HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-7-19, Page 4orts Wear ,41 x a, I LLINGTITE BATHING SUITS COTTON PULLOVERS OUTING SHIRTS FLANNEL TROUSERS SPORT BELTS DIEN'S SHORTS STRAW HATS LIGHT CAPs, J3TO. 1 C. Pridham & Son !bone 57 Goderich I•BTEILINPf PICNIC Huron county-war vetera1• oil ll hold their anndal picnic d on Wednesday next. July 36th. Pre- parations are being made for an in- teresting nud enjoyable outing for the returned awn and their families. • BAYFIELD TN_anulvereary services of St. An - drawl; United church will be held ou August 12. Rev. Jas. Finlay, rayLoudon, will be the speaker d• -CQURRIE'S..CORNERS. THE SIGNAL COLBORNE TOWNSHIP COLBORNE TOWNSHIP, July 18. - Mrs. Jobu Titan and daughter, Vera. of Goderich, eput Sunday with Yr. and lire. V!'w. Mcllwaln. Silas Luis Manning of Loudon has returned home atter speeding the past week with her eoueIn, Mies Whirls -Musts. Mr. and lire. Rubt. Bean and two children visited un Sunday with Mrs. C. Browne of Duugainon. Miss Mary Feagaa of Nile spent a few day. with bee friend MISS Amelia Mellwaln this week. Diaster Jackie McKnight tweet part ut last week with his gra'dpareuts, Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight of Auburn. Ylas Eileen Rees of Toronto le visit- ing with Mr. nod Mrs. Frank Mell- wain. yQ Miss Betty Feaglfi Ra visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ada w lir. and Mrs. Thos. Manning of Lon- don visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshon Sunda'. Mrs. Roht. and son Don arid, of Goderk•lt, are clalting the lady's mother. Mrs. Jas. realism. COURRIE'S lYritNERS, July 17. - Mrs. Albert Robertson and win Rob- ert. of Ayr. visited with Mr. and Mra. Hobert Neiss.n over the week-eud. _ Elaine and Lorna Little, who had been visiting with their unµelo and aunt, Mr. and Mra. Alf. Erriugtou ut, Carlow, returned home on Monday. We are glad to report that Mr. and Mr.. Lorne Parrish and Jack. who have been 111 with throat trouble. art Improving. SCOUT DOINGS Sunset Beach on Friday last was the scene of a merry weluer roast and singsong held by the Meal Scout troops. Stout Master Glen Lodge and Harry Wattles, past master._ War. In charge of the affair. There were near ly thirty Scouts present. Their sin- cere thanks were extended to Mrs. G. L. Parsons, Mr. S. D. Croft and Mr. J. C. Putt. who provided trans- portatlon to the beach. Mr. Harry Watson will be In charge of the annual Boy Scout outing at Port Albert this year. The Scouts will be In camp from August 15111 to 31st. Huron Commercial Academy ♦ FINISHING SCHOOL LIJA TRAININa TOs No longer on experiment. hut an ratablad institution. pro- viding thorough beet -whoa Is ail Commercial and allied Acadend • Subjects:- lisp. Cerr- Bsok-keeling.Messer. esmu etartal ser•' Eng ret p,ndence, Arlthnetk. Xseaihoal Guidance. Al.. t41411161.41 in Veeuomiia. 8aimaata ► Personality and Character Develop/anat. etc. FALL TERM BEGINS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 41" Write for particulate. re tnitMn ftp heard. rooms. etc Or call at the School _h) M,.ntr'a1 Street, tioderich. REV. DONALD XacI.EOD, Principal Box 396, Goderich, Ont. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich Phone 47 Now flaying--lsuble Itlll-"tier B.slyguard." and ' LIttL' Orphan Annie." MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY-- CAROLE LOMBARD The destiny of a soul Is often changed In filo twinkling of an eye - lamb. A tuturent in • lifetime may teed an a read you had not thought 10 travel. "BRIEF MO Wits Gaae Raymond. Nearer Owsky, sad Donald Cook re* THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY - WILL ROGERS You'll sit and (hackle In sheer enjoyment and you'll leave feeling that you've been welt entertained. "DAV Deemer. Eta-HARUM ';�p>_ With Louise Matinees Wesdneulay and Saturday at 3 p.m. ('wring -"Madam Spy.'. and "1 1.Ike it That Way." New Cooling Systema Installed It's the Casket Spat N Term 4- AUBURN AUBURN, July 18. -Miss (Sege Scott of Port Dover visited ■t- the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, over the weekend. Ills* Dorothy Wilson' of ltruceaeid Is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. George Hamilton. Knox I'ireebyteriau Sunday reshot; is bolding Its annual picnic at the Presbyterian camping site at Klntall on Wednesday. July 1M. The Baptist Sunday school is holding its annual picnic at Harbor Park, Goderich, on Thursday, July 19. We extend c•ongratulatioua to Mas- ter Bob Craig and to MIAs Helen Fer- guson on passing their entrants exam- ination.), and also to the pupils of S.S. No. 16, East Wawanoah. Miss Dorothy Burdett. who has been vlaiting her friend, Mrs. Earl Raithby, left last neck for her home In Essex. Mr. John Tyudaa who attended the funeral of his aunt, Miss Hoare, re- turned to his home at Chatham teat week. Lr. Freeman Macdonald. WHO baa tee' working the tact--fetr-•Teses•-is- Mr. George Hamilton's, left title aMk for a visit at his home near upas tun Mr. and Mrs. 'B. Keyes, of the C.P. It. staff..ue on their holidays at pre- sent, Mr. Keyes on a tithing trip to North Boy and Mrs. Keyes visiting her parental home near Guelph. Mr. Keyes' place Is being supplied by Mr. Len. Yunghlut of Auburn. Mrs. D. Paterson of Lethbridge. Al- berta, is visiting friends and relatives here this week. AN MISS Mabel Cope- land she lived here with ber parents, Rev. T. Copeland and Mrs. Copeland. thirty years lgo. Mr. and Ifni. Geo. Hamilton and Mr.. Jas. Johnston visited friends at Detroit over the week -end. The flret tall -wheat to be.cat is this district will Ito at Mr:, C lE.''Mgaeg' han's on Friday of this wee1 A terser Auburn Mibi.ler5-Tbe following paragraph from The New Outlook refers to a former Auburn minister: After eight years in St. George, Ontario, the Rev. .1. I. and Mrs. Small said good-bye to a devoted congregation on Sunday, July let. an l have taken up the work In the United church. Smithvllte, exchanging pestor- aha satth..E-...JFe, ' and Mrs. (toyer Mr. and Mrs. Small"were recipient" of several handsome presents from various organizations of the church. There were many expressions of re- gret, but also very hearty wishes for happiness and success in their new tlekl of labor. The "Old School" Reunion 1 School ses•liou No. 13, Dat Wawanosh, Is holdingand oho °r day, July 'X.4I'. a reunion of Its old boys and [ills of the occasion net. Austin L. Budge of Hageravllle has written for Tbe Signal the following sketches: .JL..Tha Trustees David Scott, John Coupes, George Fothergllll a etaltatluu- )CiQ pegs broken In the anteroom. • !'__ Powers of .Life and IlMth t. ' '1 Big Jack Scott broke two sweeping; Billy Bennett, tone, sliding: Walter Scutt, one, cap got stuck. "What dues expel mean?" Says Alex. Nethery. Shivers: "To be expelled 1. awful:" broke to Grace Taylor. Listen! The ruler --horn la! Dreadful sllesce! rifts Annie Scurf's dark eyes give ehspt Her uncle, the trustee, sped "We met today," Volt* like dynamite! "Those Some oil girls' side tee!" Deeper silence--- - ''lery heart misses a Winn -ISE -Bound of the word. "May let you off this time. but-" Three 11011 to one another -"this time, but But:" ';raster t'oultes lays new +strap on desk. "Try and t things they cod DUNGANNON DlUMJANI .*I, July 118.-11r. and Mr.. Lorne Young and Mr.. 8. Young, of ()odeticlt. spent last week the guests of Mra. Robt. Treleaven and other friends Stere, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson aid Miss Kathleen Reed, of Elora, 'peat Sun- day Al t1µ• home of Mr. and Mra. Robt. Da v ;dawn. Mill, Sam Swan and family, who were holidaying at Port Attxrt, nave returned home. Miss Jean Wilson of Goderich 1s vlslstln6 iter grandmother, Mra. David Stoned. Mr. and Yrs. Wit Titbit and fain- tly, of MM.stkton, were Sunday ylsitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treleaven and three children, Jean. Patsy and Bob, of Toronto. are visiting the former'. mother, Mrs, Robs. Treleaven. Miss Alma Free and her mother and • peg lake cat m are u . w"t Truster +>Nt►s'rdlll .had spoken. _ �� AR pass trot. k sr. like a year." whispered Jim Parrott, t'And we are alive." Il. -The Reek Before (1,risteme Xxawinatiolt: The world in smiles: Sax•il of costar: race. w a.h.d : trousers cwt side of boots; Dap Girl, in their ribtons....aweet1 - --- - Teacher in long queenly entis6 _ Be g,ssl. Yrs, Fella arrives. then Mrs. Harrison. and a bunch. Teel Ger Miller from Atlherb - - Slelgh bells? ? ? Rev. Archllald McLean from Blyth and Teacher Sloan. Whisper low. _- 1sprlieiden Slippers." _ EM.II l'tultes leads. `ay -"Ain Immigrant's Experiences," by Lbale Scott. "Wonderful." nod Trustee Fothergill replied. 'Teacher couldn't Leat 11." ties;'%rias tiescgraph?. Lizzie Harri.n head; twenty stand. rwe•ar, 'reacher 1/no-s of Mbrri-: . He asks, �'Tles.lkrwndarie. of Europe?" "And South America?" ' Correct S Parents able:'Trustee Scutt grave; Minister plea -eel. Pour .doer elaase'•- George 4Mswler saki a piece -"Binge' on the }thine." A dozen more. and songs. The 1)rr'. ntatkn be Jeannie Scott and 1.eorge I'arrott- She r'•ad--"Isar Teacher, we.. ." and sobs. "Ahsu to part and Sobs' He hands a Writing Desk, and hnrrie- with fright to seat. Tru -tee Goethe•, speab• : 50. Parent Walsh and Minister. "Thanks: Thanks!" Candies and "Shalt we gather at the river!"- - Too sad for words' Aberley Three-piece Suits, twin -sweater style, fine wool knit. Smart Summer shades. __Sizes 34 to 36. Regular $9.95. July Sale . „ $6.95 1 iR Aberley Swim Suits Ladies' Suits, .the smartest- on the Leach. New knit _and Ftyte. - ('olors blue, red, yellow, black and SiZES $4 to 40 July Sale $2.49 Summer _ i-�r•, Ensembles R Lovely- Suits for the smart Miss and Matron. Fine crepes in white and pastels. Three-quarter length Jackets, taffeta trimmings, appiligue work, etc. Regular $12.95 to $13.95. SIZES -1.6; 18, 181e4.. - July Sale $9.95 Special Values in Men's Two -trouser Suits of all -wool worsteds in leading shades. This is a good value -it offers an $14.95 Good-looking st the sort of Suits wanted for present wear at a price exceedingly low ! Good-looking worsteds in blue or brown shade. July Sale Smart sport tweeds and flannels in gray and sand. July $1 13.95 Sale • .. v V tA. ...�ONFIELI�D aetcatt •. . . -.. .. . wrr Agent for Royal York Made -to -Measure Clothes "Shop where you are Invited to shop" - Phone 418 av 1 . tlankatehewan, was ti►e pastor. I r y. lour a) that .pint the eougregatlom convdtlppd for a quarter of a century lu a chant whit% wee situated about one mile ruuth of Dun tanto and was built in the time of Rev. James riles - right of Goderk'h. The present minis- ter to Rev. l'. ll. 1lat•Dorwid of Luck - now. On Sunday W.V. lir. lAggertt preached Inspiring sermons to large congregations. The oboir was assisted In the service by Mies Vera Sher- iff and David Carruthers, both of Luck. now, *00 Harvey Mate€, of Auburn, all of *1)010 were brand in redo uum- lere with much pleasure. Mrs. E'rauk Jonitu) and Mina Irene ('arr, of Unna- t4. gennon, outtrlbuted pleasing dur44 r The entire twat of til• r•tdct•orelluu was mutt' than mat by the free-will offer- Re lug which war misdeed. Thr cuntgr - 1 gallons to be honored ou Suuday, July 29th, by tie premix* of Rev. Shorts. ut Barrie, moderator of the General Assembly, who will conduct for service. Den* of Mrs. R. J. Elanig..,- Ipt C trlin moonlit-trwhdntg at S:. I There passed away un Tuesday, a) her Joseph's hoepltal, London, motored to home In Dungannon, a lifelong resl- Timmins last Monday. They re- turned on Prklay acrompsuled by Mrs. Frees daughter, Mrs. Thompson, and thltdren: Marjorie, Helen and Bernice. A meeting of the ratepayers of U.S. S. No. '1 was held in the schoolhouse ou Mondry evening fur the purpose of receiving estimates on the proposed uew addition to the school. Inspector Deat'tnm was present. After a dis- cussion imcussion it was deckled to postpone L nittilut for another year. Mr. and Mra. Robt. Wilson of God a resident of Duogaunou. Surviving Crich and Miss Clara Sproul of Strat- la a family of six, three arms and font sbdted the Iwdk+o' tuother, Mrs three daughters: WilliamJ. au1 David Sproul. on Sunday. Franklin Flnnlgaa, both of E:gwuud• Mr. aud Mrs. Let/ Elsie, of Tor- elite, and Bert, on the homestead :a unto, were visitors at the. home of Aahae:d ; Mrs. W. E. Kilpatrkk Mro IMeki $proud tart Sunday. (Mabel), of Macklin, bask.; Mrs. k. Yr. std ora Ered Russ and line- J. Elgle l VMkt 1, of Kipper, sal Misr aid and Mr. Whir. Ross visited friend' Etbel, at borne There art uIurtrea at Lochalsh this week. grandt•hlldrei ■cul two great-graal- Aastrer Street llaeee-Tbe Dun- children. Two brothers and a els- pawn Agriculture! Society is holding ter •also survive: John M't)uokl, of uewth'r -treet dance on Friday of this Snoemerberry, Sask..: Albert Mdfuuld, week. ll opn's orchestra will 1* oil of Asbdeld, and Mrs. 1'aell, of Itirtie, hanxl with mva- music for tupleand 0141- Man. The funeral wilt take plate os time timelier on the big new- ptatturma. Friday aftertaooa with ■ aervlcr von• it rime and tare a good Awe.----- - ducted by Jute. --D, -A. McMillan la • Satraara hells Baeeemeld--0011' Dungannon United church at 2 o'cloclt. gratulation.. to Mr. Kidd and his en- Tiro pallbearers will be the three sons, traace class, all of whom were sup- a nepbew, Wllllaw Held, a son -le -law, cessful In (bele examinations. - The .Fptbw$ag- -new Abe suetrsaful condi. dates: Fir.tselasa honors --Alma An - Murray Camp- bell ;.- ae.'nadtlass tenors-Made3ne Caesar, tense Betty. Douala Rcaa: pos.--Albert Corrk. Wm. Caesar, Ilatvey 1'nlbert. A Sad Bereavement. -Mr. and Mrs. George Saumlers, 9th t'onceesloo of Ashfield, have -teen sadly lsreaved by the death ..f their daughter. Iia )lar, after a week'' Illness of pneumonia. Ls Mae was only in her sixteenth year and leaves, hesldes her parents, .everal brothers and sisters. The funeral took plass on Monday ■ltet noon to Greenhill cemetery. 1.0. -know. ker. J. W. Patton conducting the ser- vice. Erakinee Auniverwary. - Er -Line l'resi rterlan chnreh. after undergolug a thorough redecoration f the in --.- _-_- - trr4sr, heel re -opening and atwlvrr+ary ‘-'4•1:!,,,,a* u1 •11 r r., y; i"1lathes ea lientery. whew Rer. Arthur M luuiui gf firths trete. at•lftteeewtrtb. waw the mpemk- asgp' er at art. -room) and evening *err br+. A little man, cork leg, shaW bad. ea,ps*•ML oy; ,wwtwe ss„ "Is Johnny Fells herr?" Horse gets oats: Johnny a good boy. Inspects Teacher's pet readers. the Second Class. Mary Ann Black. Will Parrott. David i:c•ott....other*! Cork leg roe' 1 -h -0d.1. "Wolf had a -upper on It...." anti Will Parrott snorts. -..4.444- "Tough picking." said have. Attention's dept of this dlalrlct, in the persuu of Sarah MtSfuold, widow of the hire Robert J. Finnigan. Deeea.ed had been a patient sufferer from heart --' trouble fur eight months, of a quiet, 10i lovable dlapurlUuu, she will be mourned, not only by the family of which she was the centre, but by main iIIIiI friends. She was born seventy-six yeare ago In Ashfield township, .where her husband died twenty years -ago. For the last Ave years she had i•eera 1 bird sow Robert J Elgin. and a grandson. Hsi, ._ old Flanigan. Interment .. will JAL 114---0901 Dungannon cemetery. III. -Invertor Dewar l The meant clrun% building was. erer►!ed• r1, n..t nod dedlcat.41 In fortywtne yr .r- ago. 11x14 krr. 1)r. D. G. Vanier to now of Swift Curs -tit, If It's Paint see Blackstone ALL WANTS]) COLORS 60c quart Take' advantage of _ this special offer and brighten up the property Blackstone's ON THE BROADWAY OF OODERICH THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS Nary Ann rend -- -Page ill, Who Stole the Bird'- Nest? Towlt. towlt, tower" 'Stole? ? What (omtnandment In the Kibler lilts cork with staff ' This toy answer." -What? Don't know: You little heathens. study your Bibles... That will 4o" •• Limps behind desk and talks with teacher. She smiles: draw. her eyebrows: again) smile'. and speak. -- 'Children. If yon say the Commandments well. a half -holiday." ''Maggie Bell. the first' Yes. yes!" Fannie Morton. Hannah Cnultea. John Armour, Mark Mason?' .'Yes. yes:" and the cont g-r-ates-s. ,.(Snsd Byer' - -- -- iV.-Ptenie in Wightntsn's Both 10 m.. bellingts a.un, at Morton's corner, hurry! - Aggto Morton earls and a new ribbon. ._ lias- George Bowler and basket of OTawe'JE4e, tart.-, itattie Wightman'* dinner -pall, pies. eoskiea, and. ! Tramp. tramp. and sweat.... Ret your life on the picnic: A wagon.... Walters St•ott's, with voices, laughter, cheers, and "jump on." The bush. the breeze, the *hade- lligh Heaven! Mary Jane Vanesmp and 11111 attonehouae on a swing. My! I Dare 1 oak my sweetheart? -01 She understands my mulles, Men! Step up and place your beta on the Heat Folks. 1f you want to win the main heat next winter, order this thoroughbred coal now. Here is coal tint- starts • from scratch and wins .FilrlittnIk. You have an inside bet and can win by odda if you stable the heat Folks in your cellar now. Here is a sure tip: WS NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE CAW. THEiietg giGuwho? Guess Dave Dunbar. Jaek Omites. Pete Monwielt affil bats. •sDnwn with the Ninth'" Tom Agnew shoats from there•-1"hr)ok afraid. ear - The game.... Toms out, aud Pete Porterfield. gird to Jack Vaneamp.. r_, Cheers! . Jim Bone. tick-and.'ateh. to Jack Coultes. P W. Reott to hat....a hit. a run. F.I. Cooke. a run; Jim Walsh a rtnn, a ran, a run.... •"it was a foul. it w -a -a, so then'" Score? 'Neff said. TRhr'.IAtahlc s. Mlnnle Harrlann. SI* Welsh. Lizzie FAisarda. *04. and... " - "We'll feed you on pie for beating the Ninth." The program: another smile anda. '.wing; carry.her basket - Sunset and evening star:., _ _._�.__..._._� _ - --- Isereme! yr -'!Rs Last Haw Y. Faster- The call of spring and work ' Jack Macdonald, Jack Parrott. Snsan Dell, Maggie Morton - A jiffy Mt neh. • •'4 Maggie' Nicol, Hattlet 11baek. Jemlrra Stonehouse. , Plate* and hooks and farewell. Teacher looks wan. Albert Cook nlee little chap ask*. "Where going?" Ranh Jan. Rath, and Roll Reott, a parting snowhall. jet. Wirhttwww Owes away hIa ten ail ink - "Tag. tag' T tnnrhM yn*tla*t" Old Beet tinder the ehlmwey, good -by*! T.yeher'* desk and Seat of Judgment - Hnah' And creed.& The echo of the voices fades it's dote --- "Dear old No. 11, PaeeNMl1" J. B. MUSTARD COAL CO. PHONE 98 COD atICH, ONTARIO 4. 11 cora HOLLYWOOD NICHT °'411.° AT THE PAVILION, GODERICH FRIDAY, AUGUST 3rd UNDER THE AUSPIOIOS OT Ana , Altana.' and Nig`t Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. BRIDGE AND TEA AT 3 P.N. Parade of the Movie Stars AT 10 Plop;. i''EATi'RING AMUSING CABICATURBS OF THE 1'U P l; LAR. KAREN AVORITBS FORTUNE TEUJ I<O, - VA>I , ons DRAWING TOR THE PRIZES BY SATOH O, O. Lss • AT 11 P,Y, oonreT['i, ttreur 1lO18EENS and NOVEL MINORS TONY FARR'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 15c