HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-01-20, Page 7opinion ,backnow Su.tia01, Woi•esiay., Jarsaly ,2S, 012 -tom 7 •U JUB1LEE '83 R. R. #`' 1, Boa p4, Elora, Ontario, January 13,1982- Dear Maudie: Thank you for your letter re Jamboree 83.. I am enclosing a cheque for 540.00 to cover a ticket for ourselves and one for Herb McQuillin also, rather than send theirs on Florida. I hope this finds all well with you and hope you have ail the best in the coming year. Mary McQuillin. 38:Danville Drive, Willowdale, Ontario; M2P 131, January 6,1982. Dear '!dandle: Delighted to know Lucknow is having another reunion. It will be a real opportunity - all too rare, to get together with so many -old friends we seldom see and those we do. You'll 'note I'm returning this at the earliest possible moment- It was mailed December 30 and received to -day so I trust the . ticket supply has not been exhausted. I do hope, of course, that we see youand many others in Lu*tnow long before the jamboree. Best of success to the c?mmittee- Sincerely,. Ted Smith. 314 Oxford St W., Apt. 769, London, Ont. N6H4N8, January 10,1982. Dear Maudie: Thank you• for the invitation to attend the Lucknow Jamboree '83i: Reg and 1 hope to attend and both, think, itis. an excellent idea. We hope there will be accotmnodationin the verge, as Reg is not wen enough to do a lot of travelling. We wish you all, the greatest success in this endeavour. Enclosed is a cheque for twenty dollars.. ' Sincerely,, Verna (Steward) Sherwood. 17 Concession St. W, Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C146. January 8,1982. Dear Maudie-1, I was very pleased to receive your letter - strange as that. may seem since it required a donation in reply. But having attended the Lucknow reunion in 1910 (so I am told) and having enjoyed thoroughly the Centennial in 19581 am looting forward with pleasure to being present at your Jamboree in 83- ' For those of us who have lived in other places for few or many years, such occasions provide us the wonderful opportunity of seeing again the many former associates and friends. who will gather for this purpose. We are the ones who will enjoy the occasion the most and we are indebted to your committee and the whole town for making it, possible. Please express to. your members mythanks and best, wishes for their success. With kind personal regards to yourself. Yours sincerely, Andrew M. Thompson.. Farmerfavo urs marketing system for beefproducers To the' Editor: Your editorial "Not an Easy Choice" froip the Wingham :Advance -Times, states that Several beef farmers believe that they must choose between having an adequate income through .using a marketing board, and having freedom. . . To put this into perspective, it . must be recognised that most people in our , ociety have opted for collective bargaining of one kind or another, whether: they be doctors, tr desmeri, 'nurse, labourers - the list goes on and , on: Even University . professors of economics, who are forever advising rugged individIualism for farmers, choose collective bargaining where they themselves are concerned. These people did not opt for collective bargaining in order to haveless freedom. Their objective, in fact, was to have more of the freedom that adequate financial' income ensures. • • , , To suggest that freedom in thered meat industry consists entirely of the right to produce much or little product, with a complete, disregard for an available market, is nonsense. Surely a reasonable financial return to the producer would also contribute to his over all freedom. Does anyone seriously suggest that dairy farmers in Bruce and Huron counties are less freethan red meat producers? How free is someone who is being forced out of business? In the past, the opponents of marketing boards and supply • management no longer 'has any credibility. It, isobvious to the most obtuse that they do work. Thecurrent argument is that it will take tool long to put marketing boards and supply ' management in plaice. W.e must have , instant ' solutions. In .the final analysis. farmers have two choices. They, canset up a rational marketing systemthat will provide the market place With an adequate supply of red meat at reasonable prices, as has been done with milk, :chicken, tobacco, etc. This approach requires hard work and intelli- gence. . The other approach is much easier. They, . continue as in the ppast. Red meat is' produced without anyregard for available market. Consequently. the price will be below the cost of production much of the time: They then go to Government - cap inhand - demanding welfare in the form of ' subsidy 'payments. And that's what they will. continue to „get - welfare. Cameron MacAuley,. Ripley: r -Dr. Jolly speaks to mothers' group The Lucknow and Area Morning Mothers held their January meeting at the Luck - mow Public School. Thanks to the school facilities and several students who looked after the children, our meet- ing was a big success. Dr. Jolly was our guest speaker who answered many concerns, and question's group members had encoun- tered. Special interests in- cluded infant jaundice and infant circumcision:' Many thanks to Dr. Jolly for taking time from his busy schedule to attend our meeting. Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Davies and the school our February meeting will also be held at the school. The group would like to express their thanks .to Rod McDonagh who was able to persuade Santa Claus. ••to attend our December meet- ing. The children thought he was terrific. • Deal Maudie; Do you realize it doesn't say to whom 10 make out the cheque? Hope enclosed covers it. Also hope they smarten up the town entrances and main. street before '83! R. Dent. • January 11,1982. Maudie: It was nice to hear from old friends in Lucknow. If in the compiling of your list you have the present address of James Coyle Russel, I would appreciate very much receiving it. I have enclosed` a stamped and addressed envelope for this purpose. Kindest regards to yourself and all other old friends. Morris Pearlman. January 7, 1982. Dear Mos s Fisher: Enclosed with myletter' please find the ticket purchase form and cheque, as requested in the circular ' which I. received: I want to take this opportunity to wish the Committee, through you, every success intheir organization, and I am. sure that the organizational end of the celebration is well on its way to setting up a very entertaining year of celebrations in 1983. If I can assist the Committee in any way, please feel free to .contact, me:. Yoursvery truly, Murray J. Elston, M.P.P. Huron Bruce. 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