HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-4-24, Page 3vr • Office Stationery ATTRH RIGHTYRIC, Look over year supply of Letterheads, Btllbesds, Invoked', ate., and then The s Sipa Jeb Dspsrttarant a mu 'Di1JqRIGHT OF PRINTING TEM SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITlID, Publishers t� n c r. 18C u. c. 4�u ty we Fire, Accident std Mab[ Car INSURANCE pilo, liasoolc-T as tee, Wed Street, Oodtsricb. NELaoN HILL Tetwpho1 fMO Manager Automobile Insurance SEs OUR RATES WORE PLACING J. W. Craigia REAL ESTATE and STOCKS ,Sionalt Small Savings are not to be speared at these days. The Signal's clubbing offer* give you reduced prices ou your papers and nlagaalnes. Telephone 35 for informa- tion on any periodical. GODERIOH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1934 \ "Skits and Scales" at Knox Church . unique sad 7.12T413.44.04 !TOS?!°° Given tender Auspices of !Mr Ladies' Aid The p,esentation of "Skits and Scales" In the lecture room of Knox church on Friday evening last, by mem- bers of the Ladies' Aid of the church. proved beyond a doubt the versatility and inventive imagination of tbe mem- bers of this active church group. The applause and hearty laughter that were won from the large audience testified "Keep on good terms with your con- science, no matter bow 1t nap yon !" —Sir Henri Deterding. Geo. Williams & Son DLLIIRS LN DOMINION, PROVINCIAL. MUNICIPAL AND COR- PORATION BONDS Sea, Accident. Automobile and General bananas Ageds Once, next to Beak of Colb- ourn" Phone 58 Gedertch and Mrs. McCreath that of the maid. Ott^ titled "Mr. Punch Goes Punching," �l • • ROBERT TAIT wad 5' ;ae1 a jy�._.;,Q . b tat [M,T• S t trtttnttll jUy..l• I..����laai L1hMllt.lh 1[E ,.. lug match, In the early momenta of has - Sit ascaa� j t lu ATeiai dre Hospital or ltobert Tait, which the distinguished noses of both aged sixty-one yeast lie had been In Mr. Punch and hie adversary came to Porossators Give Hepburn Health nearly h, and wastil- in thefor hospital threetree mTearsonths be- Soti„_hb des A et the !r e James ant? ane-Tra"li; it Ya'blirR_ (loderic•h, where he received his educa- tion and, after a season or two sailing the Great Lakes, entered the employ of the Bel! Telephone Company. He became manager of the company at Sarnia, then at Owen Sound. Later he conducted a rua'easfal business In Goderich as an electrician, a work which he gave up In 1920, in which year he was married to Mrs. Emma Louder. During his career as an elec- trician, he was responsible for the complete wiring of several villages in Western Ontario. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian church, and Rev. D. J. Iane, of that church, conducted the funeral service on Saturday after- noon. Interment wee In Maitland cemetery. the pallbearers being W. Campbell, J. C. Stewart, H. Watson, F. T. Craigle, Chas. Shephard and II. Martin. Resides his wife, deceased leaves two brothers, William, of Goderich. and John. of Calgary, and three As- ter?, Was Nina Tait and Mrs._ 1. J. )McEwen, of Ooderk-li, and ]fes. brace Badley. of Kingston. -, The second shadow -picture was en- wa House May emmidsseweefesswes EICIITY-SEVENTH YEAR, NO. 21 Ol;1TUAKY grief. Tbe boxers were Nell Thomp- son homeson dad -Billy _Iensite rtL .._...._.__._ "The Wager," title of a brief acro- batic scene by Herb. Grease and Phil Bissett, In which the latter is made to realise that "honesty la the best policy" or "the wages of sin Le—grief," drew a round of applause from the audience. "Maximilllan" (Sandy Milne), "the wonder dwarf of Europe," who bad been brought to Goderich by the ladies at great expense, also was a popular presentation. A combination of screens, and arms and lege from (the /skeptics decided) more than one body, made the presentation. exhibited by Mia. Edith Taylor, • possibility. . Hiram 'a' Joe (r. G. Wlr-aa�D• IRs Ya1rn), whose make-up alone was suf- ficient to draw • howl of laughter from tLe a;udtence, provided an enter- taining few moments with their jokes and wuticlame, of which the moot popular was a back -chat 1n which ler. Nairn explained to Mr. Weir the var- ious political parties. "It's like a nut," said he; the husk is no good, so throw it away—that'. the C.C.F. Tben there's the shell, which la no good, so throw 1t away, too—that's the Liberal party. Then there's the kernel, that's the Conservative party —and nine times out of ten It's rotten." "Coquette" (Miss Edith Taylor) was to the excellence of the dlverslfled pro- gram of vocal and musical selections, skits and dramatic sketches. Tbe unique and simple yet humorous acts, that somereminded one of the good old days ow when good fellowship prevailee pd at amateurghts at home, nid won over the audience, who a enjoyed yin the spirit of the thin[ every minute of the program. Rev. D. J. Lane acted as chairman. Vocal eeleetM rrl bMcKay and Ger- y two young la- dies. Messes trode Heist; a quartette by Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, Miss Haist, Mrs. D. I. Hill, and Mrs. W. 1'. Saunders; and solos by Mr. B. Walter, who also Bang a de- lightful duet with Mrs. Saunders, pro- vided a well-balanced part of the pro- em that turulebed real pleasure r Bette the 1Lteners. A duet by kiddies, Dan Walter, aged nine, and Claire Bisset, aged seven, was a very popular number. Tbe sang entitlevery d "If You Wlll Marry Me" er- the two children. .�, CblwOS- to Win in the .. Ontario Vo�R ng (By J. A. Hume, elpee'tal Correspon- dent of i1e Signal) Ottawa, May ri: t'arllament 1. .1111 jogging aloug, with little prospect of •getting through before July 1, un- less much faster progress is made. De- pending a great deal on the results of the Ontario and Baaketchewan Pro- vincial elections on Taeeday, June 19, there may be a redetal election this fall, though most of the prophets around Parliament Hill are coming to the conclusion that Mr. Bennett will not go to the country nut it next year. At any rate, Premier George S. Henry at Toronto and Premier J. T. M. An• derson at Regina took particular care to avoid hurting the other fellow by picking a common voting day, acting on the old proverb. "Better hang to- gether than hang separately.•' Neither wants any backwash from the other's fate. Ottawa o gives Mitchell F. Hepburn a rra1 ehane'e to oust Mr. Henry, while thailiekatchewan fight Is said to be between the Liberals, under former Premier James Gardiner. a na- tive of Exeter, Huron count;f eeme the the title of a humorous pantomimic C.C.F. under M. J. Coldeell, an ener- performance that depicted the ingen- gene high school tit �ipal oftement Re me ulty of a modern mins in disposing of Accepting the several men wbo called on the same Minister R. B. Bennett that it 1. vital evening. Herb. Green, the first caller, for the new Central Batik to be pri- had barely made himself comfortable beside the vivacious "coquette," when the maid (Mtaa Jean Walter) an- ly nuns M Accom- neunced Sam Walter, whereupon Herb. panlsta for tbe vocal selections were was seated on the Boor and made into Mr. H. N. Llvena and Miss M. Pent; I a minable tray -holder. In a matter land. An orchestra directed by of moments Sam was made into a hat - Witmer played several selections, and rack when Wilson McCreath was ush- a piano duet by MM. Marga nett and Mr. Livens concluded the musical part of the program. shadow - picture tableaux, presented by picture methods, were novel and en - Th! joyable forms of entertainment. tint, "Lady Claire,' was depicted by Mrs. R. Bisset, Mr. S. Walter and Mrs. "Ram" bat -rack. A hilarious conelus1on to the pro - pantomime McCreath• The story for the silent 'l ered In. Ile In turn was converted in- to a chair on the arrival of Ted Smith. "Coquette" was subjected to no little embarrassment when Ted sat ou the "Wilson" chair, which, in collapsing. knocked over the "Herb" tray and the pantomime depicted on a large screen was read by Mrs. T. WardlrawTaylor. l Mrs. Bisset played the pato ady Claire, Mr. Walter that of her lover, SPRING SPECIAL Damn and SUITS 1e& 'rER-CLEANED TAILOR-PRES86D —MARVO SYSTEM OF DRY REPAIRINGY_ G_ ALTERING —N RUG -CLEANING A. GET OUR PRICES IVINS J. A• East Street and Square Agent, Plow• 13. 'Called for said delivered. EXCURS ONS TOWeSteIfl canaaa and the Pacific Coast FROM ALL POINTS IN THE EAST Going Dates—JUNE 10-30 inclusive Tickets valid for return to reach original starting point within 45 days from date of sale, inclusive. Children five years of age and under twelve, of go, tree. half of the adult fare. Children under five yea _ Baggage checked. Bertha in TOURIST SL.E ,PIS tABare and tax. obtainable on payment of small privilege charge, p STOP -OVERS PERMITTED convenient Train Service---0Ptional RoutN$$ • • We are featuring a list of eighteen articles at S' al Prices for the week O/vw 25th May to 1st June Zkovah Health >talta....19c Andrew's Liver Salts, medi- um size 6943 Moth Ball ..........10o lb. Listerine ....... 25e, 49o, 890 Lysol, small 990 Nozema, 25c Jar for 15e Oolgste'sooT tit Paste. - 21c or 2 for 890 Williams' Pini Pills .... 44o Ooty's Taos Powder ...790 Oreolini lb. 960 Zoo's Fruit Salt large pkg. 890 lir Molasses, Sulphur and Cream of Tartar f you need a b ood 100 to try 46e Iron Pills. Pepsodsnt Antiseptic WEBS—Diamond,o, Bit, , Sun- set, Pntnam's 2 piy _2_5c Films, Developing, Printing Pal Rasor Blades, Blue • 6 Blades for 9k Odo-Ro-No 35o —OCT_ DIMS AT TIM. DRUG STOwRE----- t....r_- Lauder, Dunlop, Wigle PROM 1111 mow 19 MONS 1 411 - gram was provided in the antics of a patient of the "New Doctor" (Mrs. Alex. Stratton) when subjected to a dose of Pleasantly Percolating, Perfect- ly Permeating Pills, that "make fat people thin, thin people fat, tall people short, short people tall, etc. etc." The patient went through all the stages in the space of a few moment', to the ae- companiment of shrill wills of fright. Mr. Lane offered a vote of thanks to the ladies for the entertainment, after which the program was brought to a close by the singing of the Nation- al Anthem. vately owned to avoid the danger of political interference if it were goy- ernesent-owned, the bankiug and com- (Continued on page 8) ONCE TAUGHT AT ST HELENS Janes W. Morgan Panes at Pert Ar- thur, Aged Ile Sears Port Arthur, Ont., May N.—Former mining recorder for the I'ort Arthur mining division, and a re•ident of the district for forty-six yens*. James WUllam Morgan died this morning at his home, 373 Waverley erect, Port Arthur, aged eighty-two. He bad suffered a lengthy illness. Born in Tara, Out., Mr. Morgan came to Port Arthur from Harrtston l and for seventeen year• taught In the Port Arthur High School. Retiring from that position due to 111 -health, he became secreter7-tn aaurer of the school board, coatiDutt.g in that port until 1922. While secretary of the echool (ward be accepted the poeltlon of mining recorder, which he held un- til 1(06, when be was .eect' ded.DL- F. McGregor. He waa a prominent Mason, beta a past master and life member of ShunLth lodge. a life member of Sbeelah chapter. Royal - . a past district deputy grand er o Algoma Jiatri.-t ; a pad preceptor of Rhodes Preeeptory, and a pad Pro- vincial grand prior of the Knights Templar; and A member of the Order of the Myeth Shrine, Winnipeg. -W7`'boee- asA A ter.: Quarles in Fort William; Mark in Port Arthur: John and Milton, Mc- Intyre; James in St. Catharines; Mrs. Mary MacDonald and Mrs. N. T. Owens, Fort %Villiaw ; Mn. Fred Fer- gneon ane Mrs. Thomas Brooks, Port Arthur, ami Mrs. William Grattan. McIntyre. He• 1< survived by thirty- five grands-htldren and fourteen great- grandchildren. — GOODCLOTHES like good friends -- never outwear 'Thir"WetcDTne—'"--- 'f hat > why people are demanding Fashion -Craft Clothea they are good and yet not too expensive Fashion -('raft Suits made-to-Uteaaure or ready-to-wear at $22.50, $25.00, $27.50 English Grey Flannel Suits, popular for Sumner $18.'50 wear, at T W. C. Pridham FT Son Phone 57 The Square, Goderich DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, May-21.—Thesup- per and pay given by Donnybrook `church will be held on May 24. XILAFFIC CASES JMIS. Hinton and Mr. Cunningham, lu traffic court last week small Anes cif Toront!r, visited re+Mve" here last Cl(n• week. Mrs. Cunningham secured to Toronto with them. were paid by John Ryerman, ton, for parking without lights, and W. W. Johnston, of Bothwell, for not hav- ing adequate identifications on his truck; teat Papernick, of Kitchener, was fined $10 and coats for reekiees drtvl Philip Masse, of Zurich, 181141 • U lie, -with- coittl, for parting his car on the highway, and Miss Mar- garet Broadfoot, of Seatorth, paid $10 and costs for using an improtter per mit. By arrangement of Miss Maimed Watson, convenor of tennis at the Maitland Golf Club, there will be a tennis tournament on the official open- ing day at the club on Thursday, May of. ,whin itaa Nee zi-Jeaslwafted evg t for tennis enthusiasts, who In previous years felt that the game was not being given the opportunities locally it de- serves. Tennis is taking a firmer bold than eyer in Goderich this year, and hopes will probebly be realised that this year's membership lint Willex- ceed by far that of previous years. Those intending to enter the tourna- ' ment are requested to be at the club- house at 10 o'clock In the morning. A "round-robin" arrangement will be played. There will be men's and ladles' Mr. rg n \\ a chno l t ae er to S. Hel- singles ani mixed doubles. There will ens), fora number of years. tx a small entrance fee. Miss VcrnA CtlAmney, of Stratford hospital, visited at her home one eey. (last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Me('linehey, of I Auburn, visited relath-w here Sunday. 1 -Mr. aryl Airs.- Will lilnilc •. of 111-115- I seta, ♦lateen at the home of Mr. Cleo. Wallace on Saturday. IMime Olive it -Renew, R.N', of Wood- ,ltoc•k, 1s visiting at her home her. "There call be no recovery wiWout reeeruuttructieni'--I►avld Lloyd George. PLAN -TS i►.ail soon be Jima. for bedding plants. hanging hasketm, veranda-bozee. eh•. We can furnish you choice plants for the alrwe purpose, also fancy ever- egrt•ena for decorating your home grounds. We have 1I. R. Thrtp Killer for fumi- gating your gladioli bulks. GEO. STEWART FLORIST Renee Street Phone lei W .E 11.-. AVTL-I FIILLY-SNCLOsBD James William Morgan EVIRTWUERI See the car— check these features! BLUE FLAME CYLINDER HEAD • BIGGER, POSITIVE BRAKES ' STURDY, WART BODY BY FISHER A Tribute by an Old-time Fellow 1 -Scher ou.t Friend tenon that hart weed been surpassed, he went to Harriston High School, where hit record sea* such that be was chosen as one of the two te*ehers who Weed the sew higk school at Port Arthur. Here he continued with the same uniform success till hi. health gave way. Ile recovered no am to serve for many years as meeretary- ser of the o(oard of mining recorder education. When When the post of or the Port Arthur diatrtct was to 1* filled jean ago, -web waa the esteem In which citizens held him that, with- out eolicltetfon on his part, he received the appointment over a host of appli- cant/4 for the poitIon. Ice retired from active duties a few years ago. lately his health failed, And he ponied away peacefully on the morning of May --8th, in his eighty- third year. While teaching In Bruce county, he married Mils Margaret rof erwof Kin- loss township, R lady om old friends have pielssnt memories. They had a large family. and Mr. Morgan WAX enrvtved by five sons, five daugh- ters, thirty -eve gnaiithlldren and fonrteem great-grandebeldren. Beside* his meeting' tattered*. he was prominent in the Masonic order, and he was an ardeitf Alastair photngrenh- er and hnrtienitllrist. Many of his old St. Helens students will be saddened 10 turn of hie death. Mr. J. H. Cameron of the Central Collegiate staff. iilnalla, a St. Helen* old boy whom. Mr..irergan knew 11 Johnny Cameron, Was me In this tri- bute to the man whoa* lite and teach - Ing meant iso mnrh se him. I think of him as a true fr1Nd, a rare good man, and a greet tAMer. Landon. Ont. . JOON ELi,OTf, - Of the many teachers whom I have met and known during more than half - a -century, two stand out pre-eminent- ly in my memory. One is the late N. I. Strang, the former beloved princi- pal of (loderich High School; the other 1s James W. Morgan, formerly at Port of St. Helens, who passed Arthur, Ont., on Pue*day, May filth, 1934. lir. Morgan taught first at Lenedelee and at Holyrood, in Kinloss, county, and then for eleven years he was in charge of the school at St. Helens. 1 followed him ai Holy -rood in my first attempt at teaebIng, and later 1 was hla neighbor for four years in the school aour path hllsiepait t ast. rated onr Though trlendehlp continued through all the years. He was honored and beloved by all who knew him. One ofotha emost � modes* of men. isensd en, active mind, and of a kindly, sympa- thetic nature, he had withal rare gluts as a teacher. it was almost marvel - lone what he aecompllahed with his dames*. in his day. Morgan of Rt. Helens was ranked as one of the out- standing rural school teachers, not only of Wept Huron inspectorate, but of Western Ontario. He was almost wholly melt -taught. The only high *chord or college train- ing he ever had t n fi ton brief' el woerm of a at the few weeks on pro eam Hamilton Training Institute. By pri- vate study be prepared himself tor the dffferest grades of teachers' certifi- cates, attaining a first-class grade A certfirsts with apeetalj•t meadia[. OMai from BL Selene with a repu- L Flying Stones, Mud, Oil or water can't harm the _ Sturdy Mechanism It CHEVROLET'S Knee -Action is of a very special type. in this construction, the coil spring, which is the heart of normss cue sway the mechanism, is safely and solidly le Ikea enclose/ ga.e•Artionme- enclosed in a heavy steel housing. :traction. This keeps out dirt and flying stones, protects the spring from wear, tearl and Floating po ure.'The result: s smooth, and completely shock- proobounf with no annoying shake, shudder or proof steering shimmy when the front wheels meet ttte solely type of . Choose Knneee-Actionand in yourmake next oar. g 704 reomosmicarTkmAars4./Alios• C,I04C • ELUSIVE YK FRAME WILT -IN N0 -DRAFT VENTILATION • SAFETY GLASS IN WINDSHIELD AND VENTILATORS • SYNCRO-MESH WITH SILENT SECOND GEAR • 4 GENERAL MOTORS v'ALt'E PRODUCED IN CANADA Chevrolet Master Sin se .444 Priced as Loes --- Cherrolet Standard Six $710 Priced as Lor as D•liver•d. fully •quipped. .e hew', O.Mws. Owe. Freight ." e` AG'T.r�•� .- eel,. *sew George G. MacEwen, Goderich r