HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-7-19, Page 2Pr, THE SIGNAL ata.sas iM4 . t : • OANLrDA s/ Oowadfaa •vane K dassnales every Itugada7 tmormbit Subscription price 14•00 pix par' tt Toile to witteace, - SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LTD. Telephone 115 : OodatieS out. W. R. ROBIRreoN, Editor sad Masse" 44 Thursday, July Otte. 1934 ' LIQUOR ADVERTISING hose big -new poetize for a good Ticker. . . • budth, who o'ight to know about it, aa7a that Is Den- ali Ontario will have the Minister of Agriculture It since Hon.- John Dride• . . • . estx•e111ng appointments made THE CURRENT WEEK IN CANADA'S PAST Compiled f Files of The Montreal Gamete by F. J. N. "Huserelt mann wsraGwa"• July 11 weer claimed In tipper Canada, and the Lake Huron. at shier .lu, - aurora y tl vary Government In, its last members of the first Laglsiature of June, was one lath i 'slier tiWY, Fear olive he might recover the the province were elected from these 9 inches lower etre June. 1l%13, and money re -Toronto_ for 1(4 eine counties. 4014 incises lower than floe r►erage tennis% celebration. 1tt67.-What was pIObably-tits worst lore of Jnaa for ilo• Ina seventy-four aceident in the htatory of Canadlau 7 Lke Erie. at t'••[ ('uliwrne, dur- railways occurred at St. Thomas, Ing]ere was ne Of ru loch , dur- when 115 people were killed and over caches lower thou ther 100 injured. than Mal; and 2u y 1930. -Manitoba celebrated the dia- mond ]nae, 1933. Lake Ontario, at Jhiugstun, during . jut, .and , of her entryrsinto the Jane'was 3% tache- 4':u -. than May; servaservants -and a festers the the presen- and 13% Itches lu.r• • that June, 1933. tatlonce of the event war the perms- �- Lawrence et.•• , to Montreal ration to the Province, by Premier harbor, daring Jn.c. •.u� 37!1 !oche. W. f.. Mackenzie King, of a cheque ower than jday . , t'+: ue�s lower for $4.4t 4842.72 to compensate them than Jane, 1AA3. for the natural resources which bad bet'n-atfenated by alta. Dominiene etne't _ GODERICH, ONT. LAYR LEVUS STILL LOWER Ottawa, 3117 7.- Wish the ezeep- tloa of Late Superior, each of the Orest Laktts /*pore'' lower water le- eks In Jtaae than year ages it was reported 1estit iy le the Department of Marine. Lake Smperler, at Port Arthur, dur- ing June, was 3 iu he. testier than Nay; % et as belt h•gher than June, 1903, and 4% inches, highest than the age eel of Ju' c fur the last k fo r "ANYTIME" the next time you buy STOCKINGS Ms ratry Stockings feature the new stretchy ter, giving a sassed cliagiag at without Wig Linoleum Rugs NOTS THESE CLEARING PRIOR 3 s 31/2 yards. On rale $9.7s All the better shades for Summer wear. Full-fashioned chiffon. Regular $1.00 79c • • • Tea may teachers. too many nurses, too many storekeepers, too many pro Although nsr the new !truss leg• [eseleaal ;pen, too many laborers - 'station lon t theM>sale of beer M again too many everything. The great ijtob- to be allow4d in in Ontario, the regala- lent of atlatermanahip is to end mo- tion prohibiting the advertising of 1l- sius. The Signal L quite Dlo7aett for all who need It. quor rem • • • • satisfied that this regulation should Korman O. Hipel, member -elect for Asia. purity recent uottha the me Waterloo, is to be the Speaker Egg bier - aked en[ of this Permit of the new Legislature. 1 watt "116041 seed by three or -fiA7 ___ ______ ---- - by many that thi-ltonor wires erved July -14 agenclea what its removal de would be in for Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, but 11 looks the event of the removal or the banas if the former Liberal leader were 1820: The Danish explorer, Jens on liquor advertising. Tb reply le Munk, left New Denmark, now known stir' on tits outalde. as Churchill. Man., atter spending a • - alt cases -lila be a -that .- The !digital_ • ---_.- wetter In that vicinity. He Is the would not deport *row the policy, It ba/ bean falai that under public first known et'piorer of - udson ;My, adopted many Spars ago, of rstttdog ownership of Hydro in Ontario the though it is possible others had been to advertise strong drink.peoAts, Ineltwd of going to petals made exists of suc there In previous years, but no record While a good case might be h. out for the tight of newspapers :o power harem. went in the shape o[ 11422- Chtrles Sangster was born. open their telumna for the advert's blg salaries to a few people In Tor- He became a journalist and evil - lag of a commodity that is sold antler onto. Ani from the salary list pub- known poet and died In 1900. Provincial license, tawny newspaper►, lashed a few days ago it looks as if 1923 -Hon. 0, H. Ferguson was of Ontario. wheel and e and ryeJWi toe "country" weeklies, the stateinemt had some foundation. swortele* nhe held as tel November 28, 1930, have no Satre to urge -that .igbt-4 a - �..• • when he received the appointment of mike' la that many subsc'riber& dei Stratford 1s protesting a bill for high Commissioner at London. these papers would not like to see the $528 for Us share' of the expense of drib 17 virtues' of a particular brand of beer praparlmg•t>rm.votert' lirtta for the re - 1840. -The Ilrttanula,. the first or wine or whisky displayed in the rant ProviSdal elusion. All over the steamship of the Cunard Line. arrived papers that .come loto their homes. Province these bill' are being pr'- at Halifax. She had left Liver/toe Another -and perhaps the compelling seated to tba local munieipelItla, anal on July 4th and completed her epoch season -I+ that the publishers do not Hader the law they must be pair!. making voyage In twelve and a -half thing. However, that the day'' hating on board Samuel Cnn- This 4 fie care to make themselves responsible tie ani, Istel' Sir Samuel, who was a na- for any tncreaae in the use of strong new Government should change. Tie rice of Halifax turd founder et the drink in their respective communities. Province sheald pay the test of fro- famous Cunard Line of Steamships. Boots and shoes, drygooda, groceries vinclal !Mellow. Though It may 1..t The Britannia was the "first ship to •and such things -yes' the publisher said that Use money eolnee from the"L'ross the Attantic on westward entirely unrk•r steam awl ,xhedule;' and wants all tbe advertising of these be taxpayers In any ease. It 1s a good on this trip carried•the mall, the trans - ran get: be knows that nobody goes je•lnctple that taxes should be col- fer of which from Halifax westward home and beats hie wife or abuses the iected by the tardy which spends the is thus described by Fred Williams: money• "The postotfk•e officials of Nova Scotia children, of [alb to And his way home -and of Canada were much Interested at all, because be has spat his • • • "In the -arrival of the Britannia and The ToroMu >;rrr, discutiting the ..,fid all in 'their power to rush the earaiatga in clothing and footwear and other necessaries or lite and cum- reduction ot salaries to Hydro ofilcia::. malls to Quebec. Montreal end Tor - fort. But when a young fellow goes rea40 a little homily to those who, It "onto. They were given to a special to the dell because lie cannot stay I urs' "rejsice that hitherto well -pail I .courier, who took them overland to m along with less;' an, Ptetou, where, they were transferred peopleflet to,a sailing Teasel which landed them says they /pout(' be displaying a bet' I "at Quebec in the record. titee of Are ter spirit V they booked forward lid -and a -half days from Hailtax; Then stead to time when ill -paid people j "it took two . more days to get the away from strong drink, It is sonte consolaflon to tbe newspaper man to know that his paper did not advertise the fatal brew. THE HYDRO COri7QSSION Premier Hepbura'heti ark to reorganise the Provincial Hydro -1:Tomeslaeloa. The Ola meet dare been dlsmlaead. and la tbetr place are T. Stewart Lyon, former editor atf. will baps -more." That la all right -mals to Montreal and another week' iratlon; but the reason "to land them In Toronto." That was IA s pious a remarkable recond for a century ago; some psopl et less than they should before the railways came into being, 11114 other people get mor.' i but now the Government la consider - than they ntid. Twenty -Ave Tears i i1M-1L.aerrie5 _which will land mail In es eret, wan considered ' Vancon-ie-efielistatragria,adneMese enormous. to the Intervening years l 121121. -The death of Sir John S. financial and ec000mle Pliantee In- Hendrie took place. Ile was Lleu- i .:Aldol/ GUN IMILNii fifet.olt \cn-r J. N. Darting, eke as 1S7ug." me cartoonist, has trade wil,uus laugh, , recently said that hatuau avarice ac- counts for the dust •tures that recent- ly Swept over the ,•'turn'. lienwllug tate toad et- feeeses-}tul-.driililing 17,• 000,000 acv* of lake.. creeks aur marshes through cr,.,i for gait with- out regard to conte -teen, e:, brought about a condition w.,kiu: swell a *torte possible. Clonaer+.r.i•ioi-t" a goners - tion ago sounded slicli earning* l,u" were not heeded. - TiUDR RE TRH•T1OX-ti- (Moose Ja" iiweso Cartoonist Kae::. :ti Thc'Ftinencir' Post, pictures Mr. St,•cen- discharging his double-barr•I:'••1 ' iuc+wtigation" MIR at a little -los-sage era'" rtrlpwL back animal 1a the tame card, but hit• ting also the "holiest ewpiuyer" lieu and "honest maonfacttrcr': roo-ter. pair AA Pure silk crepe Hose. 81 to 10..$1.00 Full-fashioned. Special • 36 -inch Tubfast Prints Guaranteed tub -fast. For your new house dresser, aprons, children's wear:- A large assortment of new designs. All colors. Many are 25c and 30c quality. One 186 week on sale. Yard Brussels Rugs A large clearing purchase direct from one of our largest carpet !Hills. Heavy an the patterns and colorings for 11t• rooms, in nisei 3 x 31/:2yards. Regular.$25.00, for $1750 3 x 4 yards. Regular $28.00, for..$19.50 Linoleums 4 yards wide. New patterns in best 85c quality. Per square yard 31/2 x 4 yards. On sale 4 z 41/2 yards. On tole $13.75 $16.75 Flannelette Blankets Largest double -bed size, finished and whipped singly. Blue, rose; fancy plaid. Regular $2.95 pair White Gloves t, A. $2.48 .rail. Silk mesh and line ehamoisette with or- gandy or pique ca3s. All sires 69C.. Lace Curtains Filet net, tailored edges. Medallion and floral border. 36`tnches wide, Ws yards long. Reduced to, pair $1.19 Butterick Patterns Lead the World - MI in stock W. ACHESON -8c SON It's "bot shot for e'er -tripe -It -and the Unmeant bystander, t....' A. window- BELFASTt1i w1I1 1* bug for the nest two dressing for a gen. ra! e e t►on It goo moult's, working on bridges, which too far or not far ctio.rch. The way . they have secured the contract to build. to get the "Ion -.•:.c.• evil" is to tee f BELFAST. July 17. -Mrs. Sid. Fer at the cause of 1.» rise When In-; guson and sou Donald, of I...ndon, are ternational trade e.n- g•asl. wages, visiting with Mr. and Mts. Thos. leer- were good ; slid .. hen trade slumped guaon: to only forty per •. ut et its prosper , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackett. of De- ity rolume wages f'li'ed. Trade trolt, visited last week with the form slumped brat, w'a_:- *till loin -ha -dna er's brother. Mr. James Beckett. power followed ,f onward. What qtr. and Mr'. MM.ean. of Cloth -rich caused trade to •'unite Trade restrle• I and Miss Cunningham. Port Albeit. tions based on "tear- on the one hand. visited on Sunday with the ladle.' and "greed" for -intro! of . markets I sisters, Mrs. Geo. lane and Mrs. Roy and abnormal profits on the other. As I Alton. Henry Ford ley,' The' depresston . The annual pbnlc Of Hackett's Sun - AM because we ..'•r.•,a! a lot of soft day school is bring held ou Friday [sorts." afternoon at _Kintall beach. Mrs. Wm. Hogan of Ashfield spent a few days last week with her broth- er. Mr. John Kennedy of Calrms. lira. J. A. Kennedy and children, of Toronto. are spending the next two I week+ with her Brister, Mrs. Lanes Grails. and with other relatives in ' this district. Mr. Kennedy returned to Toronto an Sunday. WNW-Martfm.-A pretty wedding tea. place at the manse, St. Helens, oa Thur -.ley. July :►. when Miss laude !'earl Martin, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martin of Feat Wawa - :wet. became the bride of Mr. Mal- ' DOW CANADA LOSES BUSINESS WIIITECIIURCH - I r -elm MacNeil, formerly of tacotland (134g1ma L endeer Post 1 Rey. T. C. Wilkinson officiated. The Newss rouses [rw \ns 7 stimulate of N"iI ITEt'ILI'ROH, July 17.-A num- I bride Larks) charming in a fro•k of that country ere tiling to wtGte crepe, with white hat .and.. Si. - trade by greatly lowering its tariffher of carloads of cattle were shipped trade ce'.orle.. A sumptuous wedding dirt- c from this district on Saturday. y guests agNew British g• -ods. Ser •wan' -erred 10 about fort Irurii-la Toronto, un Frkiay, ]uly New Zealand catling ejutiea on their return to the home of the 6.agto Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. wllaom line.elM (:Hat ilei -i t. all al.nng the bride. on Moodily evening last the Quite ellfer'•trt, this, from the (vee !'vena Irwin, of East Wawanasb), hap g tospie were tendond a mla- j� Yla a SOIL shower la__ .lbs instants Canada belles to itteliag�wlf elt-� � Lome � bear 4sllowtai t►h[cl the soaag peb/ftf .plat- Dia e:neat.ng_- In alining:- Tart Mannar . is, is sh trade 'Yon' are alatighi'ritil est Um trade between Cattada and England.' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry. bride The saw friends in this cvmmna- The Toronto Globe, as chairman, and (+eased prices of all kinds and sal- tenant-Govesaor et Gaieties 191.1.1>1.4aald a rept�-ei►tative of the British Mr. and ]lr-. Robert pard awl It' extend I,tst +r .Ira for a long and two members of the new Cabinet, Ilon. tries were increased correspondingly. and It is said that he wan responsible shoe industry the other day in appear- family spent Suuday with bar parent,. ,- for the formation of the F.F.O. Mite in for a lowering of Canadian duties Mr. and Mrs. Anile Anderson of Si. 'happy wttdd•� 1'."- for A. W. Roebuck and Hon. T. B. Mc- I Now that prices are back at pretty , , - istry by not calling on the Liberal g Questen, as temporary commissioners. mach their old level, In some cases leader to form a minter Y. As the two Cabinet Ministers are act- Uglier and in some canes lower than Job 18 Eng without salary as commi.,loncr., twenty-flv' Tears ago, the workman 1871. -The North West Mounted !to I In coo fir(--- h ro a the former chairman's salary of I farmer who ern barely make ends meet Fort Livingstone and Fort Edmonron g1e,(t(14, a very considerable satin; between low prices for what he sells 1952.-A treaty was signed at Wash - he, been effected by the reorganization , and comparativPly high prices fol Ington for the development of- the S. it la noted that Mr. Roebuck and what he buys. the merchant whose Iawrenre waterway jointly by Canada end the United States. Fortunate.y Mr. lleQuesten are serving tenipor- ; profits have fal:en nearly out of sight � the U.S. Senate refused to ratify It. d rily on the commission. When per --the:e men hate a right to ask why- 19.33. -The death of Sir Francois against fattish footwear. Helens. To get a tenerete Iden of the man- Mr. awl Mrs. Andrew Wilson spent last week with relatives at 8t. Cath- arines and Hamilton. Quite a number from Whitectaurc:i egi rittl �eager�jr. Ma.- attended the picnic at the 14th brld � kenxie King at '-mje_r-writ What is today tinder Mr. Bennett, notwith. I and It'hltechureh i'nitel churches pe- n',stewees -eke. Ottawa agreements of ked together. two year- ago. - I 11r. Ernest Robinson left on Sunday Where tin. King tariff against Brit- I for Toronto. He was accompanied by lah triune printed piece goods was Is' Mr. ('soli Wheeler of Morris. per cent. it stands today at :oa.5:I Mr. George Falconer, who has been where the Thing tariff on British wool teaching In a seboiil In British Colnm- I tier 1n whie,h Mr. Bennett has -ought to "blast" itritish goods nut of t'ttn- eda. it Is interesting to compare ..or .., , r on marc n, at giO,O(W) a year, as compared with with what he earned In the '20''), t a;t pre r rem 1�` J x tuck place_ lie was an fir• Iplece goo.!. wai 23% per eent., under I bin, returned last week and 1' with ant prilitielan and et lawyer And jurtat I ]tr. Bennett it is 8 � t per tent.; where{+t e-- lir. George Falconer of out -landing abl lty. In 189 7 he was I the King Lila? on British hosiery and i Culross. ppointed judge of the Superior Corot: I wool was from 18 to 24% per cent,.! MIs. Anna May Carrick is visiting 1911 was acting Chief Juati.e and under Mr. I:.•unett it Is 82 per cent.; in Amheratbure with ber sister. Mrs.' 1915 Cnief Jeerer -es The most not - raiment appoiuttncnts •are made. care wahines or 23.000 and over sloe►id+i emtew should be token to have ou the commit still 1.e glien to men who In former d don a representative of the rural and times we're well paid at $2,o00. If of outlying districts, as distinct from the the high-s,iIari.d feliowa will see that "in urban and interurban distrlets of the the farmer roil the merchant and the In Province. Mr. Lyon and Mr. Roebuck ' workingman- get tbe same money as a are reaidants of Toronto and Mr. Mc nee dirt tem err Ifteen years ago, the 1' Questen b n Hamilton n,au, and It i+ farmer Ind the Meerchant andthe gi fe ble of the cases he handled as a !ste- er sw•er was the trial of innls Riel at Re- na in Pet". when he was chief &e- nding counsel. altogether iwprdbable that, 4117 on.' I workingman .* .:1 quit grumbling about of them has of t e Teeve fegardibg, TTtdro Adrian -1 -'Ire high snlarir+. y equate conception Istration held in the outlyiug dl -tracts. "•Yet is nn• of man'sa. greatest bias - Ostensibly Mr. Lyon's c'hh•( recon men - dation for Ills new position is that as There are more government -spot► editor of The Globe he was a strnn,i I .oral exhibits from foreign countries supporter of Sir Adam Beck's policies. i nod from (oi,ntrles within the Empire than boCanadia• The Financial Post, discussing the+ 1iuunl Feverxhieft.iireon teteatthe leer. an N matter, points out that Mr. Lyon :,, lite der+ltlon to the Reck leadcreltp I'T0 PREVENT DROWN - supported the scheme of meeting On•' . LNG FATALITTES tarso with- radial electric lines =a ... t have -Y-- +To the Editor of Signal - 11 that would-llare,lt,l to. dfsestgr 11 It had been carried out. the rea. i Deir air,- \ ],*'n re bad a deplete Meet 'hi what 1r new the scants -«t son It wee not carried out was that Ing fatality nt the harbor two or three Elgin. Mr. Drury, then Premier of Ontarlo,1 years ago there was a feeling that 19(N). -Hon. William Mulock, who there Dight to he a lifeguard at the was Poatmeeterfieneral, wag also In, spite rf abuse and bony ing tuns beach. and edtrn the doctors were sworn as the first Minister of Labor, the.itek trowel put his eweittowh no working on the toting man a Tidy 01 471 -Lyon Mat-IrensleKitttiva. appointed Deputy Minister of LaMar. July 111 1429. -Quebec surrendered to the British- under Admiral - Kirke. tint three years later 1t we. restore.' to France by the treaty of St. Germain- en-Loye. For 127 years it remained under the Freneh flag. passing in 17110 permanently to Britain. 1771. -Thomas Talbot was born 1n .Ireland and wan destined to be one of the most colorful figures In On- tario. He was in the British Anny and took dart• In the Battle of Water, loo; was an aide to Colonel Simms In the early days of topper Canada. and was the founder of the Talbot settle - the project and tints saved the Pro (terra to start a snbecriptlon for a put - vette hundreds of millions Of doltnr. motor. (The Flnnn.lal Post's Ctllnialc 1- I Nothing wa• dune, however; every• t tatty it141 gra•s on hoping that nothing gt1A(i'000.0 *)). 1 like that will happen again. The Financial Post stigge-ta the top- ! In reading of all the drowning fatal pointment of Mr. Drury to one of Ila' , Me. that -hare occurred within the Hydro temmirslonershipa. The sag-! last few Keck•, one la constrained to /potion fns a good one. Mr. Drury': , n.k that «rnir fling should be done tmemteerrihtp on the sommisalon would herr to pr.'yctit these things, it mol lost a few dollars. bet Town' be et gwgrantee .teed - the •iniereett -44 tire* arvwprttr tar more. the whole i'rovinee In the Hydro 1,1 almost (eery case the young undertaking would receive attention. People were unable to swim. sorely At prevent the cities get the cream of some plan mull he worked out to give the Benefit front the real swimming le -..ons st least two or g public own' titres limes it neck. Tela might help erabip enterprise, while the snm44 a little, amt If anyone could give the pawn' and rural districts have to get along with the aklm-milk. older boys a course la life-saving It emild he a wonderfil help. Some per>I.h• may, Why worry? There ane lots of people there who ran swim. Maybe so, but a thing that -e anybody!► Weems- le-aatiody's boal- ratess. - Here's hoping the tows council +It-tteiniteseise wee: is.takt matte'. Drowning fatalities - alt It fa yoreble ptibllkity. Thanking you far tris space, JUT A MOTHER. Gedertea, Italy 17, r 4/KY EDITORIAL NOTES ••. • - ow -II - nettlas the Ain UAL.. 4 t,-IAS•, , lir. f a IR'-ades his pruning with' . am aaa. a«,, e e . Ube thaw Wee 516 demos late forte X11 t"* r.1 err Job t• 1803. -Water pipes were first laid at Montreal. which pat an end of th. profitab'e business( pf selling water from door M door. 1875. -Sir Francis' Bond Head (hy some Ironlrally called Bene Head) died In England. He had been Llen- tearntolovernor of topper Canada In 1a3ik3S, end the responsibility for the rebellion of 1837 has Aeon laid at h1s door. Jab 21 1A11i1.--The Great Eastern began the hying of the owned Atlantic sable The fleet hail been opened by at ex- change of m,eagea Ietwe•en Qne±t 'Victoria and President Buchanan on August 12, 18191, hat It broke on Sep Mosher 4. The second cable broke es August 12, 111181, and it was net natll August. 10. lolls, that cable comment. cation aeras* the Atlantic wasra_ssnrrxeeeel.. nam wtlarra 1!N tfa drat aobearlae Able beNreee Feisty !Edward lidded and New Bromwich. !AOI -Toe Respire Rtouoasle Con- ference opened at Ottawa where sic king tariff on British blan- kets was =rr.; -per cent., Mr. Bennett has rat-.•il it to 78 per cent. Mr. Bennett, -111,0 1m took office, has-, raisell `tic tariff four times, bringing It up to Heights never known before. Mrs. Carl Lott. at the home of Mr. and This is hi- wanner of selling Canadian Mrs. Walter iett. wheat and ..ther farm products to Mr. Arthur Moore and sons, Russe'. Britain ami ether reentries et the and Stanley. left ou Menda7 with world. their cement outfit for Meafond. wbe"re Fred Clarke. Miss Lucinda Etfert and Mr. John Eltert. of Buffalo, and Mrs. Victoria Wemtorf, of Hanover, visited one dad• asst week with the latter's daughter, Mr. Stevens Criticized XA (Financial Post ) The incident et the Richelieu Cor- what right Mr. Stevens or any other minister has to grant public funds to people to form a dummy company on a shoestring. Mr. Stevens protegee, to hare.gotiea a.D Dun and_ Bradstreet report- on the firm. hut with unusual tact and de:leacy he 8e•lined to read ttie report to the Honee, stating that ouch reports were e(infldentlal and should not ire made mettle. This Is a sera hie atttttrtte- to be -taker ter -thee - gentleman who has published the most Intimate figures of large Canadian� eorporatione and has even commented on them In the pulpit. ' It 1' quite obvious that Mr. Stevens never got the advice of the Minister of Agriculture in this matter. The Minister of Agriculture world never lave permitted this snt►sldy to lie granted. in fact, when one of the speakers ie the Hoene of Comdata Mild that perhaps lir. Weir .may not hare had anything to do with it at all," Mr. Weir emphatically inter- jected "nothing whatever." 11 Mr. Weir were not, bound by the tradi- tions of (abinee solidarity and bad been permitted to speak his mind on this transeetton, the ratters of thio Parliament Need ga would have trem- bled from the force of his erftirlam. The net result of tits trenssetiot la that Government blade were paid net In the form of a snbeldy to r perfectly worthless corporation and ttlat w thus gIVSO' f file t iiintWISMIL tarsi: era Vera Indu'c'ed M pet their heck. In a Brawls' noose that waa then drawn tightly. poratlon can hardly be regarded as (10.041. The ineptitude shown by the Minister at -Trade and Commerce. Hon. 11. H. Stevens; in this matter 1s hanl- ly cnlculatel to win far him the re. putation feu sontd businesa judgment that 'bond los emjoyPd by a politician undertaking to put all business under the microscope. it has been shown by evidence pre - meted to the House of Common, that. the Richelieu Corporation was st prac- tically Inanivent, penniless dummy company, set up by three men in Mon- treal. They acquired -two "tube"- toata whroe aeav►orthinean waw de- r•Id dly under amaplclon. Then they went to Ottawa and .eked for a nub- ed; from the Government to tnetalt rattle atalla 1n tits boats. For this purpose, they got tome -$13,000 from Mr. Weren't Making the 1,011 nee of the fact that the Dominion Govern- ment had . npported them, they lettered a great many farmers to ship rattle with them and the net result to the farmers was a font of route $40,000 and hankrnptcy for at loue twenty of the shippers. Non-partisan repre- sentatlonei made to Mr. Stevens bronglit the reply that the Government cannot amuse may responsibility for the farmers' loin Mr. Stereos claims the Gorern- let the bnata and dM not nndeeleke to altareatee the Aasaclal worth or the charaeter of the area. This hardly sowers the apostle*. however, of WHEELER'S THIS IS THE SEASON FOR Lawn and Camp Chairs Ste. WE HAVE THEM J. R. Wheeler Naomi Dtirrdsr mod (� rl�aPttiiWY Dealer - -- �'a1111r�lS" SItMt,"6sli4aisk .-... PHONE'S: Store 1115: Res *55w _Hee4 Hugger --Shoes--- FOR EVERYWEAR Grv:•' forev4ieffrtilidiscomfort of unruly feet. Heel Huggers have solved the problem. .1' any woman of any age who yearns for the /deer things al a utodcratc cost, give a thought to Heel Hugger Shoes. Comfortable beyond your dreams, yet so ehie and stylish that they are the favored aeeessory et Canada's fore- most w•,tnen. Geo. MacVicar ,;• , ---SHE PRACTICAL SHOE KAN AGENT FOR GODBRIQH North Side of Square -iy;,- .y �..,. Godsrioh WE ARE IN THE RACE FOR MORE BUSINESS• Ars you interested? READ OUR LIST FOR THIS WEEKI Hay Fever Dropt.. .. BotUe Mr Wamipele'. (;rape Salta, far lady Owen bee, 81.1* Olytsspsw Liniment, ler athlete's test ... ......4 es. battle Mc Rubber (;lofts...Shea 7 sr 11... par 38e Cowden D. the MtattlaterT. Paling rarer, TREY Cards Celgate'a Teeth Paste 2 ter 3tTe tie Maim 316, tiff Nail Nipper toe WesdSur - s Tidal . Flwg. Sew pities Cake, lee, ter Galling Caps lee te Mr Prison ivy Ladies Mr Powder Put Ik Furs, Developing, Palatbag Health Nn11s, SNOW% lm PI, Tex 11-aass. Ele 211 - 07e Reza, we buys a new Brillant al Ur Windom State Cartel% Ude Liver 1111s...42e Ayertt t3Ysee .i-D.20'es. pbtg. g0e --BIM DRUGS AT THE DRUG iron --- Lauder. Dun ion. Cam u, Wigle P'iONE tri PiOi L 1 . PHONE 110 . - •_• =- 101*RiCH DRUOOI Tb 010 I :.,L afia•.c:eons= 2�YY�..