HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-03-24, Page 1720. Pubild notices NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF KIiNLOSS ' The Township Waste Dispos- al Site will : be open every Saturday 9 to 5 until further notice. Township of Kieloss. —12,13ar 21. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? . AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton: 881-3655. ,40tfar STAINED Glass. hobbyist! Supplies! Supplies! Suppli- es! "Great mail order ser- vice". , Catalogue . 51.00. Write, phone :come in to Bullas Glass, 15 Joseph St. Kitchener N2G 1119. (519) 7454124. —12nx IS. ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics, Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number. -45nx PREGNANT and need help? Free positiveconfidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. —9tfar 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS • . in the Est►te Of THERESA MARY LONG Late of Rural Route, 5, - r Lucknow, Ontario, widow deceased Creditors' and others having claims against ; the above estate are required to . send full particulars of their claims oto the undersigned Solicitors, on or beforeothe 23rd of April 1982, as after'said date the estate's assets will be distri- buted having regard only .to the claims that have then been received. McCRAY, JOHNSON, B LUNLEY Barristers & Solicitors Durham Street East, Walkerton, Ontario NOG 2V0 —11,12,13 22. Lost and found 30. In .memoriam THOMPSON In loving memory of our dear sister, Christine, who passed away March 25, 1978. Rest in peace. The Thompson Family. --12x 31.- Cards of thanks BARGER I would like to thank friends and relatives for the lovely cards, flowers and telephone calls 1 received while I. was a patient .in Mount Sinai Hos- pital, Toronto. Your thought- fulness will long be remem- bered. ' Janet Barger -,12 SMITH Many thanks to the neigh- bours on the 6th concession Huron Township `for the lovely gift. Very. much ap- preciated. Oliver and Pauline Smith —12. LUCKNOW SEPOYS The Lucknow Sepoys would like to thank their coach and manager, Claude Guay and Bob Gilchrist, and stickboy ° Dave Finnigan. They would also like. .to thank their sponsors, C & M Transport, Henderson. Lumber, Adam- son Insulation, Hamilton Fuels and all the other people who helped 'to get the team going and to all their fans, —12 , HARTMAN Thank you for all the cards, gifts, • 'flowers, treats and visits while I was in Univer- sity. Hospital, London: Spec- ial thanks to Doctors and Nurses at_ Lucknow Medical Centre; Wingham and Dist- rict Hospital, and Doctors and Nurses on 2nd floor University: Hospital. Cliff —12x. NELSON I would like to thank every= one for visits, cards and for looking after things at home. All was greatly appreciated. Jim Nelson -12x' 32. Coming events HANK WILLIAMS The Show He. Never Gave, starring Jonathan Barker, ' LOST - from Amberley a will be presented at the Blyth large, grey, female polite Centre, of the Arts from dog. Phone 395-5554. —12 March 25 to April 3 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available for only \• $7 (56 for students and sen- iors)• at. Blyth Saga, • just across the street from the Centre. Simply phone 523- 4331. -10-13 27. Deaths GREBA - in Victoria, B.C.•on March 15, 1982, •Ernest Samuel Greba, age 48 years, of 1412 Cyprus Road, Sidney, B.C. A serving member of the RCMP for 28 years, he leaves his wife, Edna and daughter, Anne. of Sidney; 5 brothers, Tony of Regina, Andy of Endeavour, Saskat- chewan, John of Saskatoon, Joe and Adam of Endeavour; 6, sisters, Eva Bryk, Gladys Trempe and Stella Moss, all of Endeavour, Emily Jason of Manning, Alberta, Helen Wiwcharuk of Yorkton,. .Sas- katchewan and Martha Gib- bons of,, Tananzia, Africa. Funeral service in McCall Bros. Floral Chapel, Victoria', B.C., on Friday, March 19, 1982, 1 p.m. with the Rev. Ernie Kruger officiating. Cremation. Donations as de- sired to be made to the charity of ones choice. —12 ' ANNUAL MEETING , 'Town and Country Home- makers annual meeting Wednesday, April 7; 1982, 6 p.m.or 7 p.m. dinner, Pine Ridge Chalet, • Hensall, $7.50. For' tickets phone Doris Pagon, 524-9902 by March 25. Speaker Lavonne • Ballagh. —11,12 . ANNUAL MEETING The .Lucknow Figure Skating Club will hold • its annual meeting at . the Lucknow Town Hall on Tuesday, March 306at 8 p.m. -Parents of figure skaters please at- tend. —11,12 t -tend. ---11,12 COLD MVIE'AT SUPPER Whitechurch U.C.. cold meat supper, We nesday, June 2, 1982. Tickets avail- able. —12 1 TENDERS WANTED Township of West Wawanosh Sealed Tenders, plat y marked, will be received by .either of the undersigned until 5100 p.s., MONDAY, APRIL 5,1982, for tiro crushing arid baiIg of apples- irately 25,000 ca. yds.. of 5/8" granular material is Township roads, and appredmately 500 cu. yds. in stockpile. Approxluutely 10,000 cll. yds. will be egaiired'on reals by June 1511h, the remainder, when road coostructioe Is complete [late SepteMberj. Tenders must be submitted on. Township tender forms, available at the Municipal OIBoe, and be accompanied :. by certified cheque for 52,000.00. Lowest or any tender. j not necessarily accepted. Tenders added • to approval by Ministry of Transportation and Comm■nicadons. JOAN ARMSTRONG, CLERK. .GEORGE HUMPHREY, ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. R. R. # 2, LUCKNOW. 32. Coming events DESSERT SHOOT AND BRIDGE PARTIES The Lucknow Women's In- stitute are hosting a dessert shoot party March 29, 1982 at 1:15' p.m. and a dessert bridge March 31, 1982 at 1:15 p.m. in the assembly room of the Town Hall. Everyone welcome. —12x LEGION MEETING All members of Lucknow Legion •are requested to attend the regular meeting Tuesday, March 30 at 8:00 p.m. -12ar LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL PARENTS ' MEETING A meeting for the parents prior to Kindergarten Regis- tration will be held for parents of children who will be five before December 31, ' 1982 at ' Lucknow Central Public School on Wed'nes day, March 31, 1982 at 8 p.m. —12ar INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY PLAYOFFS Final game between Port Albert and Kintail, Thurs- day, March '25, 8;30 p.m. Lucknow Arena. -12 UMPIRE'S CLINIC' Due to increased interest in softball,. men Wand women wishing to attend an um- pire's clinic and obtain card are asked to `contact Wm. R. Hunter immediately. °-12ar EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the Clinic Building, Wingham commencing Monday, March 29, 1982 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. These classes will. run for eight weeks. The cost is X3.00. • The next seriesof classes will begin June 2, 1982 located in Clinton only. The fall series will begin the week of September 13, 1982. For pre -registration or furth- er information, please' call the Health Unit office in your area at 35772264.-11,12ar TOBACCO GROWER ' TRADE FAiR Canadian Tobacco Grower Trade Fair March 30, 31 and April 1st - 1:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. ,daily. 108 tobacco ex- hibits. Free admission. All welcome. Tillsonburg tobac- co exchange.----12nx. IMMO MN II; MEIN SUS MOM MOO MIMI 32. Coming events HEREFORD SHOW & SALE East Central Ontario Here- ford Zone, Show and Sale, Registered Herefords, Peter- borough Fairgrounds, cows with .calves, • heifers and steers, Saturday, I April 17. Show 10:30 a.m., Sale 1 p.m. 45 entries. ' John McLauch- lan, Box 35, 'Carrying Place, Ontario. —12nx HOCKEY MEETING A meeting to discuss chan- ges in the Lucknow minor hockey system will be held at the Town Hall, Tuesday, April 6 at 8:15 p.m. Inter- ested coaches, managers, would be coaches and man- agers, and parents, please attend.—12,13ar FASHION'SHOW The Lucknow Kinettes will present their 1982 Fashion Show, "Everything's Com- ing Up Roses" at the Luck= now Public School . on Mon- day, April -19 at 8'p.m. Area stores participating. Door prizes. Admission: 53.00, children under 12, 51. —12,13,14ar 1 ANNUAL. SPRING DANCE Bruce Chapter 253 Order of the •Eastern Star • Annual Spring Dance, at Kincardine Community Centre,Friday, April 2, 1982. Dancing 9 to 1. Boyd's Orchestra. Lunch .in- cluded. $6.00 per person. —12,13 ANNUAL MEETING Children's Aid Society, County 'of Bruce Dinnerand Annual Meeting, • Friday, March 26, 1982, at 6:30 p.m. •at Chesley Community Cen- tre, Chesley. Entertainment provided. All welcome to •attend..-12ar lectin► Sestlml, We seder, Mord 34, 11112-710 17 . Attention Formers fE7W—anted , A. For sal. QUANTITY OF. HAY and. straw for sale. Phone 524)- 7126. —11,12 Wanted Cattle, sick or dis- abled, pay top dollar.. Call 392-6829 anytime. —47tf D. Livestock 2000 BALES of first cut hay HORSES bought and sold, for sale. Phone 529.7449. phone 347-2623. -11,12 —11,12x DUETZ 9006, 90 h.p. tractor with Kohen ,cab, good con- dition; 42' x 6" Hutchison grain auger, excellent, • new bearings throughout. Phone 656-2747 or 395-5838 even- ings. —12,13 ven-ings.-12;13 E. Farm services BUTLER - ging Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, -Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers FARMATIC - Blender Hammer " Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture coin, Augers, Leg Elevat- ors. • ACORN - Cable ,Barn Cleaners. WESTEEL-ROSCO - Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME - Fan -Jet Ventila- tion Systems. HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trusses. B & L - Complete Hog Con- finement Systems. SLURRY -SLINGER -Liquid Manur, Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. ALSO Electric Feed Cuts, Straw Choppers, Fibre- Funnels, Ritchie Heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment. We Handle Everything - Almost LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Amberley R. R. if 1, Kincardine • Phone 395-5286 HELP FORA BUDGET DACHE AD ;moi THE WAN. yADS•. * SPRINGTIME '82 - Selling 60 registered_ Polled 'Here- fords from free listed herds 1 p.m., Saturday, April 10, 1982 at Markham Fair- grounds, Markham, Ontario. Young cows with calf at foot, bred and oPen heifers, 4 bulls and 6 4LH steer pros- pects from Blairholm Farms, Elmlea Farms, Somersdale Farms, Waldorf Farms. For catalogues contact Tom Som- ers, R: R. 1, Becton, Ontario LOG 1AO.' (416) 729- 2527. —12nx E: Farm services AR -C U .'es a SEED CLEANING And Treating (Bag or Bulk) FOR SALE All Grass Seeds & Mien Seed Grain (scarce) ELLIOTT'S SEED mi And Trucking Lucknow 528-3500 --lltfar BERG STABLE • EQUIPMENT leaner's, Bunk Feeders, Silo nloaders, Farrowing Crat- , Water Bowls, Cow Stalls nd Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, "phone 395-5390. —30tfar i . UNITED i CO-OPERATIVES i 4, . OF ONTARIO ' Livestock Marketing o Division I Ootarlo Stockyards . i ', Toronto `For, tdiestrongest market i in Ontarioand market 4, . Information cal 0 .'. . MIKE FORAM 0 0 On Tuesdays orgroups of : 00 5 or more on Thursdays . , 000 U:C:O. Livestock Shipper + o• R. R. 2, Luclmow • • . Home 528.5903 i i Assembly Yard 528-3119 s AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery will be held for • BERNARD O'NEiL Lot 10, con. 11 Aslifleld .Township, 2 corners south of Amberley, then'/:'mile east or 17 miles north of Goderich and 1/2 mile east of 21 highway SATURDAY, APRIL 3; at 1 P.M. Ford 4000 tractor• Universal.4 wheel drive tractor, 'has loader, fork, 45 H., and qulcktach bucket; Utter 87 H.P. tractor 8011, snap on duals; Russian 3 P.T.O. .manure spreader; Case'5 - 14 semi mount plow; 12 ft. chain harrow; John Deere corn planter; 8 sullen harrow, has bar that reduces to 4; Kongskilde 8 ft. cultivator; Int. 10 ft. disc; 12 ft. disc; John Deere 23' cultivator, with 17 ft. bar; Massey Ferguson 33 seed drill, 17 run; Cass 900 combine, grain head and reel; 20 ft. and 12 ft. grain augers; Owatona swather; Little Giant 40 ft. elevator; New . Holland mower; New Holland baler; New Idea hay conditioner; hay (wagon; solid steel flat bed, 14 x 71h wagon; round bale feeder; Case 300 harvester, has 3 heads, hay straight, pkkup, corn; 2 forage wagons; New Holland blower has 80 ft. pipe; New Holland 350 chopper; 8 ft. blade;' new and used fence, posts and barbed wire; 2 gates, 14 ft.; used steel; calf puller; dehorner; calf pincher; approx. 50 ton mixed grain; 1970 Chev ih ton truck as Is; 1971 Ford 1 ton truck as Is. Household: deep freezer; •stove; fridge; dryer; miscei- Ianeous. Items. TERMS°CASH Owners or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or losses day of sale GEORGE POWELL BRIAN RINTOUL Clerk Auctioneer ' —12,13 '