HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-02-24, Page 12• LodnoW Seel, Weanssday, Bim' 24, 1902—fie 10 WWWW miwo Am.* moo imam ammo w 1. Articles. for Ails 1. Artkles for sale ONE OLIVE -111 copier 305,. SEWING MACS. supplies included, $450.00 or Authorized representative best offer. Cali 528-3000. for. new Janome machines -7,8,9 \. and cabinets, Used machines (different models with 1 yeir • written guarantee). Repairs SEE WHAT AIRS ALOE YMA PRODUCI'S will do for your skin: For further information call 357-2409 BELOW LE 19111 FORD P-1110 4 TON VANS short box. 3140`$ cylinder. 4 sped ov.r rim.. tran- smhsion. radio. - power' steering.. 'tomer beldam.. Imlay - duly suspension. Mrp mirrors, roof .Adria petsnnar suet. sltailn glass, rear * door• glass, mileage range from 21.144 to WON km. All aro •.like naw, fully rscondltlonad and ready to go. Lk. 007 , :44. • . YOUR CHOICE x6500 McGEE.. PONTIAC-BUiCK Hamilton Sheat Goderich 524-8391 TRY C & -E Furniture, new and!.. used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. —40tf DRY AIR fiTry an Electrohome Humidi- er from Greer T. V, . and Electric, ` phone 528-3112, Lucknow. We also have filters and Sanitare for your Electrohome humidifier. •—43tfar RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS are available in your area. Phone 357-2609: —7,8 ' . 1973 SKI-doo Silver Bullett, 294, 3,200 miles, excellent condition, $550 or best offer. Phone 395-5175. 6,7,8 CUSTOM SAW chain sharp- ening. Also ripping chain. Genuine Oregon _chains, bars, sprockets, filing tools. $3.50, chain trade in allow- ance 10% off quality acces- sories. Write: Chain ,Saw World, 50 Dover Road, Guelph, Ontario. --8nx WOOD is our speciality. Imported and domestic. Kilndried. Hardwoods .and Softwoods. Veneers and ply-, -- woods. Carving and turning tools. Woodworking equip- ment and exotic woods. 2483 Industrial Street, Burlington. (416) 335-8066 (closed Mon- days). —8nx to any make of machines. Gerald Courtney, Point Clark, R. # 1, Ripley, phone 395-5341. —8-13 FOOD' TREES for Northern Climates: Old fashionedap- ples, nut trees. Many unus- ual shrubs, evergreens and shade trees. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1.00: Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank, Ontario KOIC 2L0 (613) 478-6163. —nz CANCELLEDMETAL buildings for sale. Dome type 36' z 48' and one . straight wall 40' x 48', 17' high. Bothe with large sliding door. Call Fred or Terry collect (613) 731-0572. --8nx WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making, frame yourself. C;om- plete instructions, free deliv- ery. Call, collect (416) 637- 6904. --8nx 9 HATTER Alternator Sales, John Deere powered gen., sets. Generac..P.T.O. mod-' els. Katolight . P.T.O., 40 K.W. and up. Phone ilderton (519) 666-1381 for name of local dealer. --8nx 4. Articles wanted VIKING CREAM 'separator with stainless steel tank; also Mildmay Airesher, 32" cyl- inder. Phone 357-1655.. —7,8 TOP DOLLAR paid for scrap cars, and trucks. 'Call Wayne Bushell, Backhoeing and Bulldozing, Sand and Gravel, Kinloss Auto Wreckers, 395- 3320. —8, 9, 10 5. Cars, tricks for sale mous elm tamp nomi 1969 CUTLASS SUPREME, in excellent condition, sharp, 68,000 original miles, over $2,000 invested; unemploy- ed will sacrifice, no reas- onable offer refused. Phone 1395-3494. —8 T. Real estate for sale A TWO STOREY 3 bedroom brick house,.2 baths', one up and one down, kitchen dining room, living room, large lots, garage: For information phone 529-7277. —8,9x 1A�1���.��,,yy�� ..�a�yr�a .Ar 9. Accom. to rent wO—Ps.us.Mw .. tom. ASHFIELD - three bedroom house, all insulated, oil heat. Phone 529-7488. --V LARGE 1 BEDROOM, sep- arate kitchen, living room and bath. Heated. Good parking. Phone 528-2113. —7tfar 12.. Help wanted Activities ] Co. L Applications will Ins' re- rived anti March 3, 1982 f by the. undersigned, for 'j the position of AedvIdes of a 158 -bed 1, home for the aged in, V Walkerton. Send . resume. I. stating qualifications and experience to: • D. J. MQORE, , ADMINISTRATOR, BRUCELEA HAVEN, f WALECERTON, ONTARIO. NOG 2VO MODERN SPLIT LEVEL home. 3 bedrooms, garage, workshop; patio, finished rec room with air tight stove, large lot on quiet street, ideal' location, phone , Donald Mann, 528-2115. —7,8. sass Aims smia 9. Aurora. to rent ••• MM. 41MMIID MOM' liana ommlAirm. MRS MIN, MIN= HOUSE in ° Lucknow. Phone 528-3007. --47tfar STORE ON MAIN STREET. Phone 528.3007.—47tfar TWO BEDROOM, furnished or unfurnished apartment in Lucknow. ; Call Glenhaven Apartments after 9 p.m., 529.7030. —5tfar 14. Employment wanted WILL SHOVEL snow . off roofs. 'Phone 528-2941. —7tf NEED A HANDY MAN? Call 528=2570 after 6:00 p.m: Experience in carpentry, roofing and general repair and maintenance. —7-16x 18. Services available LUCKNOW TAXI Reasonable Rates Delivery' Service 528-3116 Local and Long Distance Trips INCOME TAX RETURNS, personal or business. Inex- ° pensive and confidential. Yourhome or mine. •Phone 528-6945. --7tf INCOME TAX TIMIE Wanting to save money this year on your taxes. Save money when you have it done. ,Individual ' returns done by Fay Irwin. Phone 357-1697. —7 INCOME TAX SERVICE Professional service at reas- onable rate. We • will come right to your door if you wish. Keith Metz8er,. R. , # 3, Lucknow, 395-5482. —8ar PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. 5, LUCKNOW 528.2520 CUSTOM KILLING Mondays and Fridays Cattle and Hogs 55.00 per kill. 10c ib. for. cutting and wrapping. Home killed beef and pork sold by quarter, half or whole at lowest market ,price. RIPLEY ABATTOIR ' 395.2905 or 395.2979 HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? 18. Services available. AUCTIONEER SLRVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace;Ballegb,, Teamster Licensed Aactloeeers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater392-6170 v a DON THOMPSON T.V: and Appliances Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. —9tfar • , 19; NottCe 10 creditors — -. NOTICE TO'CREDITORS AND OTHERS All chims against the estate of THOMAS JOHN SALKELD LATE OF THE Village . of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Widower, deceased, who died on or about January . 29th, 1982, must be' filed with the undersigned person- al representative on or before February 24th, 1982: there- , after the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated February 4th, 1982. Dr, Helen. Salkeld and Mrs. Mary Boyle, Executric- es; c/o GEORGE . J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solic- itor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ont- ario, NOH 2110. • : . —6,7,8ar , NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of ' AGNES ANNE JOHNSTON . late of. Pinecrest Manor Nuri. sing Home Limited, Luck - now, Ontario; Widow, de- ceased, who died on or about February 5th, 1982, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before March 10th, 1982;. thereafter the undersignted will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has. notice: Dated February 17th, 1982. Dr: Ronald Johnston, Executor, c/o ' GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solic- itor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ont- ario. —8,9; !Oar 20. Public notices HAYRIDES and sleigh rides for family outings or groups. etc. Our place or' yours. Clete Dalton, Kintail, 529=7420.. —48tf ATTENTION FIGURE SKATERS Lucknow Figure Skaters who only skate Monday will now attend lessons on Thursdays. only for' the remainder of this season. Skaters who skate Monday and • Thursday will still skate both days. The revised time schedule is as follows: Monday; beginYers - basic 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.; novice 1 and up: 5:15 ,,.6:00 p.m.; seniors: 6:15 - 8:30 p.m. Thursdays: beginners: strok- ing and elementary 4:0 - 5:30 p.m.; basic and up: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. and seniors:; 6:45 8:20 'p.m. mom use am. w own ems mess mow vim so. 20. Pubic notices Looking for someone to take care of your dinner or banquet? The Ladies Auxil- iary of the Lucknow Christian School will gladly help you. out. Adults $6.00, children $4,50 a plate. Call Gerd* Burgsma, 529-7982. —r8 NOTICE Contact Ross Brindley, 529- 7967" for renting Dungannon Agricultural Hall for 1982. 5-11ar 21. Personal Are you tired of being alone? Are you unattached,separ- ated,. single or divorced? Meet. that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5P1. Please state age. —8,9x STAINED glass hobbyist! Supplies! Supplies! , Sup- plies! "Great mail order service''. Catalogue, 51.00. Write, phone, . come in to Bullas Glass, 15 Joseph Street; Kitchener N2G .1149 (519) 745-1124. --8nx HOW DOES YOUR` ' SENTINEL • LABEL READ? amino Nowa& ummt ernwsokom, gar sem lent 21. Personal HAVING ° A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881.3655. . - 40tfar PREGNANT and need help? Free > positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- '066 collect or 432-7197. —40tfar • IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can -, help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al.Anon number. --45n& 22. Lost and found LOST on main street in Lucknow, 1 chain off Roper. lawn mower and 1 brown wool glove with leather face. Finder phone 528-3101. Re- ward. —8x LOST - large black and tan German Shephard. Answers to "Buddy". Lost from the 10th concession of Ashfield Township, wearing a choker chain, Call 529-7754, —8x Township of West Wawanosh Applications will be received by the andertigt ed until 5 p.m., Monday, March 1, 1962 for a person to count the dogs in the Township of West Wawanosh. Applicattoni should be in writing, shift age and p>ice per dog expected and be clearly marked `appy'. . Successful applicant will be expected to sell dog tags and Have the went completed by April. 15, `1982. No application neeessarUy accepted. JOAN ARMSTRONG, CLERK, TOWNSHIP OF ' WEST WAWANOSH, • .A R. R. s 2, LUCKNOW, NOG 2H0. 31:" Cards of thanks 31. Cards of thanks SCOTT We wish to ;'thank everyone for their visits, girds and gifts during our I stay .in hospital. A special thanks to the Lucknow Doctors and all the nurses on second floor. •Nolda and Steven Scott --8x . iW EBSTER I wish to 'express my sincere thanks to all those who sent cards, treats and visited while I was "a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to' the Doctors and nurses on first floor, All was greatly appreciated. Clara Webster BOYD I would like to express my. sincere thanks to Dr. Knox and the nurses for the wond- erful care•1 received while in the hospital, Also, many thanks to relatives and friends for beautiful cards, gifts and phone calls and to the Rev. Bob Putman for his prayers and concern. Your thoughtfulness will long be remembered. .Mac Boyd SINNETT We wish to express our deep appreciation to all our rela-,• fives, friends and neighbours. for helping make our 25th wedding anniversary such a memorable occasion: Jim and Yvonne LUCKNOW KINSMEN Sincere thanks to Gord Cay . • ley'' for your assistance+ in setting up the Heritage Day Poem Contest. Dave Button, Chairman, Poetry Contest —8 Lucknow Kinsmen PARK Sincere thanks to everyone, who sent, cards and especial- ly the newsy letters while 1 spent • five weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Also thanks to everyone who phoned the house inquiring about my well being. Special thanks to the nurses on first floor of A.M.'A'G. who were so good to me, especially the day I returned to London hospital; last, but not least, Dr. Cauchi and the ambu- lance attendants who made me feel so at ease at such an anxious time. Sincerely, Marie Park