The Signal, 1934-03-22, Page 5e lit i.'i'kt".tk 'iL�•. ,V �t.•Wa'.k ) Toiletries for Easter Gifts Wide range of the Leading Toiletries. DuBARRY RUBINSTEIN'I , PRINCIISS PAT, HOUHIGANT, GOTY.'. WOODBURY, GARDEN COURT —IN- --i�Aea PGWaEKB, =CAW<-RoxoF _u k,.,. FRESHENER, ETC. CAMPBELL'S UKUG STOKt. PHONE 90 GODERIC11 Easter Millinery A DISPLAY OF NEW EASTER MODELS la =elusive arnl tudiridnal styles .bowing the very lataw.t he cermet and attractive Hats of the mason_ Nerves, Ceetamse Jewellery. Berets and CbiWree's hats Remodelling and Reblocking Yon are cordially invited to in- spect our stock Miss M. R. MacVicar IUngsten Street GederiA. I Carl W. Worsell -FOR- .,. Iia"- a Boilers I a Furnace Coils Taps haps Iron Pipe and Fittings Plumbing and Tinamithing PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 475 Keays Street Tip Top Tailors New Spriag and Summer are in °Aso mg .sew Kelt er -'INF esti mew far Easier Free Pants Offer to Youths We offer every boy sixteen years and finder baying hie first Suit with long pants an Extra Pair FREE. All yon .need to do 1s have your parent, clergyman or school teacher sign a card which we will "aptly you, certifying your age. Year Unrestricted- Gieiee-- SUIT or TOPCOAT $23.50 • A U lI U Rs' A1'BI'RN, March 20. -Mina M. Jen- kins of Clinton is visiting he slaters. Mrs. J. J. Washington and Mrs. 0 E. Erratt. Mr. and Mn. J. C. Sto'ts were called to the vici 11y . of Kitchener owtug to the death of Mr. Oits's father,-Im ninety-eighth year. They ars return uts, on Wednesday of this week. The Auburn ecboel had a holiday on Monday on account ofd Ilu i of Musa V. Sharpe. Miss Vivian McKnight of H trrlston, whit, was visiting friends bey* last meek', returned home on Saturday. The Maitland River broke up on Tuesday lay. Mrs. J. D. Howatt la visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. Manning, at Londe" - bore. On Tuesday, March 20th, Mr. and Mrs. John Manning quietly ce.ebrated the forty-fifth anniversary .n' ttrdr wedding. During the day many of their friends and particularly those of Mr Minning's Bible class In the Bap- tist Sunday school called by 'phone or perwon•tUy to extend their good wishes - to them. Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips spent the week -end with trleods In Goderfch and el.ile there attended the funeral of the tate Mrs. Gallagher on fiends,. • THE SIGNAL • - Rev. Dr. Moore Gives Concluding Address PORTER'S TTILI. PORTER'S HILL. Mirth 7._ 22.-0e Friday evening the Y.P.S. of Holmes- rI!I* visited the Y.P.S. of Grace r•lurcb. The night was all that could be desired, but the roads were 1n ter - little condition. However, "faint heart never won fair lady," so the young l•enple, 'about forty of them, darted off In Will Jervis' truck. They came by the highway to the 7th concession, thews@ to the Cut flee. Quite a few r sme In buggies. Altogether there was a good turnout. Alex. GI -nn had charge of the meeting. Mips McCart- ney gave the topic; Miss Trewartha gave A reading; Margery and Viola Gllddon sang "That Sliver -hatred Dad- dy of Mine," and Gordon and Lloyd Rt•.ek gave two splendid soles -dens os the guitar. After the devotlor,al ser- vice a number of contests weer. in- dulged In, lunch was served and the gathering dispersed A concert Is to he held on March 27th under the auspices of the iA1IP" Aid and Men's Clnh.'The program will :eke the form of a contest between six from each organisation. Mr. Will Perdue Is installing the .i... Hydro, which we hope to he ahle to .•v ii amTOrTfre eV II1S'ThtrPtftk'Af=. Can't lay if Premier Bennett wilt he present for this event or not. Per- haps he la too heftily engaged. On Sunday Rev. R. lis (tale 'spoke en the observance of the third Com- mandment. 1112 aermon was -very helpful to both old and young - and should help all to be mitre thoughtful tgaln.t taking the name of Olin. Lord In vain. ss. He will not hold him guilt- .ess that taketh Ale name In vain. Quite a number from thin district •"trended the funeral of Mrs. Waiter Hick. who wax well and favorably known In thla part. Sympathy Is ex- tended to the bereaved ones. M. Robins -AGENT- Plumb 384 - aodsrich A. 8. MEB.RIAM COMPANY GODEB.IOH MAKERS OF Medium Hlgbgrade Mattresses Featherbeds remade Into Sani- tary Mattresses Hair Mattresses made ever like mew Pillow Cleaning 75c per pair -All work kept separate - We call for sued delleer without. extra cast Ice'"'MLVINIIIMP, Girls! :Look! LIQNS' EASTER 7i -a DOLL PARADE Saturday, March 31st, 3 p.m. t;:. ON TEE SQUAPZ AT WEST 8TRZET Best Decorated Carriage and Doll —THREE PRIZES-- , le Best Dressed Doll .--TURRR PRIZES -- a est Deco>r-Med. Tricycle . —THREE PRIZES --- ALL OONTZSTANTI WILL RZOIWZ A FAVOR A OONTRSTANT WILL, NOT RBCHIVE TWO PRIZES V_--Y....ti,Yi:+�.,,r�;r., Moderator of the United Church Speaks to Large Congregation In Bt. Georges Church '" The ceaclsding service in fur accts. of Ilse iuterdenumivalional meeting. eff briNff riensg'm Mises, erb h was conducted b fore a ,.,pat lty congregation In St. George's Anglican cLurch on Monday night. A complete service was conducted by the rector, Rev. J. N. 11. Mills. who was assisted by Rev. W. T. Bunt and Rev. F. W. eras:, who read the tlrst and secoud res,ons, and by Rev. D. J. Lane, who :ed in prayer. The special speaker fur the service, Very Rev. Dr. T. Al- tsrt Moore, M.A., L.U., I.L.U., moder- aeor of the General Council of the fulted Church of Canada, was intro - diked by Rev. Geo. T. Watts, pastor 01.\ort). street United church. Diplomacy, feirett--1111111111 sal materiallam have all failed. in their turn, to bring about a reconciliation t1.ibe whole wgrl4-to_ trace, Bald the speaker, who urged that the people - particularly the young men and wo- men, wlto will be the nation leaders of tomorrow -turn to Christ, who has never failed to solve a problem, as uwlr only hope for peace. The sermon was inspired by the words in John 12:15, '-tape not. daugh- ter of Zion: behold, thy King :ometb." His coming 1s continuous, said Dr. Moore, not to occupy an earthly thione but to rule a spiritual world. Ile comes to transform our natures, to stake us just, kind, honorable Chris- tians. Make Him King of society and Industry and enthrone Him Is your national life and alt civil strife will lee replaced by blessed peace. and the federation of mantled will become a Ie,utiful reality. Many of hi-tory's outstanding loci (lents were related by the speaker t0 show that at alt thpe. .is the nand of .less ('hrlet on the helm of the state. Even nature Is everywhere obedient t.. Him word -It recognizes the tore- tetgnty of Jesus Christ, he claimed u;ren so should the people reliiae that He is the one and only Leader U Whom they should place their trust. Mr. Moore commended the young people on their inspirational Lenten ~•.Iles. Tbe young been and women are, he said. doubtless anxloni that the vision of a world for God he broadened. He expressed the hope that the meetings were not merely • matter of parsing interest for both young and old who attended, bet would 'Inger In their minds. so that they would take Him for their Sovereign - Saviour and follow ilim where He 'cads. do as He commands, said speak as He says. "Will you enthrone Him In yonr hearts tonight and continue with Him through the week and Into Pam Sun - rimy? Will you go forward as His mnhjects. adopting Hle prinelpiea and 'icing His life?' was the final plea of lir. Moore's stirring address. The service was very imprea.lve and inspiring and Dr. Moore paid fitting tribute to the reverence with which It was eonducted. A full choir was In attendance and Mr. Frank Riley, solo - 'IL Wan for Me.- PORTER'S e" NILE XILH, March 21. -Mies Eileen Fes - ,;in returned home on Sunday -after visiting friends in Godertcb for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pearson of ieeforth visited on Sunday with the ,a.:y's parents, Mr. and Mra. E. Serum. Mr. Gordon Snell of Londesboro is r:citing this week with hist cousins. MIN. T. Nixon and Mrs. H. Pentland. Mr. Gordon Smith, who Itis been a patient In the Goderich hospital, Will able to be removed on Tuesday to the home of t,ta slater, Mrs. Thos. McPhee. Our local young people are busy practlaing a religious drama, "The Little Town of Bethlehem," which they expect to present In the near future. A union young people's meeting of the Nile circuit will be held at Lee - burn on Friday evening, M,tch 30. Port Albert young people will give the program, Nile will furnish games, and refrewhmente will be served by the iee- burn society. All young people are eurdlally Invited to attend. The Ladies' Guild met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Feagan. The president. Miss Velma Finnigan, prodded. Commltteee were appointed to arrange the year's pro - cram. It was also derided to have an evehange of seeds, bunts and peps at the next meeting. After the business die:newton the meeting closed and a dainty lunch was served by Mra John Feagan, Mrs. C. Feagan and Mrs. L. Pentland. Y. P. S. Meeting -The regular meet- ing of the Young People's Society was heel In the church on Friday night lett, with Ralph Shaw presiding for :he devotional exercises. The Serip- ture lesson, taken from FA. 1:1-3, 2: 1-10, was read by Hilda Finnigan and Harold Squire gave a talk on this psaeage. Mrs. R. Free, also gave • very Interesting talk on "Enrichment throngh Church Relatlnnahlpe." Vin lin solos were given by Fwigar Sbep- t.erd, and Velma Finnigan gave Cur - tent Events. Mr. Oliver Anderson of Auburn, who le the recreational eon •..nor of the Huron Presbytery Yonne People'* Society, was present and gave a very helpful summary of young people's work and took charge very .capably of the recreational hone. At the close of the meeting lunch was served..- • GODERICH, ONT. I.UUERICH TOWNSHIr GODERICH TOWNSHIP. M..rcb li -Mr. Dave Boal. and Miss Mary Bogie, of Nile, visited on Sunday at 'Le home of the former's sou -In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ful ler. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Bogle and pctadeleNse. of allli visited of Sunday at the home of the Nadia pa ^^ w :rod Mra. Thos. Sowerby. A large number of relatives' and friends from tbla district attended the tmnerat of ihs-We Med- WARM. J4kslt at Coderlch on IS 'turd tv afterno.'n. Heartfelt sympatk7 la *Vended to the be'eaved ones. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Amy a;st Mrs. Jack McKenzie, of Burford, motored up on Saturday to attend the funeral of their aunt. the late Mrs. Walter Hfck. Miss Jean McAllister has been con- fined to her bed for over tw,, weeks. We bope to see her around again soon. The neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston held a "bed" on tw, after- noons recently to get out a supply of wood for them. Mr. and Mrs. John- ston certainly appreciate this kindness. Mr. Fart MrAltteter spent the week. *ad 1n Clinton. Mr. Reg. Fuller held a wood cutting bee on Wednesday afternoon, In the :emb'betongtng to Mr. Fred Naftal. •. secure bis rummer's supply of wood. Miss Ruth Evans spent the week- end at the home of her parents. Dr. Ind Mrs. Evans, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Andersson. of London, vldted with the Indy'' jai, - Pate, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oavddson, teat week, while attending the funeral of Mr. Anderson's uncle. Mr. George Anderson. In Dungannon. The many friends of Mer.-1lttavy El- liott w111 he sorry to learn stet: she le not enjoying the beat of health. Little Lillie Elliott returned from London on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Reg. Hamilton of Auburn visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. rel- ief last week. The Porter boys entertained the Harmonica Bend on Tneaday evening it their regular praetlee. i'slem aw &Y Nance. -There was i - good turnout at I'nlon on Sunday. The pastor, Rev. F. W. Craik, was in charge, sad delivered an appropriate pre -Fader sermon on the auhje. t. -"rite Crowd at the Foot of the ('roll:," from the tett "And they that passel by re- viled him, wagging their heads" (Mt. idattbew 27:30). During the serviee, Mr. Craik sang a solo "He's the One." which was much appreciated.... Be- ginning Monday, March 26th, and con- tinuing through the week until (sad Friday, services will he held every evening. The program for the week is an follows: Monday evening, Rev. 1bonald McLeod will be the -scaler, Tuesday evening, Rev. W. T. hunt trill speak ; Wednesday evening, Rey. U. J. Lane will give the address; Thursday evening. the pastor, Bev. F. W. Craik, will be In charge: toed Friday evening, Rev. Ur. T. Wardlaw Taylor will deliver the message. Spe- cial music has been arranged for each service....A box >oclal Is being bete on Thursday evening of this week. :lbder the auspices of the Younk i'eople's Society of Union church. to the Orange hall.... Next Sunday; see- thes will be conducted as usual. Sun- ddy school (with Mrs. Mary Phillips In charge) at 2 p.m.: preaching tier- s ice, with the pas:or In charge, at he March meeting�of the afternoon of this week, at the home of Mrs. Robert Mcllwain, sr. Mrs. Robert Mellwain, jr., will have charge of the meeting. St. Patrick's Cooeert.-The memory of the patron saint of Ireland was well commemorated on Friday even- ing, when • concert In his honor w•as held in Union church, ander the au- spices of the Sunday school. The church was filled to capacity oy an alr l.recistive audk•nce. The superinten- dent, Mr. Robert Davidson, occupied the chair, and annout,cel the numbers Ad follows: An address on the lite of hi- Patrick, by Rev. F.. W. Craik ; a chorus, "The Wearing of the Green," Igc.tbe.cbnol children; recitation, -The Birth of St. Patrick,' by Elva Orr; duet, "Reuben and Rachel," oy Maur - lee Harwood and Eric McAllister; re- citation, "My Mother's Hands,' by El - :asp gneiss; "Mother Machree" and "Peggy O'Neil," by the choir; solo. -Pinny Boy."'by Miss Ruth Evans; recitation, "Mary Maloney's Philoso- phy," by Marlon Colwell; duet, "That Tumble-down Slack in Athlone," by Helen and Dave Davidson; recitation by Everett Mcllwaln; selections by the 114rmonies Rand, composed of Dave Uavldeon, Arnold Porter, Lorne 1'or- i"r, Orval Powell, Everett Mcllwain aid Mrs. Harwood; "The Minstrel Boy" and "The Dear Little Shamrock," icy the choir; and heft, hut not least, was the debut of the "Kitchen Orches- tra," which won the hearts of every- one. This oreheatra, composed of Mra Pnaillpa (chimes), Mrs. Robert Me - Dwain (banjo), Miss. Ethel Mcllwaln (violin), Mrs. Robert McAllister (ka- zoo), Mra. George Mcllwaln (cym- Issla), Mrs. Forest Mceldre (dram), Mrs. Gordon Orr (bagplpeal, Mem. ,ordon Harwood (rumha, arnl you hire to hear It to appreciate it), •nd Mra, Robert Devidann (who with might and main held the different In- strumenta of torture together. by play- ing the tunes on the organ), was Ie) by Professor Dave Lavidson. who ;raided the mnafelans through the in- tricacies mtricacies of "mestere' opera. The -ircheatra fevered with three ae'lectiona, and, although recalled, their modesty would only allow them to make a ixow. Toe ■tmmpanlets for the evening epee Mrs. Robert Davidson and Mrs. Gor- don ilarwood. The sliver collection I,nountel to over $10. The evcn'ng was brought to a close with the eing- tug of the National Anthem. THE FIRST 80111T4 rHw tiro ?latets-.f 19111. tw .epste412 by Yr. Walter P Hick. 17e and him .ne-In-law, Mr. Cherie. Mwar& no sled It le the yard •t Mr. niers ptaee r,n Saturday morning last. Sswtn the redbreasts will be common; t.et the fret oma 14 always • velem* herald of grtag. .x•71,1 x - A.9 • • AalREII CHAPTER SKID(. Ontario Election On Saturday atternoun the Park House was the *MOO of a delghtfu Forecast for June bridge -tea held by the member. of .\1t meek Chapter, 1.0.1).1:. The event was well attended. The gueats were Il`naflausM from pep 11 received by Mra. D. J. Lane, the new and wine bill. The second reading. regent of the Chapter. Twenty table. dib next week, will provide material of bridg: were occupied, rod were lu for a prolonged debate which may 1'1 arge of a ' ummluer of there. Mr- H. J. A. Yac•l•:wan, Mrs. J. M Held Not only will party Toe srrefirsile'tmvt petty, but sputa to lterly ,.,".s ...r , arittee was composed of Mra. W. 1 slatost certain. The Opposition will. Lich° :►.w. s:. J. Nsira kid Ms" be as much rtoublel by this nx the Belle MacVka it la reyurlra tort wl the Chapter freer w'utataten of dry ur semi -dry rienttl- GI creat. 'denotes wit1 he at a loss whether to i mrke 1 play for local sentiment or ,o ! R HOLMES, .Ei:-M.P., DECEASED conform to 'strictly party (hues. I The dealt occurred yesterday at his Whether or not It was a sound poll- 'tome, di2 Palmerston esterd•ard, Tor- Nea move on the part of the Gorww rata to interfere h the liquor spies. ''oto, of Rolerrt Holmes, fur maty i lion fa a matter which can only' - tee an- years editor of Tbe Clinton New Era ! acct a former member of the Federal auered in the nalt But. hnvint crossed the fluidram. It would 1'arllaatent for the old riding of WestHurls Mr. Holmes dad tired lb Ter have made them rldlcnloms t0 dee oiero elect 1900. when Its was apyolnted tick. For better or ter •urs.', ,ytveyoe of customs there. He urs . C.mmervatire partv wits wedded to • superannuated la 1927. He was a revt.+lun of the lacer and wine remiss -I -prominent member and • part presi- tios. j ,rot of the Huron Old lBoys'Aaaia• And t)! Li bera l atrt =derided ag - µ„a rt tc taking the brewery as � T►r�d? i Catharines eighty years ago. themsetves. They most deRottely j SurvIvIttg kfe hill widow. five daugtt< make up their minds on this point of tete and two sons. The daugheera are future reeky before the beer bill de- alta. C. F. Wheaton, Toronto; Miss IW`Ret.� Re " itt- ween:` P` Ulnae "Holmes,' Edmontoh. Alta: , 11 the liquor question 1s not ao pees Yrs. 0. F. Adams, Gracenlutrst ; Mrs. durtIve of e'e^ten material sg hits c•G. F. McKelvey, Weston; Mrs. G. W. hr@n vpe"tel. then the On Kaiser, Saskatcfiewan. The mons are willnhe quite willing to devote their Walter G. Holmes of London. Ont. nndlrtded attention to the public ac atld Marts 11. Holmes of Tomato. counts' committee investigation of the I'anl Munro chargPa of fraud In Ilirh way Ilepstrtinent sonnets - in RIO* connty. This may yet prove .c better Jlahling Jtrnund than Ibeher hlIl. Por one thing. there .1s no possibility of ;be Opposition parties being dtyfdel on this matter, and, for another, there Is po doubt- from the persistency of rumor and the frequency of 'diaries made In the fest two vera In regard 1•• the Henry Government rose( work program, -that there I- e-+wwwidesxki. .ration of puldi•• opinion behind the present Investigation. From now to the rapidly approach• !Inv attack rtimaxes. The (eve.nntent Is 1',s' no tre••ns on the runhitt it Is 'n Ise position_ if -tut. Brett with a Imp' :Ise of trenches to defend. uncertain where the -ttnr•k wlll'pre•u from one moment to the nest. In Premier Henry the party has, to say the least. n .reimned po'Itl. al lend ,r; tort It w111 require all hl. ability to deflect the united Opposition attack. _ DEPUTATION TO OTTAWA kleyor Ler, Councillors epreul and Flocking and Prost/tomtit. TT. rroft nf tallon which left yes e. ay o'r : taws to Interview the Minister of Pub - Ile Works. They will ask (or the ex- tenelen of the river breaker ter to moil newt the north onteide break ter, la ardor to keep the river . t away :roam the outer haelbilVr 1 1 Thoreau. Wareb find, 1104- 11 SCIATICA RUMACAPS CLEANSE your system of Uric Acid, relltving Rheumatism and Sciatica .11,4 Campbell's Dnrgstore for RUMACAPS Alexo w - Alber Coal Canadian Government De- partment of Mines analysis reports prove ALEXO eto ba higher in fixed carbon and therefore will too for ton him longer than any other Western Canada Coal. —TRY A TON— T he Dean Coal Co. PHONE 95 GODERICH 1 WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT ,, WEEK 2:r - FOR STATLINC ANNOUNCEMENT —BY— Domestic BY_ Domestic Gas Syndicate 68 KING STREET E., TORONTO, ONT FRESH That le wIsy people wise know gleed oohs fleese always Insist epee he. They buy coffee at A a P /000 $TORTS SPECIALLY PRICED for this weei only 1 me VII r r. twej 46,4 FROM ONTARIO'S FINEST DAIRY LANDS HEESE PINEAPPLE LYNN V ALLEY -STANDARD TOMATOES iEiVA:oHETTI CROSSED I I SR SARDINES TANGY oia Asia_ 74. mr Tim ea No. sinwhis Tins AYLMER PORK AND BEANS 3r4112% GRAHAM WAFERS LUX ver, MEW MAIL ALIO-BACK Ortalergig"A SULK 18e 4" 21e 20e 291 12e 25e I7e 1 9. MIre Bacon lb. 25c INFANTS FOODS WirakaP Plane or FirAr4c, winiets lc 241t :4110-rA mow, 444 lb. Bananas 3 lbs. 21. CALIFORNIA NAVELS 6,1t4+41, Oranges is; doz. - • eler lireartS S SIM11182 25c ven VARIETIES WINACH 11111PAIMOUI MOM APIRISAIICI MOM POI sl •