HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-7-19, Page 5- AisiCles t4Ithassifitarawlagraig" '1V Summertime in Toiletries OrSCIAL FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY ARMAND IlLOO BOX FACE POWDER RUBINSTEIN'S racz POWDER $1.111..d ROUGE $L1$ BOTH Mu Om RUBINSTEIN'S SUNTAN OIL CAMFANRS MILIAN awn san-DRESRD4-44ha-Nsw- Reda/ Freshener) Vie Beth ter $k CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE !EOM 90 22 The Square Ooderioh CHURCH NOTES The Ladies' Aid of Knox chant will bold a picnic at Bayteld on Wed - Bendel, July 25. Rev. W. I'. Lases sermon subjects it North street United Oberst next Sun- day wiU be: Morning. "IAN', 'mimeo- thress;"_enaning. 'Q4Workmen" Rey. D. J. Lane will condeci- services in Knox church next Sunday. as follows: 11 a.m., sermon subject, "The Driving Puwer of a °Teat Creed;" 7 p.m., sermon subject, "Words to Underline." Sunday school ut 10 a.m. Services at Victoria street United church next Sunday will be conducted by tbe motor. Rev. F. W. Cralk. Com- munion will be dispensed at the morn- ing service. and in the evening the pastor's *awn subject will be: "His Word of Authority." Sunday school at 10 a.m. Services in the Baptist church on Sunday, July 22, wilt be eondUcted by- tbe pastor, Rev. W. T. Bunt, as fol- lows: 11 8.m., sermon subject, "Elijah's Nervous Breakdown aid God's% Cure. or God's. Cure for -Des- Pondenel :" "The Divine Chal- lenge td ElOsh." The "Good Hope English EMI:Well- elti Lotberan Mission" announces here- wilh that on Sunday next IJnly 22nd) no service will be held ; but on Sun- day. July 29th. at 10.30 a.m.. holy eonantunlon will be obeerved. This service will to in charge of the pas- tor. Rev. C. Ziegler. The regular meeting of the Arthur Circle was held in the lecture room cf Kooe ehurch on Monday evening with Mrs. L. L. Knox pressiding. Mtn Belle Mat -Vicar read en interesting ehapter from the Mody book. It was gasses decided to hold a picnic to Hayfield on August 1st, the families of member. rrosplaq to be invited. Convenors for tables+ at 4,gethe annual bazaar were named, the date to be /fixed later. CAW 11511 rig SALTFORD S. a PICNIC THE SIGNAL Goderich Summer School at Dunlop (Centinned from page 1) Commit of Clime& end tile past pre- skient, Rev. Chas. Malcolm, of Kg- mondville. Tbe eecretary-tresesurer is Miss Thelma Cheer of tiudertele snd tbe misuses Mimi Mabel A. BaiUe arel,11111111111LASODLE A name for the willeamp-rwianny be chosen by the reboot and will be auuormeed later. The wort ot erect- ing the buildings, levelling the worst places In the road, • eleeirian the grounds, etc., was done by the voleu- tary labor of the ministers of the United Church in the district. with the ald of many humeri. Meet of the equipment bas been douated by the various women's; and young people' societies of Huron and Perth, and the camp promises to be a ceutre of pleas- ure and profit for the young people of the two presbyteries, and for other groups who wirsh to engage it fot brief ontinge- Registrations The following are registered at the StifieRnr-lechoot Bert C. Wilyard, Claire Pentland. IlUnjannon. Robert t4tlrllng, Bayfield. Thelma BlIttOn, Helen Button, Ford- wich. "Janet Rettonr-Gortie. ...„ Evelyn Hill. Benmiller. Winnifred Rag, Margaret Wright, Marjorie Waller, Wroxeter. Romer Neilby, Leone Noecter, Dray- ton. Thelma Cheer. Alma Howell, Agues Thorneloe, Mabel A. Bailie, Verna Bar- bour, Roberta Johoston, Jessie Retitle - son, North &street, Goderich. --Annie Jarrell-4149am Edythe MeDowell, Wesiffeld.- liarjorie Toll, Auburn. Jame" McGill. Westfield. 'Helen Snell, Victoria street, Oolr- kb. R. Dr. Divideon, Emmanuel (M- iele. Rev. W. A. Bremner, Brucefield. Iles. Mr. Steed. )trs. Steed. Mar- jorie Steed. Muriel Steed, Drayton. Rev. le W. Craik, Vieteria street. Goderich. Rev. C. A. Daniel, Mrs. Daniel.. Isobel Miller. Dorothy Miller, Ruth Ramage. St. Helens. Rev. A. M. Grant, Gentle 3I1chle, Belerave. Harold Seeley. Graham Brydon, Rev. ('. W. D. Comers, Clinton. Margaret Johns. Lavona Cooper, Elhaville. Jeanette Stone, Evelyn Hunkin, Thames Road. Alice Shepperd, Nile. Elinor Cruickshank". Stratford. Roberta Sperling. St. Marys. Margaret Martin, Mrs. C. Stoneman, Mitchell. Mrs. T. George, London. Minnie Mclean. Port Albert. 44 Margaret Douglas, Varna. Gladys Passmore. Mildred Smillie. Keith Arthur. Auburn. Mangaret Watsoo. Bruestleid. Jack Kershaw. Ooderich. Beatrice -Deecrolt, Beignne.. - Velma .Flanigan, Hilda Fiattigan, Nile. Winnle Campbell, Margaret Vincent. Madeleine Weldon, Westfield. Marjorie Campbell, Elaine Bamford, Donnybrook. Edith Priddle, Goderieh. Olive Moore, Toronto. Rev. John B. Moore, Grand Esther Harding.- Gerrie. Jessie Ferguson, Lakelet. LOIN F`ollis, Fordwich. Ltoyd Aiihtine leorries--srewesse. GODERICH BRIDGE CLUB At the duplicate tournament beiti Monday evening at Hotel Sunset, the following were winners: North and South -1st, Mr. T. H. Mitchell and Mr. I'. F'. Carey. plus 19%; 211d. Mr. P. Sheardown and Mr. I. I). Eastman. plus 8%; *rd, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coulthnrst. plus 7. East and Wesit-1St. )Lr. and Mrs. IL J. McSlehen. plus 20; 2nd. Mrs. D. D. Mooney and Mrs. 0. -rennet, plus 5; 3rd. litre. D. Foetman and Mrs. Barclay. pinii" 2%. - - There will be another game- at the Hotel Sunset next Monday evening. IN THE MAGISIIIATES COURT On Friday morning a man obviously laboring irnder comildereble Mental strews entered the Magistrate's Court and addressed himeelf to one of a group of officers prement. He had so parently recognised A Wire motor- cycle outside the Nene AR one that had followed him along the highway Leto town. The stranger, a traveller, net- ronsiy addreened the officer stet wanted to know • if he had been "clerked" along the road. Be heal- tantly admitted exceeding the spree limit, bill hoped there had been nn (-hone laid. as be was driving "one of the company's care." He wax &secured that no charge had been laid and left the eonrt mopping his Moly in relief, while the officer bemoaned pee/eine np an cagy "Mneh." nem& itetinetry slur slang -a nu -tw- ine buisineas dnrIne the celebration tin Yews( and Old Ender ea Outbid al Jewett's Greve An enjoyable pleWe was held at Juwett's Grove, Hayfield, by Milford Sunday achool on Friday last, with an attendance of about 126. The after - noun_ wigs _west _playing softball and enjoying the lake breeses. A pee - gram of races was run off as foUows: Children live and uuder--Jimmy Bis- set. Ruth Fisher, Phyllis Steele. Girls, tire to- eight --Claire Bisset. Jean Mugford. Bois, fife to eight- -Melvin Ore, Peter Walter. Girls, eight to twelve -Betty Mame, Bernice Jackman. Boys, eight to ten -410b Dodkin, Jbe Chinon. Boys, ten to twelve-Johney Ug ford, George Schwanz. Boys, under sixteen -Johnny Mu- lford, Gordon Williams. Boys, over scixteen-741ernert Greene. George Curren. - Kicking dipper, Ladies -MM. JAI& Bisset, Mrs. McCreath. Kicking slipper. giris--Phyllis Hor- ton, Alice Dodicin. Au unfortunate secident happened after topper when Maitland Montgom- ery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mont- gomery. broke his wrist In i fall front a swing. LADIES' FIELD DAY On Friday tart at the Maitland Club a field day was beid by the ladies. Mrs. Barclay won with her low net wore and the putting competition was won 'by Mrs. D. D. Mooney. Ladies' field day. • regular Friday event at tbe Maitland Club. is beld for the purpose of promoting god among the ladles of tbe community. Ttursdey, Jay 1110h. 1164-4 Going Forward with Goderich ST. GEORGE'S CENTENNIAL Speck! Services el the Week Coat- insoefwg Neal Sunday Celebretion of the centennial of At. Georgee church confluences on Sun - went, Clarke, rector Of Grace rhumb, Bison - ford, and former ret tor of St. George's, will be the enw:elter at all bier v vs. on Tuesday eeei(tsg a sopeteal con- tennutt ernes will lw held. The preacher wilt he the night Reverend C. A. Seeger, LED., Siam) o( Huron, aud ail the aerie/ of Hurou Deaucry Akre to 1* present. The mated choir, of the Ikanery will lend the service of praise. On Thureday evening there seur be a grand lawn oaeolvel on the Penury grouode, conenenebag at o'clock p.w. This will be continued Omagh the ermine and a very iutereeting pro- gram Ines been arranged for the occa- non. lipseMI Musk In consectleil witli the centeenta services special music has been *c- ringed by the ormuest and choirmas- ter, Me'llernaid Mums. Geo. E. Brooke& baritone, of Barrie. well bs tile lemetat soloi,:t at the Sun- day' inorningserriee mai will *ism ':The Is MY Lithe thy AntrAmi). At tbe evensong service Watt AIIII Wurtele enti sing "Angels Ever Bright an 1 Fair" (Handel). On Tuesday evening at the epeeist service for the town and Desner7, Mrs. Lillian Sisimingham of Windeor sing. Sirs manuteorbom win aim sing at the garden party sin Thursday. These smitriste ere all outeranding PCIRTER'S RILL I PORTER'S HILL, July 18. -On Sun- day quite a number from this commun- ity attended the funeral of Mrs. John Stevens, an old and respected resident of Goderich. Mrs. Stennerwas a wo- man of kindly disposition sod will be reutembered for Many years to come for her acts of kindneas to tbe young people who Mee enjoyed the bospl- tality of her Wore. Sympathy Is ex- tended to tbe bereft. The picnic held on Tuesday evening at Robert Harmer's beach by the ILI'. Societies of Porter's Hill and tire Union church was well attended. A hall game played by teams of boys and girls caused coossiderable amusement. and afterwards lunch was served. A tng-of-war was staged and the boy., urged oa by Om frantic shouta of one or two spectators. din their beat. El - Rat Harrison's side wort, The young people tbeu enjoyed .sonse community singing led by Rev. II. S. Gale.- A huge bonfire was barn around which games and other sports were enjoyed. 11, Sidi Llet.-Mr. Thos. Betties who ban been very 111. shows little improvement. His many friends wimh for him • speedy recovery....M0 Peter Yonne,. Wile has been confloed to his bed, is able to nit up a short time.... Miss 011ee Powell. who has been sick tire last couple of weeks with throan- t -i-biersiaa. Joh ston. onr essteemed mall man. has suf- ficiently recovered from his recent ser- ious illness to make one trip last week on hie mail route. Mr. Thos. Hillock, Stratford. spent Past week with Mr. and Sirs. V. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McPhail. of Hol- stein, Ont., were Sunday visitors at Mt. and Mrs. J. S. Isiekharre. Mr. Aubrey Oldham -woo the speaker on Sunday for the youne people at the regular service. Special music was given, with Irene Wools as organist. 1 CLEARANCE OF Summer en - Millinery A collection et gland HATS la Straw, Crepe, and Mohair MI trimming *recta are good: IN THREE SPECIAL GROUPS AT THESE SENSATIONAL PEICES $1.00, $1.49 and $2.50 You ire cordially invited to inspect our stock Miss M. R. !hellcat. 'Gape's Street Bedford Meek 46.2% W. M. McLean monommor Groceries OF AUTOK0111LES SOLD this year in Wayne County, With., the most Automobile - minded County in the world. , Fords THERE MUST BE • REASON isg FEED, SEEDS, ROOFING, FERTILIZER, FARM SUPPLIES F. R. Miller SERVICE STATION For beeltbler livestock and more returns we have the Droner feeds. Everything carried Is standard quality arid guaranteed In every particular. The prices are in keeping with the time& Kingston Street Phone 360 VICTORIA WIIREET BATTERIES 13 -plate, 111191111200d for year. PRICE $4.85 USED CARS 1 COACH I SWAN -FIRMED TO SZLL- - Ooderieh, Ont. Phone MS Frank H. Wood & Soo ogi Sales Service Frank Riley Radio Service ADOLF KIBLER Meat Market VICTORIA mem GODERICH, ONT. REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES comrurT11 LINE or BATTERIES, TUBES. PARTS, ETO. A DISTINGUISHED JOURNALIST Mrs. C. A. .Nairn, actempenied by Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Hume, attended the funeral of the late J. P. Jaffrey at Galt yesterday. Mr. Jaffrey, who was one of Waterloo eounty's out- standing men, hat a berg and distin- guished journalietic career. He was for many years poblielier of The Gait Reporter and was relive in many other public undertakings. He was a cousin of Mrs. Nairn. Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service PHONE 379 GODERICH Ergi titter One Quart Can - O'Cedsz, self -polishing Was for all floors, plus a -Heady Wax Applier. REGULAR PRICES - ernetilaselle When in trouble call Riley's. C,onmetent, esparienced Radio Service to an makes a Radios and satisfaction guaranteed. "You must be satisfied" Nelson Street Phone 518 -CHOICE YOUNG BEEF- - Reeled Steak Ile b. 2 ter 294 Sirloin tank Ile b. Perterbowee es'T-beme 2be b. Pot Resets Ile lb. Leer Bell Beg de 1.k Breakfast Bane lar b. Cottage Roll Lie ib. PHONE ile WE DELIVER -TERMS CASH- WAX 95o APPLIER 56c $1.50 VALUE BOTH FOR USED CARS 1932-ebev. Sedan 11126-Cbev. Sedan 1 Fent A Roadster SEE OUR STOCK OF USED TIRES Shies from 44)-21 ttp to 000-20 -100 to &house from - , 95c] This Week ! 6 Green Tumblers Its* and . Water a" gE Pitcher r 69c 1 Robertson's - Nr Grocery PHONE 164 Apply to the floor and do nothing more -It will dry to a beautiful finish! Gordon Tebbutt REG. McGEE HAMILTON STREET :441ARDWARE.,.., West Street Goderich, Ont. Phone 468 Bend. SPECIAL! DIUMSES and SUITS MASTER -CLEANED TAILOR -PRESSED -MARV° SYSTEM OF DRY CLEANDIG- • ALTERING - REPAIRING GET OUR PRICES ON RUG -CLEANING J. A. NIVINS Caned ter avid delivered. East Street msd Square eIM/ 1 20 Per cent. Discount on Summer Dresses, eZ VOILE DRESSES FLANNEL and PIQUE SKIRTS CREPE DRESSES FLANNEL COATS ALL LESS 20% ALL LESS 20% (VO. W. SCHAEFER CREPE SUITS St. Geor YOU ARE INVITED TO THE LAWN CARNIVAL e's Parish Celebrates a Centennial le RECTI:illIfiloWrilti r(11"::!../NDS a THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934 -ArriAN0011 FEATURES -- RECEPTION 01' OrEFITR and LAWN SOCIAL -FANCY WORK FABLES. to delight Si. lover of fine needlework -HOME MADE CANDY DIMPLAYS, Seeded with toethanine treatis-TEA and TEA- CUP READING by MADAM MeTIONALD cm the abided lawn - BRIMS. with your f at an informal toornsseent. eten4 -TEA 40o--Inolnd a Program of Intertainmsni-r- PROF. ASHBROOK CELEBRATED CRYSTAL BALL SIPERT-Armalloom ANT) N1GHT-HE WEL ADVISE AND tarroarn YOU pt 7 -EVENING CARNIVAL FEATURES- w -THE LANE OF ring- 110VIALTY SQ011111: AUCTION SALESCLIIUte* Rai: 1101111719Z TELLERS IMNIC, HIM mod P.RIBB CONTESTS ivianwlins -No silislaMtila is searged ased a pod doe is gwasseasedi---• BLARE WE DATE rata NIGHT -07 70111 TI Car Owners Just recently we installed a Su,nnen Piston Pin Hole Grinder, for fitting the pins into the pistons; also a Rod Aligner, to test the piston and rod for being straight. Communicate with your garage mechanic and de- mand _to have this done to your cit., which Wifl gire you better performance and economy. Demonstration on request -AT-- 4 -NOLS STORIC- - --MONK $11 - OF VALUE Grle Twelfth" at Exeter. the "loon The trouble was he had about a dolen enottornoro when the pollee walked !a He pleaded entity to 5 charge of "keep- ing for sale" before Magistrate Reid on Friday, the 13th. end wee remantlell a ,week for eentenee. Roy Harnem and Agnew Waltham). Windsor youths who sire (+rink with robberies at Exeter and Winehenea on 2nne 21. were rernsfided etght daYs when they appeered before Magni- trate Reid for Renitence on Monday Robinson WAR repressented by a Wind- sor eonnsel who exMleted letters from Windeor relative to tiu youth's ("bar- mier. Robinson's father *leo was present. On Monday in the Magietrate'a Conn Jahn P. Finlay, a River Range. Mich . charged with non-eriprort of hie Wife and child, wee ordered to pay $10 a rnonth toward* the support of hie tgrakespeat-eid-ssa and $41 • month to his wife. "bey WP *1PP0' 1921. Finlay has bees living In Mien - BROPHEY - BROS. rumr.RAL DIRECTORS 1N11 Best Values for Your Money' AT 2'3 BAECHLER'S FRESHLY GROUND corm per lb. 22. UNWRAPPED SOAP 11 Bins 21. NATURE'S SUNKISSED FOOD 2 large pkgs. Sk CHEF or CAMPBELL'S PORK sad BEANS Wm. Tin 12. LIPTON'S TEA (Red Label).. b. ille PREMIER TOILET TISSUE 3 lane Rale 23e SWEET MIXED mauls Large Jar 26e CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES 2 large llIns 12. PHONE 368 OUR OWN DELIVERY -2 STORES---GODERICH AND HAYFIELD - Beds Springs Mattresses WHETHER Ws Summer or Winter, you end Amur family mut, _test properly and romfortably. , Our stock of reliable and restful Beds. Mat- tresses and Springs is most complete. Products of the leading manufacturers, guaranteed by them and by us. Your haspection ise invited -the prices are In keeping with the times. WEST STREET - OODERICH Phase -120, Night 217 For a Vacuum Cleaner that will do any- thing any other Cleaner will do and a lot more besides SEE OUR NEW "VACTRIC" • Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. (British -made VIM= Cleaner) PRICED cominzrz WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS $66.00 019 DISPLAY NOW AT Mir We. his wife sad WM with relative, on a Gorlerkh township farm Talbot - &- Cornish Th. Square at Kingston Street Phones -Orel ;.11.M. 300 A Goderich organization nerving the people of this district in a• practical way, and vitally in- terested in the continued growth and prosperity of the community. Shisting Dept., 'phone 67. __-•••••••••"-v"ralialla