HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-12, Page 8trInit' news
••hucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 12, 1982—Page 8
Arriving in Trinity Friday
Cliff and Grace Hackett
By Bell Hackett.
Recently Chester and, Bell
Hacket received.a'letter,from
Clifford and Grace Hackett of
Olds, Alberta, who are cous-
ins of all the Ashfield Hack -
The following is part of the
letter "Clifford and. I are
planning to drive down to
.Lucknow to visit Clifford's
relatives and to find out
something about his family.
He is the youngest son of
Alexander and Maria Hack-
ett, Lamont, Alberta. and we
are looking forward to meet.
ing you folks at Lucknow.
Clifford is now' retired but
was a teacher at the Olds
College, in Business Admin.
istration. We have five child-
We are expecting Clifford
and Grace to • arrive about.
May. 15th and they will be
glad to .see and meet the
folks here.
Get well wishes go out to
little Amanda Wattam,
daughter of Ivan and Darlene
(Hackett) Wattam of Wing -
Amanda was hospital-
ized at Victoria Hospital,
London recently and is now
back at her" home.
Bryan Ritchie of Red Deer,
Albertais visiting, here with
his parents, Harvey and
Betty Ritchie and other mem-
bers of his family.
Last Wednesday May 5 the
Couple's Group met at Trin-
ity Church. Mel and Jayne ,
i Ritchie and Murray and Eliz-
abeth .Irvin were in . charge.
Guest speaker . was Don
. Young, Auburn, from the
Huron County Farm and
Home Safety Association. He
showed. a film and talked
• about hazards around the
farm. •
•On May 2 the Tfinity
Youth Group met at the
' manse and the Youth Group
froth Lucknow • Was also in
attendance. Dr. Wong M.D.
of Wingham, who was a
medical professor in: .Eng-
land, spoke about 'Anti -Ab-
ortion'. •
Mother's Day visitors with
Mrs. Winnie Campbell were
Ira . Campbell of Galt, Billy
and his wife, Billyanna
Campbell also of Galt; Mur-
ray and Feithlinn. Campbell
and boys of Goderich; Bern-
ard and . Brenda Campbell,
Michael, Alicia and Sara;
and Brian Stewart and his
friend, Brenda Davies of
Goderich. Mrs., Catherine
Campbell .of Galt phoned to
wish Winnie a happy Moth-
er's Day.
Rev. Warren McDougall of
Lucknow United Church con-
ducted baptism services at
Trinity Church on Sunday,
May 9Y Rev. McDougall
baptized Amy Joanne Blake,
daughter of Greg and Wilma
.Blake;' Lindsay Marie Irvin,
daughter of William , and
Shirley Irvin; and. Patrick
Allan Wayne :Ritchie, son of
Bryce and Wendy Ritchie.
Get well wishes go out to
Mrs. Annie Nesbit who is ill
at Wingham. and . District
Hospital. Mrs. Nesbit lives
with Allan and Violet Ritchie.
Visitors with Allan ' and,;
Violet Ritchie and Bryce and
Wendy Ritchie on Sunday,
following the baptism'of their
son, Patrick, were Brenda
and Jerry Huizinga, Pauline,
• Martha, Wesley and Hannah
of Auburn; Wendy's parents,
Gordon and Donna Powell,
and Shelley of Auburn and
Linda Hart and.John Raithby
of Auburn. Kenny Ritchie
and Allan Pennington called
for a while in the afternoon.
Allan kand Violet and Wes
and Isabel Ritchie went to
Teeswater for their supper
on Mother's Day.
Mother's Day visitors with
Isaac and Delia Nixon were
their 'family, Carmen ' and
Wilma Nixon and Andrea of
London; : Ralph and Corrie
Nixon, Susan and Nancy of
Wingham; Wayne and Janet
Nixon of Ripley; John Nixon,
Calvin and. Cindy Nixon,
Jeremy and Jordon, Randy
Nixon, Steve Nixon and
friend, Patty; all of Belgrave
and' Del and Wendy Nixon,
Sherry and Cindy of Ash-
Sunday dinner guests with
William and Shirley' Irvin,
Shelley and Lindsay, ;follow-
ing Lindsay's baptism were
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb;
Sandra and Bob Darling of
Hanover; Glenn Robb; Jan-
ice and Ed McCutcheon and •
family of Lions Head; great
grandmother, Mrs. Clara,:.
Rayhard of Lucknow; Russel
and Lillian Irvin; Alex Irvin
and Annette. Curran; and
Murray and Elizabeth Irvin.
and Heather... • ,
At the baptism at Trinity
Church. the Irvin family was
honoured to have little Lind-
say's uncles,' who are all
members of the congrega-
tion. Uncles Alex and Mut'.
ray Irvin, great uncle Doug-
las Raynard, and great great
uncle, Harvey Ritchie.
Manford and. Joan D.ierolf
of .Blind River visited for a
week here with their daugh-
ter, Vicky and Stephen Pit-
uke, Chris, Jamie and David.
Joan's mother, , Mrs. Ethel
Hoy of Goderich returned to
Blind River with them.
Mother's. Day visitors with
Relg and Freda Broome were.
Mrs. Rose Broome, Diane,
and Pat of Lucknow; Ken and
Mary Scheerer, Pam and
Greg of. Goderich and Bill
and Edna Ross of Lucknow.
Lions family night
held in Ripley U.C.
The. Ripley and District
Lions annual family night
was held in the United
Church on Wed. Apr. 28.
Roll call was taken with
each, member introducing
his. family. Lion Gerry with
Marian Gamble at the piano
led in a sing ' song, Lion
President Charles showed a
film. '
Correspondence was read.
Minutes of the • Apr. 14
meeting were read and
adopted. Reports'were given
on the Orangeville conven-
A jar of Lions pens was
passed around to guess the
number. The winners were
Mary Kempton, Danny Mac-
Donald and Daryl McKay.
Get well wishes' go out to
Vicky Hackett, daughter of
Gloria and Wayne. Hackett,
who is a patient in Wingham
and District Hospital.
Warren, and Marion Zinn
and Paul, Douglas Graham of
Lucknow and Mrs. Zinn of
Goderich spent Mother's
Day in Woodstock with Ron
and Diane Ferguson, Kim-'
berley and Jeffery.
Alex and Ella Hackett
spent four days on the week-
end with her brother, Allan
and Dorothy Hunter at Tren-
This "carryall" was. supplied by Douglas Livery in Lucknow to carry
children to a Grey Ox Plenlc at Silver Lake, Black Horse. Unfortunately it
wasn't available when the book, Tales from the Grey Ox,was printed.
The picture hu been supplied by Irene [Macintosh] Godbold. How many
of the people can you name? •
tczrioTax Grunts
r Senior Citizens
1982 Instalments of
up to $310 Have Been Mailed
Ontario Tax Grants for Seniors is a programdesigned specifically to help offset
municipal and school tcrxes for Ontario residents 65 and over, The Ontario Ministry
of Revenue has just completed the mailing of cheques which comprise the first
instalment of the 1982 Property Tax Grant ot, tip to $250 and a new temporary
Horne Heating Grant of $60: These cheques were mailed. on May 10th,
Who received it?
■ If you're65 or over and own or rent your home, you're eligible for the Property
Tax Grant,
■ . The 1982 instalment cheque was mailed to all Ontario seniors who received the
1981 Property Tax Grant.
• This is intended to help you pay your property tax or rent for thefirst part of
1982. In thelall you will autorncttically receive an application for the balance.
of your grant.
Who did not receive it?
Basically, if you didn't receive a 1981 Property Tax Grant, you will not have received
the May instalment, In particular, seniors should note that;
■ If you reside in a nursing home; homefor the aged'or any property tax-exempt
institution, you're not eligible, for the Property Tax Grant.
■ If you turned .65 after Decernber 31, 1981 (and therefore did not qualify fore.
a grant last year) you also won't have received the May instalment, However,
you will receive an application for the entire 1982 grant in the fall:
Temporary Home Heating Grant
This year a temporary •Home Heating Grant of $60 has been added to the Tax
Grants Program to help seniors cope with the sudden increases in heating
costs. This $60 is included in your 1982 instalment cheque. For example, if you.
'received a Property Tax Grant of $480 for 1981, your .1982 instalment amounts to
$300 (1 of S480 S240 plus S60).
Formore information ,call the Ministry's rnultilfnQucsl Information Centre
■ ir, Area Code 807 ■ in all other areas--
• ask the Operator for Zenith 8.2000 • dial 1-800.268.7121
or write to:
Ministry of 'Revenue, Guaranteed Income and Tao Credit Branch, Queen's Park,
Ibronto, Ontario, M7A 2B3
■ Ir Metro Taranto -
965 -.8470
George Ashe
Minister •
TM Russell
Deputy Minister