HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-03-22, Page 4_.:era a ._ : ...a•r.••+rr.' .t .c •e 3p bt .s.. e++"•. : i �„ Jitan �....r-�,� .._.�.... .._ ..,.-�� our* ....•.�. a3i1M�'1g14a w''^3eYs>W. Y'Sr'L.3^f i .r..vet M 1'r .A. eiseemy.Y- a,. n.`+ t .': z . A::s ,GNt?1¢'a s, ,L,St •t 1 F a 1 !TE4!• "aT e:: . e'er, ir'r fi�.St S duster. Yard Mat. VIM THE SIGNAL 't' 11t d. T waw.iia•.na.k an.B. k lug.;._ 3004e.4 *EriiCk1WY1VC.:>i.•+y'w •k7leM Yc•� oat., •• 4rl roes, • GODERICH, ONT. Your Easter Suit and Topcoat We invite you to drop in and see our New Spring Cloth- ing. You will be pleased with them and the values we - .ace, and, . xnlus,h11j now. Prices are advancing and you will pay more later on. Fine imported Worsteds and Serge., made in the new- est styles. Single-breasted Suits with two pairs of trousers at $22.50, $25.00, $27.50 , Top Coats $ 15.00 and $16.95 EASTER HATS -by makers of Brook -&t $996, $3.50, $5.00 SMART EASTER NECKWEAR at 56o and $1.00 ,"..-- FORSYTH and ARROW SHIRTS at $1.95 W. C. Pridham Fes- Son Phone 57 The Square, Goderieh Huron Commercial Academy Goderich - Ontario During the -Easter vieatton we are moving to our permanent nevoid home, "Pharetwood Vlih," formerly eeewpled by Mrs. Salkeld, Montreai end Wttcrloo sttreete-4t the point -an exeellent location for our wort We alio anominee the appointment to our staff of Miss Margaret Ilowland. R. A_ of Toronto, who Is eminently qualified to take Marge of the Commercial Department of our work. Mies How- land erueveeda MIta• Marjorie Stewart, who Ian rendered such effi- cient service during the past ate months, and who has accepted a position with the Preston School Board. Our enrolment Is steadily increasing, and more are dgning u;r, for the new terns beglnning Monday, April 9th. WP0-1711( be pleased to talk over your plans at any time. Miss Margaret Howland, B.A., Donald MacLeod, ('OM-MERCLAI, SPECIALIST. PRINCIPAL: CAPITAL THEATRE )6 , Now Playing -Fay Wray and Ralph Bellamy, in "Below the Sea." MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY_ Marie Dressler Oanadalk.agstrtbudon to screen ort aid the best loved lady of , movie -hind. A really htimmn ebronleie, nous adormnent but rich in heart In tenet. WALLACE BEERY assists In `- `Tuboat Annie" THURSDAY, FRIDAY tad SATURDAY Lavender and old lace to the fore again In a winsome ropance "Berkeley Square" LESLIE, HOWARD travels the lane of memories to re -live tho haunting episodes of ■ delightful story. Winsome 1IEATILER ANGEL 1s tike lovely lady of hla dreams. MATINEES WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 p.m. we COMING -"ABOVE THE CLOUDS" HOLMLBVIiLLE Ottawa House Backs HOLMESV4Id.E, March 2L -Tb. March meeting of the W.Y.S. gad W. A. was held at the how of Miss S. Acheson, with Miss E. Praetor In charge of the runner meetiiast. rifts' - et3s�IKial vim the pasr� lir e opening hymn and prayer a die- tore the committee tomorrow to Nil :ogee, "Contrite between the Dark the inside slog of the Ooveromeet Sisters and Canadian Girls" was guarantee to the banks of a 00 -million - given by Mra. B. Trewartba and Mrs.dollar loan to the C.P.R. leaf cosset. lt"m Tt'tl : even t lsmpertaee•gisiwt. A - Mess. Bennett re Ti m tles by Mrs. Wilfred Jervis, Mn. Dennis Gllddon and Mrs. Walter. A reading. "The Dream," was given by Mrs. E. Yeo, and "Comrades of the Seemed M.le," by Mlaa Elva Proctor. The president, Mn. W. Teo, them took ctarge of the bu•lness part and closed with another hymn. The W.A. then met with the president In the chair. tiereral items of business In regard to the St. Patrick's /upper were at- tended to. After the meeting a dainty hot lunch was served by the hostesses. Mrs. B. Trewartba and Miss Acheson. Miss K. Huller of Stratford 1s visit. leg for a time at the home of her petenta Mrs. J. A. Cox has returned from Ceiling ber mother, Mrs. W. Johnson of Goderich. Mr. mid _Mrs. W. C. Jervis went to 2.trich on Ray and brought home Miss Andrey, who had been visiting ter grandmother. On Friday evening the Holtnesvllle i.P.S. vialted the Grace church Y.P.B. and gave the program, with Mt. Alex. Genn presiding. The Scripture tee- ner. was read by N. Trewartba and the tel -lc was well given by Miss A. Me. Ca.tney. Lloyd and Gordon Stock gave a gutter drier - and the Misses Vola and 11. Gllddon a vocal duet. N s Alma Trewartha gave a reading. Gare church Y Society entertained with contests and later served a tasty Inneb SR Patrick's Coneestt.-The St. Pat- rick's sapper was nerved at 6.30 o'clock on the evening of March 13th in the basement of the church. The lights were green shaded, curtains tastefully prOpoa1lby'Flislltl• rfr:7et�lesowd aid. Conservative, Windsor, seeking amendment In the Bank Act calling for a fair wage elapse for bank clerks, will be coasldered later. The Wheat Agreements Mr. Bennett made a statement on (*Amide's part in the London wheat agreement on Tuesday, indicating that tuned', under the quota system adopted, may export 200 million bush- el. In the .Trop year 1933-34 and about 2(w million bushels for the crop year 1434-33, based on the acreage sown luring the past three years and the yield per acre over the past ten y ver... In the crop year 193233, Canada se - ported about 264 million bushels of wneat Mr. Bennett vigorously denied any "speculation" In wheat by the Government. claiming that the Gov eremeat'e action bad prevented chaos. He added that the Prairie Provincial Governments will pane seta Ilcenning the sale of wheat, while the Federal Government will set up a Wheat Mar- keting Board to carry out Canada's part of the London treaty. The e bole question will he carefully con - aileron! In the agriculture committee tied probably also the banking and commerce eaasarlttee. Senators Spiritual! Senator Rodolphe Lemieux, Liberal. Montreal, suggested on Tuesday In the Senate that the header of Canadian chnrches might he named to the Red ('itamber, as sort of Senators spirit- ual, corresponding to the church lords in Foigland. Whether anything will COLBORNE TOWNSHIP I COLBORNE TOWNSHIP, March 21, -Mr. Herb. Fisher has returned home after spending the past week with his elates, Miss Pearl Fisher of Goderlch. Me Lan iinbr flub Teritaa .ami. Teddy, of Exeter, spent a few dare with the Indy's parents, Mr. and xr1- Wm. Ma•W hinnev. )(Ise Evi, Pettman of Goderlch spent dunday with Eft jbrdats 7tr. and Mrs - Walter Penman. Mrs. Rohr. Mellwain spent the week- end with friends in Auburn. Mrs. Ww. Mcllwsln r turned home on Tuesday after spending a month with friends at Plymouth and Detroit. Mich. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, March 21. -We an enjoying some beautiful springlike dais. They sews doubly welcome !t- ier the long hard winter. d -- Mr. end Mss. usselt !ght and gars* Orawtor4-apent_tbe wee,kand la I.oadon Phyltir McCrelgbt, who has been In hospital there, Is return lag home today. Miss_ Mary 11cHmale entertained the W.M.S. of the `T nftWI-e turt'tI 'at her home on Thursday ■1ternoon last Little D. A. McKenzie is improving nicely after au attack of appendlca- 11' Miss M.. Dickson, R. N, was In town lied week nursing her little eonain. rind Farrlah, who has been rery 111 atter an operation. George Ashton is helping Jas. Mc- Kenzie with the farm work at pre. aunt. Wilber Stewart G having ■ sale ,.f /dock and implements next Tue- day, as they are leaving the farm We wort. them Bucceae .le their new su rround i n ga. Stanley Hayden hes rented the farm on the 4th concession belonging to Mro. oma of the suggestion remains to be I Robt. Higgins, which has been men - decorated pied by Wilbur Stewart. They Intend decorated with 'henna -he cad green -1 The Macmillan royal commission on moving tolit about the tint of April ery, and the tables made interesting banking and commeree colt :31.200.' :hough no remuneration waa pe t ememissloners. The Radio Bneadcaat- lug Cemaaission spent 1732.342 from April 1 to December 31. 1933, includ- ing $228,556 for programa. The price spread acid mans haying committee heard witnesses of West- ern and Maritime retail merchants' s•sociations reiterate the earlier evi- dence of similar witne�sec from On- tario. The live stock trade and the packing industry are to be inrestl- aaeetly "The Dear Little Shamrock" I toted this coming week and then later and encore. Rev. De Witt Cozen of the representatives of the big depart - Clinton gave a homos rot address on mental stores and chains will be heard the Irish, ineluding many irlsb jokes, in rebuttal. and also rendered "Danny Roy" and a I The iou.ae showed Its faith in Can - delightful encore number. The Elliott I Ada's future by extending for 990 juniors sang two stomp,. and little four- ?-ears the agreement between the year-old Jean Ferguson Elliott de-' Canadian Northern Ontario Railway lighted with a nolo and encore. Mr_ Co. and the Camphel1ford. Lake On - Elwin Moore of Mitchell gave several tart and Western Raliway Co., pro .ively Irish numbers. Two violin num- riding for joint running rights of lines berg were "The Top o' the Mornin' " through Belleville. and the "01d Irish Washerwoman." Partlament will ad)oorn for ten Two guitar numbers were "Irish dare at Easter this year and the bud- Tnrough and Through," and "Serer T.'ke the Horseshoe from the Door." .1:1 were heartily encored. Warden i•:'Jott gave two Irish readings which :sere enjoyed. The accompanists of the evening were Mrs. M. Agnew, Mrs. T. Eremite, Miss E. Elliott of Clinton, with potted plants, shamrocks and id he I Derris powder for the Warble Fly te: vlettes. A delicious Irish sapper at right prices. CAMPBELL'S DRUG ass served by capped Irish colleens. S'T'ORE. Aker the supper the basement was •feared of the tables and a program • ;then. with Warden Elliott as Irish LOYAL ev halrman. R. Henderson of Goderich sang "Mother Machree" and encore. Later he and his mother, Mrs. R. Henderson. Nang a pretty deet Min B. Greene of Clinton Nang "The Kerry Dancing." and Mrs. H. Ford sang LOYAL, March 20. -Mr. Herb. Fish- er has apent the last two weeks with his slater, Miss Pearl Fisher, In God- erich. Mr. William Fowler and family have moved into the red brick house on Mr. W. R. Raymond's farm, and we extend a welcome to them. Congratulatioma to Mr. and lira Tait Clark on the birth of a son on. March 15th. The (ate Mrs. John Gallagher, Many of the friends and former neigh- bors of the late Mrs. John Gallagher ed the funeral on Sunday after- noon In Goderleb. Mrs. Gallagher was almost a lifelong resident of Colborne township, coming with her parents. :be late Mr. and Mrs. William Long I get will not he brought down until ' worth, to the farm now oeeupled by after the mess. Mr. Ernest Young. About fifty-seven Maw Tariff George" years ago she was married to Mr. k John Spotton When Mr. rose to spec on setae th. titles debate he was greeted by the 8th ^ills of "$Ir George" and -Low Tar- iR George." He lost no time In stat- best eq agaiws► amend. have turned no sum--Msrat- etesult and I am no wobbling Willie," tad th i.e declared. IIs added that ]!r. Iden- Mrs. allagher, who predeceased her n mouths. Their home was on r concession and was one of the I nipped and prettiest farms The house unfortunately was "ren," `[I FNhrer- e family removed to Goderieb. allagher was of a quiet, retir- ing nature. an ideal wife and mother, and had the happy faculty of making raid keeping friends. The funeral service was held at the home on Brock street and was cooducted by Rev. Geo. T. Watts of North street United ^burgh, assisted by Rev. W. J. Patton t.f Smith's 11111 United church, of welch deceased was still a member. I)ceessed leaves to mourn her passing '.ne son, James, and two daughters, Mrs. A. C. Citrk ■ed •f1s. Matilda, all of Goderich. The pallbearers were Me. Alex. Young, John A. Young. Jarvis Meltride, Herbert Fisher, Amos fi.oli and Alfred Tebbntt. interment was In the family plot In the Colborne cemetery. thrr-vraapathy goes out to the bereaved family In their great ions. 4ra. W. goo. (On behalf of the W.A. did In 1929. I h n vote of thanks to the visitant for their generosity of talent was moved by Mrs. Fred Potter, seconded, and put to the meeting by Mrs. Lorne Jer- vis A hearty clap from the audience sh..wed the appreciation of their en- tertalnment and their Irinh chairman. Fairview Chemical Co. Sure Shot ('upsules at ('AMPBEL,L S DRUG STORE. SPRING CO TS Tailored Coats of English tweeds, such as rabbit -hair woollens, Llama cloth and novel patterns in Becks, checks and stripes. You must see these Coats - to realize their usefulness and smartness. Priced $16.50 to $21.58 Swagger Suits = - Smart two-piece styles, loose and fitted Oista. Suite are tattling this season. Feature Special $16.50 New Easter Milline NEW FROCKS Spring., Dainty styles, organdie trim, puff - sleeves. Coiors in new blues, greens, rose- wood, navy and black. Sises 14 to ?O. -Feature Selling $4.45 - plaiting style'. 'trite brim; small brims and elose-fittingsTurblins in novelty straws and 'braids. An early selection is to your SPRING FOUNDATION GARIENTS "Softie" is it girdle of Ana two-wal streteh elastie with four boat imp- $1.9 porters 4The-onekpielle-feendatiolt garment *omelette of elaatie with lase brassiere top. Very smooth under bias -eat $135 dreamt nett las a big enough man to allow hie followers to vote any way they liked and he intended to vote for the Mitchell resolution. He would not do so, he explained. if he thought it con - :mined one tinge of want of confident* in the Government or if it had come from the official Oppositions Instead of from a group for which lit said he Lind great respect. "Big men hare re - ',used to accept tlt.“ •nd little men shouldn't Ise given them," Mr. Spot - ton concluded. Mr. proposing hls resole - lion, held that Canadian people do not tild1 tO be graded. Mr. Bennett pointed out that the usual const i tut ions I procedure was for a Government to be cen.ured for some past Ryden, not directed as to whet action It ahould take on a peril - :War question. All men and women ate not made equal by God. he maid, and he ridiculed the claim that tItlei and honors met up clam distinctions. He protested in vigorous terma against Ow resolution being adopped thrum - /scribing and limiting 0w Government He said he Invited the closest criticism scrutiny of the New Year's Day !whorl; list. Mr. King %gems Titles Mr. King held that Canadians are ilties and he thought the House should tie given an opportuntty, withont re- gard to party lines, to prises; Its views on the qoestion. Klee Agnes Macpliall, U.F.O., South- east Grey. argued that doing an 110- ialrel- dad Is 111 oW6 tenant Site cited Mr Joseph Pleven*. Sir Herbert Holt and Lord Atheistan as unpopular 'We -hoiden!. No lege suitable time could have been ebony' to restore tines, Miss Macpball declared. ciourectorieed Hr. neneett's address specious awl passion-ereating areselh." He 'spree's, stirprire that each mon as Dr Ranting. diereverer of Marquis wheat tame, had lot been honored. lie moved In amentIMPIlt ghat "honors and awards" he deleted from the Mitchell motion. which would hare banned titles only. Rallwaya, Who voted against titter on former ocesolons, maid he had not s•hanged lila mind on the queortIon, trat hormone these are critical days. he would not vote against the (lovers - Home voted ea lirtt. Garland's M• itchell resolution. le its original form. wee defeated by • formal vote so indleated earlier. The debate !noted only from /1 to 5 M. hennas the Timms was BRTifeN11 to item s vnta, e nd had debate motioned math 4 o'doek the rearthrtice wool/ bare Nem Wired mat mod eo appeetuidly g ives Mr a anti this essatem 74 Men's Spring Suits --- Tour Easter Suit, smartly styled, az- 7,„ isnot& ,inishetl. The cloths are new pat - THE NEWEST STYLES IN Men's Hats for Spring Irtni Tells in SIM and beige Rpeeial CORNFIELD 1r:- twermipm- DUNGANNON, March 21. -Mr. end Mrs. R. A. McKeazie have returned home after a week's visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. end Mrs. J. K. Merschern, London. Mr. and Mrs. Heber F.edy and family spent Saturday with friends at Mrs. Cecil Sloan has returned to tier home at St. Thome. after visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Sam. Pentland. Mimi Dorothy Allen, teacher at Proaparity. spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Margsret Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Treleaven and Mrs. Ram. Roach are in Toronto -thlo (net. Mr. Treleaven is attending the Inspector Beacom paid an official visit to the school on Tuesday. Mr. Lloyd Finnigan of Teeswater is vialtIng his father, Mr. Percy Finnigan. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Davidson The members of the Innior institute are invited and Miss Flora Dentin la expeeted to give •n address. Mr Robt. Armstrone. our genial nroll-earrier, who was pick for the past two WPfkll. in on duty •giln. Mr Ritritt took charge of the mail during liohlt enforced lay-off. A euchre party will he held In the pariah hall on Friday evening., lforeh Itni, Tinder the anopices of thr parish ("moldering the condificm of the -,oeils. there Wee • Aso attendance at the hot tisti-limpeopeei of the United chnreh oh Priday even NM Mak. After tettigP•• *Mr 2741. IN•el" was percents, In the stedlier- lava of the church by the Ole gel Roach's hemlay school etam. ploy, white, was entendkilly performed. arse directed by Mrs. Roach and Mrs D. Fowler. Retween arta Kr. Fow ler awl Mr. A. Colbert rang and Hies Melba Fowler gam a reeding. both onshore beteg well roceived. _ _CAN7SLEE1r You may fed nervous, hritabls and de - =you you may suffer from indigestion and r► i headaches; but the moat marked symptom is �plessoese The treatment indicated_ De. �,,,•r'' 1 ?sow* hexose it moons asd vigor to the nervous system. Dx. CHASE'S THE WEATHER • 7here has been a wide range In the temperatures recorded tor the pest two weeks, ranging from 1 below to the maximum temperature of 53 de- grees on Saturday last. Last night (Wednesday) the mercury made an- other dip in the direction of zero. The official readings of the last two weektst .with those of the corresponding period ef 1933, were: Mex. Min. Max. Hie. 15 37 31 10 34 12 6 12 141 27 se 121 15 37 Al I Xi MS 34 KS 18 37 37 20 12- 3S 29 10 29 20 20 Expert Pipe, Plumbing and Refrigeration work. New low prices for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. -Estimates Pro•-- nsult FRESH EGGS WANTED ALSO CRE -CM -GET OUR PRICER -Flour and Chick Feeds foe Sale- GODERICH EGG MARKET Charles W. Twamley Brace Sheet SMART SPRING MILLINICRi IN A VARIETY or irrn.ks Th. Broad -brimmed Sailor. the Windhlovni types. the Youthful Breton Sailor, and Smart Mateyo carefully and reasonably done. Easter Hose In crepe. chiffon a aerv'ee weight, at 73e, 81.11 *ad ILM pa Ir. Orders taken for Fur Coate% and Rensode:iiIIMI. -We Invite your patronage- SQtleftE save $5.00 We will allow $5.00 on your old MMUS The Arrow Bedding Co. Ltd., heve made this offer possible for a limited time only. Thin is Tone nonortnnIty to purehase that Spring Mattrese you •re in want of. Your eilfiteP or three different grads( as follows: rrat grade. Regular price FOR $14.N Second erade Regular price 1124 95 FOR $19.95 Third grade Regular price ra 95 FOR $34.95 Do Dot delay, as this offer may he discontinued on short notice. J. R. Wheeler Postern/ Director and Furniture Denier eiiiINF.14 Wore Rea 115aw Mai upER..5pEciAL ALTERING - REPAIRING GET OUR PRICES ON RUG -CLEANING J. A. NIVINS AGENT EAST STESZT, SWAIM FOOTWEAR for Easter Garter is the opening of the Sprtng matron for Footwear. At this time we ere displaying the latewt models In Footerear shown by outstanding menufatturere. 'Heel Huggers in the new dream pat- terns, La Grenade, Gloria •nd Chle brands In very classy Myles, and a very large assortment et Footwear for growing girls, animas and The young men are not forgotten. In the Astoria. Richmond. •nd Guardian brands they will find Shoes with remarkable fitthig qualitkree that has never been surmised by highermriced footwear. The working men will find thp petit, temogeet and most ser- viceable line of goods •t very low prices here_ Our stock a MURREE BOOTS is coniptete. See our windows for • partial display ot the many Weenie and soles Geo. MacVicar THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN - - North Side a Square Gmlerieb THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS Any doctor will tell you that get- ting plenty of warm, fresh air hi the bouts And plenty of cold. fresh air out- side ths home. Helps to keep away colds. M- avens' and pneumonia But we "%an tall you that the beat way to secure that warm air in the home la to use our D.L.SaW Wm coal.' Why not order • load todayr WE NOW CARRY GENUINE warm ANTHRACITE J. B. MUSTARD COAL CO. PHONE 98 GODERICH, (PITA RIO 1114014,111:9001,` -"relent NUMMI •