HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-4-24, Page 88-Tburaday, Hay 24th, 1964 Wall Paper --- IN -- Room Lot ..- a _. Cole's Book Store Millinery ERRE White Hats from $1.39 to $L95 Reldocking and remodelling care- fully and reasonably done. �LIn$ for the Graduate-- Gotham -Gold Stripe" Hobe, Yu crepe, cktffon and eervtee weight. MI the new Spring shades in- cluding white, at 75e, $1.00, $1.25 jrr .s,pair. Hive you`i "Ft1C 'CfMi-"1tSistivest 'Adore storing. See us for prices. - -We invite your patronage -- C. A. 86 S. McKinnon i,honk 13.1 s The Square BUY fastgroiflg CHICKS Chicks hatched in late' May sad June time got to be extra vigorous and extra fast-growing, if the pullets are going to give you many high-prked eggs In November and December. If you buy slow- growing Chicks at this time of year, you can't hots pe forom m much F ll egg-ruoney. Bray "Foundation Grade" fru earlier latera$, weigh up.to S}cj lbs. each at 14 weeks old. That kind of growth gives you fuliy•matnrld Y.'s at 5 "months old. Write us for full particular, and our district. or Ball on the manager of the Bray Hatchery 7 BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, 100 Clayburn Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. Brooder and Office, 11. W. ('harleswortb, Clinton. Eight Breeds--Ilighth Year Blood -Testing -Stith Year Government Approval EXTRA SPECIAL! F'(tR— ONE WEEK ONLY DRESSES and SUITS59c MASTER CLEANED TAILOR PRESSED MARVO SYSTEM J. A. NIVINS. Phone 13 OF DRY CLEANiNG •I'HE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. • BRIEFS Reserve the evening of June 21 for a social to be held in Victoria school under the auspices of the Victoria Home and School Club. The Central Home and School Club Is having a sale of home baking in Mrs. Jas. F. Thomson's store on Satur- day afternoon, May 26. Afternoon tea The Women's Hospital Aaaliar7 will meet at the public library on Monday, May 28, at 4 o'clock. All the mem- bers are requested to be present. W. R. Mathleson and expert opera- tors br 'rorbnto wits -be eget at-t4w Bedford hotel the week of June 4 to give permanent waves. Watch for further particulars. Restoring a lazy liver to healthy normal action La quickly performed by I'ARKE'S LIVERTONE es well as aiding the stomach In digesting food. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. Phone 90. On Friday night, June 1, the Itlb- bert Dramatic Club will present a three -act comedy, "Safety First," In the Orsage Hall, concession 4, ()oder ich township. Admission: Adults 25c, children 15c. Their oreheetra will provide musk for a dance after the play. PORT ALBERT The congregation of St. Andrew's United church will bold • lawn social on the church grounds Friday, June 2 cal. More particulars later. Ottawa House May Sit until July 1 NOTICE Court Goderich, No. 32, Canadian Order of Foresters. will hold their annnal church serviee and parade on Sunday morning, May 27th, at 11 a.m., to Knox Presbyterian church, Goder- 1ch. Rev. D. J. Lane w111 be the speaker. Brethren are requested to meet at the lodge rooms in MacKay Hall. North street, at 10.116 t.m. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. Let ns mike Was record year. - JAMES BARBOUR, 0. R. ALI'.FRT E. BARKER: Rec. Sec. INSURANCE Pi Life Accident ,cel Moises (Continued from page 3) merce committee voted last week to confirm the Government's draft hill the prestige of Canada's wheat pod- tlon is being undermlued by the pres- ence of Barnet wheat in grades two and three Northern. On the other baud, lir. Weir advised caution, tell- ing the committee it should fhvesti- gate fully before establishing individ- ual grades for Garnet wheat. The committee decided to hear more evi- dence before reaching a decision. that the Central Bank be privately con- Budget Debate Ended tron#4 M -r Reanan-aseunsl.ike Tue$ay saw the finish of the bud- mlttee that the new Central Bank willget detxte after considerable 'otter lug on the part of the three major parties In the Contmotla. On a point of order raised by William Irvine, C.C. F., Wetaskawin, Speaker George Black reltetronr art miler the Lttterat'ltsteeid+• moot to the' budget, his ruling baro; suotalned by 91 to 48 votes. Then an amendment proposed by Mr. Irvine re- gretting that there has not been a greater distribution of the national wealth of the country was defeated by 157' to 14 votes. A further amend- ment proposed by Hon. J. C. Elliott, former Liberal Minister of Public Works, that the Government no longer not be tied up with the Bank of Eng- land, though he admitted that It might be necessary to secure the services of an outsider,_presumably some British -�.. ranter, as governor oY dep6t7" or, because no Oanedian banker has had any experience In central banking. By a narrow vote of 17 to 13, the com- mittee defeated the motion of Hon. Ian Mackenzie, Vaaeouver, former Liberal Minister of Immigration, that the Central Bank be government-owned. Aneesdaseats to Marketing 11111 On the Marketing lief, Mr. Macken - ale King, Liberal leader, stated thatlenjoyed the confidence of the country, the eighteen ameadmeuts brought down also was tuled out confidence order by the by the Government to the original Speaker. The budget was then finally twenty-one clauses of the bill ,t carried on division without a form - some of his objections. Mr• Mal pct al vote toning recorded on It, the flet that if the Government chi/atoll-the time in fifteen years at least that such legislation In respect to the powers of an incident bas occurred. t tions, and made ouch a power a Gov- ernment responsibility, he would cease opposition to the measure as one of an experimental charact.•r. I1y an import- ant amendment. Parliament is to rota the money the marketing board may spend Instead of its being given by order -in -cornett. Tire GeeerPomo t. - dined to accept amendments proposed by James Woodeworth, C.C.F. leader, which would make the bill apply not tie marketing board to enact regula- DIJNGANNON DUNGANNON. May 23. -Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy and family spent Sunday with friends at Milverton. Mr. Geo. Glenn ut Goderieh spent creek- ad at hip home her Mrs. Henderson and son Ralph and Gtrvin Cameron, of Goderich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Whyard only to mining but to any industry, in- I on Sunday. eluding clothing and furnitdigr7---n Mr. 0. H. Popp of Detrofr ep-rat the think we should walk before we ruts" weekend with his wife aud family remarked Hon. Hugh Guthrie. Minister here. . of Justice, in rejecting these amend- Mrs. J. R. McNabb et Lueknow spent mento on behalf of 'tic GorernmenL Tuesday the guest of Mrs. B. J. Craw - Likewise amendments to exclude fish ford. and lumber from the bill were de- kir. anti Mrs. Sam Swan and Mr. and feated. Mr. Guthrie -rated that "In Mrs. Earl Swan visited friends at ■11 human prebahl;;tc" lion. Robert Wingham and Teeswater. last Thurs- Weir, as Minister of .sericulture, would a day. administer the act. Mr Weir declined We are pleased to report that Mr. to glee any Iaformati,-n on the sal- Arthur Roach, who underwent an op- trles to i,e paid meni!crN of the can eration in the Goderich hospital last trap marketing board. Tt�e bbl Ia_still- week, is doing as well as can be ea - In the committee stage. but It WHY peered. likely he palmed this week. Mr. anal Mrs. Robt Wilson of God- Reduetlen of Sugar Tax erich vtsl(cd the lady's mother, Mrs. In response to re ire 9f5ttona by Mild !tyrant, Teat Rnnday. British Columbia fruit and vegetable Miss Flora Durnin conducted a growers, in which Province the seasoncoaching clans in the pari hall on la well sdianced. Mr. Bennett an- I Tuesday. nounced on Tuesday that the reduction 1 Women's Institute. -The regular of one cent in the two -sunt -per -pound , monthly meeting of the Women's In - sugar tax, scheduled for July 1, would li stitut,• was held at the home of Mrs. go into effect at midnight Sunday, May ; Fred Ross on Tuesday, with a goodly 20. Thus cheaper sugar will prevail 1 number present. The roll call was for canning by housewives. 1 answered by paying fees. Final ar- The Commons agricu:tural commit- I rangements were made for the district tee has found two ministers differing annual convention which is to be held sharply on the desirability of estab- here on May 30th. Readings were llahing separate grades for .Garnet I giren by Mrs. Lorne leers and Mrs. wheat. Hoa H. H. Stevens, Minister Ches. Alton. Mrs. Idlllan Campbell Trade and Commerce. declared that tinvitecl the Institute to her place for the next meeting. The meeing was closed with the National Anthem, after which a ectal halfhour was spent, the hoetesses being Mrs. Chas. Alton, Mrs. Lorne Ivers and Mrs. Cecil Tre- U. F. 0. NOMINATING CONVENTION I AUCTION BALES The annual meeting and nominating' convenlion of the United Farmers' Or- ganization North will be held in the Town Ha Friday, Juue 1st, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of selecting a Provincial can- didate for the riding of Huron -Bruce. T. A. CAMERON, President. WM. RUTHERFORD, Secretary. STEDELBAUER'S USED CARS YOU MAY SEE THE FOLLOWING CARS AND OTHERS BY CALLING AT OUR PLACE OF BUSINESS —NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY- 31—Chev. Standard Sedan 81--Chev. Truck, dual wheel: 30—Chev. Standard Sedan 30—Chev. Sport Coupe 29—Chev. Coupe 28—Chev. Coach (2) 28—Chev. Truck 27—C'hev. 30—Ford Delivery Truck 29—Ford Touring 25—Ford Truck Whippet Coach —STEDELBAUER'S are located at Moore's Garage- -We will hake year-old steer. in exchange for ('ars If suitable - 13 -Plate Batteries—Special—Guaranteed 1 year -134.85 1 rui= 11110 i arr.i ugi't On any Of. aur Parrs St. Andrew's Street, off Hamilton Ooderich, Ont. Goderleh, Oat. map ilea H. CLEMENTS MASSEY-HARRIS SHOP Liagatot Street - , Goderich Headquarters F'N PLUMBING HEATING TINSMITHING GENERAL REPAIRS Carl W. Worsell Ieays Street Phe 476 Summer Summer Fashions A smart and extensive collection of Frocks, Coats and Suits, and complementing accesso es #o, r your Summer wardroom ' WHITE COATS Wool cloths in many weaves and in many styles give these White Coats all that you demand DRESSES timmey-^Dteises for parties, for travel and for soft: in all the new Summer materials and made in the coolest styles THE WHITE HAT for every costume. A wide range of styles in White Hats. Moderately precis • EXPERlENOED b1ALE13GI1tL WANT- ED. -BOX 18, SIGNAL, CAKING kUOTION SALE OF Vti'OUSE 1 URNIIMIN }S, TWO AUTOS, ETC. Mr. Thomas Bowman will sell by public auction, at his home, Regent street, Goderich, on SATURDAY, MAY 26tb. commeucing at 1.80 sbarp, all the ma tents of the place Includin4: 1' 1927 coach; oae tura One Pantie! , touring car; one General ElectrtC radio, practically new ; one cabinet v1c- trola ; one 3-plece bedroom suite with extra gou,l mattress and springs, cast' - Mai time-iJtF$138;'R» a bre*tfalV' set, complete; two mirrors; two tables; one rug, 9:12; a number of canaries and cages; one tilde Icer refrigera- tor, nearly new ; one heater; one new croas-c•ut Raw; carpenter's tools; two ahotgnns; dishes; ehlna; glassware,� and numerous other articles. No reserve, as proprietor Is leaving Goderich. TERMS -Cash. T. UUNDRY t SON, Auctioneers. A MIOU lTAN0--wtY J. W. MONTEITH, ()bartered Accountant 269 Ontario Street; Stratford, Unt. 1.110 Star Building, Toronto, Ont. AUCTIONEERiNG THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERICH. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. LOST OR FOUND LOST, -A BOSTON BULL TERRIER PUP, with markings as follows: White foreleg, white collar and head, centred with browu spot. When loot wore collar bearing name, Miss N. Reward of j5 for return et Apply SIONAL OFY'1C`l� McKinley's Chicks -Rlsed-tried Brsedhie Stietti Gu'• rnment Approved Barred --W . - Reeks W. Legions' After May 15-1Se "- 8e. Atter June 1 -le . 7e Three -weeks -old Chicks, 7e extra Subject to change without notice J. E. McKINLEY ZURICH' BUILDING and GENERAL CONTRACTING. -Repair- and Raatodelling-- Work Guaranteed Satis- factory – i'ItI('E. RIGHT— John Jeffery Warren Street Phone 677w _ Fur Coats Remodelled A representative of the Martin Fur Co. is with us and will take any alterations, reline and re model fur coats at moderate prices. A. CCRNFIELD lispe yon are invited to shop" Nese 418 Sanitary Meat Market SPE('i:US FOR WEDNESDAY, FRiDA1 %ND SATURDAY -Store ('Icsei May 24Lh- 1 Ib. Shortening, 34 -ib. tilde Baron. V Ib. Liver THE TITRES FOR 35e Fresh lake Trsst 18e Ib. Veal (Imps . , ..2 lbs. for 25e Veal Patties (wrapped in Baron) 2 lbs. for 35e Shoulder Roast Baby Beet 1234e Rib Roil Itaby Beet 9e lean Boil Itahy Bert 10e Stewing teal 9e Pure Pork vamage ... 2 lbs. 25e Shoulder Roast Perk lit Fresh Hams to Roast 20e THOS. LEGG -WE DELIVER FREF- Pkese 485 Hail ittos Street AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD TURtNITL'RE AND EFFECTS. Mrs. J. W. Murray wflt mall by pub- lic auction, at her residence. Britannia road, God' rich, on FRIDAY, JUNE 1st eemmenctng at 1.30 series* sharp: _.- . One chesterfield suite, three pieces, tapestry, reversible cushions, almost new ; one De Forest Crosley radio, 8 - tuts set ; two floor lamps; one library , one table tempo -me hall table; one hall mirror and hat rack; one din- ingroom suite, conatettsls et ds theirs, round tabic, buffet aid china cabinet: one Singer sewing machine; one oak clock shelf, one-Fifeben table; -six kitchen chairs; one kitchen sideboard; one kitchen cupboard; one Tudhope 2 - burner electric store; one electric 2 - burner plate; one Quebec kitchen stove, almost new ; one Quebec heater with stovepipe lengths; one kitchen cabinet table; one medicine cabinet; one lawn mower; one complete set of Book of Knowledge (twenty volumes) : one Simmons bed, complete; one brass bed, eomplete: one linen cupboard: four bedroom chairs; one cedar chest; two round pedestal stands: one small quare fancy table; one electric beat - PUBLIC NOTICE IPMLIC STENOC RAPHFR.-MIS, E. M. RANCE will undertake typ- ing and general stenography at reason- able rates. 'PHONE 488,. Goderich. MEETING OF 111'RON COUNTY 113 OOCNCIL The meeting of the Huron County Council will be held In the County Council Chambers, Court House, God- erich, at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Ape 5th, 1934. All accounts, notices ofdeputations or applications and other important business requiring attention at thisI er: one electric fan; one 3 -burner coal meeting of the Counell should 1* in -toil stove; pictures; dishes; glassware: the hands of the Clerk not later than, cooking utensils; two large-sized car the Monday previous to the meeting tires; and other articles too nnmerons of the Council 1 to mention. Dated at Goderich this 15th day of i There will be no reserve, as Mrs. Hay. 1934. Murray has sold her business and pro - J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk. perty. TERMS -Cash. MRS. J. W. MURRAY, Proprletrese. T. GUNDRY 0 SON, Auctioneers. CARD OF THANKS TSE BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE LATE ROBERT TAIT wish Ito thank the many friends for their kindnesses to him during his long 111- ness; also for the floral tributes Dent, and for the use of cars for the funeral. THE FAMILY OF THE LATE D. C. BOGIE take this means of thanking !their neighbors and friends for kind- ness and sympathy shown them bra their recent sad bereavement, also to their father during his Illness, and also thanking those who sent floral tributes and loaned cars for the fun- eral. DIED MURNEY.-In Goderich, on Saturday, May 19, W. T. Marney, In his 87th year. MCILWAIN.-In Goderich, on Friday, May 18, Hugh McElwain, in his 86th • year. GRAHAM. -in Goderich, on Saturday, May 19, John Bennett Graham, 1n hie 78th year. - BOGIE. -1n Colborne township. on Thursday, May 17, David Clark Bogie, In his 72nd year. CRAWFORD.-1n Goderich. on Mon- day, May 21. Hannah Hatton, be- loved wife of Thomas C. Crawford, to her 54th year. FRESH EGGS WANTED ALSO CREAM -GET OUR PRICES -[lour and Chick Feeds for Sale- AGF)NT FOR PL.FITSCH IIATCIIERY GODERICH EGG MARKET (Apposite Library) H. W. OOl9Mft = MRS. I1 MMA LAI'DER TAIT wishes to thank thoee who extended many kindnesses during the long 111. 1 nems of her husband, the late Robert Tait. She also wishes to thank those who offered kind expressions of gym- pathy and floral tributes in her be- retirement : and those who loaned cars for the funeral. THE FAMILY 01' THE LATE J. B. GRAHAM wish to offer their sin- cere thanks to the many friends fee the kindness and sympathy shown them In their recent sad bereavement, and also to Rev. Geo. T. Watts and Rev. F. W. Craik, who officiated In the funeral services. They also wish to express their deep appreciation of the `many hem/01W flnral trlhntes and of the loan of cars for the funeral. MREL.J. B. GRAHAM and FAMILY: CROQUiGNOLE Permanent Waves-- -CURLY RINGLET ENDS - $2.95, $3.60, 36.00 -and a $10 Wave for $7.50 AT . British Exchange Hotel - Wednesday, June 6th MRS. JEANE SMITH GRICE W. HARRY GRiCE STRATFORD A. S. MERRIAM COMPANY GODERICH MAKERS OF Medium High-grade Mattresses Feather -heels remade Into Sani- tary Mattresses Hair Mattresses made over *like new Pillow Cleaning 715o per pair -All work kept sepsra4e We eau for and deliver without -'- extra cost --- J DANCE ----AT TIM -- PAVILION, GODERICH HALT;jAYIDSOICali bit SATURDAY, MAY 26th FOR RALE OR RENT COR SALE. -TWO SHOWCASES DOUGLAS R. NA1RN, I Apply to MRS. SNA7.F7I. West Barrister and Solicitor street. ()nice--Hamtl(on Street, (ieeerto► Telephone 512. MEDICAL . F. J. R. FORSTER, ETE, EAR. nit. THROAT. Late Houle Surgeon New Tort Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as - austere austere at Moorefield Etre Hospital and Golden Square Throat 'loopiest London, Erg. 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telelsbone 287. Alt Hotel Bedford. Goderteh. from 1 pm. to 4 pm. on the second Wed- nesday of each month DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CHIROPRACTOR ANI) DRUGI.ESS8 THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 Equipped with electromagnetic baths. Electronic electric treatments and chlropraetk. Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. lady 1n at- tendance. Office hours 2 to 5 std 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., or consultation may be had by appointment. A. N. ATKiNSOtN Residence and omce--Corner of South street and Britannia road. LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Office -Court House, Goderich. Telephone 55. - QbR SALE OR RENT. -SMALL COT- l TAGE. Apply to J. CALVIN MITT. 'Phone 116. APARTMENT FOR RENT. -MOD- ERN eight -room apartment over store on Square. Convenient and com- fortal,le. Apply MRS. JAS. F. THOM- SON. FOR SALE. -000D STRONG TOMA- 1 TO planta for sale. Cabbage and cauliflower later on. JOHN FETA., corner Ca/Aria rbid "tad -Trafalgar street. n R SALE—BRICK RESIDENCE on 18gln avenue; fine location; hard - Weed floors; new furnace. For terms apply to HAYS & HAYS, or to A. M. ROBERTSON. • r. R. DARROW, BARRISTER. WTO. - Successor to J. L. Kilioreo Office --The Square, Goderich. Telephone 97. V0 SALE. - COMFORTABLE I' eight -roomed honee, all modern con- veniences, near Collegiate; double gar- age, fruit trees, garden, lawn. A bar- gain for cash. Will consider a small place In town or country or summer cottage as part payment. BOX 14, NIONAh s COR SALE. -SOLID BRiCK HOUSE I In fire teams condition, large veran- da, electric water heater, combination turnsce, soft water cistern, good well brides the town water, lawns, garage, *table and rear lot. Not tar from the Ignore. (dash or terms. F. WOOLL- 00MRF., RF1Ai. ESTATE AND IN- R('RANCE. 'Phone 296. VAR RALE.--(1110TeE TOMATO, 1 cahhsge anti n,nllftower pante. jape �4(ewewev, her, per dozen. H. P. 1.AMH 1BOOL Widder street, Britannia road near Sunset hotel (tarn at Mnrray'a cor- ner). FRANK DONNELLY, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office-Hee/Ikon Street, Oodertch. Telephone 282. HAYS & HAYS,"' HAYS Banisters and Solicitors R C Hays, K.C., and R. C. Hays, B.A. Office --Hamilton Street, Goderieb. Telephone 88. glamor M. LEE, Barrister ander Sas Ufe Building, A hidie sal Tie. . (orbs Streets, Toronto (h Telephone Elgin 5801. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. McKiLLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- m ANOE 00. -Farm and teols4s town property insured. Oek'ere-Aiwa. Bmadtoot, Proddett, Seaforth; Jerome Connolly, Vlce-Pren,-- (,odereel► P.O., Murton A. Reid, Sea - forth. Ree. -Tress ., Seaforth P.O. Directors --A. Rrosdfoot, R.R. No. 7, t4estorth ; James Sholdfce, Wakes ; Wm. Knox, I.oaelesboro; Robert Fer- ris, Rlyth; Geo. i.eonhardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1; John Pepper, Brumfield ; Thee. Boylan, Seatorth, R.R. 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seatorth, R.R. 4; James Connolly, Goderleh. Agents --W. J. Ten, RR. No. 3, Clin- ton; James Watt, 'Myth; Tinley Me- ilaehern, Maforth t Jetta Murray, /sa- a.witt, Kincardine. aid gat emir 'arae reeetptad at ilka Royal last. Mutat: (blv% OaaWs Oreeery, Paa..aa erss4. J. H. Reld's Moral Store, 1layttele.