HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-7-19, Page 3• Office Stationery Look over your supply of Letterheads, Billheads, Envelopes, etc., and then give The Signal Job Department a all THE RIGHT KIND Or PRINTING AT THE RIGHT PRIOR SIGNAL PRINTING W., L11tt1TRD, rnbminers The O. F. Carey Co t Fire, Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE Otice:-Hasat/e Temple, West Street, Goderich. NELSON HILL Telephone 230 Manager 1 M 1 Automobile Insurance SEE OUR RATES BEFORE PLLOING J. W. Craigie Geo. Williams & Son DZALERa 111 DOMINION, PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL AND COIL. PORATION RONDO __ Firs, Aeelds . Autalsiis enslN Geral bonnets* Ain* OIDcs. nett to Bask et Opti menu Pbone 58 Gadarlah TR IF I Plumbing, Heating -OR.-- Eavestroughing WR HAVE IT Repairs for all makes of stoves or furnaces Prompt service and reason- able prices. John Pinder Pima 1>j7 P. al. Deet 131 A City Residence non for a day. a week or longer - from a slack room with bath to newt t sumptuous housekeep- lug suite.pqulpped with linen, ali- ne and china -affording every ••• convenience, luxury and attend- ance. Delightful lounge recep- tion roomy-unezcelled restau- rant service -that, briefly, 1e the diRlnctive appeal of the Wlnd- sor Arms. Tie -Welts for folder - Windsor Arms" Hotel ' St. Thomas Street, arm at Bay ToeoNTO Tdepbsoa Ra -5141-2-1H "There Ig more eimpticlty In the mail who eats cavlarbn Impulse than In the man who eats breakfast food on princl- • ple."--(I. K. Cheer/aeon. Men's Clothes The very latest in Summer Wear EVERYTHING THAT'S 111112 (:has. Black___. EAST STRUT AND SQUARE, GODEB,IQR West StreetELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of all kinds Estimates gives eta aphcatleu FRANK' McARTHUR Telephone 82 - Goderich tom --GoDERiCH, ONTARIQ.,THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1934 SUCCESSFUL ENTRANCE - CANDIDATES IN -HURON �WEDDINOS Kitchigami Wins Swimming Meet ' CLARMS--SNIDER A pretty wedding was soIewuized at Results in the Two Inspectorates Announced—Robert Park Memorial the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Medals Won by William Reid of Central School and Donald Flslter, cuitxrrue township, on Satur- day, Jules 14th, when (iambi Mildred. Thompson of Victoria School—Appeals Must Be in by ,nyder, yuuugtset daughter of Mr. Levi August 15th Snyder and the late Mrs. Snyder o Colborne townuhip, was uuittd iu mar- riage to Thomas Alfred Clarke, secund sun of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Clarke of Goderieh. The bride was attired in a cocotan and brown , u-cmble with brown atveeeories, and tarried a bou- quet of gypsophila and Premier Std= prewe roses with sprays of fern. To the strains of the Lohehgrin wedding march, played by Mrs. Irtwrenee Sny- der, the bride entered the parlor on the anal of her father. The cere- mony took place betoeee i 'titbk of f Rev. Jas. MAOrea of Itenmi;ler of- ficiating. During the signing of the register Mr. and Mrs Robert we. Salmon sang, "Because I Love You." After a abort trip Mr. ,,b,1 Mrs. Clarke wilt -reside in God. . •- THOMPSON-•ST.AiN'ES St. Paul's Anglican c-ltumtr; TO Get*, was the setting for a very lovely wed- ding when Miss Hilda stains, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Th"mus Staines, was halted In marrtagc to Elwood David Thompson, only sou of Mr. - Mrs. David Thompson. formerly of Goderich. The ceremony ,c as conducted by Rev. Mr. Morley. During the sign- ing of the register, Mr Ww. Thomp- son, cousin of the groom. sang •.11e- ause." Given In marriage by her father, the bride look.+t lovely in a white satin gown, the bset ves of which were puffed above the ethow-tad- ered down to a long white cuff, which came to a point over the top of the The following are tete results of the recent High School entrance'examina- tlon■ hedd'7t The various centres un- der the jurisdiction of the Goderich Hight School Entrance Board. First- aud second-class honors are announced. First-class honors means that 75% or Mere of the total mark,. were secured'. second-class honors, that between 70lt and 74% was obtaxvl: GODEItICH CENTREtt First -dam boors. -Hazel Baer, Catherine Barton, Margaret Bissell, Terry Cooper, Charlie Codmore, Mar- jorie Eastman, Jack Frith, George Gra- ham, Violet Henry, 'Jerold Holman. Bert Huoklns, Helen MrcEwan, Maude Moore, Elaine Mere, Fred Munnings, Hope Mutcb, Joseph Patton, Frank Pelt, Wllliabt Redd, Leslie Riley, He:en /bill, Janet Taylor, Donald Thomp- son, Mary Thorneloe, Roy Turner, Ateeu Tolland, Grace Vollaad, Mar- garet Webb, male Whitten. Gordon Rawae l-elaYsners,--Grine Beattie, Susanne Bowden, Thelma Bell, Betsy Bisset, Ruth Drennan, Jack Feagan, Albert Gouley, Maurice Harwood, Wil- liam Herbert, Erie Johnston, William J. Johnston, Jean hereby, Marlon Mac - Adam, John M Kinnon, Donald Ma- son, Raymond Murray, Gerald O'Brien, Boas l'enuington, Florence Price, Jack Snell Eva Skraughan Naomi Webster. ) Pass. -William Bell, Irene Bowman, Myrtle Cantwell, Marian Chapman,1 Walter Chisholm, Daphne Colclough, Ruby Cook, Alice Dodklu, Frances El- liott, Jean Elliott, James Garrick, Clarence Geromette, Raymond Ginn, Wilfred Glauber, Bernice Grigg, Mills Jewell, Gare MacDonald, Erie MoAtUster, Agnea McArthur, Howard McCullough, Bertha McKenale, Ruby McMichael, Beverley Mills, Sydne; Nese, Cecil Pollock, Pearl Roope, Ross Ratledge, Patricia Slgnoc, Margaret Taylor, Mary Tichboroe, Rath Tyndal, Frank Vines, Gertrude White, Rinal- do Wigle, Jack Yeo. rased under the provision of re- gulation 11 (5) of the Hlgh Seboel Entrance Regulatiole: Madeline Baker, Bert Campbe�d{sot Clark. Murray Sheardown, ,..' wear down. Meteor -ail The Robert Park medal+, awarded annually to the papal from each of the Goderich pnt.lic achoo:s securing the highest etawliug on the year's work and the final examinations., were won by William lteld, In the case of Central school. and Donald Thompson, tor Victoria school. .•lir HAYFIELD. -- First-class honors. -Jean Johnston. Second-class houses,-itertram Car- ole, Kenneth Castle, George Colclough, Audrey Jones, Vera Wild. Parts. -Charlie Brandon, Harry Brandon, Evelyn Geelnhardt, Gordon Heard, Sylvia Lowden, harry Reid, Anna Scotebmer, Walter Smith, Mel- vin Steepe, Julene Stephenson. DL'NGANNON CENTRE F4,t-etass hooera.-A:ma Anderson, Murray Campbell, Helen Durnin, Lor - ns Roach. Dorothy Robb. Second-elaas boners,-Stadeline Cae- sar, Irvine Body, Benson b'eagan, Nor- een Kinalian, Clara Reid, Edward Robinson, Donald Rats, Violet Saun- ders. Pass. -Norman Boyle, John Brodie, Billie Caesar, Stewart ('hamney, Mel- vin ('ratg, Harvey Culbert, Alberts Currie, David Sproul, Janine Trem- blay. KINTAIL CENTRE First-elatm honors,-.� .in Durntn, Marion MacDonald, Cecil McGee, Rob- ert MacGregor, Gordon Robb. Second-clam lsnuorw.-Thomas Cul- bert, Dorothy McMillan. Paas,. -Eileen Cempts I. Margaret Crawford, Donald Drennan, Sadie Parrish, Marie Fergn-nn, Archie e: Rrl McIntyre, Mary McKenale, Mar- -jorte M'Ketesiweod hurray.ea11 J Nelson, Albert Sage. ST. HELENS CENTRE First -dam hortars--norothy Alton. Lane Gardner, Merle Miter eagle, Sadie Nleholson, Etta Swan. Second -claim hissers.-tlle7i Andrew, Vera Lecenby. Pee.-Hernedean Aiton, Ronald Cranston, Russel Ferrier. Jerk Ing- lis, Ailsa Miller, Jaw* Reid, George Wehete'r. ---_...__ _. Appeals against the r,•attlts of the entrance examltwttlona inlet he made to the Inspector before August 15th and must bearmmpenled be the ap best foe of $200, which is returned in Ane the appeal Is sustained. EXETER CENTRE FUwt-elasa Mous, se-i,acerne Chris- tie, Ralph DPlbridge, entitle Fehrner, Lillian Flnkbelner, Elisabeth Iingartli, 'Anne Kenrick, Clarence McDonald.Feign.Gerald McF'alls, Frne Parsons, Ivan Perkins, Stanley Presszcator, Stewart Prong , Grace Snell, Grant Taylor, Taabel Taylor, Donald Winer, Edith Warm. fereeswl-visna hotter' -Js'en Rayn- ham, Gerald Campbell, Jntte (;larks, Cloward F1lkstf, Dernk-e Rndglna, lDtttet---Ryddr 4iesee Lotter, Wilted Forages, Tarns Wen - anis, Alvin Rows, )Earl Schrewder, Marna Vshey, F.solaad Webber, Bobby Wolfe, Reynold Wnorth Pass, -•Eleanor Abbott, Isabelle Appleton, Doreen Baker, Helen Baw- den, Gail Browning, Florence Falken- bury; Ferrol Fisher, Vernon Heywood, Harold Kerslake, Marton Lovle, Mar- garet Melville, Elsie Redd, Fred Selves, Dorothy Smith, Hazel Snell, Marlou SS'alper, Winnifred White: Marguer- ite Wright, Marjorie Wright. Passed under the provisions at re- gulation 11 (5) of the High School Entrance Itegulations-Lloyd Stanlake. HE:NSALL CENTRE First -elms bonorL -Robert Ald- wlnekle, Harry Collins, David Sang- ster. Second-class bonors.•-Dorothy Peck. Robert Perk, Kenneth Passmore, L loyd_Thomson. Paas. -Ruth Bell, Herbert Drum- mond, Auhrey Farquhar, Mona Glenn, Irene Hoskin, Jerry Johnston, Harold Jones, Margaret MacGregor,' Allred Ropp, Edna Banndercock, Margaret Shepherd, John Simmons, Nola Taylor. D.%SHWOOD CENTRE Fieat•elaas hooses.-Doreng,._Atcht- son, Iva Louie, Leona McCann.' Pass -Merle Dietrich, Doris Melte.ns Reta Mae, Herbert Ness, Joyce Pati, Ruth Sharron, Irma Wein, Ellen Wtllert. W iNCHELSEA CENTRE First -rives honors. -Hazel Johns, John John., Margaret Pooley, Elgin Sk)nner. Second-class boners,-Im0rene HermPuss. Andrew Arksey. Rarotd De - vis. Audrey Fletcher, Oliver Jaques, Jean Morley, Donald Murray, Thelma O'Reilly, Gordon Prance. Verna Scott. Jack Switzer. ZURICH CENTRE First -elate honors --Alice Beaver, M irjori. Gellman, A11an Gaacho, Mil - Are Haberer, Kathleen Hay, Archie MacKinnon. Doreen O'Dwyer, Gert- rude Tnrkhelm. m Serond-elass honw,-Marte Bedard, Irene Focfer, Rita Foster. Pant. -Lawrence Brisson, Orval Corrlvean, Leona Dewey, Monica Dewey. Fred Farwell, Joan Gellnaa, Kathleen Hey, t'lene Jeffrey, ('tare McRrfde, Demser Memkttnger, Dorts 7d ('1al'je Tltka._ The flay tonne/tip entorfaf-=selibt- ershllrs, awarded annually to the Hay township pupils securing the highest standing at the entrance examination, were win as follows: (1) Ml'dred tieherer, (21 Marjorie Gellman, (3) Gertrude Tnrkhelm. These three pupils are from the 7.nrlch public school. EAST HURON .-•--- . The following are the results of the entrance examination held in the ramous ("entree in East Huron. Eleanor Dunning of Wingham public school stood highest with a total of (178 out of 750. At Seafor(h, Clinton,s Blyth and Brueta, many passed on the principals' reeommendetions, w;w are ungraded as to honors: CLINTON Myrtle Bezzo, Percy Brown, Stela Brown, Jessie Campbell, Alvin Cor- less, Margaret Cornish, Reg. Codmore, Joyce Dougan, Lillian Elliott, Flossie Wiser be imprudent, who seeing the Tussis, Robert Glen, Beth Govier, tide making toward him apace, will Rhoda Govier (hon.), Erma Hale, Gerald Harris, Gertrude Ilolmes, sleep till the sea overwhelms him.- Ferne° Hunking, Willa Jervis, Agnes Tillotson. Johnston, Pearl Johnston, Eileen Knox, nand. Her ve caught in cap effect with 111y of the valley. She carried a bouquet of sweetheart rosea and baby breath. Miss Vera Staines, slater of the bride, fluted 1 as bridesmaid, and welt. a charmlug gown of pale blue chiffon with a large pink picture bat, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mr. Herbert Wilkin- son, brother-in-law of the groom, was groomsman. The ushers-oere Mr. Mau Cowdrey and Mr. Arthur Veacb. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the br'ide's parents, where the mother of the bride received wear- ing a gown of brown crepe with beige Contest at the Harbor between Campers from Stratford and Local Boys At a Camp Kttchigami vs. Goderich swimming meet at the harbor on Sat- inetsy afternoon, the campers, Strat- ford youths, evened up ls.et year's defeat at the baud* of the local boys j am gthr-eet with ltttte dltncul-4 ty. Kltchlgamt taltisd-42 points, God - erten 28. It war a perfect day fur the meet. with a clear sky and bright, warm'a a--=�u -miter of spectators. The races, held be- tween the piers In full view of al), were in charge of J. (Mac) ItcQuet'n and .1. R, Mercer, of the StrattonY. .C,A„ and John 'McLean, of God- ieb. J. Rlehardsou, thirteen -year-old r -who stepped away from the Seal iii•,iin anuli!•_ tri the half -mile race, also woo We Junior free -style event. .He was champion of the meet, with ten points. Ills half -tulle time waa19_msees ,la 5s se, la erery event but nue Golertch was outnumbered by the Hetet-taus:, but that one, the juuior breast stroke, local lade took alt three po- tations. The Camp evened up ea that wore, however, by placiug In the first Small Savings are not to be sneezed at three days. Tbo signal's clubbing otters give you induced prices on your papers and maga/Aiwa Telephone 35 for informa- Con on at>y pirlodicaL ROOKS AT ---- THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Fifties ties Oppenbele ..Ilse Man Rittom tNerves Btndioss Valley Gold Miller Come Out of the l'antry Faruol Winds, of Chance Wodehouse ....The 'oneug of Bill Binns The Law of the Hills Bindloss The Trustee Itinns ...,The Lady of the North Star Wallace The Secret House Snow Roaring Guns Cooper The Million,Ire Tramp Frome Mr. Pinkerton Goes to Scotland Yard Norris Three Men and inane ,.Riders West Oppenbeti The Postmaster of Delgnton Market Case A Pair of Mavericks Moore The Bo'•e of Lightning C Hoffman The Saddle Wolf 11etvlwr The [borough Treasurer Wolehonse The (14-1 on the Float Fletcher ..The Herepath Property Sawyer The Leek of the Road Chambers ..Secret Sere ice Operator 13 Bentley A Bolero Tragedy Hutchinson .The Unforgotteu Prisoner NetlTielMl - am , , , ..�Tba Rethttbem Road T�eyats ...:__-Unharboured Heaths Lockhart ..Memoirs of a Itritish Agent Lemieux —The , .Tee Governors -General of Canada Thomson Riddle's of ScienceHouston Expedialea-.„ , -J t st Over Everest Cole . , , . The Intelligent Man's Review. of Europe Today Cole ,...The Iute/iligeut Man's Guide Through World Chats EIGHTY SEVENTH YEAIt, NO. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE and STOCKS W. J. POWELL Phone 292 P.O. Box 438 A. S. MERRIAM O01tfPA IY_ RI GODEOS CI MAKERS OT Medium High-grade Mailroom Feather -beds remade late Sanii- tar'y Mattresses Hair Mattresses made ever like new Pillow Cleaning 75c per pair -All nark kept seperato-- We call for and deliver without extra cost st three positions In the half -tulle eveut S( -Kenna l Was a Spy 'The results of the races were: Knowles ..In the Grip of .the Jungles .Junior free style -Lot, J. Richard- Tiltmau God's Adventurers son, AttWh1gawk, Rtapietou, Martin -Harvey -...Autobiography Kltchtrawl ; 3rd, Garnet Mathlesou, Goderich. Scuba breast stroke -Tit -ft.- Eiger. Kltchigami; 2nd, C. Killoran, Kitchi- gami ; 3rd, John McLean, Goderich. Junior breast stroke -1st, Tom Wil- son, Goderich; 2nd, Don. Mason, God- erich; 3rd, Terry Coetello, Goderteh. Half -mite -1st, J. Richardson, Kit- chigami ; 2nd, C. Millman, Kitebigami : 3rd, S. Shivas, Kttchigami• Bud Worthy and John McLean, -of God- erich, did not finish. Beek stroke -Duplicating his win of last year, Joe Taylor, of Goderich, was an easy vicar. W. Burns, Kit- chigami, was second. Under water swim Bert Medd accessories. Mra. Thompson, mother eloderich, won easily, swimming ap- of the groom, who slay, received, had proximately forty-five yarda. John chosen a frock of aline ue crepe will' McLean, Goterlch, was second, and grey accessories. W. Burns and R. Killer, Kitchlgamt, Inter the young cODple left on a were thiri and fourth re y. .senor, trip..wartb, ale brltle. tixv 711hg apecttvei in a grey and reld'tunle froc9t w11y5ee � he veiny race by accessories. Ot their return Mr. and of Kerly Sounde-half Tap. iniad_-____ Mrs. Thompson wAl reside In Teeoute. of Keith sunders, now of Galt, who - was a tuewber of last year's team, wits wissed in this event, but Harry Phulcu ably lintel tate vacancy. It. Killer. Kltchigami lad, on the first tap won a lead from Norman Craik that it was impossible to overcome. The local team made a slight gain, but was unable to conte within striking dtata����r���..�er% Kltchi- gami- R. Killer, A. Stapleton, S. SLtvas, II. Hamilton; Goderich-Nor- man Gralk, -tarry 'Mateo, John Mc- Lean, Harry Babb. Kitchlgswl won the diving compe- tition, tallying 74.5 points against (10.9 for Goderich. Although there were four (amp entries and thtee Goderich entries, the first two In each team were taken for the team wore. Each entrant called his own dives. individ- ual scores taken when adding up Points were as follows: B. Hall, Kltchigami, -39.4; C. Snider, Kitchl- gamt, 3.1.1; John McMehen, Goderich, 30.8; aurnuttt (;Talk, Goierich, 80.1; Bert -Tedd, Goderich, 29:2; C. SStanhe- ton. Kltchigaml, 26.3; R. Killer, Klt- chigami, 18,3, LEEBURN LEEB['RN, July IT, -Miss Mary' Gordon of Godertoh and Miss Mamie Foster of Toronto and their cousin from Manitoba visited relatives here on 'Friffff"'lil>?t. ""-''- - Mr. and Mrs. , Henry Horton ant daughter Mary, from Ashfield, open, Thursday afternoon with Mr. Horton's brother and sisters here. We are sorry to report that Miss Whnnle Shaw is ill at Alexandra hos pita!, Goderich. iter many friends hope she may have n speedy recovery. Rev. J. W. Pomeroy delivered a tine address on 'Loyalty"' at the service last Sabbath In Les -burn church. There is no young people's meeting this week on account of the-esslon of the Sum - School. Helen Levis, Orval Lobb, Sheldon Mac'Math, Ellen McGill, Helen McKen- zie, Muriel Perdue, William Radford, Leona Rapson, Barbara Snell, Eleanor Sprung, Jean Swan, Greta Taylor, 1 Mary Thompson (lion.), Ivan Turner, Ruth Vodden (lion.), Jack West, Flor- ence Yungblut. BRt :SSEIS Margaret Irell, Betty Reet, Walter ('. itewley, William Dewart Eekmler, -'(hon.), Olive Edgar, Velma Ftaher, Garfield Henderson, itarold Huether (hon.), Bell King (hors. 1, Bob J. Kirk- by (hon.), Dorlo i.. Lmig, Everett Lowrie, Thos. Mctadzean, ileon Mc- (Juarrle, Edith McTavish, Margaret Miller, Lena Mustard (hon.), Alfred Nleho1, Eleanor Nichol, Gordon Nich- ol, Hartley Rutledge (hon.), Beth Shannon, leek C. emal'don, Ardath Sproul (hon.), William O. 14tllen (hon.), Janet B. Stokes, - ' ILLYTH Edna Iteird, Mildred Bell, Walter Bentley, Irene Cole, Alice Cook, Gene Crook, Robed* Craig, Gordon Craig, Bertram Elliott (hon.), Scott Fair - service, Edwin Fear, Mabel Fear, Helen Ferguson, Margaret IleRron, Bob henry (hon.), Ruth Iiillborn, Lloyd Johnston, Nosh rein (hon.), Annie Leatherland, Edna MAN-Nonald. Jean IfeGallum, (Gordon Mci)owell. Jim MrFttInt (hon.), Mae Maroon, Gordon Nefhery, Isobel Oliver, Wil- ma Shepherd (hon.), Ross Taylor, Freeman Tunney, Helen Vincent (hon.), Ivan Wtghtman. ETHEL Joseph Baker, Melon Desjardine (hon.), Hefty Dunhar (hon.). Ruth Franklin (hon.), Ceorge Hayden. Frances Henry (hon.), Dorothy Kra:i- ter, >'Se Ili- Heatah. -- Mid ' Minim Willie Meehan, Evert -ft Rnhtnonn, Jim Smith, Edythe Spetran, Gordon Ward. (Matinees! nn page 5) sQ%RI T 0 Strachey ....The Comlag Struggle for, Power Strachey .t' .The Vul,e of Experietace thlvedlc Burgas The It.trges4 Big Book Lle Ekorn Fox Misstate Girl Coutes Home Ball A Year with the Birds IAN DESBORO 1.ONDESBORO, July 17. -Miss jorle Lyon, R.N., of Ottawa, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. W. Lyon, spent last week wits: Dr. and Mrs. Kirk Leon, of Leeming- ; ton, at Tobermory, Mr. and Mra Bert Shobbrook and daughter Thelma, of, I'orter's 11111, apent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mra Wesley Voddep. Sympathy Is extended to Mrs. Har- vey 1j tmktrrg, whose father, S}tJohn near Bayfield on Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Lyon returned from ("lin- ton hospital on Saturday evening. We are pleased that he is improving and hope we shall soon see him out again. hlr, and Mrs, George Radford have taken up residence in our village. We welcome • Mrs, Radford to our com- muntty. Mr. ,Gordon House of Clinton was a visitor at`iha tonne aft Mr. tains... W. ,Lyon on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sbobbrook were in attendance 'at the funeral of the late Mr. John Cartwright, at Barfield, on Saturday. Ms. William Raffle and daughter, MIs. Mabel Bailie, of Goderieb, were visitors at the hotne it Mr, and Mrs, Ip. ,Hall of Tuesday. M • rlf. John Snelling and babe, of Blyth, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, C. Snelling. Mr. Alexa Well has completed hie sawmill and Is bbl --v sawing logs for the farmers. Miss Anne Govenlock, of Weston, Is visiting at the homes of Mr. F. Hell and Mr. Bernard Hall. .4z%4 CARTIER le\ .11 ; "mile-'1Y1�111�,,,���f ) 411, -- i 4 = e 1834 TORONTO (►1TINAIn 4 1934 • SPECIAL OFFER —IN— — _ Me�Qilords -AT-- $2.25 Velour calf with a thin rites " vamp. .Strongly made.-. throughout, half rubber heel. Slues 6 to 10 WHILE THEY LAST $2,25 M. Robins Agent for Tip Top Tailors Made -to -measure CIothes $23 50 Phone 384 Goderieh TO Water for Lawns and Gar- dens may be used from 7 to 8 o'clock a.m. and from 5 to-9Tfi'coocfio in the evening These hours must be adhered to Applications for lawn or garden service must 1* made at the Hy- dro Store before use. When fire alarm 1s sounded, lawn or garden serviros should be im- mediately cut off. PUBLIC UTILITIES One— COMMISSION JafCANADA TODAY The fearless, courageous, dauntless spirit that brought Cartier across the high seas 400 years ago, is bringing Canada and Can- adians out of the dark days of economic stress. This spirit is ex• empli4ied in the "Show Window of the Nations" as thistnig1-+enter. prise forges ahead in its capacity as an effective stimulant to the trade and commerce of our Dominion. Canada's Cartier Celebratl In- conjunction n-conjunction with Toronto's.____ tennial Celebrations, climax on September 4th and Sth at the Canadian National Exhibition in impressive ceremonies in which representatives of Great Britain, France, the United States and Canada, unite in celebration of that pliant explorer's discovery of Can- ada. The Spirit of Cartier looks on Canada at the Canadian National Exhibition, where the progress of nations is on review. C.Irdlawv A NADIANXH I BITI O� TORONTO- 1ORAL'-�ue.za-ro•sea7.