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if mow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 28, 1982—Page
[Photo by Frank Phillips]
Wilson -Pollock
Wed in March
Candelabra with pink glad-
ioli, white shasta daisies and
fern decorated Nile United
Church on March 20, 1982
for the wedding ceremony in
which Susan' Elaine Pollock
became the . bride of Robert
John Wilson.
The bride is the daughter
of Mr.. and Mrs. Carman
Pollock of Nile and the groom
is the son of Mr, and .Mrs.
Stuart Wilson of R. R. 1,
Brucefield. "`
The Rev. Robert G. "Mc-
Mullen assisted ' by Mr.
George E. Cowan, officiated
at the double ring ceremony.
Music was provided by
Mrs. Carol Carter. Thesolo-
ist was Mr. Brian . Wilson,
who sang, You Light. Up My'.
Life, and Let It Be Me: °
The bride was given in
marriage by her parents. She
chose a gown of silk polyes-
ter with blouson bodice, high
neckline and full length
chiffon sleeves, trimmed
with lace and small seed
Her three-quarter length
silk illusion veil was held in
place by a Juliet cap, trim-
med with seed pearls and
lace. She carred a cascade
bouquet of pink roses, white
daisies, stephanotis and
baby's 'breath. .
Maid of honour was Miss
Susan McLean of Goderich,
friend of the bride. She wore
a cranberry coloured polyest-
er knit . gown and carried a
bouquet of pink roses, white
daisies and baby's breath
She also wore daisies in he
Bridesmaids , were Miss
Linda Feagan of Barrie, Mrs.
Heather Martin of Goderich,
friends of the bride and Miss
Estella Wilson, sister of the
groom. They wore .gowns
similar to the maid of honour
and carried similar bouquets.
The little flower girls were
Tina Noble and Jennifer
Yule, nieces of the bride. '
Their dresses were ' pink
polyester with white and
cranberry flocking, smocked
bodices and short puff sleev-
es. They were trimmed with
white lace on the collars and
tiered skirts:. They carried
nosegays of cranberry col-
oured rosebuds, small dais-
ies and baby's breath.
Groomsman was Randy
Wilson, brother of the groom
and ushers were Mervyn Erb
' of Brucefield, John VanVliet
of Walton, friends 'of the
groom and Larry Pollock,
brother of the bride. They all
wore grey tuxedoes similar to
the groom..
Following the wedding, a
reception' was held at the
Goderich Township . Com-
munity Centre: The bride's
mother , received the guests
in ,a powder blue street
length dress of polyester
chiffon. She wore a corsage
of pink rosebuds. The
groom's mother chose a
dusty rose polyester chiffon
street length dress, with a
corsage of dusty pink. roses.
,Following a wedding trip
to Och Rios, Jamaica, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson will reside
in Brucefield.
Mrs. Beulah McKay and
Mrs. Jean Wilson, grand-
mother of the ,groom were
special guests at the wed-
Guests: attended: the wed-
ding from Windsor, Toronto,
London, .Barrie, Stratford
and surrounding areas.
Prior to the wedding, the
bride was feted at a shower
for the bride's relatives -by
Barbara Jeffery; a'shower for
the groom's relations by
Anna Wilson of Brucefield; a
girl friend shower at, Evelyn
McLean's . home, hosted by .
Susan McLean and Heather
Martin. A shower was held at
June Coopers for friends of
the groom. Diann Wilson 'and
Dianne McLean held .a mis-
cellaneous shower and the
ladies of Nile United Church
held a community shower in
Langside area girl' progresses to national science fair
By Man Yong
Congratulations to Joanne
de Boer who won fust prize
in her category at the science.
fair held in Ripley on Wed-
nesday, April 14. She now
goes to the Canada wide fair
in Toronto.
Mrs. Jean Young attended
a three day conference and
the first annual meeting of
the Canadian National Conn-
ciFfor Homemakers Services
held at the Park Plaza Hotel,
Toronto, April 25 - 27.
Representatives from visit-
ing Homemaker Agencies
and government officials at-
tended from every province
of Canada and the North
West Territories.
Rev. John Bell of the Pres-
byterian Church, White-
churchrpreached his farewell
service on Sunday with a
large attendance. After the
service, a pot lurk lunch was
served in the Whitechurch
Hall and both Mr. and Mrs.
Bellwere presented with
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pin-
nell of Mildmay visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young
last Tuesday.
Janie Young . of Sarnia
College spent the weekend
with his, parents, Mr. and,
Mrs. Jim Young.
Donald Young, Kevin, Bri-
an and Jessica of Thornhill
spent part of the weekend
,try ,his
patents, Mr. and
Mrs: Qifford Young. Other
visitors on the weekend were
Mr. ' and Mrs. Jim Young, .
Mr. and' Mrs. Russell Young
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wight-
Junior Farmers hold new members' meetng-
The April meeting of the
West Huron Junior Farmers
was held on April 12, 1982 at
8.00 p.m. at Brookside Public
School. Nine new members
attended this meeting.
We voted to continue cat-
ering. Volunteers were asked
to sign up to cater at a wed-
ding in May.
Men's bowling
High single, Gerry Ross
285. High triple, Gerry Ross
• Games Over 225: Gerry
Ross 285, George Stanley
248, Dave Sproule 237.
Team points: Buicks 40,
Mustangs 36, Dodges 30,
Fords 29, Pontiacs 29, Old-
smobiles 26.
Brenda Henderson and
Carol Ritchie reported on the
March Conference in Hamil-
Nancy Aitchison reported
on the, spring. formal. Next
year's formal will be on April
16, 1983. Joanne Pentland
went over the points sytems
for benefit of the new mem-
bers. People with a minimum
of 10 points collected during
the year will receive their
annual banquet ticket free
from the club.
The club has been asked
b the township to paint a
bridge -to be relocated at the
Ashfield Park. Doug Aitchi-,1
sonhas designed a crest for
club hats which will be
ordered. The club also chose
a jacket design which mem-
bers will be able to purchase.
Guest speaker, Bill Arm-
strong, then spoke, on the
.structure, history, and im-
portance ' of Junior Farmers..
\ a trip for two to Britain
with Wardair
with $1000 to spend:
one of more than
150 English Bone China
Cups and Saucers . -.
we'll give you a package
of Peek Frean
Biscuits just for openers.
From now until June 4th, teatime is anytime at Standard,
and you're invited to come in for a cuppa and a biscuit.
We'll show you how to get your money working as hard for you,
as you did to get it. We'll explain the new contest, and show
you how easy it is to Win the cup!
Come on into
Standard ... let
us show you
how friendly
our interest
can be. Savings
With chequing
Winghain 237 Josephine Street, Telephone: 357-2022