HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-01-20, Page 10church news
ineknow Senilnei, 1P i, 'knimiy $, ne2--Pitge la
Institute do.nates..walker to Silver .Circk-Ni.rsery
The Lucknow Women's In-
sttnte held their monthly
meeting on Monday, January
18 at 1.15 p.m. in the Town
Hall, Following the singing
of the. Institute. Grace, Mrs.
Armstrong Wilson,, Mrs.
Grace Campbell and Mrs.
Howard, Barger served , a
delicious • dessert.
Mrs. Cyril Brown introduc-
ed Mr. James McWhinney
E.M.C.A., Emergency Med-
ical Care Attendant of the
Wingham and District Am-
bul*nce Service and "also
representing the Cardio Pul-.
monary, .Resuscitation pro-
gram of the Wingham and
District Hospital Mr. Mc-
cWhinney . gave a talk on 'his
case which contained a baby
manequin and monitor and
demonstrated how a trained
attendant could •save the, life
of a' baby.
Mrs. Cyril Brawn thanked
Mr; McWhinney for his very
informative talk.
Mr. -George Whitby, chief
Donnybrook UCW
elect new officers
ro The Jnuary meeting of The new slate .of officers
Donnybrook 11.0 .W. was for 1982-83 includes: presid-
held at the home of Mrs. •ent, June Robinson; 1st vice,
Stuart Chimney with a small
attendance on ;Tuesday, Jan-
uary 12.
Mrs R. Hanna opened the
meeting with the theme, Be-
ginnings for 1982.
Marg McConnell gave us
some Teas on What to do *nd
not to do for relatives and
friends in nursing homes.
LubaStratton gave ideas and.
responsibilities on . Home
Mrs. R. Hanna gave a
poem, Today, followed with..
Margaret I1ildebtand; 2nd
vice, Luba Strutton; secret-
ary for recording and cones-
pondence, Anne Thompson;
assistant, Wanda Jefferson;
'secretary and treasurer, Lois
Chamney; nominating com-
mittee, June Robinson,
Margaret Hildebrand and
Alice Jefferson; communica-
tions co-ordinator, Wanda
Jefferson; stewardship.. and
finance,. Donna ` Bieman;
leadership development,
Margaret Hildebrand;
church in society, Joan Arm
strong • and Lois Chamney
Mrs. Robinson took , Christian development, Eil-
over for the business: een Ham,
Trinity UCW discuss
voltYnteer work
On January_ 14, Trinity
U.C.W. held their first meet-
ing for 1982 atthe home of
Mrs. `Russell Irvin with anat-
• tendance of 28 ladies and five
The meeting was called to
order • with the .president,
Mrs. Ken Alton reading a
poem,' Great Is The Power Of
Man And Mind. .
The devotions began with
a verse by Mrs. Blake Alton,
I Have Faith. Mrs. Living-
ston Menary led` in prayer,
then the read the scripture
from Matthew. The medita-
tion on the flight ofMaryand
Joseph into Egypt was given
by Mrs. Alton, the devotions
clsed with prayer.
Mrs. Charles Wilkins con-,
• ducted it; Bible Study in the
form of a debate, Is it more
gratifying \to do volunteer
work, than to do work for
pay? with the judgesdecid-
ing the workers for pay had
the most positive points, but .
in our society we need some
of both. Mrs. Chester Hack-
ett led in prayer.
The Study Period, taken by
Mrs. Greg Blake and Mrs.
Murray Irvin, was on Justice
' and Faith, with the ladies
being divided into groups for
questions and discussion.
Mrs. Alex Hackett read a "
poem, Throughout the Com-
ing Year. `
Following the business,
the president closed Y,with
prayer and all enjoyed a
social hour together.
junior iflstitute see'
slides of Britain
The Lucknow Junior In-
stitute met on Tuesday,
January 12 in the Lucknow
Town Hall.
The roil' call, a place 1
would like to visit, was
answered by nine menibers.
The group decided against
serving at the -Lions supper
because many, of the mem-
bers work at jobs outside the
home. •
• Bill Armstrong spoke to
the ladies about his trip to
the United Kingdom which
he took on a Junior Farmer
Exchange program. His talk
made everyone • feel • they
would like to visit the United
The topic of the February
meeting • will be smocking
and Dr. Feenstra will speak
at the April meeting on the
topic, How the position of
your child within the family
(oldest. middle child, young-
est) affects the child. '
A social time followed the
of the Lucknow Fire Depart-
epart:ment, spoke on the need of a
Handie-Talkie Portable
Radio for the Firemen. When
some of the firemen go into a
burning building they have
no way of getting' in contact
with the firemen outside in
case they are in danger. Such
a 'situation has occurred
when fighting a fire.
Mrs. Marshall Gibson,
president, presided for the
business and read a poem,
The New Year. The roll call
was answered with, Name
one thing you are going to try
this year.
Mrs. Armstrong Wilson
and Mrs. P. S. Stewart were
appointed to work ' on the
history of the Lucknow Wom-
en's Institute for the book of
Lucknow 1983 Jamboree.
• A donation of $100 was
given 'to the Wingham and
Area Day Centre for the
Mrs. Armstrong Wilson
gave a report of the presen- •
tation of a child's walker
chair to the Silver Circle
Nursery School in Wingham'
by Mrs. Marshall Gibson, on
behalf of the Lucknow Worn -
en's Institute
Interest on due and unpaid taxes prior to
1982 is :increased to 18% per. annum: as
authorised. under the provisions of.. The
Municipal interest and Discount Act, 1981.
Ir s i r s
It was decided the Luck -
now .Women's Institute
would buy a baby manequin
and monitor for -the Cardio
Pulmonary Resuscitation
program of the Wingham
andDistrict Hospital.
A motion was also passed
that the Ludrnow Women's
Institute would buy a new
Handie-Talkie Portable
Radio for the Lucknow Fire-
Mrs. Armstrong Wilson
was chairman for the pro-
gram and read a poem,
Glorious !slew Year.
Rev. Wm.,Munshaw
B.A. M.DIv.
11 a.m..
Combined Services i
Church and Sunday
.�hool t
NurserScy Provided
EEveryone Welcome
The motto, Resolve to live
one day at a time, do not
worry about the past, but
look,to the future with hope,
was given by Mrs. Grace
Campbell and Dianne Wilson
played a delightful clarinet
solo, Amazing Grace.
Miss Ruth Thompson, who
with her sister, took a trip to.,
China last October, showed
slides and gave a very inter-
esting talk on the places that
they visited.
Mrs. Howard Barger
thanked Miss Thompson and
presented her with a gift and
the meeting closed.
SundayDAYSchool 10:00 a.m. '
f Worship 11:00 a.m. 1
Rev. Warren McDougall
Nurseryand Junior
Congrega on Provided
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