HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-04-07, Page 15Leeknow Sestbael, 9Vedtiend> p, Apra 7t 11/1 --P a 12 • vv. \ \ \ • \,\ \ ,,�,'ke. , \ \ ,. \,,,,,, ;,,,,re•-• \ \\... \.,,,... it\k\k„... ,,, \,,,. s'- \\:\ ..„:„..............,\\,,,„ -.7\7....„:„.: st 1.,,x, ,...,::::\,. \ , ..,,,..„,.., ,... \ .,‘,.„ .,,,,,, A ‘..\\', V ...,,,,,.. 7,,,,,,,.:,, .....\\ wi4.1om.....um.umorr*ii•ruwot. 1. Artkles for sale TRY C a&" E -Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. --44tf FRESH MAPLE SYRUP now available at Robinson Maple Products, Phone 529-7857.. We will deliver, -11-14 CONSOLE STEREO with 8 track 26" Colour Consolette Re -conditioned $300." GREER T.V. Lucknow 528.3112 RAINBOW TROUT - fresh, delivery your area, on Fri- days, buy direct. Rainbow Trout Hatchery and FishOut Ponds, 357-2329. Ontario's Best Fishing! -1148 - RAINBOW AND BROOK trout for pond stocking and table use. Alp Creek Trout Fafin,. R. 2 Teeswater. For orders call Jim McKinnon.' 392-6157 or Robt. Charter after 5 p.m. at 523-9546. Open Sundays 1 4 p.m. 1--9-14x .. 1 Artleles for sale MM. WOO ANN= IMMO man ow= YAMAHA TX500A motor- cycle, very good condition, with windshield. Asking 5800.00or best offer,. Cer- tified. Call 289-2329, -*-13,14 DEPRESSION GLASS,dish- es, antiques and used furn- iture at Jim Finnigan's Place, across from the car wash. Phone .528-3602. 1979'XL485 HONDA motor- cycle, phone 529-7129: -13 BABY CHICKS white or brown, eggs, meat types, 3• week old capons, ready -to - lay pullets. Small orders a specialty. CN -CP or Parcel - Post. Bonnie's Chick Hatch- ery, Box 154, Elmira, N3B 2Z6. (519) 669-2561. -13na EASTER BUNNIES for sale:. get your order in now before the Easter rush, phone the Dalton kids, 529-7420. 13,14ar 1980 KAWASAKI KX 80.: Phone 528-3933. -13,14x 8 > H.P. MTD .riding lawn mower. Good condition. $450:00. Phone 528-2120. -13,14x 1 Special Hardwood Blocks $25.°° per cord 4`•x.8' x 12" to 14" long $33.00 • Per cord for split dried wood 10 -12 cord load .only Phone 396.3612 FRESH MAPLE SYRUP, 4 Titres 519.00, 21itr s, 510.50. Jacob Stutzman; Ed Ginger- icb, St. Helens. -12,13,14 HEINTZMAN upright piano; mahogany dining room suite and some other items. Please call after 6 p.m. 528-3601 Lucknow, Joan Martin. -14 WATERBED: Do it yourself 'kit, 5175. Includes mattress,. heater, liner: Single; queen or king.. Save money by making frame yourself. Com- plete -instructions, free deliv- ery. Call collect (416) 637- 6904.=12nx 3. Articles for rent 1980 ATC 110 HONDA 3 POWER MATE LIFT CART wheel motorcycle. Phone Lifts a 600 Ib. maximum on 529.7420.-14ar j and off pick, up orclimbs stairs with ease.. Ideal for appliances. Cart and opera- tor. 518.00 per hour. Phone 392-8118 or 396-4432, -12tfar. UTLITY TRAILER for sale. 15 wheels..Phone 529-7985. -14 SAWMILL Morbark Porta- pac vertical Ecger hydraulic log turner, log deck, 54' saw, heated cab, also 125 h.p. electric motor starters, two months old trimmer saws. (705) 754-2040. ...14nx SWIMMING Pools. Manu- facturers clearance on above ground pools. Completely fenced with patio deck, sand filter, pump anti slimmer. $15`95.00. Call col ect for further information (416) 9454773. --14nx 1977 INTERNATIONAL 2070 Fleetstar 290 Cummings 13 Speed transmission, 3800 rears. 1600 front 60 Barko loader, 3 axle wagon. (613) 732-7981, ask, for . Gerry.' -14nx 4. Articles wanted CARS AND TRUCKS wanted for scrap. We pay cash. Call Wayne Bushell, Backhoeing and .Bulldozing, Sand and Gravel, Kinloss Auto Wreck- ers, 395-3320. ,-14,15,16x DONATE YOUR ' unwanted articles to the Dungannon Senior Citizens Club. Call 529-7077 or 529-7210 for free pickup. All useable articles wanted EXCEPT CLOTHING. -14,15 -H N. .E! !-mss. yy-•-- v, _ -tel.. .-- 5. Cars, trucks for sOe 1.5. Tender's 1972 GMC '4 TON Pickup with wooden tool box. Phone 395-$454 evenings. -x-11 tf 1.978 METALLIC blue fire - bird formula 305 automatic, power steering, power brak- es, power windows, _49,000 miles, 54,500 certified orwiil take a part trade on a . bike. Phone 529-7719.--14,15nx. Ammlopm Yell i. Real estate for sale MM. NINO do.= 4.0 - MOM MOM ,11M -- MANITOBA - 480 acres i?1 soil, Newer house 5800 per acre. Several other farms for sale. For complete list. Mel leo Realty Ltd. 27 Bridge Road, . Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. Phone (204) 857- 8585. --14nx '/a . ACRE; country corner building lot; with trees, on highway 86,-2 miles east of Lucknow. $12,000.00. Phone 357.3591. -13tf 9..Accom. to rent TENDERS MOWING GRASS Tenn!dersM'will be received :mai 4:00 pall.,: APO 23, 1982 for mowing grass at the iallow%Ig schools. AO appllisitioiss mast be on Tender Forms which can be obtained' . at- the Schools. Lowest or Any tender not neeessirily ac- cepted. Kinloss Central, HolyrOod Ripley -Huron Central Ripley. District THE BROCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Chesley, Ontario. NOG 1L0 Tekphone:363.2014 - Attns F. Sharp • Sppervlsor of Buildings & Maintenance. --14 HEATED, BEDS.ITTING room, furnished with linen 18. Services . available supplied; cooking facilities '-`- including fridge and stove. Phone 528-3723:-14tfar DOWNSTAIR 2 'BEDROOM apartment, heated, available immediately. . Phone 528- 3723.-14tfar HOUSE in Lucknow. Phone 528-3007.---47tfar STORE ON MAIN STREET.. . Phone 528-3007. --47tfar TWO BEDROOM, furnished or unfurnished apartment in Lucknow. Call Gienhaven Apartments after 9 .p.m., 529-7030. -5tfar LARGE 1 BEDROOM, sep- arate kitchen, living room and bath. Heated. Good parking.' Phone 528-2113. -7tfar ASHFIELD - . three bedroom house,' all insulated, oil heat. Phone 529-7488. -7tf SANDBLASTING and PAINTING Truck & wagon S. for. tllixer boxes. brick Houses, Steel work & boats. AIr Hammers, Concrete Stables. Phone 529-7403 ARNOLD STOTHERS R.R. 6 Gaderich Experienced roofing asphalt shingles, steel roofing . and siding. All work guaranteed. No job too large or too small. For free: + estimates phone 482-7736 after 5 p.m. Ask for Ron 14,15 MOBILE SANDBLASTING trucks, equipment, buildings etc. Specializing in brick cleaning. Serving four coun- ties. Free estimates: White's Sandblasting . and Painting, Wingham, 357-1723' any- time. -14-17 • • Hj B3 CLASBIFIND ADB 12. Help wanted RELIABLE BOY/GIRL to take established paper route for Kitchener -Waterloo pap- er. Phone 528-2841. -14x EXPERIENCED bridge fore- person for bridge construc- tion projects in Eastern,. Northern and Western Ont- ario. Contact Looby Builders. Ltd„ Dublin, Ontario NOK 1E0. Telephone (519) 345- 2806. -14nx 14. Employment wanted Mail IOW". dial. MONO 101•11111 4mini NNW' MOW Mi0;1. NEED A HANDY MAN? Call 528.2570 after 6:00. p.m. Experience in carpentry; roofing Wand general repair and maintenance. -7.16x ANY TIM -ANYWHERE YOUR PLACE OR MINE GORDON' H. IRINDLEY Auctioneer 529-1623 • S29-7970 PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE' BAKKER R. R. 5, LUCKNOW 528-2520 CUSTOM KILLING Mondays and Fridays Cattle and Hogs 55.00 per kill. 10c ib, for cutting and wrapping. Home killed beef and pork sold by quarter, half or whole at lowest market price. RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395.2905 or 395-2979 II 18. So ry kes available 21. Personal ..m.0.'•.. .. r. �,+.,.....r.-�. BACKHOE, BULLDOZING TRUCKING, GRAVEL. PHONE 529-7403 ARNOLD STOTHERS RR 6 GODERICH AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Bslhig6,Teeswutet Licensed Auctioneers Sales of AB Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 .Teeswater 392-6170 DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances - Admiral' Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. -9tfar' INCOME TAX SERVICE . Professional service at reas- onable rate. We will come right to your door if you wish. Keith Metzger, R. it 3, Lucknow, 395-5482. 9-16ar INCOME TAX Returns, per- sonal or business. Inexpen- sive and confidential. Georg- ian College Tax Course. Phone Jane Cere, 528-6945. --7tf LUCKNOW TAXI Reasonable Rates Delivery Service 528-3116 Local and Long Distance Trips 20. Public notices EX-TOGGERY REOPENS The Teeswater Ex-Toggery reopens Thursday,. April 1 for the spring season. Do to over crowding, we can accept ONLY GOOD CLEAN SEAS- ONAL clothing. All articles must be priced in a secure manner. A" complete list must accompany each per- son's articles. For further. information call 392=6173. Open Thursday 10 - 12, 2`- 5, Friday 2 - 5, Saturday, 2 - 5. Open Easter Monday, April . 12, 2 - 5. "(Sponsored by Coronation Rebekah Lodge). --12.13,14 MEMBERSHIP WANTED If you are retired, semi retired or an elderly citizen in the Dungannon area and would like companionship and good times', why not join the Dungannon Senior. Citi- zens Club. Forinformation call 529-7077 dr 529.7343. Membership $2.00 year. -14,15 HAYRIDES and sleigh rides for•faniily outings or. groups etc. Our place or yours. Clete. Dalton, ' Kintail, 529-7420. -A8tf 21. Personal HAVING , A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA ' can help. Phone Goderich 524.6001 or Walkerton' 881-3655. -40tfar Are you tired of being alone? Areyou unattached, separat- ed, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.0,, Box 104, Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K . 5P1. Please state age, --10,14x PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support': Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect, -9tfar IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113; Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon Inumber. --45nx 24. Business oppor. .11Np 1=11•0 WIMP "NO COSMETICS correspond- ence course. Publicly avail- able. Recognized by retail- ers, . manufacturers. Course 5150.00. Diploma, , examina- tion extra. Details: Canadian Cosmetic Careers Associa- tion, Dept. W., • 265 Chaplin. Cres., Toronto, MSP 1B1. -13nx • FURNEY Welding Equip- ment and 'Supplies Ltd., an established • .manufacturer and wholesaler of welding, industrial, automotive and air equipment and supplies is accepting applications for dealerships in several Ont- ario locations, where not cur- rently ' represented by active outlets. Rewardinlg possibil- ities for those wanting their own business or wishing to expand current lines or as income supplement. No fran- chise fee or hidden costs. References required. Please direct resume and briefde- tails ofarea you are inter-. ested 'in. G. J. ' Vowies, Sales Manager, Furney Welding Equipment and Supplies Ltd. 2.20 Steckle Place, Kit- chener, Ont. N2C 2C3. -14nx I JEWELLERY business for sale. Established 1956. Cen- tral. Alberta city of 10,000 people' in excellent • mixed farming area. Owner wish to retire. Write Box. 6030, Wet- .. askiwin, . Alta. T9A 2E8. CLABBIFIllllb ADB 28. Engagements Van OSCH - DALTON Mrs. Mark Dalton 'and Mr. and Mrs. William Van Oseh are pleased to announce the. forthcoming m marriage of their children Bridget and Bernie. The marriage to take place at. St. Joseph's, Roman Catholic. Church, Kings- bridge May 15th, 1982 at 2 p. m. 30. in memoriam. CAMPBELL Robert Colin ,Campbell, late of the 4th concession of Huron Township, who died accidentally on April 7, 1979 in Florida. Bob left us in the springtime of life, to live forever upon the acres of memory.. Campbell Family --14