HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-7-19, Page 8Selling Out Back to the Load We Go ! Cease is sad see the hundred alnistacria want, and the hun deed yea don't wanL See our Se, ee mad 23c Bargain Tables et Jab. The Old Cariosity ShoP 44 Hamilton Street, Gelleridi erie OBITUARY C. N. R. to Abandon Goderich -- in Favor of the e. P. R. ? WANTED The following, from "Peter Plain - man's" column in The Stratford Bea- , es a bit of rowdy for which there seems to be no real foundsetion. A railway man to whom The Signet talked this week laughed at the idea that aer ;web ;scheme as here outlined would be entertained. Auto INSURANCE Tire Life Accident awl Musses (*Agri* Oult. Mose 1144 BUILDING and GENERAL CONTRACTING —Repairs and Remodelling— Work Guaranteed Satis- factory —PRICES RIGHT— ! J. Moser John Jeffery Warren Street Phone tiffw CONTRACTOR All kinds of Cement Work, Moving and Jacking up —TOWN OF GODERIC116,__.. Fresh Clement and Lime always on hand on Order—We deliver in — Town or Country Phone 303 Hamilton Street GODERICH DOG LICENSES - any street or public place with- out a proper 'keno* tag will be larPounded and will be releaaed only upon paymeet of 32.00 for • male dog and $4.00 for a female (lesLexclusive of the regular li- cense tee; otherwistellerdog be humanely destroyed. R. C. POSTELETHWAITE Chief of Pollee There are persietent rumors about the city that the tow•u of Goderich la likely to be made a C.P.R. port. That meaus that the C.N.R. would graceful- ly withdraw and leave the field to its tnaiu rival in the trausportation busi- ness; in Canada. I meutioned this to a C.N.R. man recently. He had not beard of it, be mid, but athreted that there might be reasonable basis for such a rumor deepite his not hearing of it. The C.P.R. is credited with hartng case ot the beet Propaganda - making syrtems in the railway bust. nese. Its active president 15 constant- ly delivering speeches and these are carefully reprodueed in pamphlet form so that he who travele may read. Ile is also well-known as au susalgaznist. At first, of course, he would do away with lines which parallel one another at close range and have both roads use tbe oue track. Then he would, or would like to, designate one part, which le now a eumpetitive eentre as aeries .such like operations event- ually pt the two synems under one which have given rime to rurnors con- cerning Goderich. As a sort of eom- pensation, the C.N.R. be supposed to hase the eitY et Owen Sound. To the uninitiated this looks like a bar- gain for the C.N.R., but as a matter of fact tbe forty -odd -mile street be- tween here and Goderich is deemed to t* about the beet prying line on the systens and the proposed deal bake good only to the reader who hes no thennore, the C.N.R. has vast property interests in Goderich it cannot read- ily turn over. or Board of Trade or both conjoint- ly might very well Ic 4/ into more de- finitely. If it really did materialize it would not, to my the least of it, be good business for Stratford. It would take much repair work from the total shops and divert it to C.P.R. centres elsewhere, aid in short time more C.N.R. erewe would I* thrown out of work. We bare prortdentially, or through the heeitancy of the U.S. Senate, escaped for the time being at leapt the ultimate dleaster to Strat- ford that. would inevitably follow the deepening of Jim Great Waterways Synem. but -Im-4,1se meantime insid- ious popeyed& le afloat to divert trade from this centre, cut off our re- venuer, depopulate our homes and generally decrease the earniegs of our artisans. It May he yid with a de- gree of outward cheerfulness that rumors are uneubatantial things upon which to ham setualities, but unfor- tunately, with conditions as they are, rumors of today are accomplished facts tomorrow --and when it thst close it is too late to avert thing'. The heads oflagigantic corporations constantly •re endeseoring to profit whom they deem entirely indiffereut and whom they surfeit regularly with Stories of the tremendous expense the ('.N.R. is becoming to the nation. We murt waken up if we wish to fore - MRS. MARY JAN'E WFIVENS on leriday last Mrs. Mary Jane moven*, widow of the tate. Jobs Ste- ven/I, peseta away at tlw twine of her rt.% townehip, In her eighty-fourth stroke after • atay of two day. un the farm. She was born in Colborue town- ship, daugeter Me tate 'John Allin and Elisabeth Walton', who tame RAILIPTII SALK fn.= Devonshire,- England. Arteri her marriage to Mr. Struve, ‘1110 1110111 BAnarrs sALB or pmeasaiiirm 1111:MERRY DID NOT ATEIND 34 dance. Orem Corn or !hullos Salves avoid this. At CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORM "PERMANENT WAVING—MELEES- ' DAY, July 26, at British Exchange (MICE, HARRY GRIM WANTED. --POULTRY AND BOCA " RiSbeet prices paid. Let us cull your flock. G. PEARSON, Clinton, or 'pitons Dungannon. 21 r 12. tALEIIIIIAN WANTED. — WIN wanted for Rawleigh routs. in North Huron county. Write immedi- fifteen Veen; ago, the Lou*" farmed in IMURNITURB will be heid on lot No. lee. south eider Goderich, on WHUREDAY, JULY as, 1964 at 2 pm. The following pods and chatteki will be sold: Sherlock & Manning piano and moo.; eideboard; dining -room table; two rocking chairs; three dlning-room chairs; haircloth *rata; door rug; up- holetered chairs; settee; washstand; dresser; iron bedatead; small table. there siery keit eveteything dre. Twenty years ago they came to Gotierkit Surviving are a brother, rem, of Cetliborne township; • daugh- ter, Mrs Reuben Grigg, ot Goderich townehip; also ten grauclehikiren and fear great-grandchedisen. The funeral toes -dee was conducted at ber residence on l'ark street by Rec. le W. Credit on Kunday Mat. De - teased was a meeker of Vklorie street United chure-hi Intenneet was in Colborne cemetery. the PaSibearers being die greneitione, Carmen Ste- vens' and Brute, (Batlike's*, John, Ed- win* antt—Chetess -Grigg. 'The How- er -bearers were /Wield Stevens and Wm. Grigg. stall such possibilities. MRS. ANNIE HASTINGS family, of Gioueester Terrace, in Wadi has aSain visited the Grabs* passing, at Chicago, of Mrs. Annie Haetings, sister of Messrs. John and Malcolm Graham, of town. Mrs. Hastings had been in ill -health sines January and reeently underwent a serious operation In St. Luke's hos- pital, Chicago, which was followed by several blood transfusions. These paired uf little benebt_end she WAS remove.' to her home, where -deatE. came peacefully on July 9. Deceased mother. and found happinees In help- ing others. /Surviving are two daugh- ters, Mrs. Hollenbeek (Catharine) •nd Miss Grace Hamlett', and four sone, Graham. Kenneth, Jack and Stewart Hastings, all of Chicago. Two grand- children, Donald and Graham Hollea• beck, also survive. Her husband pre- deceased her three years ago. Tbe funeral. held from her residence, 4404 Geeenwood avenue, was largely at- tended by Mende and rotative., in- cluding her brothers, Messrs: Joel) whiffietrees, and other articles too AUCTION SALM —SAVE ON MEATS FOR CAEN-- Friday and Saturday Specials =Steer aad Heifer Beef— Sleek ik lb. Sirloin Stash lk b. Peeterberese Sleek thr D. Miseihr asset— the b. Leal WI - Se IL Beef Meeks lie lb. Milk -fed Veal -i- 1 -11s. Veal Chem, 1 lb. Round Staab Beth for 27e Stewing Veal 7e lb. Phorie 485 We Deliver Shoulder Resat. —Ilk b. Rump Roast 1231e lb. Thick Law 12Itte lb. Spin( Lenels--Legs 24e lb. Ulm 25e lb. Labia (mall end) 22e lb. Shoulder lk lb. Cisme 25e lb. Free Hamilton Street Town of Goderich 1934 Taxes BRIEFS _ Ipar of Pocohontas coal arriving this week. lelephooe 472 for prices. CHEER tX/AL CO. 1 The Blue Bird Tea Shop at Blue - water Beach for lunch, tea or dinner. Ha-ve your next bridge warty there. Home-made jam for sale. Look over your binder ellDfild and have them repaired DOW. Strips aod slats furnished, 25c each. W1GLKS HARNESS SKOP, Hamilton street. Your stomach may not be digeding your food properly. PARKE'S LIV- ERTONE is a greet tonic that aids la digestion and stimulate* a lazy aver. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. Phone 90. Remember the picnic of Court God- erkb, No. 32, and Court Benmiller, No. 86. of the Canadian Order of Foresters, at Barbot—Part, Goderich on Wednesday, August lat, at 2 o'clock p.m. Bring your basket. Visiting digestion and stimulates a lazy lever. vited. A. E. BARKRR, Secretary. 2984 TS21111 are now payable at the offiee VW Tax Pay early abd-have the diseount. J. H. ROBERTSON, Tax Collector 11111111111111111111111 STEDELBAUER'S USED CARS You may see the following Cars and others by calling at our place of business SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK! muirtii 32 Essex Coach 31 Chev. Sedan, Special 29 Chev. Coupe 29 Buick Special Coupe 29 Ford Coach 28 Chrysler Coach 28 Chev. Coupe 28 Chev. Truck Stake 28 Chev. Truck, Stake body 27 Ford Mesh 25 Ford ?Irk BOWLING TOURNAMENT Tbe Purity Fleur Trophy Captured by The greens of the Goderieh BOW - ling Club were well tilled on Wednes- day of last week, ellen forty-three rinks were present for the imitative doubles tournament for the Purity Flour trophy. The trophy, held for the past two years by Albert Taylor and the late Joe Bowman, Was captured by A. M. Crawford and W. Miller of 'r00 MUCH -PUNCH" High-pressure salesmen sbould con- fine their sales talk to mere word.s, without report to gestures in trying to sell their goods. If you don't agree, juet column the man that tried. to "sell" George MacVkar, the aloe men, laid week. The salesman was punc- tuating his "line" by banging a clenched fist on top of a showrase in the store, and as he concluded his extent that be neglected to ''pull his punches," and hts final bang on tbe elate; case was aceompenied by le splintering crash as the whole top of the case caved In. Need we say—he did not get tbe order. ,•rfier of ttheardowhe blacksmith Aim ea mitten 'trete, Goderich, ISATURIMY, JULY 21, 1934 commeacIag •t 1.30 o'clock: years old; mere! mare, seventeen years old. Cattie.--Coe, seven years old, w1th calf -et root; Durham CiaM. Mg Years old, bred April 6; Ayrshire cow, three yeast old, bred Jane 27, _ Impeasenta eta—Frost It Wheel mower. tive-ftat cut; set drag bar- rows, four *tenon; die harrow; Me- Cormck-Deering grain, grass seed, fer- tilizer drill, eleven -dime, nearly new ; Deering binder, six-foot cut ; Mc- Cormick -Deering watking plough; Mc- Cormick -Deering cream separator. 650 lbs. capacity , cutter. fanning mill; hay fork •nd rope, about 160 feet; buggy; set team harness; eet buggy harness; a number of sacks and grata bags; muse *hurt lumber ; Large mail lax • a number of fruit sealers; forka, FOR SALE OR RENT L*0It SALE. -26 -IN. WHITE STEEL separator; 16-30 tractor with trace tor thiptenneetir. Apply le atalel Goderich, Ont. on Elgin avenue; gine location; hard- wood floors; new furnace. For tome apply to HAYS HATS, or to A. M. 000D BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE /sat a genuine bargain. Situated ort East street ; seven rooms and complete bathroom; furnaee and Imme- diate posseesion. Apply to 8. E. SON, Goderich. Mies Flora Smith, of town, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Smith,,Port Arthur. and Mlle: T. S. Warringon, Donald. of Detroit. The beautiful floral tri- bute* were numerous and testified to WIngbam. With the trophy, the win - the high plaee Mrs. Haesinge held la ners won ceder chest:, and bags of the estimation of thom who knew her. Purity Flour. Mr Taylor, who Interment was made in Mount Hope cemetery, the pallbearers being Mr. Mal- colm Graham, of Goderich, Mr. Jas. S. Ilmith, Port Arthur, Mr. Donald Warring, Detroit, and Mr. H. 3. Hol- lenbeck, Idr. J. McDonald and Mr. J. bowled with George Mathieson, not place among the winners. Second in tbe firet event WPM Geo. Symonds and Geo. Mumby, of Gotierich. Blan- kets were won by the second rink. to the semifinals, Peter aurlas. Bls- Ake the second event was drawing r,...rtney, chicago. set were leading their opeonents, DREDGE DISMANTLED Hemphill and Goodwin. of Hensalld According to • story heard in the by six when the last end was reached. Maxim -rate's Court tut Wednesday, A Goodwin's laat bowl moved the kitty and gave the Heiman link eight to win the game. The Meat was won McArthur. A Hensel' rink, F. Bonth- and third position was taken by J. fiwatheld and C. Ir. Chapman, of God- etich, who defeated Hemphill Ind Goodwin. of Remelt The prizes were: 1st, eod table.; 2nd. blankets; 3rd. fern stands. J. Beattie and "Mac" McKellar, of Seaforth. won electric toasters, the Colwell and I). Lightly, of Kincardine, - were 'stand. winning rose bowls. WITH THE BOWLERS In Friday's local tonrney at the Me- lon street greens, only one prize was given anti the winnenewere Jos. Bro- phey and T. Murphy. Winners in the local tourney on Monday eight were F. Hunt and J. Lauder. In *wood place were (leo. MaeVicar and F. Donnelly. Six rinks of bowlers went to Wing ham yesterday to take part in the tonrnament there. Fred Hunt and Robert Johnston brought home the lira prize in the amociatIon event. A Goderich rink, composed of A. Taylor, T. Taylor, L. Young and P. 'Meet. played in Kitchener invita- tion lawn bowling tournament on Wed- needay. This local rink was well to the fore and tied for second place with two other teen*, but in draw, decided upon to ,eliminste a play-off, they were not lucky. STEDELBATTER'S are located at Moore's Garage 13 -Plate Batteries—Special—Guaranteed 1 year—$4.85 Terms may be arranged on any of our cam St. Andrew's Street, off Hamilton Goderich, Ont. 1, ItAbANCING Goderich Pavilion Tnesday,, %On', Saturday la During July indAngust egg SUMMER VISMORB ROUSE TOR SALM—MODERN linearly new briek bungalow. 84 New- gate Wert, within a few minutes' walk of tbe Square. All conveniences, in- cluding electrk. beater; hardwood floors; large lot with fruit trees, Aruba, etc. Apply to J. J. HALL on the premises. gt '01 Add VOR SALE.—SOLID BRICK HOUSE in fine -clam conditiop, large veran- da, electric water heater, combination furnace, soft water cistern, good well besides the town water, lawns, garage, and -rear lot- Not tar Sum the — Square. ORM or terms. F. WOOL'. 00101E, REAL ESTATE AND IN- SURANCE. 'Phone 29K POEM pOULTRY FARM roe SALM— I Owing to in -health, I will sell mY five -acre poultry farm with dwelling house. Full basement under dwelling: best of garden ground. Hours for 500 layer,: colony houses and shelters. On Blue Water Higliway betide town lim- it.. Will sell either separate or as a going concern. W. A. CHISHOLM. Hayfield Road, Goderich, Ont. WM. JOHN ENSIGN, ProprIeter. ship several years has been slowly end asethodically dismantled of many portable parts. This, complained Gabe hae been going on for about Mx years. He recently discovered two Louden.- boro men, Donald Snell and /I. A. 'Ledford. in pomospoolon of some ot die macienery. Snell pieaded guilty be- fore the Magistrate of the theft of a - portable forge. •nd Radford admitted baying taken machinery valued et over 20 from the dredge. R. C. Hays, jr., the nue/fine had been abandooed and Although play watt held up for an allowed to deteriorate. It was not, he said, with deliberate intent to Meal hour or more about 11 p.m. by • heavy that the articien were taken. Crown rain, the bowlers waited and resumed ptay when the soros had passed. The final game was not played until 4 o'clock •.m. Thursday. The tournament was attended by forty-three rinks. There were seven- teen Goderich tents and the remtin- ing twenty-six were from Wingham 1,40'1`101 ORIEDITOREI NOTICE TO CREDITORS.fl In the estate of Mary Jane Stevens, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Marl Jane Stevens, late of the town et .tloderkb. of Huron, widow, deceased, wbo on or about the 13th day of July, 1934, are hereby notified to send in t'l the undersigned on or before the 10tb day of August, 1864, full particulars of their ctaf�a. Immediately atter the mid date the etecntors will distribute attests of the said detested, tregard y the claims of which they then shall have notice, and they will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received no- tice for the mete so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at t)oderich this 18th day of July, 1934. C..k; 1D, Executorswam. eaUlt LITE STOOK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Teiephose Ne. 119 Babe attended to anywhere and every &Hort made to pre/ eattaractioa. Farmer,' sah• saes diecounted. MEDICAL uNOSE, THROAT. Lets Boma loresea Saw Yak *Want at Kooreleld Etre 1101OHni end Golden Square Throat Hospital. London. nes. as welted°, Buret 8.. Wader& 7 p.m es the evening Ot the third Monday of each month until tbe sot day, Tuesday, at 1 At Rotel Sweet Guests; of the pate week at Hotel Sonnet were Mrs. .1. B. Anderson, Chi - 111.; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Leslie, Ham - Mies Gladys Humphrey end MIRA Detteit ; Mr. and Mrs. J. I, Bueharisin, Grosse Pointe: A. A. Hutchisan, St. Marys; Mrs. G. H. Emery and child- ren, Windsor; N.. Rtimposon, Detroit; Miss Rachel Fleming end Met. O. L. Fleming, Detroit; Dr. and Mrs. N. Pslmer Smith, London: Mr. end Rye. Ottawa ; M. A. Dneroffe, Toronto; and Mrs. O. R. Davis, Worthington. 01110; J. WIlliampon. Toronto. and Heenan 121 -and Teerwater, Pais- ley and Blyth (I). Tbe next local invitation tournament will t* held on Wednesday, Anguet 1. TONY FARR'S BAND Meet Me at the PAV! ODERICH nom limag - At the Park Renee At the Perk 1101104`. where camping Weigle' reenter. there were about twenty names of visitori to the grounds during the poet week. The canners were from twiny parts of Ontario. the adjoining Provinces. and the U.S.A In the Perk Honse. dnring the pest week, the visitors were Rey. and hire. Denier end Mien Dorothy tauter, De- troit ; Mr. and Mra Fronk Coaiey and Pl. W. Ceekerline. Toronto; Arther R. Fora; London: Mr. and Mrs. 4.12 end Mina Jnne Parttime Buffalo; J. Petterpon. Toronto; Mrs. Elisabeth Jackson, lenitive; Mies M. 1611.1ote Rani?: Mrs. T. Myer. Calgary. Attorney Holmes asked that lenience be shown the men. Suspended sen- tences of six and nine months were Imposed on Snell and Radford respec- tively. Court costa are to be paid la At Mitchell on Monday night the Goderich nine lost one of the best - played games of the aeason by a 6-2 score. It was a pitchers' dt(el until tbe third, when Mitchell came throueL with four runs. Two more in the fourth put the Mitchell squad on easy street. The heels were blanked until the seventh, when Duquette mewed. Johnston tallied the mecond in the ninth. The batteries: For Mitchell, Rodgers and Morrison; for Godericn, Fritzley and (Memel. N. Meter, of Goderich, sod I.. Gates'', of Mitchell, were the •tenpites. BENMILLER Mrs. J. C. Stewart, of /Mutt Ste. Marde,"thett_less E. Buyere, of Nes Linkeard, visited at the home of Mr. end Mrs. W. tang this week. Miss Marjorie Baxter hes returned to her home after upending some time with her grandparents, Mr. red Mrs. Campbell of Winthrop. The Misses Jean Bell, Helen Straus - ban. Evelyn Long and Norma Hill have returned from Sunset Beach, where they spent two weeks camping. LADY GOLFERS AT HAYFIELD On Monday the ladies of Maitland Golf Club accepted an invitation to play in a tournament at Hayfield wit's lite members of that Club. An •fter- noon of keen eompetition was enjoyed, the Goderich players emergiog with slightly the better of the play. win- ning five and tleing in two of tea A delightful sfternotoe SIM Wail Miter enjoyed In the Log Cabin at Hayfield The games resulted as follows (Bay- tiPld players named Brat): Mine E. Suppnick defeated Mrs. Mho G. Jowett detested Elva a. L. Mew C. euppnick 10611 tili MM. P. Mies Ante' lbmin lost to'IlItit J. H. Taylor. Miss Alice Mule lost to MIAs G. Mrs. Jowett tied with Mies B. Hun - Mrs. H. L. finppeklf defeated Miss M. Edwards. Mrs. Day tied * tire, D. Mist - Reel Mite Rankle Mooney BORN erich, on Saturday, July 14, to daughter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Wil- liam Thome' Murney, iateaf the Town of Goderich. In the Connty of Huron, Gentleman, deceamo. Take notice that ell creditors and others haring .laima or demands against the estate of the said William Thomas Mnrney, who died on or about the nineteenth day of May. A.D. 1964, are required on or before the twenty- eighth day of July, 4.13. 1934, to de- liver to tbe undersigned executors full particulars of their delete And take notice that after such last mentioned date the elevators will pro- ceed to distribute the anseta of the said deceaped among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the7 shall then have notice, and thet the said execu- tors will not be liable for ihe said as - pets to any pernon nr persons of whose claim notice shall not then have been received by tbem. HAROLD GRAHAM MURNEY, erich, Ontario, Exeeutors of the tate of William Thome* Marne). The C its 1864 after a was fret be LOA eh It rawest vlt.d. ful even' made tit There school, It duets by sad Mar by Ruth Peterbor Steed, of Dungan W esttle e HeumIL Leone N. Lone, of fes and Dungan edition c tor. Kai amber; requited where iv and "Pr J. Stead, dared *I askle the prop W the whish !u the week The p W. A. 1 sad Tip OS Sal 1st psest Wi lasts WM, sN tie iYS suntan.. Thos Taalalt. X 1 DOAK.—At AIPIAIWIrft hopes', God- erich. on Moeday, July 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doak, Ooderich, a SH111111)14.—At Alexandre hospital, Mr and Mre. Perry fthields, A.R. 1, Port Albert, • daughter. DIED FISHER —In Clinton, on Staturday, July 14, Ftallee. Jane Curwen, wife of Herbert Fboher, Colborne town- FINNBGAN.—In LIUDE11113011, on Tues day, Jule McQuold. re- lict of the late Robert J. Finnigan. aged 76 year*. STEVENS—In Goderich townehip, on Friday, July 13, Mary Jane Allin, widow of the late John (Severs, in ber 84th year. DRUGLESS PILICTITIONIR CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS'S THERAPIST Goderich. Phone ell Equipped with deutro-magmetle anti chi roprectic. and 'servals disease. Indy tn at- tendance Othce homy 2 to ash 7 to 8 p.m. 012 Tuesday, Eriday and Sat- urday, and on Wedesentlay 10 ere 1111 may be had by appointniest. A. N. ATKIN/10W Residence and alico—Ooreer at South street and Bzitannia read. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT j. W. MONTEITH, Chartered Aern0111.1111t 2111) Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. 1510 Star Bollding. Toronto, Out. CARD OF THANKS I KINUALE and the nurses of Alex- andra Ifettne awl -General lesospital for the levelness I received wisest I was in the hermits] NOTICE TO C'REDITORP. in the matter of the estate of Ed- ward McDowell, late of the city of Toronto, in the county of York, gentleman. deemeed. Notice IR hereby given phreuent to Seetion 51 of The Trustee Act that all creditors and (ahem having Malmo or demands allairett the eatate of the said Edward Merawell, who died on or about the 27th flay of April. 1934, nre required on or before the 31at day of Angela, 1084. to send by poet pre- paid, or deliver to Meiburn MeDowell, Millbrook, Ontario, the eternter of the lest will end testament of the said dereseed, their Clue/Han namee and surnames. addreess And dmeriptions, the particular* of their claims. a statement of 'belt Atecounte, aod the netnre of the gentrifies Of any) held by them. And take notice that after *rah lest - mentioned date the said executor will proceed to dixtribute the armee of the SAM deceopeet among the portiee en- titled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he %hall then hare not le.. and that the Mid execeitor will not he Habil, for the mid Resets. or any part thereof. to any person or perenno of whose clients melee* shell not have been reeetred by him at the time of much distribution tare', Rokitor for the mold Expert tor. Doted the leth My of July. leeti DUDLEY E. HOLMAN. Dray ton Mildred 1 pa, Pot bell, R.1 2, Aubur Planner Relays Claire F Stone, It Weimer GoderIch Chill:1.08AD 43: the scho so the m the bane Brem tetarj rar la The tel. their the at nig vine 1 ode oi n• lef stud red M bons The 11 Miss ell Barrister and Floticitot Teiephom 512. r. R. DARROW, BARRISTRIL NW. Ekwesseor to J. L. Killoraa Telephone 97. PRANK DONNELLY, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office—Hamilton Street, Godsrick Telephone 281 Barristers and Bolesitom Telephone 88. 1CHNEST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Adelaide and Vie - torte Streeta, 11/Tonto 1 Telephone Elgin WOOL INSURANCE., LOANS. WM. lIrKILLOP MUTUAL FIRM INOUE. ANON 00.—Farin and Isolated town property insured. Officeft--Alez. Bradford. President. Godericb PG; Merton A. Reid. Ma - forth, Sec.-Treaa, Seaforth PO. Directors—A. Warfront. R.R. Ne. Searovek; hisses Shadily, thrdlies; Wm Knox, Losidenboro; Hobert Ter- ris, Blyth; Om. Leonhard1. nersocok Rat 1; John Pepper, Brticelleid; Thee. Archibald, Reaforth. R R. 4; James ton ; James Watt, Blyth; rale, MO- reeltorn, eleaforth; John Murray. be - forth ; Chao. T. Hewitt. Elseadish Polley-boldms can make .11 papaw& elms ees boar sob ail HO Royal beak, Mates ; Clahla OEM Group sad P7 I tees Pre Mho tato Sk Wet ear la j be be It fall