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Ludlow Sentinel, Wednesday,' April 21, 1982—Pipe 2
Amy Falconer celebrates herfifth birthday
By Valetta Emerson
On Thursday night Mr.
and Mrs. Alan Falconer,
Tony.. and. Timy held a birth-
day party for S year old Amy.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Tiffin,, great grand-
ma, Mrs. Cassie Mowbray,
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Angus Fal ner, Mr. and
Mrs. Walla Milligan and
Mr. and Mrs: Kevin Fal-
Mr: and Mrs. Fred Boon-
stra, Paul and; Colvin of
Sarnia visited on Sunday.
with his parents, ' Mr. and
Mrs. Uuldriks.
Huntley Dawson was a
caller on Mr., and Mrs. Victor
Emerson on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Uuldriks
arrived . home on Thursday
from a week's visit with Mr.
and Mrs. John Doornbos of
Wallace Milligan spent
Friday in London.
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Gary Rintoul of
East Wawanosh• on the arriv-
al of a daughter. in Wingham
Hospital on Friday, April 16,
a sister for Kevin.
Visitors on Sunday :.with I
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul
were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Rintoul; Kim and Debbie of
Bradford and Mr. and Mrs.
Bradley Speiran of Brussels.
From this community Tony
Falconer and Michael. Irwin
attended the. Regional
Science Fair in Ripley last
Wednesday with their. Sci-
ence Project, Molecules.
Congratulations to Joanne de
Boer who won first in her
category at the fair and goes
on to the Canada wide fair in
Mr. and Mrs. - John de.
Boer visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Dick de Boer and
family of Bluevale.
Mrs. Douglas Ross and
Michael of Wingham spent
the weekend with Mr, and
Mrs. Don Ross and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Purdon
spent a few days lastweek
with Dr. and Mrs. Ed Carey
of Kitchener.
On Saturday night Mr. and
Mrs. Angus Falconer; Mr.
and Mrs. Alan Falconer,
Tony, Timmy and . Amy and
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Falconer
were at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Montgomery's home. in
Wingham to help them cele-
brate their 35th wedding.
On Sunday Mr, and Mrs:
Elroy Laidlaw,, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Ducharme, Goderich and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw,
Michelle and Jason . of Lon-
don visited, with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Vannus of London.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl McClenaghan and Mrs.
Mary McClenaghan were
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Baird of
Cayuga, Monday to Thurs-
day; on Wednesday, Mrs..
Hugh Colvin of Listowel - and
on Friday, Mrs. Sande Fair,
Shaun and Craig of Bluevale.
Jeffery and Leslie Elliott of
Brussels visited on the week-
end while their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Elliott were in
On Sunday afternoon a
shower was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Elliott for their niece; Mary
Jo Parrot of Goderich. Be-
tween 40 and. 50 attenders
were, present from Harriston,.
Palmerston, Listowel, God-
erich, Lambeth, Ripley,
Lucknow and Wingham. Bar-
bara Henderson was master
of ceremonies, '
On `Sunday, April 25 Rev.
Johp Bell of Chalmers ; Pres-
byterian Church will preach.
his farewell sermon. A pot
luck luncheon will follow :the
service in Whitechurch Com-
munity Memorial Hall. Rev.
and Mrs. Bell are. moving
Tuesday, April 27 to their
permanent home • at Inver
huron. All friends are cor-
dially invited.
Whitechurch W.I.
Whitechurch, W.I. annual
meeting was held Wednes-
day, April 14. at 12 noon with
a pot luck luncheon in the
community memorial hall.
President Mrs. Agnes Far-
rier opened the meeting. The
secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
Russel McGuire read the
minutes and gave the .finan-
cial statement and read the
correspondence. Roll call
was answered . by naming a
part of your body that begins
with your first initial,
The bus • trip was discus-
sed. Mrs.. Bill Purdon was
appointed to take Mrs. Nettie
Ross' place on the Hall
Mrs.' Nettie Ross gave the
motto, - Keep the Family's
Yearnings ` within the Fam-
ily's Earnings: •
Mrs: John Bell who is
leaving the community and
Institute to retire at Inver -
Compete at Ripley science fair
Believe It or Not - Ripley - Violet MacKenzie -arrived
had a real great day last .. on Easter weekend at her
Wednesday, a week . ago Ripley home . accompanied'
today. The occasion was the by son Donald, Joyce and
holding of the second annual Janice of Peterborough
Bruce County Regional where she convalesced for
Science Fair. In charge of it the past two weeks. 'After.
was the 1982 Bruce County being" released from York
Science Fair Committee Central Hospital she con -
with principal George valesced for ten days with
Armstrong as chairman. son Lorne, Marian ':.and.
There were over 400 dif- family -at Unionville. She is
ferent projects from the much improved in health
schools in Bruce County with and glad to be back among
possibly 500 students `in= her Ripley friends.
volved as. sometimes more It is nice to see Mrs. Violet
than one student co-operated MacKenzie back home to
on a project. Ripley after surgery in the
Sam Malhotra had a list of York Central ° Hospital.at
20 professors' for placing the Richmond Hill during this
high school projects. This past winter. ' She has been
staff was headed by Dr. D. away since February 13.
Cunningham of Western Last Fri., Apr. 16, Mr. and
University in London with Mrs. Carl Brennan returned
seven from McMaster to their home on William
University in Hamilton, - Street and to their store on
seven from Sir Wilfred.
Laurier University and three
from University of Waterloo
both at Waterloo and two
from ' the University of
Guelph. Judging the Grades
5, and 6 projects were Randy
Lemon, Allan Tranter, Mr.
and. Mrs. Youngblut, John
McAuley, Ian Clark and Ina
Mary Rutherford and for
Grades 7 and 8 were people
- from the Bruce Board ' of
• Education, from the
Ministry of Natural
Resources and from OMAF.
Main Street in Ripley. Carl
and Pat had a three . week
Jean 1VI"acDonald of the
staff at Pinecrest Manor
Nursing Home in Lucknow
spent a couple of days this
week with her sister Noreen
MacDonald at their home on
Malcolm Street.
Mrs. Elsie Forrester
formerly of Malcolm Street
4n Ripley and her daughter
Mrs. Barbara. Barber: of
Norwood visited last week in
Mrs. ''Mona Skinner ' of
Five ladies from Ripley Painesville, ' Ohio, and
and one from Lucknow took Kermit, Alice and Ivan
a bus tour to New York City Thompson ' of. Lucan spent
for the Easter weekend. Sunday with Jim and Isabel
They were Gladys Arnold, Brook in Ripley.
Verna Finlayson, Wanda Robert Robertson of the
Gawley, . Minerva Stewart, Tenth Concession in Huron
and Christena Robertson and Township is back home with
Anna Dexter of Lucknow. All Ruthe and Gordon Pat -
had an enjoyable time. terson. Bobby spent the last
part of the winter on holidays'
in Barbados.
vacation at Hollywood Beach
In Florida. During their
absence daughter Mrs.
Shelley Barker of
Collingwood and part time
clerks Cathy Rudder . and
Sandra Stewart tended the
grocery store here.
Metro Nestor of Oxford,
Michigan, near Pontiac: died
last Wednesday, April 14,
1982 at the age of 71 after a
lengthy ',illness. He is sur-
vived by by his wife the
former Kathleen Macintosh
of the • Ripley Huron area,
theirtwo sons Dr. Albert A.
Nestor of Sarasota, Florida,
and Dr. Robert C. Nestor of
Lake Angelus, Michigan,
both medical doctors, and
' five grandchildren. He was
the owner andoperator' ' of
Nestor's Market in Pontiac
for ` 35 years. He was a
graduate of the Detroit
Institute of Technology. The
funeral service was held last
Saturday morning, at eleven
in the Oxford Congregational
Church with Rev. Arthur
Haberniehl officiating with
interment in Oxford
Cemetery. In charge was the
Bossardet Funeral Home.
Attending. the . funeral
service last Saturday were
Mr. and Mrs. Don Murray of
Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Scott of Ripley: - Mrs.
Margaret (Frank) Scott is a
sister of Mrs. Kathleen
Nestor as also. is Mrs: Jessie
Hartlep of Clearwater,
Florida and their brother is
D.A. MacIntosh of St.
Thomas, Ontario. The home
place of the MacIntosh
family is the farm just west
of the 4th concession east
school house.
huron was called to the front
by Mrs. Bill Rintoul, who
spoke words of appreciation
to Mrs. Bell for her work in
the Institute. She was always
ready to fill in any where
when needed and Mrs. Ag-
nes Farrier presented her
with a large Bruce County
tray. Mrs. Bell thanked the
Institute and told them how
much she had enjoyed the
Mrs. Tom Day gave the
current events. Miss Merle
Wilson gave a report of the
District Directors' meeting at
Ripley. A quilt block is to be
sent to the Erland Lee Home.
.The slate of officers was
read by Mrs. Victor Emer-
Whitechurch W.I..officers
for 1982-83 are as ;;follows: -
past president, Miss Merle
Wilson; president, Mrs. Ag-
nes' Farrier; 1st vice presid-
ent, ° Mrs. John A. Currie;
secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
Russel McGuire; assistant
secretary, Mrs. Alan Falcon-
er; public ,relations; Mrs.
Wm. Rintoul; district direc-
Miss Merle Wilson; 'al-
ternate district director, Mrs.
Russel McGuire; branch dir-
ectors, Mrs. Elgin Johnston,
Mrs. Russel ' Gaunt, Mrs.
Fred Tiffin; pianists, Mrs.
Agnes. Farrier, Mrs Don
Ross, Mrs. Lorne Durnin,
Mrs. Dan Tiffin program
committee, Mrs. Agnes Far-
rier, Mrs. Don Ross; audi-
tors, Mrs. Alan. Falconer,
Mrs. Dave Gibb; sunshine
and cheer, Mrs. Fred Tiffin,
Mrs. John Gaunt, Mrs. Wm.
Rintoul; nominating commit-
tee for 1983-84, Mrs. V.
Emerson, Mrs.. Tom Day;
Curator, Mrs. John A. Cur-
rie; curator's clippers, Mrs.
V. Emerson, Miss Merle
Wilson; delegate to conven-
tion, Mrs. Don Ross.
New. Arrivals.
Natural - Blue- Sage
II! •
•Sports Wear•
Chanel Jackets
Slim Skirts