HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-03-24, Page 4„
Wow! SentinelWedaseday,'Ming24, l 4.
Advise farmers to be positive about economics
S C61R,
Recognising the Im-
port into et isnot:me, setting
goals and being happy with.
yourself is one person's view
of being asuccemMl farmer.
Ricard Smebkiy swine
specialist with Ontario
Ministry of Apiculture and
Food iron Stratford was one
of a threfemember panel
speaking on how to establish
a young farmer. The topi
was discussed ,at t1>e Huron
Federation of Agriculture's
monthly meeting.
Smelski encouraged
farmers to .be positive
. salesmen 'and to avoid.
getting caught in the present
doom and gloom. Re
criticised the sales industry
which depends on the far -
met; for overselling and
preaching down and gloom.
But he didn't let farmers.
off the hook, "It's not all
their fault,” ",Smelsid said
became ffaarmers'bough the
The beat thing, he said, is
for fanners to survive on
theirs 'own merits, Asking
himself the question, "why
doesn't somebody do
something," Smelski said,
"there isn't somebody."
"Stop . waiting for a free
lunch," he said of Such
Receive word of grant
Word has been received by
MP Murrey Cardiff's ,office
that a S100,000' grant under
the Community Development
Program has been earmark-
ed for Huron -Bruce.
Mr. Cardiff's Ottawa office
reported ' the information
came last week from the
Hon: Lloyd Axworthy's
istry of Manpower and lmad
gration. The grant is to assist
with. high unemployment in
the teem.
Keep on Skiing,
Towards the end of March the snow disappears
and most people sadly put their downhill skiffs
away. Now you don't have to'stop skiing once the
spring':corns. Imagine skiing on grass! lees," you
undo it too. There are many grass.ski,places that
offer a hill, instruction, and special skis to rent, it's
easy to learn how to.grass ski, even if you've never
skiled before. All it takes "is half an hour to master
the sport.
Grass skits were first introduced inEurope to
help alpine skiers stay • in. shape during. the off
season. People still ski on • grass to keep their
muscles toned, but now, more than ever, ,they.do it
for fun,
Grass skiis are two feet long and have tractor-
like treads, These 'treads run aroundlastic miters
that move along a stationary frame: Regular alpine
.boots fit' into. the' frame's bindings and normal. ski
poles are used..Grass skis "cost about 9200.00, but
most. grass ski resorts offer them for rent,
Moving on flat ground with grass skiffs on' is like
trying to move on very stiff roller. skates,' Trav-
elling down a hill feels like skiing in very " deep
powder snow. No wonder athletes use grass skiis to
keep in shape.
Some people say it's .Harder to do turns on grass •
skits, while others say it's easier than snow skiing,
"All agree that falling on hard muddy earth hurts
more than landing in a. soft snowdrift. Despite this,
thousands of people enjoy the thrill of skiing down
grassy slopes.
If you really love to ski downhills,\ and the spring
thaw is making you a titch sad, don't despair, you
can always try grass skiing, It's' a fun way to keep"
in shape all, summer long, •
Distributed by Coned. Wide feature Services Limited
(c) 1982 MacKay fairficld,Tote
things as grants and sub -
Mies, He related how the
pork industry in Quebec is
hurting because they have
relied on subsidies.
An endless amount of
energy and a team are the
keys to a successful person
Smelskl said, On the far-
mer's taints an accountant,
veterinarian, . engineer,
banker and an OMAF staff,
"if you think you can do it
alone you're a fool," said
The swine specialist said
farmers should set down in
writing their goals, not only
financial but production
PaisThe.seoond member of the
panel, John Stephens, 'the
head of farm ' business
management at ' Centralia
College, gave a profile of a
typical young farmer.
"if there Li such a thing,"
he added.
The prefile comes from a
study he did on 50 farmers in
Hibbert, Usborne and"
Biddulph • Townships who
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started farming " between
1972 and 1975,
He is the son of a full4lme
farmer and got into the'
business while his parents,
who had a larger .than
average operation in their
area, were still farming.
This typical farmer is the
first born son, started far-
ming at 24 and is married to
* . woman who 4 works full-
time off the farm,
In his study, Stephens was
told a wife's salary or even
the young farmer's off f*rin
labor helped the farm's cash
The tlyd member, Huron
County agriculture
representative Don Pullen
spoke on the Ontario farm
adjustment assistance
progrant. fie said there
would be a lot more activity
in this program in April and
Pullen also took the op-
portunity to ask the
federation to encourage their
children or neighbor's
chlldrento loin a 4-11 club.
From David and Joyce, Alison, Amberley
Janet and Claud., Shannon, Robin
Arne to and Bed Thompson and their family
wi be pleased to welcome
friends, relatives end Meiikboirs at their home
�y April 3, 1982- h .
from 3:00 to 5:00 and 7 00to 0:00 p.m.
Best Wishes ONLY Please
Is coming
This special publication will eppsar , in Lucknow,
Windham, .Clinton, Kincardine and Ooderlch areas,
Don't wait W. give Tom Thompton a call at fl24.6331 or
Pat Livingston at 822.2822 - Today. Deadline for
advertising 11 March 31.
LUCKNOW 62e-2822
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