
letter from the Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority . (MVCA) regarding the develop-
ment of parkland along Dickies Creek which
stipulated the Autlority would be willing to
discuss., the proposal and a maintenance
Policy with' the village.
Councillor Herb Clark displayed .an 'area
map from MVCA re the'' picnic area in
question and explained MVCA would supply'
the items needed if Lucknow wouldbe
responsible for maintenance such as gar-
bage cans, tables and grass cutting.
Tree Planting Program ,
The: Horticultural Society will ie charged
one-half the cost of the trees to be planted in
the tree planting program with the village.
The Society will be permitted to use the town
truck for picking up some of the trees and
will also be allowed to use the town tractor
,for tree planting,,provided they pay for the
gas. .
.Sewage Works Project
Reeve George Joynt informed council he
will be' meeting with the Minister of the
Budget barely nods at agriculture.
Our provincial 'politicians have' been
payinglip service to agriculture. The budget
was . their opportunity to put their money
where their mouths are, and they blew it,"
Ralph Barrie, president of the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture said May 14, •
commenting on the ..provincial budget
handed: down last week. •
The budget allocated an additional $11 •
million in new money to agriculture, $6
million for tile drainage and $5 million, for
farmstead improvement. •
"The budget passed by agriculture with.
barely .a nod of recognition," Barrie said.
"The politicians either.don't believe there is
a problem, or they simply don't care."
Barrie said the $6 million for tile drainage
could have been attractive in more prosper-
ous times. He said it is less attractive under
present circumstances because of changes in
the tile drainage program. The loan rate has
risen two per. cent to 10 per . cent.
Governments used to subsidize up to 75 per
cent of the loan, ' but now subsidize just 60
per cent, forcing farmers to borrow the other
40 at current interest rates. `
The°farmstead improvement program will
just_give farms a "facelift", Barrie said.
"It's purely cosmetic, and won't do anything
to make a farm more economically viable.
Something: more than a made -work program
isl needed, considering there have already
been farm bankruptcies in . Ontario this
Barrie said the increases in Ontario
Hospital Insurance Plan premiums are also
going to have a negative effect on the farm
community. Over 70 per cent of private and
Turn topage 5•
NDP conduct survey of important issues
The provincewide people survey staged by
the Ontario NDP for the month of May, took
off in Huron -Bruce last week.
First results are showing that the people
of this riding consider jobs, unemployment,.
layoffs and high interest rates as the most
important issues at hand.
From survey card results and discussions
with concerned citizens it seems evident that
the residents of Huron -Bruce see high
interest rates as the root of our current
economic problems.
Huron -Bruce NDP riding President Tony
McQuaii, reviewingfirst results, points out:
l''lt is obvious that the people care about this
problem and, like the NDP said, they care
more than the Tory government in Queen's
Park or the Liberals in Ottawa are willing to
realize. High Interest Rate Protests like tthe
one in Hanover have not only shown that the
people care. Thelack of response by both
levels of government is also proof of the
ignorance of the politicians in power for the
real concerns of the electorate. When we talk
to the people they are really interested to
find nut what the NDj' .7rould do."
People can indicate on the survey card if
they want additional information on the topic
of their main concern. This information will
be forwarded to them by Ontario NDP leader
Bob Rae.
Out of•200 people surveyed this Saturday
morning 50 have requested so.
"During our survey we have met farmers
who have suffered foreclosure. Mortgage
payments bye homeowners can dnly be met
with difficulty, smail businesses move on the
virge of bankruptcy and some farmers can't
fiprh to page 5•
Environment Keith Norton in. Toronto on
June 10, ;'to discuss further the proposed
• sewage works program for the village.
Watch For Children •
Two "Watch far Children" signs will be '
posted on Place Street. .
Ball Tournament
- Council also granted approval to the Noisy
Ladies Softball team to hold their annual ball
tournament at the village, ball park, subject
to the final approval of the recreation
G chairman, Bill Hunter.
L' ucknow's Jamboree '83 Decorating Com-
mittee recently announced their Home and
Garden Decorating Contest. Prizes, which
will be announced later, will be awarded for
the "Best . Dressed" Home and Garden
during the Jamboree celebrations June 30 to
July 3rd, 1983.
Delores Cross, chairman of the decorating
committee, feels that now is the time to start
planning gardens and home decorations for
the town's 125th anniversary. She hopes that
every home owner will participate to help
turn Lucknow into a showpiace for the
weekend celebrations.
It was also announced that the Decorating
Committee will be ordering , flags, poly
wigglers and other decorating items.. To
place an order or for further• information,
contact Delores Cross at the Lucknow Cut'N
Cookies for sale
It's a cookie monster's delight! The
Lucknow Brownies, 'Girl Guides and Path-
finders sold about 30 cases( of cookies on
their annual Cookie Day Saturday, but they
have almost.. as many cases left to sell.
The girls will be happy to deliver tfiem to
your door. if the cookie . monster in your
house wasn't home on Saturday or they
missed you. please call Eleanor MacDonald
or Karen Johnstone at 528-3013 and your
cookies will be delivered.
The funds raised from the cookie drive wilt
go to support the • Lucknow Brownie, Girl
Guide and . Pathfinder programs.