The Signal, 1934-03-22, Page 8-ailaMgaery, Reeling Paper, 10nrvelges. Pam.. eU•- i- matt. iiardi 11104 �[ Easter 514 Cards A Lase Satiety to choo.eetrain 15`c 7 -al so - C rds lotr.H accerolees .ole's Book Store BUILDING and GENERAL CON f RACTING -Repairs and ReowelaktALO- Work GaillERtssd Sig* faettllry -PRICES RIGHT_ John Jeffery Warren Street Phone bTlw A City Residence for • day, a sweets or imager - from a itogle room with hiith W the most sumptuous suite - without a erre or worry on your part• affording every ton vealence, luxury end attest dance Delightful lounge lea ecption rooms -unexcelled rats tanrant seryire-that briefly- is TSE SIGNAL LONDESBOBO 1 KRIEFS WNDE8RORO, March 20. -We re fret that Miss yuo'a condttmo 1s gradually l becoming weaker. Messrs. C. Weymouth and H. Red- f:,rd are cutting wood for Mr. P. Man- rlug. Mr. John Nott la helping Mr. J. Huston get his mill In readiness for lotting logs next week. Mr. George McCall has purchased rite farm of Mr. C. Redden ase will' take possession on April Lt. Mr. and Sirs. Ruddell contemplate moving to Clinton. We shall be sorry to have them leave our midst. -Iftinfriftedeatonenfre being esleade4 to Mr. and Mrs. W. Lobb (nee Maud ',rent. The newly married couple tilii make their home near Clinton. Mr. E. J. Crawford had the rotator- tuue to Injure his shoulder while at- tempting to straighten a piece of pip- ins. iping. Mr. Glenn Cuthill spent the week- s u ■t the home of his parents near gen forth. Mr. and Mn. J. R. Crawford spent ,a.utday at the home of Mrs. Craw lord's father, Mr. C. Burling, Blyth. Messrs. Bert Gray and Clarence Cr-,w•ford were Goderich visitors on 1_ --- PAVIILiON TO OPEN Mr. W. J. Buchanan announ•es that. weather permitting, the Pavillon will be open on Saturday, March 31st, for the first dance of the season. GREETINGS FROM MIAMI Mr. Geo. W. Holman yesteeday re- ceived the following message from Dr W. .1. Milne of Blyth. who with his wife is spending • month In Florida: Mtaml, Florida. St. Patrick's Day. Hello, George! What fools we mor- tal, be, to live In the North and spend our days sawing wood and shovelling Sal. Simply lovely here. Tempera- !ure 85, cool breezes off the ocean. W. J. MILNE the distinctive appeal of the Windsor Arms. Write for Folder Tie Wimds„r Ares Hotel 2! St. Thomas Street, (Moor al Rayl TORONTO • Tetepbooe Ra -51414-3-4 SAVE on MEAT FOR CASH Smoked PieMe Hamm 13e Pea Meal Bark Baron 23e (in the piece) reeked Corned Bed lie Pure Pork Sausage lis Lean Hamburg Steak 11s Lean Shoulder Pork tie t Froth Picnic) Fresh Ham Pork 1fe Fresh Side Pork 201 Boiling Beef lee Shoulder Roast Beef. .tte,- NEW LAiD EGGS BABY BEEF CHICKENS Sanitary Met Market Pose 485 Hamilton Street Try Ible tineas ben emeked Sunday Di er: AT THE Park House iBRIDGE PARTIES, AFTP:R NOON AND F.VENINO, ALSO CATERED TO PHONE 575 (fester, birthday cards. for all ea ca•tons, at CAMPBELL'S DRUG wIu1t . Reserve Thursday and Ilrtdal, April 19 and 90, for the Arthur Circle play 'Green Blacklegs." Laura Sword or Nallsoas choco 'atom for Easter; also Neilson s lions Buds 29c per lb. CAMPBELL S DRUG 8TORk:. tMe swootar mt+sting of the Woman's Hospital Auxlllary wUl be held on M inday, March 911, at 4 o'clock, In the rotate library. The regular meeting of the 8alttord Hospital Auxiliary will be l.v:d on T uredicr,-"'Ebreb 29, at the toffee TN lits. 11. Jenkins. Invitations are being issued by the esecutive of the Maitland Goll Club for the annual dinner -dance, to be Le'd at the Bedford Hotel on Mon- day, April 2. Try the Marro system of dry clean - !ug for all dresses and men's salts. T:iey are piaster -cleaned and tailor - pressed. Get our prices on rug -class - :lig. J. A. NIVINS, East street. in the auditorium of the Baptist ,Lurch on Good Friday ulght. March 311th, at 8.15, the young people of the courch will stage au educational pag- sut entitled, "Canada's Greater Need." This pageant L geographical, historical and missionary, and appeals to the best in those who see it. The first part of the program is an ad- dress. In connection with the pageant, Ly Rev. Donald MacLeod. The male quartette of Victoria street United t hurch will favor with musical num- bers. A real treat is In store for a11. Admission 25c. TOWN OF GODERICH TAXES Liberal discounts are ■vallable for prepayment of 1034 Taxes tar March. awls mag• 30 poi . 0y4r.. _-- _: - .. J. H. ROBERTSON, Tax Collector CLINTON WINS THE CUP 'rhenCarlton cup donated by W. H. Carlton Jr Co., brokers, Toronto, for the winning tells of the-Cttnton-8es- for tb-Goderlch hockey group, was won by the Clinton Blues, who defeated Ve•forth 3-2 In the Clinton arena nn Friday last. The Beavers had de- rated the-Ooderteh Sailors 4-2 on 'esday, March 13, for the privilege of playing the Blues for the cup. These games were In ■ld of the Clin- ton hospital, to which a new wing is to be built. The cap will be kept by the teas la the group that wins It three successive years. 1'HI i RUH NOTES "Ilii E,entng Anxtllary of North street United church will hold a sew - ..g meeting on Tuesday afternoon, March 27, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs D D Mooney. North street Dr. R. A. Hilt:, secretary of the general board of religious education of the Church of England In Canada, iveld preach In Bt. George's church next Bnnday morning, at the 11 o'clock service. Services to Victoria street Putted Detroit, on Monday. March 12. Inter church will le held on Hunday next went was In Grand L.wn cemetery A follows: 11 a.m., "Chrint and Ills Detroit. The service was conducted Disciples ;" 3 p.m., Sunday school sea- by Rev. Mr. Palmer, mint•ter of the loon; 7 p.m., "Go by the Way of the orate." The Chrlstlan Service Group Ill sing. • l,ervlces will be conducted In the Baptist church next Sunday at the usual hours of 11 •.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. W. T. Bunt's sermon subjects will be: 11 a.m.. "An Earnest Summons 7 p.m. "The Weeping King." Bible sri,00l at 10 a.m. Services at North street United hureb next Sunday will be as fol- :ows: 10 a.m., Men's Club. subject, "Tue Value of Habit;" 11 a.m., seises �Nrr� ei- oODERICS, O 1. OBITUARY JAMBS ALEXANDER The death occurred In Grace bee pltal, Toronto, os Thursday. March 13, of James Alexander, for the past two years a resident of Goderich. Mr. Alxaatder was an employee of the C.N.R. and worked at London for bray years before coming to Goder- lcb. The funeral was held or Satpr- 1. y, March 17, from the Evans fun - • *.••••••• dealer tn cattle. maid* frust •LIP meets to Toreeto, stat bad twice takes rattle to the Old ONatry. Oe Thum day be •ed Charles Defter. of the Yaubbe Ilea had spent most of the day arranging to ship *tattle to Toronto On returahig home at night. quite fatigued. he had • hearty supper and aouut 9 o'clock its remarked to Mrs. Stinson that hs would retire. Os rie turning tram fixing the stove In the next room to Just a few moments. she found Mr. Stinson had passed away. +si Base, r,nx+dnn intermeui helug For many Tears Mr. &lusft bad begs made to Monet Pleasant cemetery a director of the Rayfield ALrk-ultoral moue NEMER II.1JAR DOMINO BICMORS 'HRI Tr' -Wonderful book ..•a: hes. O. 5. MEG IDDO MISSION. Rochester, N.I. LOOT OR FOUND LOST. -IN OODRRICH. ON SATUR LAT, March 17th, • gold wrist- watch. Finder please return to SIG NAL OrFIOR and receive reward. OST -BETWEEN BENMILLER 1)e4vaesd was a nephew of Mr. Root- Sulety and he will be greatly missed jsrod iomewbero tm Godsrtch, a spare Frith of town. in that organisation, as he took greal tin and wheel for model "A" Ford. MRS. J. R. Cld)NI8 Interim in and worked hard for the Finder please leave at ROUSE i dljrii g_____ 9aiara widow of the late J. R. Clams, died on There - day, March 15th, at the home of bier daughter, Mrs. Gordon McColl, Tor- o nto. Deceased was a daughte of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sault■ of O.derk'h and le survived by three brothers and two sisters, Ben. J. and Welter W. Saints of Goderich, G. H. Wults and Mrs. P. E. Bell of Winni- peg, Man., and Mrs. Frank Smith of Fowlerv111e, N.Y. She resided for many years at London, but for the tart four years had been with her daughter at Toronto. The funeral took place at London on Saturday, in- terment being In Woodland cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sault.; and Miss Elia Sault. Mr. and Mrs. G. L Par- sers and Lt. -Col. and Mrs. A. F. Sturdy were In attendance from God - w ick. • • • GREGOR McLRAN Word has bee. received by Postmas- ter Galt of the somewhat sodden death of John Alexander Gregor McLean. member of a former well-known God- crieh family. at Clearwater. Florida, where he had lived for many years. Deceased was the youngest son of the !ate Dr. Thomas F. ■nd Mrs. Mclean. a' ho with their family went to Flor- ida from ooderleh over forty years ago. He was taken acutely 111 on March 2nd and war taken to 'be hos- pital at Clearwater, where he teemed to improve so mach that he expected to he ont again shortly. Early Sun- day morning, March 11th. he was found dead and the hospital people said he must have passed away to his steep wttbont patn. He is tervived by rwo brothers, Haney and Keith. of Welrsdale Florida. He was not mar- ried. He had made several visits to his native town to recent years. the last time being In Angnst last, when he was accompanied by hie two broth era The news of hl• death le received with sincere regret by h1s friends here. • • • $* 10Ir leev-IPithe farm he had ;(,IA(1�ARAGE asd lsv war . JESSE MOt'NTAiN The funeral of WIHlam Jesse Moon Min. formerly of Goderich, who peered away at Detroit on Friday. March 9 was held from the residence a his son -In-law, James Dean of Redford. l• t.n a nem r of t Stanley town- ship cousclL The funeral took place from his late home on Monday and Wale very largely attended. The ser - rice was conducted by Rev. W. G. Bugler, rector of Trinity church. of wrleb deceased was a valued member. 7:.e pallbearers were D. H. MrNaugh- 1ua, James H. Reid. Samuel Houston, hnbert Dewar, Archibald Galbraith and Donald Galbraith. Surviving mem- ten of the family are Mrs. Stinson. four daughters and use son: Mrs. George Reid (Myrtle); of Flaxcombe, leek. ; Yrs. David Prentice (Mabel), -41-3bsentei-Rea A. Furter (Real,-ot 111 ata,U sjNrs. John Stump[(ARM). Ann ST EnELBAUER'S Ellam I R 1 r to, Ir prolt'cterl ,.••,,, iter •old, winter drr.wa 1- JL•.,saat Why not enjoy the winter? Come In this week, as we hare several good used closed Cars that we are anxious to move Immediately. Fair allow- ance will be given on your car. • 13 -PLATE BATTERIES, SPECIALLY PRICED QC (GUARANTEED l OR ONE PEAR) .OJ -Easy Payment Terms May Be it-Dssirsd-- MOORE'S GARAGE, 5t. Andrew's Street You Pay less for Your Drugs OTHER PRICES ARE ADVANCING 7 H18 WEER'S LiST OR SPECIALS Noxema, 25e Jar for 15e Chase's Syrup M L1s•eed mad Squibb's Tooth Paste, 2 Tube Turpentine !1e Carter's Little Liver P12s22e Williams' Pink Pills 44. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Andrew's Liver Salts, emsaR29e Pflb 44e F Seem n+ 29e Fees -seeder 20e, 115e for 50e Wample'e Cod Liver ExtA Spring Tonle 11.00 Ease far Singers.10e, 25e Dye.. DIMIN !, Samet, Pert - nag's. Rit....1 pkgs. for lite Val 09 Al*A ..... M. bell 011 poen farHsweak .eC=1, 1161. Han "w� tSr Netlaam, i /hires for (11 '' NSW 1116 .W^ t .s.,..,." -,res" s .Lr18&W -pr . ,rje!9'.i." 3 p.m., Sunday school: 7 p.m., sermon. subject, "The Triumphal Entry." The regn hr month'y meeting of the Arthur Circle of Knox church was he:d in the lecture room on Monday evening• Mn. H. Rivers presided and Mis. E. 1lomervllle gave a splendid paper on Indian wort to Canada. A pleasing Indian lullaby was sung by a Indies double quartette. The MI+"fors Band of North street tin ted church !erred a St. Patrick's sniper In the basement of the rhumb nn R,tnrdey evening last and a large nnmber enjnted the delightful eec•adon. Dr W W Martin. who underwent a virion• operntlon at Alexandra how viral on Monday night, le reported to 1e making good progress. .t 'pint meeting of the Evening Auxin -rt. and Women'! Mlalonary Society of North street l'nifed church wt 1 to held In the church 011 Wednes- dr y erening. Marsh 2n. at R pmt. This veli. he the Raster thankofferinl meet- ing' -til -Mee Mitchell, traveling se•e- 'etrre for the W S.. of Torontowill ht ''..PF Pert speaker. - Keit Enda? evening (Palm Snn- davl ' at St. George's (torch, after short evensong at 7 p.m., In•lt'•A Of 1 sermon there «111 fe a cant'tta. "Oliret to Calvary" (by J. H. cOklahnma; Anson GIrvin, Saskatoon; Wonder), The (-heir will he restated Mts. Fred Anderson, Ashfield, and in rrml.rtne the• rantatl by Nr. Cltf• M:.. Herbert F.ilber, CTh f•'rd W)•et. nee ha• .olni•t from Alt I brrther. end two sistersrediton. also •naiveree: Stint. ehMr. Windsor. Mr. "'rank 1 J. G. Anderson. Lueknow; D. E. An- ne., ,rt1' take the fetter solos. and i demon, Dungannon; A. R. An- i'te"• ss.l•ttng will ire Mrs J. N. •lervon, Br.dwell, Sask.; MrsJ. C. . Roberts, yinl'n. Misr 51. Nage, ptwno, 1.Pentland, Grimsby, and Mrs. Ann )t- ^o -hes Miller. vinilnreno, and Mr. }ferry, San Frsnc'tI o Cal. The fnn- a ('1,er'•e mirk. brow violin eras was held on Thursday from the p..r1-e• in Knnv Pr .lWterian home of her denghter, Mrs. Fred An - eh„ -^s. 00 AnnAnv newt wilt he of a I�110 i. with interment In Dungannon owlet cherseter The morning ser- Iremetery, the trerve being eosdneted v. a .-I't to, •..nronrl'te to P•1m Ann -thy Rey. et Tsvenker, cit the AMf1eM "lilted durcb elrra1L day, fhe eermnn being "Palm SnnAay t4e'+te n.. •• •. arse e'-eninr a tyrw'ist n-•ntM node.. n or oerr1-e -Ill he fol - lowest wWill wood -ea eete^ti "• by Me -'•^i• and tin Kwtnen esih'e^t will hr •Tse Tears .t (Mr 1otre 1r eerr the r'ity " The lines''"v retool hbnr •t 11 n'• inrb win b-a5'.'t-A to a online elosi'naro i,sm reOe- •A• to olvest'4n ee the Reeler .peho& ap"s.'Mmry committee At 4t'na'i -tens-1t met Palm .omnis dreg**rrig (Mare's ?Mil a ene•t•l meat. MOIdigram win he riven. an fntlnrw.t Ve+r a Rhes a C1.114 a Garden ' 11fes (r•Rnaw t•teetotal. he P T steatltewrkv. Sang by sm0'I elm*. "Erre" Mead friday).Word* lt1 Palette* John,tnn. suede M R. Line Paul M Mr. 11. Walter, baritone. V►M1n °Rioter,. n5eilttethd' (Theta)).. by Massenet. 1 -1,-11' at= Awith violin Mlferf.. `My Pp-4e i4eThesr, These 4llelenefLOr). thief. - "Fneeev Wir9 '220 Leer" 4Oormad I Mn W. F. Saunders. Ube O. Haien R.ptlet church at Farmington, MIchI gan. and the pallbearers were Dr. H J. Satire and Mews. Fred Bischoff Frank O'Rourke, J. Tells. Frank Snell and Jansen Dean. Mr. Mountain. ac- companied by bis wife, come time ■z" went to visit their son -In-law and danghter because of Mrs. Mountain's Ill -health, and while there he srfiered a cerebral henmrrhage from which be did not recover. He wee horn In Hul- ett township, near Londesboro. seven- ty-two years ago, and was the eon of the bate Thome, and Mary Mountain. Re lived for a time at Dungannon be VIRPOOIMIVITIffillefftlefolinertlerelate his wife and family resided for many yearn. He wee an Anglican and a member of the Masonic order Boobies his bereaved widow and daughter, Mrs. Ida. Dean. of Detroit, he Is enrvived by one son, William ("Hopper") Moan - Cain. of Port Colborne, and a brothel In Venice, Calif. • • • MRS. Hi'GH GIRVIN Death claimed another pioneer resident of this district to the early morning hoses of Monday, March 12th, Itthe person of Susan Anderson, wi- dow of Hugh Girvin, who paused away a: the home of her daughter. Mn. Fwd Anderson of Ashfield. in fall - trig health for about two years, the :ate Mrs. Oirxln had been confined to bed for a year. She was the eld- est daughter of Thomas Anderson end Mary McQuaid, among the eerllgst of the pioneer settlers of the Dnngan- n.,n district, and wag born nearly eighty -tour years ago, on the farm one mile north of Dungannon now owned by D. E.' Anderson. her brother. Slate years ago she nos married to Bugle Girvin, who prs7sceased her thirty - fire years. Hurvivhg are two sons and two daughters, Charles Otntn, of FOS SALE o11 11(, RENT. -ONE HOUSE li LY LOCATED.''Lppir HOWELL. INTIM TO CIIIMDITOOE NOTICE TO CRRDITQRI In the mutter of the estate of Zak WUd, late of the Town of Gelletr1 , to the County of Heron, eptarter, 4 ceased. Notice 1s hereby given that all per- sona hada' claims against the eats* of the said Katie Wild. who died es OT tuout the 26th day of Decemsber, leek at the Tows of Ooderleb, are required on or before the 14th day of Apr&r particulars of their claims duly mod - Old by amdavit, as after that date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate, having regard y--ia Um -Maims of which he allaM then hays notice. Dated at Goderich this lath day et Starch, A.D. 1964. FRANK DONNEI.LY. Goderich. Os - tarts. Beticttor for the Executer. i,`OR SALE. -DESIRABLE 1.0T OS ptrieLt0 NOTICE Brock street, Goderich-1110 (aa adieu). W. A. WHITELY, 8216 O.b Ht., New Origami, La. COR SALE- OVERLAND WHIPPET C SEDAN, 1928 model. Good Urea New battery. Apply to MR8 C. N. '19PPET, Newgate street - of New 10.11, and Harold. at hems L'OR SALE. -ANE =ATM =EC - among those who attended the fame TR1C washer in good condition. eras from a distance were Mr. and Special price i25 Easy taloa 11 M Mra D. Prentice, Toronto; Mr. ■nd to JAS. C. CABBIE Mrs. A. Furter and son, HuotavUle; de- sired. Apply _ lira. J. Stumpf, New York; Misses HARDWARE. Phone 509 Mary and Bell Stinson, Ripley. "SUNDAY AFTERNOON" Owing to pressure on our columns thla week, the Sunday school lesson is left over to next week. COUNTY ENGINEER AT LONDON Mr. T. R. Patterson, county engin eer, attended a conference of road auperintendents at London on Tues- day and gave an address dealing gape daily with road drainage. GODERICH BRIDGE CUB At the duplicate bridge tournament bead Monday evening of this week the loliow.ng were winners: North and South -1st, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Patterson, pins 19%; bed, L L. Eastman and P. Y. Carey, plus 12; 3rd, Jas. ltobertaon amt It J. M.Meben, plus 7%. East and West -let, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wnatelar. plus 9; 24Id. Mra H. Edwards and Mrs. Walker, plus 7%; 3rd, Mrs. 1. D. Eastman and ilia Sulfite, plus 5. The oriel game for the Dr. Hotter memorial truphy was held at the Bridge Club rooms on Monday twee- : ng, March 12th, resultlag as follows: 1st, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Lanaway, 1Y: 2nd, W. E. Whipple and W. F. Saunders, 12; 3rd Mr and Mn R. J Mclleben, 11%; 4th. Mr. sad lira. J. H. Taylor. 7; 6th, Dr. Jackson and E. Yield, 7; 0th, Mr. and Mrs. K Dean, :irk ; 7th, Mn. J. M. Johnston and Mrs. P. F. Grey, 3; &b, 1. D. Eaat- :nan and P. F. Carey, 2; 9th, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beacom, -1; 10th, Kra L D. Eastman and Mrs. W. F. Saun- ders, -214. This series of games is open to all badge players and the next session ail; be held Monday evening, March 36th. Tem pairs will qualify for the playoff. MR RENT. -APARTMENT ON f ground floor Colborne Apertmeeta ! eated and with conveniences. Three rooms. Front room could he need si acre. Apply C. G. MiDDLETON. Court Howe, Gederkh. - BAYFIELD r' BATF1BLD. Mateo 21. -Mr. asd Mrs. W. Perkerdepeat the week-esd 1n Losdos with the farmer'. sister, Mit L. it. Smith. Dealk of W. J. S 4..-. -ft well a gn at shock to eitisena here whoa they leursed of the .oddfte wish* of Wa- lt,. James Stinson at his home too Thursday evening, March 11th. Mr. (sflseen was the son of the late Thom es Stinson and Margaret Galbraith And was Morn on the farm sear Varna totes occupied by Aaehibeld Galbraith. EI e Whew he was sen yeses of .g. they moved to a him os the R.nhIs Beaii In 1Ml he married 131sahs4h Gemeln- hard! of Bayfield and they settled on s tiro sot far from he parrs* In 1"18 tlidy WTI nett flans Oov0 to Barfield. to the hoose formerly owned fm.. she late pt. Staptang.• Ids. Stir see . mer ~AO est .heet•is.ws tied moytty frights respected c11 e was a eneeeestnl tarter rid 6 NOON CLARK. -At Alexandra hospital, God- rrlch, on Thursday, M rcb 1 f1-MY'1611-1 rs. .'alar' Colborne township. a sen. DIED NAE)OLE.-la Goderich. on Monday, March 19, Emma L Richards, wife of John Naegle. GALLAGHER.-In Goderich, on Fri- day, March 16, Mary Longworth, widow of John Gallagher, In her 81st year. GIETZEN.-At Wyandotte (MI•higan) hospital, on Tuesday, March 20, Cora Maud Anderson, beior,d wife of George Oletsen, In her 49th year. McLEAN.-At the Morton E Plast hospital, Clearwater. Florida, in his 04th year, John Alexander Gregor McLean, youngest eon of the late Dr. and Mra. T. F. McLean of God - 'rich. L'oR $, .-ONE THOR ELEC- TRIC WASHER. In good running condition. Special price $15. Easy terms if desired. Also % horsepower electric motor. Price $1.86. Apply to JAS. C. CARRIE'S HARDWARE. Phone 591. Ait(TION A41JC8 CLEARINO AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, etc., for Wm. Bowes, on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28th at concession 14. Hallett. No reserve on anything. T. OUNDRY & SON, Aoettoners. put -4 m0 AUCTION BALE OF FARC NISCir, IMPLEMENTS, 0*1.21f AND FEED. for Wilber R. Stewart, on TUESDAY. MARCH 27th At lot 5, concession 4, Aalrbtd Everything to be sold. T. OUNDRT A BON, Auctioneers. IN MEMORIAM HUNT. -in loving memory of Henry 0. Hunt, who died March 23rd, 1952 -MRS HI;NT and WALTER. t Minot say. and i will not say, That he 1s dead. He Is just away! With a cheery smile and a wavo of the hand i -le has wandered into an unknown land. And left us dreaming how very fair It needs mast be, since he lingers there. Alio yon -oh you, who the wildest yearn For the old-time_ gwo a.( the glad return 4'I.EARINO AUCTION SALE OF t HOUSE FURNISHINGS. 1 • e IR '5 ',l •.2^ TOWN OF GODERICH. g DEBENTURES FOR SALE Subscriptions for the pnrebase et- 210,000.00 of Town of Goderich bonds t. ill be reeelred by the Town Treas- urer reaturer from Friday. March 9th. 1964. Ther! are only ten bonds, dated from March 81st, es follows: Na 1 -tor 1 795.06, due 1111, Na 2 -for i 834.80, doe ISIS Na 3 -for $ 876:54. due UST Na 4 -for $ 920.35 da 1191 No. 6 -tor 1 906.38. due 1039 No. 6 -tor 11014.70, dm 1940 No. 7 -tor 111066.44, doe 1941 No. &-tor 11118.71, due 194E No. 9 -for 11174.at, dos 1943 No. 10 -tor 11333.38, doe 1944 These bonds bear Interest at see per cent. with interest coepone sI lached, and are offered to local sub. . tcNbers at par. err., , No subscription necessarily accepts. L L KNOX Tows Trenaurer, Ovde i We are Instructed by Mrs. Charlet Tlpptt to sell by public auction at her lame, Newgate street. Goderich, en SATURDAY, MARCH 34111 commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp: Buffet; tables; dining and kitchen aha Ira ; bed couch; two beds; rouge - lea= rugs, large and small; eleetrle washer (Connor) : Quebec range; Que- bec atbec beater ; coal oil stove, 2 ovens; writ- ing desk ; radio. electric, and •ktrola : ::Itchen clipboard; rocking chalet; easy chair; dessert ; wubstaadi ; dishes and rlassw•re ; curtains ; wading; tng machine ; clocks ; foot stool. ; garden 11oee ; floer lrlta• and bedding; sprldga and mattress: cnrpletnre.t, boob"1 hau,hloll rack;; Ugbt balbt; Whippet; sosedum In good running order; rubber loos; and numerous other articles TERMS --Cath. T. GUNDRY a SON, Seedcases'. Think of him faring en. as chat In the love of There. ea 411 lugs W Hera Think et Mr AEI u the mss. I tap. Ile 1. sot den$ -11 hi saes- ate. -Jaen. WL1hMllb 3iOey. MR1e IW T11Ale1t5 WALTER 'KICK, MRS. CHAR- D.ES EDWARD and MRS. ALBERT 01(E wish to thank their Words for .ympethy and ktndnea. 'snarled to them in they recent bateaeser st werl,xl► ADVERTISEMENT Or SALE. Coder and by virtue of the powers contained in • certain mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale. Then will be offend for sale by pub - Ile section at Rlvetta Hotel. In the Village of Dungannon, on SATURDAY. MARCH 24th, 1934 et 2 o'clock in the afternoon. the fol - :owing property, namely: The west half of Lot NtfhNF.et 'Seventeen (17) in the Second Concession of the Town- ship of West Wawanoah, In the Coun- ty of Hums, containing 100 acres of Land. There is a good house ■nd large been on maid lands in a fir state of repsir. TERMS -Ten per cent. of the par- elase money to be paid down at time of hale; titles. per cent 1n 30 days, and the balance may remain otr mort- pge to soft purchaser. For further particulars and condi- tions of pale apply to LOFTUS A DANCET, Oodericb. One, Vendor's Solicitor. .- Dated March 8th, 1934. "general WANTED. -GIRL TO DO general housework on farm. Apply to D. K. ALTON. R.R. 7. foreknow, (int. Inoue 47 r9 Dungannon. WANTED. -DEFINED WiDOW. 36. dries hoatekeeping muffins ; gond conk beat references. PHONE. 312, or -*lite BOX ie. SIGNAL OFFICE. WANTED TO Rif 4r --A. BI'liTA4I " or *NU Wit_ res r laird. Small. rewtar from store sad poet/Are. 1 . d1. SIGNAL orr1CR AUCTIOIImINe THOMAS OUNDRI, OODERICH. LiTE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Tetepbooe 14o. 119 Sake attended to anywhere asd every sdort made to give eatiadaetlos. farmers' sale sones dleeoMt.L nit F. J. R. FORSTER, NTH RAE. <r " NOBS, THROAT. ' t' mete Home Surges, New Tort ' Ophthalmic and Aural Hosptal. n► s4•test at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital.Fed- , 3 Waterloo Street S.. Strada* Teiepho.e 267. o.rbliid� At Hotel Bedford. (loderfeh, from _ 1 p.m. to 4 pm. on the e,eond [reeds, ec each esi f'HIROPRACTOR AND DRVOLEUI THERAPIST an---•w•Oetgooso c SMw Equipped with *Sartre -mama* . baths Electronic electrie tre•tmeata rt;w^• €; end chiropractic. Chronic. organ., sod morrow diseases. lady la e4- tendaaca Once hours 2 to 6 and T te 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Friday sad 8et- ceday. and on Wednesday 10 40 1* am. and 7 to 8 p.m.. or eoawltatlan may be had by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Residence and office --Cerner .t South street and Rena Gia reed. AUCTION SALE OF r1R5 STOOK AND IMlt11if1lllllsl'S• At let U. emersion 8, Wait W* wtruosb, an FRIDAY. MAR08 09th eel. sseeing at 1.80 ditp. N ares,-Ftw►year= deft hares, about 1500 lbee; draptyelt. . 5g two years old; arty - - • . r years, good In • • ; 111 old mars, CaWa-roar , f. rs old, due 1n April; ase caw, freabewed two Molths ; one cow, farrow; throe steers rising two years old; five heifers dr tog two years OM: twelve calm* about one year Old. LLLle este. lite. --On• three-horse- power hree-hornspower Fairbanks Morse engine. In Al condition; one four and a -half horse- power Sharpless engine; set hoses scales: grinder, six and a -half Inch p:ate; 00, wagon: one Ne. 141 Ds Ley - al cream sepsntne. sew; see disc lfasr.y-Harrla seed drill, thirteen noise. TERMS -Cash, or three sed ars months' time will be given on fnrnieb- ;wn mint bankable papers wttb wiz per cert. per annum added. Everyt►Istg r be rid. as N sifietle tie at ha DAVID RAMH1rON, .-•..+- . - G. it. 1LL14 5T. Asst DOUGLAS R. NAiRN. Barrister and Sol (Me -Hamilton Street. Telephone 512. 1 1, DARROW. RARRISTLL BTO,.. Successor to J. L. Ktllorsa Office -Tee 8quanb, Goder1 k. Telepbose 97. 'RANK DONNELLY, B.A.. - Barrister. Solidi t; 901. Office -Hamilton Street, OodertiS. Telephone 282. • ANSURANUR. LOANS. RTC. ItKILLOP MUTUAL P111 INSR*.' ANC* CO -Farm and imitated. hewn property Insured. Officer -Alm. Rroadtoot Soeforth ; James Oge9nHy, Vir."4,414 Goriel-kW P ).: Merin" A. Reid. Plea_ forth, age: '14saa. S.sflertb PO. Dlnetor�oot RI► Semlbrtk ; F ' SIr.IHey, " �Itea : ro : "RMAeve fres feonhardt. Bornholm. IL t 111 s Popper. HroNaeld : Thos. �jglae, Seatorth, R.R. -5: Wm. R, tbald, Seatortk, 1.A 4: Jeers Comsolly, Ooderteh. Aprfr-W. J. Tea, R R. Na 8. (Ae- tna; Jamey Watt. Blyth : Fhb Ile- - r • , Foch ecn. Seaterth; JMm lariat. Iles. .,,*#,. forth; 4Eae, F. Hewitt. W1neardhra bile-bek.ere sea mete en payees** ...a s. art their esnerasepigled .4 etnla Bash. falser h6a EGu inptes ests OirderM�, eT • rt, S. 'IL Melee kennel Erre idel< ,t. 1