HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-7-19, Page 6.3 • et- Thursday, July 10th, 1934 THE SIGNAL TOWNSHIP COUNCIL NILE COI.BOLICIVM TOWNSHIP / N i I4E, July 1d -The MINN Oast Slue Colborne townsSTeou I met and Hilda Finnigan July 10th. All the members were pre- 1 perd are attending the-Godsrlcb SUMrent. The laitnutes of Court of Re- mer School this week. \ talon a t previous meeting blwad a Miss lob t Toronto is spend - PICTURE GARDEN IN 11 COLBORNE TOWNSHIP A modest resident of Maitland road, and o ev us Anne Ta o Colborne township, a former Ooderleh read and uu mutton of J. Ytt o' tug this week at her Lome here. boy, son of Mrs. Jane Lynn, of leisure Moral and afters eats Fess oils Angle - at, read. br J. tee alas, ware adolWod amts... to t• le I ng A number of'YE'g"i't1°,-Thuurm to the cultivation of a real EMI held. after de- ar read. tended and took part in the eervke a. of intensive gardening, to the delight At the norplpg :,}+fun, A letter was read from Mr. O. K Dungannon last Suuduy morning, 1 of many friends and the gratification votlonal exercises, tae roll of officers was canal: seven out of ten oflkers were present, also eight superinten dents of departtmectr. • Mrt. Pearce of Exeter, Mn. Procter, Mrs. Mc- Guire and Mrs. Tiudnll of Brussels were appointed a uoielnatiug and re- solutions t•ommlttee. Reports were given by auperinten• GODERICH, ONT. W. 0. T. U. CONVENTION Ter yaraoce Waters, of Moron County Held Aarwal (lathering at Blyth The thirty-aeventh annual county conventt0n of the w.C.T.C• was held In Blyth United church ou Thursday, Jwly (Rh, with the president, Mies Murray of Exeter, +u the chair. Fleming asking the council for its approval of the removal of a meter from one of Its eottageo, t the cot - tat wee agelittle used, and placing oa one of the other meters. This request was granted. The colleetur's time was extended one month. On motion, one-third or more of 1933 taxes in arrears must be paid when Mr. Aubrey Oldham of Sara a• of els artistic inclinations. precldeni of the Moron presbytery Ina plot of 150 z 50 feet la a wade Y.P.S., gave a splendid address. background screen of gulden Mafia Mn R. Henderson of Godetich cork that has reached a height of five spent the week -end with her sister, feet eight inches. This is interspersed Mrs. Wm. Finnigan. with huge pumpkin vines in dower, The Misses Edythe and Marjor!e sgaiust which appears, In the centre, Morrleh of Toronto and Miss Angela an artlstkylly arranged garden of Carson of New York are spending this varicolored flowers including sweet by August 10th. week at the home of the former's aunt, peas ami petunias, flanked on either A. Nockolda was granted permiselou I Mrs. John Tabb, sited with other re- side by the usual varieties of vege- to place the poison on Laud on weeds lathes. Bibles symmetrically divided -row up- on the roadside. The Y.PrB. met in the church en on row at early and late potatoes, Ou motion, Geo. F. Schulte L to Friday evening with a good attend- I onions lettuce, radishes, peas, beane start his contract work, crushing and hauling gravel on township r _-_ not later than July 25th. Notice was received from the county clerk of the levy of $9,233.64 on the township of Colborne for 1934. The road superintendeut'a vouchers and other aeeuunte were examined and passed for payment: Rosi superin- tendent's vouchers, $542.50; Aaron Fisher, lamb killed by dog. $6; James Adams, work in cemetery, $19; George Fowler six seats for cemetery, $3; anee. Miss Entity McGratten presided toe_ the devotional _period. The Scrip- ture reading from John T4s:1-18 was read by Ethel Tabb and a talk on this passage was given by Hilda Finnigan. Miss Alice Sheppt'nl gate a sptendtd synopsis of Bunyan', "Pilgrim's Pro -1 which seem of unprecedented laza. {seer." It was JSc;idctl to dispense lance in growth. with the Y.P.S. meeting next`trldsy�'- The -vetoes. however, in which the evening to enable the young people owner of this garden. Mr. Andrew to attend Summer s,-hool. At the close Lynn. takes epeeist pride and towards of the meeting, s+•t'eTa: games were which be bestows mueb effort, are Its neatness and freedom from almost a 1 Oj"lam' •Wed, its exact and mathematical beets,carrots, spinaeh, turnips, cab- bage (come of which measure thirty inclifd In diameter+, tomatoes, squash with vines ten feet or more to length. and, at opposite extremes of the gar- den, cucumbers and melons, all of Wm. gallows, postage and supplle+. Guild and W.M.S.Meeting---The ug e w awns ; F. Mc 6.02. , supplies for Nile Ladles' Guild and W.M.S. met at; ;arrangement, min kept under with which on, the township hall. M.tXh the home of Mrs. C. Stewart on the I ground is len a nder cultivation, paths dale WM. SALLOWS, Clerk. dell - Velma am of Finnigan, president Jult1L Miss cutely outlined with white stones, and Guild, Finnigan, preMdefe X11 the t Alit (lR !stones-- a sRttcaity�atfapei Gnilil,-presldtd for tier-befit-past-af- ..._.__..__- tor the meeting whet: opened with a the twining floral :Ines. hymn followed br sentence prayers. A visit to this charming spat has i and helpful reading wail been pronounced by more !flan one 1 Headquarters PLUMBING HEATING TINSMiTHING GENERAL REPAIRS Carl W. Worsell Wears Street Phone 475 dents of departmea:s and it was re- ported that in the Sheeny school tem- perance ceurse there had been 181 contestant). with 131 winning certl:ll- eatee. (Jordon Greb :,gain WWII the national fleet prise and Zion Sunday school won the shield 100 per t. of Its enrolment entering ns ecu Jthe t �e1ro D testa, in which fount:\' t ls took part. Au impressive meitiortat conducted by Mn. Tindall in honor of those wao had 1.,s ed,ou, reference being made especial.y to Mrs. McKee of North Bay, a li'.', tug temperance Worker and from Ima ..to.1J10 P[ovta-i mouth vial president. la her :ate years sbe Thereforee m ralsnr iothe train compiled he Willi, history of the To toned: theLord W.C.T.U. in Ontario Mrs. J. A. Mor- To agnify His lhflesh uamurd. e ton of Wingham and Mn. owe -cc Howell An interesting elven by Mrs. H. Pentland. The foil c!ller`�iD1e W� call was answered with a an recipe. Arrangements were made for the an- nual picnic p4_tlie Guild to bee held August 2. Moe Wm. Watson - then took charge 01 the W.M.S. meeting. The rias±lficatlon of pupils in C.S.S. 'Che devotional Live oo'Mr . and i No.2 Colborne, in order of merit for Me McPhee add' was y appropriatep Thos- the term beginning ;he first of Sep - McPhee and •very read- }ember • SCHOOL REPORTS .T Lr: t3. B. N'O. 1, COLBORNII - -- Outstanding Quality Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMII/PON Ooder:ch. Ont. steps) can be taken to make the Scrip- ( tures the daily bread of the peop:e? Erasmus pictured the ploughman, the weaver and the traveller finding In the words of Holy Writ songs and etudes that filled their days with gladness; can this dream be realized? Some may reply that they have nu great ;ylth In the Bible and its power to elevate thought and life. For than the Scrlpturer.lft discredited -a book that has had its day, a voice that has lost Its authority. They regard the Bible as the beautiful story of au out wuru superstition and nothing more. tt-does not speak'U them of God awl truth, of duty and love, of immortal longings mud hopes. It is discredited In their minds, mid they have quire, placed it ou one side. To such atbold this view the idea of trying to win our nation to a new allegiance to the Bible will make no appeal. Thy kingdom hath none end at all; It doth through ages all remain, The Lord upholdeth all that fall, The castdowu radeeth up again. E. of Mlile Goderlch, granrdmoth.c of Mise Matt I . . . Howell, mirrloaar7 in Trialdac► on I PRIER were among those who had less Thee to fait to higher etrelee. Mrc (Rev.) Smith' Our 1'ather,lwepray them be titled tate ing-as aopropdate• solo. "Sthado • •" our Iipa Aim 114th, at 2.30 o'clock. The White- church ladles will be guests aad the address will be given by Mrs. Charles Gillespie of Whitechurch. Mrs. Nell Wilson and daughters, Au- drey and ('ornella, and Mr. Dave Wil- son, of Guelph, were recent gtwats with Mr. and Mre. John Webster. Mr. Wilson Is a coualu of Mrs. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson had ------, as their guests recently Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Heury and itgn, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pittston and family. Mr. I. Wilson of Eden Mille, Mrs. Neil Wilson and daughters, Audrey and Cornelia, of Guelph. - Mr. aad Wm. Dougherty and 'Gwendolyn. of Guelph, are bolidayleg with Mrs. Dougherty's mother, Mn. R. r. h J. Woods. On Sunday evening members of the Y.P.S. were privileged to have Dr. W. V. Johnstone of I.ucknow give an ' We believe it to be Gott's holy will address on "Health." Itr. Johnstone-' ` *1 the nfterniton'±r•s�rea'.ahuuld be know)) uua dealt wth the *whites in an interest- .,,,,,,,,i- as address messages'trete-Thee---- -e-,._......4.064414. !1t4!�_niitiner trell�°`telt'—ate • •read by all mea: where cal we better Tug and -.117111111- of welcome wan gltct by ]ties Alberta N FOR J(Li !1tr. ' Rlchmoal of Blyth, )lips Rallle of B. S. 1,Ir,880. begin to bring .about so glorious a standpoints of phyelcrh muni and lk state of tidings then In our own woos spiritual health. Mrs. Wilkinson fat- Godorich responding An address Lassoo Topic-Mital.lr Swam try and among our owe peuplet ored with ■ solo. was given try Mrs. t virga, field etch Truth - "One dr a friend sent a Bible [eon► Ing was given by Mn. Wm- sateen Jr. IV -Elwin Ryan, Jack Wilson w "Friends that Jesus Chose." it l (equal standing), Arnold Young, Mar- I with regard to teu�ptraece. was tebsrge that the ft.M.S. in II McKnight,Phyllis Kerr. The nominating .•ruenittee brought te en charge of „ne the the SunattT*i•Tr. HI -El T tette -,41 officers: evening services when pastor, Res. Sr. HI- Elmer McWhlnaey, Harry � to the following J. W. Pomeroy, 18 on els ncetlon. Mr. Feapn, Ruby W Uaor., Helen Free. I eels; d iidenjt,prescleutfi, Mrs. A. E. um Jr. III -Violet Free. Pomeroy gave a short talk and cloned Sr. I1 -Dorothy Pt -arson, Helen Lloyd, Wingham, au.1 Mre. A. T. P Lunch was rotary, who en/Malted the work of Larson Passage -1 Kings !l :1.14. y LOYAL 22:14. America," writes Mrs. E. Staple) the day and Sunday view:- and alae Golden Text -1 Kings - the new misaiopar; department. A 4f Jones of India. "On the tly-lea!' wear n the history someone who has been 1 -unique feature of tirr-aBero"Oa was- lion chapter u written. _ sr _ LOYAL, July 1s -The- estaienster reign. promised Z 1 praying for au j1.'ogllxe Bible.' 1 lrki a aeries of r,ne m(notr sddres.aes by the Ahab's rel It was P chapter that the book away, wondering how many Guild met et Nle home of Mr. Eruio focal presidents.doer of the foregoingMitchell on Friday night, with a gad A stirring addrese- -Td by the ruins of his house should not come 4 wry it would hltvp to lis on the slrelt, lesdeuta 0 in his days, but els days were near f for the few Basilab people In our attendance. Mr. Harold Walter pre - Rev. A. W. Gardiner- ►tsided and also read a paper on Dr. who reviewed comlltiems in Ontario their end. His war with the Syrians at i town Would fi areely' indusia a Bible Margaret Strang** work to the Peace tev uileed, is that which we lava I In their prayers -if they even prayed an account ut to this 71nd enptu. I But the next day an unknown woman River district. Frank Clark and Belli We read of the preparations he made Cantwell gave current events. At called. rzplalned that ale lad the close lunch was served and a so - for war after a cessation that lasted come town with her son, aft see - three years. In the flat place he tart! Ing the alga, 'Amerkwn Mission,' ske 1 etal hour enjoyed. The next meeting counsel with hie advisers atter that came in, as she was an American too. I will be a picnic at tbe lake, two weeks be approached tbe King of Israel wh > Her husband had died years ago, , hence. having ler stranded out herr with two l Mrs. Willing and son, of Loedou. was only too ready to join him. Ile showed this by h4 offer. "1 am •Y little ones. They had existed, but 1 spent the week -end with her sister, people as thy people, mJ i Mrs. II. Fisher, and were accompanied thou art, my cevrr got funds enough to take them 'ern Heir return by her mother, Mrs. horses as thy horses." • I home. As she told me her history she I Ruth Thompson, and her niece, Donna Ile went further for he advised Ahab spoke of the comfort her Bible had to consult his prophets. This Ahab did 1 been to her. And then she saki, 'lc I Fisher, who will spend part of her and they told him to "Go up; for the is just a tiny book, and since my epee 1 holidays in the city. Lord shall deliver it (RHowevkead) are falling it is bard to read, but 11 Meas Kay Reld of Flora Sa epend- cerning me, but evil." However, Je- am praying iLat tiiy non mal ire eb1� I ing a few days with Miss Dorothy the prophets in particular-Zedektah-- to save enough to get mea new one.' Robertson. was extremely eager, which he showed I got the Book and showed ber the 1 Picnics --Sunday school and day fly -leaf, and we gave thanks together." I school -are the order of the day. The How many of us regard the Bible I Point Farm seems to have revived with a like devotion? Our great task is to re-create in the heart of the Brit- ish pe0pie a Love fee the Hole Scrip tures which wet not let ws rest until we lave shared our priceless treasure with all mankind. -From Tek tbti the meeting with prayer. Young, Mary Fosgsn, Hilda Kerr. served by Mrs. C. Stewart, Mrs. Wm. d Miss Sr. I -Lots Feagen, Bernice Ma - Watson, MW Beth1 thews, Wilma Pent.aad. Hilda Finnigan and a social hour was spent. Jr. I -Um Pent,cid. Donald Wit- president, Mrs. (Rev.; 11[oprehouse, Iso W Knight. 1 Brnasele • corresponding secretary, er, Clinton; preside' t, Mb'- Jeab nr- ray, Exeter; 1st vice-president, Kra. R. J. Tindall, 1vieguem; 2nd vtce- CENT-A-MILE ROUND TRIP WGAIN FARES (Minimum Fares: Adults 75c.: Child 40c., FROM ALL C.N.R. STATIONS (Emc•et G.etpi. KltKM..r ..r Se. Merrill including all bunch Giles SARNIAT0 BRAMPTON north o GQderich, Kin- cardine, Southampton, Wiarton, Owen Sound, Durhamm, Creemore : - Sarnia to Komoka : Ettrick • Wingham. TO FOLLOWING STATIONS ON p�ATHESS SHOWN FR:. JULY 27th Belleville, Kingston, �s�qo� B llnsoott, Morriabnrg, Cornwall. Agincourt, Uzbndge. Lindsay, Petorboro Campbellford, Aurora, Newmarket, Allaandele, Colkngwood, Meai`ord, Barrie, Orillia hurst Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay. All towns in New °natio on lire ob ThaMatatn & Northern Ontario Rly.: Nipisslne Centel Rly., Kap .sing' Sate JULY 28th. To TORONTO Alo to Chatham. Sarnia. laedoo, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris. Brant/ord. Hamilton. fn. Ceti.nnea. Nswarm Fall. 1Aiflat itStr 2. Gr: a ;T� �t"A a bar. For Far.., Trade Lkstib. Vela Information, Ticket* comsat wesreee Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL 1 J. A. LAWRENCE, DOWNTOWN AGENT, 'PHONE 8 " E. 1). CROFT, DEPOT AGENT, 'PHONE !!J Superior -Stems --FEATURED ITEMS FOR JULY 19, 90, 21 - P. & G. SOAP .10 Bars 29c ROYAL YORK COFFEE 39c BRUCE'S BIRD SEED -19c BiRD GRAVEL -15c PURE LARD 2 lbs. 23c RICHARD'S CARBOLIC SOAP - -• Cake Sc GRAPE NUT FLAKES P. 23c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 2Pkgs. lk R1NSO Pkg. ZIc BAKER'S COCOA %-lb. 15c CANADA DRY ALE Quarts 20c; Pints 2 for 25c —PLUS BOTTLES- -- AYLMER PEACHES fj 2 Squat .116c SWANSDOWN BISCUIT MiX Per Pk 27c SAI,MON,IIAPL6� LEAF 2 5 19c ; 1'g 35c J. J. McEWEN PHONE N J. CALVIN CUTT PHONE 116 or 216 n Haro n IMiss E Murdock, lleisall ; treasurer, Sr. Primer -Billy 1[right. FLIZA14F. 11 Ma DONALD 'Teacher 1 Mies M. Bailie. Galerhh . Y. secretary • • . ' and L.T.L. secrehuy, Mr. G. John- B&NMILLER Istop, Goderfeh. do Tine following are the promotions I IngRewithv.Mr.rGarpyer.iner (hove the meet - of the senior room of Benmiller pub- lic school: RIGHT UNDER THE MAGIS• 1 by snaking horns of iron and sald, Sr. IV -Alfred Huy, Yvonne La IRATE NOSE 1 Thus rrlth the Lord, with there shalt li Jr. IV -Robert •e been a crook fn this Court,' 1 thou push the Syrians, until thou have Jr. EJewell, Joe M was the opinion of Magistrate Reid the eonaumed them." The King eof Israel fine, Harold Feagen, Helen McCabe,was said, after Harry Westlake, Betty R Wra Teeac other day, andthl ale .0. tlyHis p tacle 1. there notring here a prophet of We 8. J. BROWN, Teacher. 3natlfied In thlpking so. HV spree that we might Inquire motions of cane was ° dastng, and an lintenslre rd besides, Lo The following are the pro r of him?" Ahab said,may jnnlor room of 8.8_ No. 2, Col- 1 search of tba court room by officers failed to !ovale It. The Sr._. _- cyst, battered end bent wt[II Toni pee, Sr. Ili -Carl Fisher, Norman Hoy, was of little monetary value. but -as 1 was pointed out-lt's the principle of 1 the thing. Corinne La 1 Rexene, Lorna Moore, Dorothy Moore, Tom Patton, Pearl Westlake, Jack Westlake. Jr. III -Lorraine AIM), Earl Fee - gen, Jean Hill, Opal Hoy, Veronica La ue, Winnlfred McCabe, Esther ....�. y, -tea .Y' -_:.-j e,..,. SW ars, II Class-Elda Good, Billy HIP, Donald Pfrlmmer, Norene Vans -tone. I Class -Dort* Allan, Billy Fisher, Ross Feagan, George Westlake. Primer -Bert Feagan. Noreen Fts1t- er, Jean Good, Catherine Hill, Mer- vyn Hoy, Elmer Jenkin, Rita Th Ro,- qne, 11a McCabe, Walter Moore, Ver- dun Vanetone. D. HENDERSON, Teacher. W. C. T. U. CORNER The Shame of It A laassehger on a steamer from Bom- bay to London asked the captain whether liquor could be procured a: Zanzibar, where the vessel was to touch. The captain said, "You could get It. i know Zanzibar well, and here the Mohammedan/ form tbe great- er part of the ruling community and the Mohammedan law is against tbe taking'of strong drink. The only way Dark, Elea lets, Zedeklah prophesied in which you can get drink to college of prop Zanzibar Is bymaking a declaration nor Dunning (hon.), Ernest Falconer, in the name et the Lord, and was 1 Marjorie Forsythe, Lillian Fuller, I familiar, at any rate, with His n spirit that you atea Christen." Is it any 1 Evelyn Gamble, Helen Graves, Wil- as the agent of Inspiration. He may wonderw dwa Christian missions make Liam Hall, Jack Hare, Marie Hopper, have a believed that hepI and his fellows slow headway is lands where the name Arnold Jeffrey, Gordon Jones', petty were the recogniseh organs of the of Christian is ae+ocfated with the Kaufman (len.), Jim Lee, Arnold Lit - him Divine voice, and what they uttered trade In liquor and narcotics, and bow, Bru•e Maclean, Harold McCal- ret McMichael, had the menetlon of the Divine name. *here the vices that corrupt the na- film (hon.), a sagaAhab sane_ognited Micalah, too, as x Elizabeth Hathern, Edith Mundy, Har- ile does not recognize any prophet. "There U yet ono man, Micalah, by whom we m y World. quire of the Lord; but I hate him; for be doth not prophesy good con ceruing me, but ern." however Jes- hoshapbat said, "Let not the king may so." A messenger was sent to MI- calah and he tried to persuade bins ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, July 16. -Mr. Harold Smith, of Semane, Sask., was the est of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. McRob- Ahab just what his own I gn arta. Miss Zelda Webster, of Toronto, 1s yj .tr.'arahaw:puresi t• -pr -a.r Mrs. John Web -ter. Misses Isobel K. Miller and anti' Ramage left on Monday as delegates World Pulpit: from St. Helens young people's class The pastor, Rev. Jas. McCrea, had "God's truth le broader than any to the United Church Sommer School charge of the morning service and human statement of it, or than anyion the bank of lake Huron near Dun- took for baa text Luke 2:49: "Wilt systems which men, In perfect honesty lop. Miss Dor•�thy M. Miller accom- ye not, 1 must be In my Father's 1 nceptlon parried them G.r a vacation. house?" (Moffatt's translation). The Succx�f ul �nw p phy to sa iJ prophets had declared 'Walsh j ».. r _ .,.,eLidta,i<'� 4Rw. trance (tandlateS I ord ,site onto tat w The following written on /Alcatah's answer to the messenger whom Ahab (Continual) tram page 8) - sent re taken from The Chrlstiuu .. a.n sear W Genevieve Atkinson. Teresa Atkin- son (hon.), Harry Bennewles, Floe, M. Dennis, Thos Flanagan Thel- some of its old-time popularity, but this' younger generation miss the large hotel and the genial welcome of the host of former days, the_ M i Wright. - Death e1 Mrs. Herbert Pot.-Tba. death of ]til. Herbert Fisher occurred In Clinton on Saturday morning after _ - a long Ulnae. The funeral on Mow day from the home of ber brother, Isaac Curwen, Goderlch township, was largely attended by friends and relativee. Interment was in the Col- borne cemetery. Our sympathy goes out to Mr. Fisher, who has been bereft of daughter and wife within a short Smith's Hill Atsolversary.-The six- ty-second anniversary of Smith's 11111 church was held on Sunday, July 15th. once of heart, may build on the r co ma Forbes (hon.), Joseph Givlln, 1 of it ; hence the existence of godly Miss Laurin,. Miller had as her large choir gave excellent leadership, Roes (krrdon,.Arthar Henderson, Har- Inon-conformity in every age of the gueet for a tee days Miss Nerve Bell 1 and Mr. W. W. Walter and Mrs. Mc - of Pine River. The young people's class purpose holding a Mtn ,• on Tueeday of this week at the Maitland River, on the loth concessidl'.. -11- - Miss G. "Wel') had ae her guests last week Mrs. Ed. Snyder and daughter, Avis �Iarle, of introit. . The anneal -•wdal meeting of the W.M.B. of the I nited church will bre held ei _Weidm- lay atierason, Jnly 1 D old Haile, Kathleen Leeming, an id In the region of political as' Manley (hon.), TIneent Murray, Geo. McCallum, Geo. McClure, Louis Mc- Iver, MIdied McNichol, Gerald O'Hara (bon.), Edward Osborn (hon.), Lei 11e Pryce, Annie Pethlek, Albert Rose, Thomas Williams. WLNGHA1! Merle Anderson, Innes Anderson, Darla Armitage (hon.), Zona Arm- strong (hon.), Mary Baird. James Broome, Ruby Casemore, Clarene? Cantelon (hon.), Lloyd Garter, Jean Cruickshank (hon.), Lloyd Elea - well as /spiritual life, the great Im- pulses which have been the commence- '-sent of a vital ezpanalon and pro- gress have mostly come from men out• side the established order of ne isle from men dlsaatiaded with tt, saw something more true, more fair. in their visions, which they would oilseed resign the hope of seeing este visibly ie our world. - MlesIah 1s a non-contormlst of the deet type. Ahab had his regnlar so-called Christian countries? -The Chrtetlan Advocate. Prevention or Cure-Whitht (Ity John B. Gough) "Prevention is better than cure." It 15 n greet work to sate a drunkard. It le worth. a life -effort to lift a man from degradation. 1t 1s Worth a mighty self-sacrifice to lift a man up and enable him to stand as a man, shaken tree from his debasement and his fetters. But to prevent his fall Is far better. A boy when asked, "Would you tell a lie for fifty dollars?" replied, "No; because when tbe dollars are gone the 11e will stick." Though we may reform a man from drunken- nese, no one can ever fully recover from the effects of years of dissipa- tion and intemperance. You tont your hand In the hand of a giant, and he crnahem It. Yon ahrtek In your agony, and by and by, with a desperate ef- fort, you draw forth your hand It is crushed, and torn, and mingled, and bleeding. That hand may he at last healed ; hut It will be a mntlleted hand as long as you live. And so e man may 1* coral of thla evil of drn.kenness; but the mark* are npon ,41les.,and w� be to the dal sent Ala death. The ' or it ia1!'trwtwr work to prevent than It Is to cure. and pre- vention Is the work In which we are engaged. formal official distinction between elm and the refit. The difference was within and vital. To stand well with the "powers that he" was the glory of Zedeklah; to intend well with the heavenly powere, to hear the Lord's "Well done," wax the glory of Mlealah. A supreme loyalty to trnth WAS the meentlel element of Macalah's position, as the non-eonformit( prophet in Israel; and this U the one vital ele- ment In all non -conformity whl^h has been worth anything to, or done any- thing in, onr world." • • • • WORLD MiSSIONS it Is Idle to ,oppose that the RILIe holds the place it once lend In Eng- lish life. The sad truth must he ad- mitted and faced that we are no long( r "the people of a book, end that boo/ the Bible." J. R. Green so deeertbed England at a time when the English Bible was still a fresh treasure to onr people At that date there were fewer dlatree- tions to draw men away from the Serlpture*, but we live in an age when the competing interest,. and dtetrae Hone are bewildering in their number end traria,: aad.116,4tain truth is '(1t11t tltr-Rheic--era,. mew bee. eevhtid Into the background. To what Patent It ham lost Its hold npon the nation's mmol we cannot say. bort the atten- tion gives cele ranee for complacency. Whet ean he done to bring the Rrit- lab nations hark to the Bible/ What re PoslitC (hon.), Mary Preston (hon.), Robert Rae (hon.), Winnlfred Smith (hon.), Mary Sinnamon, Verne Wal ker (hon.), Douglas Waram, Elaine Walsh (hon.), Ruth Wheeler, Muriel WIlllame (hon.). SEA7ORTH Jean Anderrein (hon.), Edna Arm - *trona. Janet Baker, Leon Bannon, John Be 1 (hon.), David Bolton, Cleve (Carter, Ilelen Chi) mberla In, Helen ('harroe, i)oreen Cooper. Alma Dale, Kate Dalrymple, Edna Darman, Dor- othy Ile ltz (hon.), Cita' Dickson (hon. 1, Jean Mon. Jean Drangry. Hamel Earle, Aida Eckert, James El- liott, Mary Evan*, David Grieve, Har- old Free, Glen Iliotr*ton, Muriel Hud - eon, Louie Lane, Stewart Tnv. (hon.), Ronald MarOtoga. (Thrlat! ne Ma .• Kinnon, Walter MacMillan, Donald Mae'Favleh. Robert MaeTaviah, Nelson McClure, Nelson Mearengir, Donald a Mole. Florence Murray, Margaret Mur ray. Alias Nicholson, Anthrone Ni ., Roy Oke, Rntrert Patrick, Shirley Pret- ty. Rath Shlnen, Olive Smith, Myrtle Taylor. Thetis Watson (hon 1, Alio. fair Meg, Robert Wilson, Aliee Wright, Mayme Watson. "Youth sande with this axiom • nothing in the world 1w impartible" - Benito Mtrsar linl. CZA ng Nei Irritations odd* Manus rendered a duet. Rev. F. W. Cralk of Victoria street church, God- erieb, preached at the evening service, and a men's choir, waisted by a trio from Goderleh and Howard Young as organist, led the music. Rev. Mr. Craik sang a solo and Messrs. John Snell — and John Sproule rendered a duet,. The church was beautifully decorated with cut flowers, which were after- wards -seat to the sick omen Zit Seasons Biggest Value Kellogg'. ('.ern Flakes are today's outstanding buy hs cereals. Many servings for only a few tents. The finest quality — with a flavor and crispness no other corn Rakes ran Mdtal. ifotnillieueer Ts jetatrnrtnA 1Keliner g'a Corn Flakes — a greater vein. than ever! Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. B11Y NOW!