HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-01-20, Page 17• 4 ks:,tete\,\ \, ..z �� \.- ,k,},,. ..},,k :h , ,} •,h:•}:{,;., ::*::. .:•:. `•,, .•. h\ .. •.. ,`. .:\•. til•^. .... .. y, , ih 415.4e0411:: .h .M .>�... ,,,,%-v-•.,1.:,,..,,,,,,,.*,:,,, v , 1. Articles for sale mob YARNS OF TRALEE SALE 20% off all fancy yarns - Mohairs, Boucles, Thick and Thins, Curlies, Nubbies and 11ubb esu 7 miles •east; of Listowel', Hwy, 86 near Hwy. 19. 291-4405. -1-4 LARGE QUAMI Y of stand- ing red pine trees suitable for small stew logs, posts, small - poles or fuel wood, Location - 5 miles northwest of Wing ham. For details contact the Ministry of Natural Resour- ces, Wingham, 357-3131, or toll free 1.800-265.3003. 1975 JOHN DEERE : 300 snowinobile; 1979 Arctic Cat Lynx 2000 T" snowmobile; and 1973 Jeep. Phone 529- /314. -3.4 HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? ... _. ... .. ,. rte_ 1. Articles for sale WATERBED; Do it yourself kit. Includes mattress, heat- er, liner. .Single, Queen or King. Save hundreds of dol- lars by making frame your- self. Complete instructions, flee delivery . 1 (416) 637- 6904. -2nx TRY C & E Furniture,new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -40tf DRY AIR Try an Electrohome Humidi- fier u midi-. fier from Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112, Lucknow. We also have filters and Sanitare for your Electrohorne humidifier. -43tfar 340' YAMAHA snowmobile in good condition, phone 528-3839. -3 `Itipleyvi.taWallpaper , 161011SALE 3954614 ,Nmifirr 18- February 1 off mot 1 is stack poetess ROOM LOTS AVAILABLE We will paint and wallpaper pia. roe� JustOre us a call at 3Y5-2614. Rug Cleaner and Wallpaper Steamer Available For Rent CLOSED THyRSDAY. AFTERNOONS . I I 1 1 1 FOR SALE SAWMILL: 12' carriage, 54" bead saw, new OMCO hydraulic. leg turner, 3 grog edger, trimmers, Mor - bank debsrke r with 20' In and out feed, a11. 550 electric motors, stainers'. Sold as o■k oo1 $25,000.00 PLANER: Yates A20 with knives and pretties, 54" Mer- `mhos tesaw.48" blower with 70' pipe, all 550 elect etc Motors, starters. Sol at unit only 535,000.00 OFFICE EQUIPMENTS Mg cabinet, office demo, steno chairs, typewriter, new copy machine,onew 1 . hr. safe, new answering service. gold as snit . ealy 52,900.00 OFFICE BUILDING: 19 x 26 . with upstairs ' 12117. ornaee. Can be cssverted to email house 55,000.00 All tent orad be removed from the property. TRUCK: 1974 international 1700 dump he excellent condition ,• $4,900.00 FORK LiFT: New 1961 John Deere 540. Cam be leased. CONTACTS Bill Emerson Pelaw legging Ltd. Box 640, • Haliburtsn, Oat. KOM ISO 715.457-1715 or 705=457-2200 o_ew�._ 1;. Articles for sate • INDUSTRIAL Commercial Metal building. Customer unable to complete purchase, 60' x 100' x 18' eave, overhead, door frame, 16 x 14' at each end. Service door, coloured steel. Selling for balancing !owing.' Call Fred or Terry collect (613) 731- 0572. --3nx Phone 528-3007. -47tfar k ;:ti;}:1;:;:;:;:i �}h:' •h y'y}:•:'::'.`•,`;'•• }.tie, '' :h4f},;:titi.;!.:,+•r,, ., •`S?;{•;{r ? '}ti rein �, ,y •'.,',•;':::f}'r.•} 'X r , v of r x ti ti \�;'•' { ;• {'• •'•.,ti}r'`•Xrr' •rr{4ry�:}•{},•?,:,.,�:,�5;:� �'�'�• ,; ��' ::�,•;:{'• h;?.•ti 4};n,,}' ?� ;.; •> �;'r,', yr,}'ti:; } • ti ,ti;:?,'r, ,1 tiy.,;{:•}n::�Y{•k\'titih, ?'•'{ tie•.•.,}, :•\.:KS,",A . ':{{ r }�?, ,4,•h•,::h•}: ; } �t{':1:, r.i'':. a { ,::} }::: r} •.: F:h'}. . r. }. ..ti•:Y.1}}:. `}}.,{•}}.1'.•l.,^{'n . c, 9. -Accminto tent ;15. 'Tinders ONE AND TWO 'bedroom, furnished or unfurnished ap- artments in Lucknow. Call Glenhaven Apartments after 9 p.m., 529-7030.49tfar HOUSE .in Lucknow, Phone 528-3007. `47tfar STORE ON MAIN STREET. STEEL DOME building for sale. 36 z 40 with ':huge sliding door 18 x' 14 high. Also 4 x 7 service door. No reasonable offer refused, Call Fred or Ted collect, (613) 731-0572. 3nx STAINED Glass Hobbyist! Supplies! Supplies! Sup- plies! "Great mail order ser- vice". Catalogue 51,00. Write, phone, come in to Bullas ;\ Glass, 15 Joseph Street, Kitchener. N2G 1119 (519) 745=1124., -3nx TWO MAHOGANY veneer finished ' doors, with hard- ware complete, 6'5" x 32", 2576. -3x 4. Articles wanted WANTED TO BUY,•. older model Winchester rifles and shotguns,also single _'shot Stevens rifles, also handguns from World War Iand II. Phone ' 291-1299. -2,3 SHAFTS FOR CUTTER, in good condition. Phone 395- 3259.' 3nx 8 Real estate wanted` COUPLE w d\like to buy a fairly new•bun low in Luck - now. Could ha e a rec room and bedroom in basement. Apply in writing to Box "R", c/o Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, LUCKNOW, ' Ontario, NOG 2HO. -2,3 12. Help .wanted 12. 'Help wanted EXPERIENCED farm equip- ment . salesman wanted for local dealer. Apply in writing to Box "P", c/o The Luck - pow Sentinel, Box ' 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2110. -2,3ar 21. Personal Are you tired of being alone? Are you unattached, separat- ed, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P,O. Box 104, Owen Sound. N4K 5P1. Please state age. -34x HAVING . A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. ' -401far PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066 collect or 432-7197. -40tfar IS ALCOHOL. A .PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an . Al -Anon number. -45nx WANT ADS make great reading! EI CulrossTownshipof 0 Thi requires a ROAD SUPERINTENDENT '• Appl1cattons complete with detailed resmieof �zper- . tenet, qualifcatioos, education, and references wiB be received by the undersigned Until NOON o. FEBRUARY let, 1982. 'The Road Superintendent will be respoomfele for the tospecdon and supervision of approximately 106 tidies of road Within the municipaiity, including the •pnepa a- ton of annual budgets, the ordering of materials aid eupplles, the road books, the supervision of a staff of 3 men, and the preparation of reports for. C000acil:: Successful' applicants to be Interviewed. The successful applicant will possess proven manage- ment skills, includhig the °ability to deal effectfyely with the public. r. Duties to commence as soon ae possible. Salary commensurate with'. q and exper- ience. ApPileatIou forms to be picked up at office of the Cork. MR. ROBERT J. CRONIN, . CLERK -TREASURER. TOWNSHIP OF CULROSS, BOX 10, TEESWATEt, ONTARIO. NOG 2SO 15. Tinders. SALE: BY TEN THELOWNER OFFERS FOR SALE BY SEALED TENDER THE FOLLOWING LANDS: Part of Lot 10, Concession s, Township of . Huron, County M Bruce, containing OVA acres more er lees, 52 Mies of which, N drained systematically every 50 feet, with Misr tubing. Tenders' most record price offered and must be for a1l. the land offered for este. AM tenders mot be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% o1 the offer; payable 11 Crawfead, MM. Davies .O Elden M Trust which . chlgve will be retuned if the offer N net accepted. t1 aoceplsd. the deposit, wIN be forfeited as liquidated damages if the ssIs N min completed by the tenderer. The highest or any ether tender •iN net necessarily be accepted. Balance of Purchase prise N' due open closing. Tendons will be received untie 12 o'clock need Janoary 2!!h, 11102. For further information contact; OLEN WYLD$ c/e Crawford, MIM, DwNs i EIsIsn Ripley, Ontario 386.2433 COUNTY OF HURON TENDER FOR EQUIPINENT Sealed teudess, on fear and In envelopes available from doe Mice of the andeveigned .w$ be received nit/ 4:00 p.m.local time oe: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY II, 1982 • for the supply of the foBewisg` items of . equtpoent: HC -82-101 - 1 - .4 door tied= automobile HC -82-102 • 1 60 h.p. ribber thud tractor lbadidme HC412-103 - •1 - 60 "i.p: ribber eked tractor. Malec . HC -82404 - 2 - '�_ . ton pick up trucks HC -82-105 - 1 1 ten 12 passenger vas HC42-107 - 1 - 4 deer soda • ntemsbSe HC -82-104 - 3 ' ton crew cab pick-up triads HC -82-109 - 1 - 1 toe stake boa duck The lowest or any tender not necessadly accepted. • Huron Com • P. Eag.,. • Court House C Godericb, Ontario N7A 1M2 18. 'Services available MOM UMW .=MIP IMMO MII14■6 4M MEW 18. Services available FORMALDEHYDE GAS TESTING Reasonable rates, latest methods. Call 'Lucknow, 528- 3813, London, 434-7594. RUTH'S HOME DAY CARE now has openings for full time and part time children. Phone 528-3141 for more , information. -3 DON THOMPSON T.V. and. Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. -9tfar CUSTOM KILLING Mondays and Fridays Cattle and. Hogs $5.00 per kill. 10c ib. for cutting and wrapping. Home killed beef and pork sold by quarter, half or whole at lowest market price.. RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 or 395-2979 WEE. SEIM EXCAVATING and trucking, sand, gavel and top soil. Phone Robert' Symes, R. ,# 5, Lucknow, 528-3047. --40-39x AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ca1lag6, Teeswater 'Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley. 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn 91 Phone 529.76 • R BACKHOEING -5tfar PORTABLE WELDIPIG Will. do portable welding and in shop repair work , Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER • R. R. 5, LUCKNOW 528-2520