HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-4-24, Page 5y'•.'it4al�tal�..x,.a !(�� j�(a�p{y{, ri . - - _ _ - —•..m t, .r'.y ' •a.r}-.'s^sRt f"n '+7- 41115"V al fie d a ..-... rHE SIGNAL 1 HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S Stupendous Offer Features Powder -Rouge Package including Helena Rubinstein's cele- brated powder and the gift of her famous one dollar com- pact rouge. In these two combinations only: RED RASPBERRY ROUGE and RACHEL POWDER RED GERANIUM ROUGE and PEACHBLOOM POWDER Moth Powders in mreelal features for Normal and Oily and for Dry Skin.) CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Petition Asks for LiquorStore (Continued from page 11 recommended acceptance of the requi- sition of the public 1n'hoot board for $20,500 for 1934, and that of the sep- arate school board ENI. $1,300. A num- ber of amounts were recommended for pay'tueut, lucludlug welfare [ward ac- counts amounting to WO. The public works committee re- ported that permission had been given to Saw Smith to erect a sign in front of his store on the Square, and that roved up and put in good condi! on. "tf was reouwweuded that the chatnuan of this committee be empowered to get teiidera un pafntlug the tows buuae on Eaat street. The special committee reported the, following recommendations: That the ik'cuw s of E. Drennan. for p,ul-rom, P. A. 'Zimmerman and Thos. J. Ander- I son, for peddling, be renewed; that the Black Knight Orange lodge; be asked to bold their August 12th celebration In Goderkh this year, and If the in- vitation '.a accepted they he granted the -uta of $75 to be used In advertis- ing only: that no action be taken on 1 the requests of William Waite and W. DohalllM,n fur payment for ehb'kene killed by dogs. ,A price of $2.50 per curd of oue-fuot wood had been set 1t' own hall The Square Phone 90 • KIDS LOVE ITT YOUNGSTElS enjoy the taste of Rel- logy s PEP. It is delicious nourish- ment. All the healthful protein of --wheat. Pits enough bran to be mildly laxative. Crisp, ready -to -eat flakes. Al- wayaheah at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Truly BETTER BRAN FLAKES ... Ready -to -eat - Going Forward with Goderich Keeping Faith Goderich has 4 large number of progressive merchants who are always willing to cooperate with every move- ment orement that has to do with the better- ment of their h0 town. They are the taipayera, the Supporters of our (schools snd churches, of our recrea- tIonil - eoterprlaea, mutiny service that enables us to Ike safely and comfortably. In short, they are a vital tart a our town, and this should be kid l'f mind Whatever builds them up builds up the town, Inaudlug Meir of its citizens Whatever tends to destroy their suC.- eeaa--tend* to the failure of the town and all of its people. Faith In our town will make It •flour 1-h. That phrase means Just nothing at all unless you and 1 keep faith. 1f we all get together and push we will get somewhere, If Dome of us sit hack and refuse to help the pushers we shall all be left In the hole. Get the community Tart The water, light tied harbor commit- tee reported that the public rest [room at the harbor had been put In good con- -dttdem, -[rad- [het Use additional portion of the iron -covered freight sheet at the parlor had been repaired, the floor and foundations renewed and put in good condition. It was recommended that this' portion of the freight shed Inc rented to the Goderich Salt Com - patty at 4s a month. Auother recon- niendetton was that the chnlrttlan of this committee be empowered to pur- chase and put down more plank walk from the bathing Mach to the ('.P.i1. crossing. The cemetery and parka committee recommended that the matter, of plac- ing a lire e.cepe and ropes on'ttie Park - House be left with the chairman of and push. Frank N. Wood & Son -Sales -Service_ W. M. McLean 11111111111111111111111111/ Groceries FEED, SEEDS, ROOFING, FERTILIZER, FAB)!; SUPPLIES F. R. Miller SERVICE STATION The Most Economical Ford Car Ever Built! _The t'or t V-' develops more power per gallon of gas Hutu any Fund ever built. -tut Its .eco nonny sloes not end there. It is eleutowical le Initial cyst, opera- tion enol maintenance. 79te whole subject of economy la tied In wit11 quality. , It Dusts th,' uuuitifacturir wore to build a durable, lung -lived car, but the Have Yong Commercial Printing Done at The Signal Office til* pre- pared that a bylaw he pct providing that identification plates be on all chalets used In bur- i lads at Maltlaed cemetery; that the 1 ;chairman have the standpipe and wa- Iter system at the eemetety attd the ser- i rice turned on: that the electric hot ' plate stove and prepayment electric 1 meter he1'natalled in the tourist camp The flee committee recommended that the "litef of police be instructed ,to Iiifurve He. bylaw retarding auto, 1 following fire trucks to tires, and that a new rubber coat be purchased for the Are chief. These reports were all adopted. On the suggestion of Deputy Reeve Turner, a vote of thanks was passed to' the member:' of the welfare board for their services given without re- muneration during the last two win - term ('oune111or Humber's au -tion a a special tax on police dogs as' r`Ti Erd"t'tf'tt to the special coni Ittec, mud a pro- posal to tact' a cur ng In front of the town hall was left in the hands a the --msbllc works ani[ parka or. min1ttses. i THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS we DoeiTCLAIM Tom um:rt. ORNEw — 1 Did )!ou ever stop to think how Many of your -draw iRRlvtttet depend on coal? You wake to a warm. comfortable house. Coal bested h. You est a substantial briaklast. Coal cooked it. You go down town on the 'treat car. Coal generated the power which moves It. All day long. Coal works for you. Be .ore and keep supplied with it. CALL TRE wortleePtt WB NOW CARRY GENUINE __SCOTCH ANTHRACITE ' J. B. MUSTARD -COAL CO. PHONE 98 GODERICH, ONTARIO rr• BA ' iI('Kfi -WARY CHT.CTCS I3AUY CHICKS — Meadow Gladc Farm BACKACWElk .� e.1S1, di.........b. the ti Liver and Kidheys -. .o.,.d by I NAI SE'S K.Fst.IDURES Baby Meadow Glade Chicks are backed by eight years' Ilse of pedigreed cockerels with high record R. 0. P. dams. That is why our customers' flocks are such • persistent layers. Up to May 15th our Chick orders have been taken care of by satisfied customers of previous years. Price $8.50 per hundred Only part of 2 hatches left unsold. Also 3 to 7 SC *weeks old Cockers[; Wi•50'per hundred and up W.HUME GLUTTON • R. *, Ifo. 5 Phone 1413, Carlow Summer . Il illinerz THE LARGE HATS tell a new fashdlln story in Kum- mer ).t111In-ry.lysi tyou will Mei n st uniting cod -thin in our lk'•,v straws, crepe and mohair. The' pest a the Mason 1s flat• Ix I tering and becekaing. attrtc'tire in style and 4.014, and tritninIng effects are gill All rtkaleratell' pried. Berths. Scarfs and Costume Jew eller) Miss M. R. MacVicar Fiing,t111 `I reel 14.4110111 !Stork USE `SUPERTEST Let us lubricate you* 5$i today the "Supe feet" -_wait- DRIVE 117 AND TRY OUR SERVICE Irl: SATISF11 I, Supertest Service Station F. A. BEEVERS Phone 242w Goderich BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS iii '5 CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich Phone 47 Now 1Playing[Will Rogers, in •'Mr. Skl1 1. witll 1.11-11 Pitt. Announcing Two Special Screen Events! 144INIIAY• ?TIMI).'' sod WILE'-it'\ISS GEORGE A RY L WITH DORIS KENYON 'I'wo fbtwl,••+ artists In a snxterb att.raetlott: "The Affairs of Voltaire" Save Your Furs from Moths We have a Hite selection a Wal- nut Ceder -line -4 ('IIESTS which - will protect )oar Furs. Waollertw, ctr.. from destruction by moths. A Chest' w11r"anre ninny tLnk'a 1110 price of (their. REG. McGEE DODGE, DE SOTO SALES SERVICE New 1934 Models now 0n displa) The -New Bigger DIJI' .l:. (cater Ing—Steel Safety nesly. Floatia, Power Engine Mol tiro s, ; print Ventilation, !l I:e•ars, Automatic Ciotti*, Val Sent Inerts, Hydrauli Itrak, etc. The .AIRFLOW DF. FOTO,—T1 Aero-1/ynalsdc Oar 'filet WI Everything: -Sc� tit ikedgn. Floating Rid,. All -Ste' Volt ltcaly a, E. p i4MP- itattAlt-proof !Awls. Nae 11. 1'. Engine with .titimi nun l'y11111 Head, In1Iir„vel .\ tnu rlt,r (7utlr5.. etc' ( r.' Eetlan UBE Iter;} ¢-Hear.- 1i/2' Pontiac WE INVITE YOU TO ENJOY A RIDE 1N TIIh FORD V-ik AT t'Tt 1 1INt rNty.-re!. Gorses Tebbutt imommolir Hardware West Street Builders' Hardware Lawn Mowers Garden Implements Grass Seed painils, Oils, purl iii Shelf Hardware For leu t more return we have the proper heels. Everything carried Is . standard quality and pelmets...I lu every particular. The price are in keeping with the times. Hingston Street Phone 350 Frank .Riley Radio Service GODERICH, ONT iota''p14, 10 %I I. \I %I.h.. ,,\11'1 11t'. 11\1 .t1 BATTERIES, TUBES, PARTS. ETC. When iu trouble ,viii IttMy s. e 'uuila't etbt. expericneel Raided service 14. all tuakcs t f lt:uilos Mid sittlsfaetion gitettwnteeel. "You must be sari -stied” Nelson Street Phone 518 A II"nie-ow•LI'1 l ltdep'te(lellt 4 lr:;aui7.atiun -erring I'. vein'. of this district with tib hest nkm-tnelallee ea,tainabl,•., ettq- when'. Our prlt'es ar•' in I,e-01t- tug with the time.. ('01'RTESY, SERVICE SATISFACTION Goderlcb, Ont. Phone 486 GEO. W. SCHAffER- '111; �..�;;EtiC AND M4 /ST l't)N[1'i,ET!•: LINE OF Ladies' Ready -to -Wear DRY GOODS HOUSE FURNISHINGS WALL PAPER •f;,, best in Summer fashions is here. New, smart enapeul,d.+s- th.e bettttf..- owns and dresses, swagger suits. Every type of material from crisp pante--ter ftlity +ee'r.; to thrill yiei with their Summertime newness. The prices are surprisingly Idw—The values were never better. Your Satisfaction Is Our Aim SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR PROVISIONS AT BAECH LE IR'S SPECIALS FOR MAY 25, 26, 28, 29 DILDOS ('lark's 4tup (except ('hid.eei) `...4 Tins 25e Fresh Ituper Ib. lit lk Soda Biscuits per Ib. Ito Lipton'. Ked label Tea Ille per Ib. ise Fresh finger Snaps \ FI'1.1, I: e\(:E (IF FLOWER ANi) VEGETABLE 1'I..\\'I'S PHONE 368 OUR OWN DELIVERY —2 STORES—GODERICH AND HAYFIELD– I Robertson's Grocery Specia for this week VICTORIA STREET GAS, OIL, Complete Lubri cativo BATTERIES 13 plate, guaranteed for 1 $4.85 GOODRICH TIRES Vulcanizing and Repairing n,du'r your car to our S,•n 1,'s' Goderich, Ont. Phone 259 I, ADOLF KIBLER QUALITY Meat Market VICTORIA[ STREET Meats FRESH $MMOKEtt For. Freeluese._ .Variety and Quality pier' -courteous and Ier'a Meat _Mark.et. You can1- not -buy -tetter quality Meats uuywherc, and our pelves ern' 1u iteepi g with tod.ty's budget. _WE 1)EI.11•ER— l ce'. Ont. Phase 410 Red Rose Tea. 47c lb. Puffed Rice or Puffed Old Dutch Cleanser 10c New Cheese:: -.::=5 `lbs,-" Japan Rice 5clb. Royal Yeast Cakes (fresh in),..- Get your Pineapples :now! Special prices for Saturday night C. M. ROBERTSON PHONE 164 - , Barker Bros. SHELL GAS STATION 11.\ A E your Car Lubricated by our alemiting system. . t needed, for your Car Bayfield Road Phone 241 (Rine 'Water Highway) BROPHEY BROS. Springs Mattresses WEST STREET Will:TIH*R it - Summer er Winter, you fun1--you r._tatuIty tun -t re's't properly and -e fortably. Our stock of 0ellnbh' aril restful 8'•14. )tat- tres-,+c and Rpritrfr+ Is most complete, Crooducts' of the lending meniea'tnmra, gun re ntc141 by 1 i. iu 'n mr l ;r us. • ftntr in -vection is. Inril(41- The prt(ra 'arc' kteIli ng w1111 the tin,. GOD);R.CH Phone 120, Night 217 & CornishTalbot "Everything Electrical" Goderich Elevates and Transit Co. R Tel u.DAY. FRIDAY JANET'IGAYNOR Robert Young, Lionel Barrymore, Richard Cromwell '1110 i'n turf, )nu 11nc,• Ju+tic entleittatet. A bealltlfltli)' told story. atnooilike In it. atny{aicily. "CAROLINA" (iomIng "Flying flown to Igo" Matinees Wel. and Sao. at 3 pm. ., .a. ••• SPRING wtTTRESMES[}� Regular $20.0(4, for $17.50 ►VHFF.E HEY LAST ' 1.1)1TPF.iT Q1 IDON'T DELAY You ,ave on food hills with a \\ ESTIN(a1(►1'ii; REFRi01:R.\TOR, beeause it prevents 10011 ,spoilage: be rause s•-few...°apts. A. month -ii all that it i<n tw_fur [uteri:` -- And yen ni)tnia unrivalled, expense[ -free performance. It is the Iowl'.t-Cost refrigeration you can buy. V1e Offer you the advantage Of our deferred payinent plan. tan:— The , The Square at Kingston Street Phone—Store 81; Res. 500 .1. R. Wheeler' Funeral J)irerfor and Furniture Denier . . Hamiltss street. Geierich PHONE/4: Attire 335: Res 3115.e --A Goderich organization serving . the people of this ,district in • a praetieal way, and- vitally 111- terrSterl -in-flit--eaiititta14141 growth AncT prcl4pwrtt, of the eohit»tutitli. -----. Shipping Dept., 'phone 67. Manager's' Otfloe, 'phone 135 e4ae6.i►tf,.-me.