HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-04-21, Page 120 WOW* $et nisei, V4610001 401 31, 119$2 - 1. Articles tole 000 ATTENTION Hydro Workers Farre Workers The Construction and Farm Safety Code rook - se alqu l work: boots mutt have: thi Oneon latah 10 Moot gaiety *tenderds m gutted by . kW. If • your In mod of nevi Work Boots come in and sea us m►w... • Potter Shoes LLdcnaiw 5284011 28' COLUMBIA SAILBOAT, inboard motor, : VHF depth sounder, many other options, 537,000. ; Phone 482-3032. —15,16 "'1977 125 SUZUKI trailbike; Simplicity tractor lawnmow- er.: Phone 529.7314. —15 USED RUG for sale, 11 x 21'. Phone 528.2909. —15 RAINBOW TROUT -. fresh, delivery your area, on Fri. days, buy direct. Rainbow Trout Hatchery and Fish Out Ponds, 357.2329: Ontario's Best Fishing! 11.18 !low.www 4e ar.• aw+rr.wrw.r..rrr iw., 1. Artleles for sale TRY C t E Furniture, new end used. Dai Goderich,. $24-72315 --40tt FRESH MAPLE .SYRUP now available at Robinson Maple . Products. Phone 529.7857, We will deliver, —11.14 BMW CHICKS white ors brown, eggs, neat types, 3 wok old capons, readyto- ley pullets. Small orders a specialty. CN -CP. or Pard Post. Bonnie's. ChickHateh- ery, Box 154, Elmira, N311 2Z6. (519) 669.2561.1Sn* DEPRESSION GLASS, dish- es, antiques and 'used furn- iture at Jim Finrnigan's Place, across from , the car wash. Phone 528.3602. I3tfar 1980 Suzuki, GN 400, motor- bike, , only : used for six months; excellent condition; windshield. - included; best offer, Call after 5. p.m., 528.21.84. —16,17 - 45 GALLON STEEL barrels for sale; for garbage and also clean barrels with lids, for feed barrels and : barrels for watering animals. Agents for Blyth Steel Barrels.Daw• son's General Store, . Dun gannon and .Amberley Gen- eral Store. —45,16 - WATERBED; Do it yourself. kit, ¶'r75, lnetudes mattress, heater, - liner, Single, queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself, Com- plete instructions, free deliv. cry. Cali collect: (416) 637. 6904. —15nx Furniture TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE "APRIL SHO WEA OF SPECIALS" AT THE Godfrey Scuett Showrooms Mildmay, Ontario Select from ..50 different, living room suites: 2 piece suites- from $280.00, $535.00 to over $1,100 each 25 bedroom .suites - in prices ranging from $250.00 to over $1,500.00 each. • ALSO Al Mattresses by Sealy, Serta and .other manufacturers, Buy a full width mattress this week at $95.00: Schuett's Deliver Speculai#ordwood Blocks $25®oper cord 4'x8'x12"to14"long $354°• Per cord for 8 fit dried wood p 10 -12 cord load only Phone 396.3612 �.r. orw v.r. awe „a� �r..rr.,�al. `M.rr r•r. 1. Articles for sale *Mb WW1 Ili. 0.116 Oft INN INNS ONO IMO ONE USED HOT 'WATER. tank (insulated); 2 softener tanks (Manually operated); Phone 528.3403, 16x. 'f OPSOiL for sale. Phone Llayd-Whytoek after 6 p.m.,. 528.2006. 154 1969 .DODGE DART, slant 6, automatic, good condition; 15 cu, ft, freezer, 5150,00; buzz isaw, best offer, Phone 528.3116, —16 SBE US FOR - aluminum. siding, soffits, storm doors and windows; shutters, reno- vations, sponge Belling, Glenn's . Aluminum Sales, 528.3723.—16eowar • UNIQUE mail order catalog, self-help tools, 'canning, gardening, butehering, harn. esses, windmills, cider pres. ses, bells, churns, eooltstov- es, grain mills, .50e Pioneer Place, Route 4, Aylmer, Ont- ario NSfi 2R3, —16nx SWIMMING POOLS. Manu- t'aeturers clearance on above ground .pools. Completely fenced with patio deck, sand filter, pump'i and skimmer. 51,595.00, Call collect: for further information - ; (416) 945.4773. -16nx • 1980 HONDA CM400 T " motorcycle, low mileage, ex- cellent condition, Phone 528- 5454. -1b 4. Articles Wanted SPRING.. HOUSE CLEAN 1NG??? Don't know whatto do with those outgrown toys, tricycles, : wagons, eta? Why not call Ruth's Home Day Care, where good used toys are always needed, Phone 528-3141. 15,16 CARS AND TRUCKS wanted for scrap. We pay cash. Call, Wayne Bushell, Backhoeing and Bulldozing, Sand and Gravel, Kinloss Auto Wreck- ers, 395.3320, ---14,15,16x USED ROTOTILLER - want- ed. Phone 528.3837. -16ar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1968 DODGE MONACO con- vertible. V8 auto, bucket seats, 5800,00; 1970 Nortonl 750 ,cc, best offer. Phone 5282620: 16,17 1979 SILVER-GREY Chet,. rolet Monza, standard trans- mission, - hatch back. V-6, 8 track stereo. Good condition, 54,000.00 or best offer.. Phone 524.9293 (Goderich). 15tfnx arms err air wilt mos air . Neal estate for sale % ACRE, country corner buildipg lot, with trees, on highway 86, 2 miles east of Lucknow, 5'12,000.00. Phone 357.3591...,.._., 13tf err r,r.w err Noah rrr..rr err rr.. Won 0. Ascom. to rent DOWNSTAIR 2 -BEDROOM apartment, heated, available. immediately, Phone 528. 3723. aia.,....06064.11kaJialt.i.Jtalailiagrnalmirnamout HOUSE in Lucktnow. Phone 528.3007,—47tfar vim via! alio tar woo vima law two era 0. MOM, M, tab relit *aft amu. woof .iw...w,w..rw•w'+ww. w.,a ASREIELD » three bedroorn. house, x11 insulated, oil heat - Phone 529.7488, 70� • HEATED; BEi)SITT1NG room, Tarnished with linen supplied; - cooking facilities including fridge - and stove. Phone 52853723. =-14tifnr STORE ON MAIN STREET. Phone 528.3007.—•47tfar CENTRAL LOCATION, self contained - one bedroom ap- artment, stove' and ridge, parking, Phone 528.2701. —16 ' 10. 'Wanted to rent • TRYING TO SELL YOUR HOME?? Why not let us rent it.. Two or three bedroom in Lucknow. Phone 395.5945. -15,16 Minh .rr..,.rr1 WWI II, r,w. rr.. 12. Help .wanted. .... rMr..r...r.rr LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER/ companionrrequired immedi- ately far Lueknow area: Room, board . and ' salary, drivers licence required. Re- ply in writing to Box "M",. coo. the- Lucknow, Sentinel, Box '400, LUCKNOW, NOG 2110, —14,15 - GLACIER PARK LODGE, Roger's Pass, B.C. VOE 250, ' Now hiring suminer employees. Write far appli cation form for positions for dining .room personnel, cal• eterin personnel, housekeep, Ing, sales' clerk, gas jockeys, -16nx ..r+ err:• ....!. rr.r Mari-....,rr .e. 14. Employment wanted NEED A HANDY MAN? Call 528.2570 after 6:00 p.m., Experience in , carpentry, roofing and: general repair and maintenance. -7.16x SEVENTEEN' YEAR OLD Duteh girl seeks summer employment, Available June 21st to July 31st. Have one and a half year of experience . working with nursery school children, Call 529.7484. ask for Margaret. — 16,17 DEPENDABLE PERSON 'will do relief milking. Phone 529.7670 or. 528.2236. -16,17 war air root aria 18. Selrvlces, available MOBILE SANDBLASTING - .trucks, equipment, buildings etc, Specializing in brick cleaning. Serving four coon- ties. Free estimates. White's Sandblasting and Painting, Wingliam, 357-1723 any- time. —14.17 INCOME TAX SERVICE Professional service at teas• onable rate; We will come right to your door if you wish, Keith: Metzger. R. # 3, Lucknow, 395.5482. '-9-Loewe Ct1STOIV1 KILLING Mondays and Fridays Cattle and Hogs 55.00 per kill. 1.0c lb, for cutting and wrapping, Home killed beef and pork sold by quarter, half or whole at. lowest market price. RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395.2905 or 395.2970 nearb err. Iwo tam 1111011 ..rh waw al*r 17. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of 30 Dairy amount, end, Milk Equipment - will be held for JAMES YOUNG Lot 27, con. T' Woo* Township, 4 miles east of Holynt 7 miles wit Of'swater FRIDAY, APRIL 30 . at 1 p.en. 1t rag. Hol$taln cors; 71 Holstein . cows, calved March, April; 10 Holstein .sows duo April and May balance brad in fall; Hot stein heifer, open; 800 Ib. holler; • 3 hoitnt catalpa; bull call; 4imnnsln x Hereford : bull. Tho Mott test toward mitellas► Ilatd hard and pregnancy chocked; unit hires; - used equipment, bulk tank; double'slnk; atop ssVer; i Sures buckets; Ilam• 40 plus - pump' with 110" vacuum lino; cow kkkers. OWP1 * GOING OUT OF DAIRY FOR HEALTH REASONS. TERMS CAStf Owner or onifane er not responsible for ants BRIAN RINTOUL AUCTIONEER -16,17 VINO wa.wrr+■wWW1 18.. Services eval$ablea. near woo raw rw,!�h r tr. • AUCTIuN Si Of Shop and Sn>wil Engl Supplies will by held fur ALAN McLEAN at lot 18, Bun. kiloton . Township, 'A mile west of Ripley on . SATURDAY, MAY 1 ' . at i0t3a a.m. • ITEMS INCLUDE: Quan- tity of tools, shop equip-' ment rand supplies, new and used small engine parts, welder and necty- lene welder, riding lawn mowers, some household effects and much move. AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald, Ripley 395.5353 Wallace ballsgh Teeawater, 392.6170 -16ar -_..,rr.errrr.err,rearrte,.err ..Ye. 18. Servlcst available ..rik ra* not; was. rift air err SANDBLASTING and PAINTING Truck wagon d!. fair. Mixer bozos. Brick Hous.s, Steal work & boatt. Alr Hammars, Concr.is Stablas, Phon.529-7403 ARNOLD STOTHERS R.R. 6 Goderich DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances • Admiral Sales and Service, tower and an- tenna installation, rerrigera. tion service, 395.3466, Rip. ley. 9tfar LUCKNOW TAXI Reasonable Rates 'Delivery Service 528-3116 Local and Long Disunite Trips M AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald Ripley Wallace Mash, Teeiwatel Licensed Auctioneers Sates of All Types. Phone Ripley 305.5353 Teeswater 3924170 BACKHOE BULLDOZING TRUCKING GRAVEL PHONE 529-7403 ARNOLD STOTNERS RR t GOD[RICH lam aim oar um err, w..,r.r,taul.+M.. 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND imam Ail cls against the estate of THONMAS'ROBERT PURDON fate of the Village ref Luck- now, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about: March 23rd, 1982,. must be filed with the under- signed personal representa. live on or before May Sth, 1982; thereafter the under-. signed will distribute the assets , of the . said estate having regard only to the . claims of which the under. signed then has notice. Dat-. ed April 13th, 1982, Claude Gutty and Donald- Johnston, Executors, c/o GEORGE 3. BROPHY,1 Barrister and Sol- icitor, Hua 610, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2110. —..16,17,18ar . • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Alt claims against the restate of ORLA.ND A. RICHARDS . late. of the Village of Luck now, in the County of Bruce, Widower. deceased, who died - on or about April 6th, 1982, must be filed with the undersigned personal .rep- resentative on orbeforc May . Sth, 1982; thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard . only to the' claims of which the under- signed then has notice. Dat- ed April 14th, 1982. Mrs. Jean Ann Murray and Mr, Richard . Thomas Richards, Executors, c/o GEORGE J.. BROPHY, Barrister and Solt leiter, . Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario, .NOG 2110. • 1'6,17,18nr