HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-03-22, Page 3• a
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L'Itir tiller 4 As .t,ity
it'. •
Renew your subscription to THE
SIGNAL and get one ot thane band-
ana. Calendars.
by delaying too long in renewing your
subscription. Only $1.50 if paid in
TSB arcerm, PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publlitheee
1191 MI 1 el I all Is es. mei a
J. W. Craigie
Brief but Interesting Session of Town Council -Issue of 810,000
Debentures Already Taken Up -G. C. L Board Requisitions for
$25,000 -Band Executive Asked to Continue for 1934 -Top
Floor of Public Library Available for Museum
Automobile Insurance
Don't forget the liability you W-
eer through the operation of
your cur. Make yourself safe
by lueuring with
Low Rates High Security
Phone 291 Goderldi
Min Carey to.
Fire, Accideat sad Motor Car
Ofilce:-Masonle Temple, West
Street, GoderIch.
Telephone 230 Manager
Plume 292 P.O. Box 438
Geo. Williams & Son
Me, Ambient, Antssapbale and
General lasurswee Agents
Office, next to Bank of Com-
Phoae 53
The Armstroug Rai Estate
and Insurance Agency
Good dwelling house, very cheap,
small down payment accepted.
Small farm near Goderich. Big bar-
gain, easy terms for payment
86z 89 Goderlels
AM. aei
West Street
• Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Telephone 82 - Goderioh
The town council put through a good
lot of frustum* La a brief aeasien on
Friday night, adjourning before 9
o'clock. All the members were pres-
ent except Councillor Seabrook.
The tea collector renertntl Viet c..ol."
lectious since March 2nd had amounted
to ig2,796.74. "Seizures are being
made where necessary and goods be-
ing held under bond, and if no effort
10 WV Is made gale will be made," the
collector reported.
Councillor Huckins rose at this point
_ream his controversy with the May-
or over Hit1rn-g.11117 afirt-terd -teem
• Written statement. Taking the May-
or's statement at a previous meeting
Mist int•reased voltage was responsible
for an Increase in charges, Councillor
Iluckins held that this should apply as
well to the monthly power bilis re-
ceived by the comminalon, but on in-
quiring at the office of the commis-
sion he found, he stated, that the
monthly bill from Hydro was no larger
than -formerly. _ _
The councillor also complained that
the annual report of the public utili-
ties la*DIDitiaknI was "very vague,"
and mentioned partieularly that about
$12,000 of expenditure was listed as
-pay Mlle." Who is on the pay
and how much do they get? he
"I feel," he said, "that your explan-
ation is entirely unastisfactory, and
inter on 1 intend to tusk this council
to support a motion which will prob-
ably have the desired effect."
In conclusion, Councillor Hocking
asked "how long it is lance a char-
tered secountant audited the books."
Mayor lee replied that the Hydro
teokri were audited by experta every
month. He went on to may that the
puboc utilities comminsion meets every
-ecand and fourth Thursday of the
inoith and such points as those raised
bee Councillor 'lucking could be pre-
sented it meeting of the committable,
er he could get the information at the
local Hydro-odlee.
The councillor admitted that Sup-
etentendent Kelly bad reretred
very graciously when he railed at the
tIvdro office and hnd offered to .how
him anything. but he (Superistendent
Kelly) was busy at the time and 9. 414
net want to bother him.
Debenture Payments in 1934
;he emit of fuel, and further that the
very mali greater inerease in the at-
`r.idanee of :town pupils' over that of
:(-ounly pupils' has redueed the pro
ttitts eouuty grant by $800 from that of
4:ast year. It was $4155 lend In 1933
than in 1932, so that the grant this
year Is $1.455 tem +Ma- in 1931" .
The submitted eatimate of receipts
and expenditures of the Collegiate
hoard for 1934 (summarized) is as
(*minty grants
Special grant (g.allet_en_r_pe 50 00
$ 1.900 00
--9,731 70-
General grant
Municipal levy 13,282 88
e-to:Fr fiEfiffeele--titftrentheae-.0.•
Ortement of debenture payments, in
eluding principal and interest, to be
made by the council in 1934, the total
being 523,424.61. Of this $16,6-16.77 is
principal and $6,777.87 is interest.
Tills does not include debenture pay-
ments due for water, light, public
*'tool and Collegiate Institute par-
Messra. Hays k Hays wrote stating
that the late Mies Katherine Temple-
t -Ai in her will had directed her exe-
cutor "to pay into the perpetuity fund
of the corporation of the town of God -
'rich fifty dollars for the perpetual
upkeep of my eemetery lot" As Miss
Templeton had no plot In Maitland
cemetery, and was buried In her faro-
Ily plot at Brumfield, there was ob-
some mistake in mentioning
tbe Goderich fund, and the %elicitors
asked that a release be given by the
Th la wax referred to the finanee
G. C. L Requisition
The secretary of the Collegiate In-
stitute board submitted a requisition
of 1113,282.88 for 1934. Of thin amount
$10,412.82 is for general levy, and
$2,870.08 for debenture payments. In
n later letter an additional amount
of $100 was asked, and in explanation
it was stated that the Collegiate hicord
had been notified by the public utili-
ties commimion that the water rate
Wil to be Inereased by about that
Pi mount yearly.
In 'submitting the regulation the
secretary Mated "that the large at-
iendanee of over 325 requires • great-
er outlay for eupplien, that the severe
weather of this winter has increased
Short Week -end
Good going fnnn 5 A. It Saturday, March 31st, to mid-
night, Sunday, April 1st. Return limit leaving up to
, midnight, Monday, April 2nd.
Long Week -end
Good going from 5 A M. Thursday, March 29th, to mid-
__ night; Blindly, April lig. oturn limit leaving tm to
inidnighh Tuaiday, April 3rd.
ForenteleaseyertAer isfornemen ,asipty to-
lied:bon* ?Oat /WO
" 0'14 •
id* it,Att ‘1!.15
$-,420 58
Teacht•rseateries g17,912 86
Substitute teachers 75 00
Sepplies (ink, chalk, typing
paper, etc.) 200 00
Caretaker'e Fatary .... 1,000 00
Fuel 700 00
Water and electrkity 275 00
Insurance, taxes, repairs 400 00
Examinations 400 00
Permanent improvements' 125 00
Debt charge* 3,900 72
(nber items 342 00
- •
• 525,420 58
A coniniunivation from R. I. Dean
Ltd of reeent sewer trouble at hie re-
sidence on East street and enclosed an
account of $11.45 paid for having the
sewer opened. the municipsi workmen,
according to Mr. Dean, not having
moved quickly enough to. save him
this expense.
This was referred 10 the public
eorks committee.
A communication from the Provin-
cial Deteirtment of Lands and Forests,
with reference to Government echemes
for placing unemployed people on the
land, was rent to the /medal commit-
Ceassaittee Reports
The finance committee reported that
the $10,000 of debentures issued under
brew No. 11 of 1984 had all been sub -
'seabed for, and recommended that
tbe proceeds be used to pay off the
relief account notes in the Bank. A
number of accounts were recommeeded
16r payment, including relief accounts
to March 15th amounting to $299.71.
T e ublic works committee reeom-
men ed r
of some of the street and traMc signs.
The epecial eommittee reported as
"We recommend that the report of
the Goderich Musical Society in con-
nection with the management of the
town band for 1933 be received and
aceepted and that the members be noti-
fied that the town council appreciates
tneir services. We a i PO recouimend
that the same member,' of the execu-
tive be reappointed for 19.34: Meseta.
J. W. Moore, R. Turner, W. F. H.
Prim, Et D. Croft, H. C. Witmer, W.
II. Robertson and Geo. P. Gomel.
"Your committee met with the pub-
lic library hoard and the board has of-
-gored to allow the nee of the top floor
of the library building for a mneenm
and the housing of historical dorm-
ments, material, etc., on condition that
the council increase the board's grant
$100 a year; and we recommend Gm)
the offer be 'tempted, the !timers
imard's grant for 1934 be increased
$100 accordingly, and that the board
be ao notified."
The water, light and harbor commit-
tee reported that the 'communication
from the Provincial Unemployment Re-
lief Fund, giving approval of the con-
struction of a new 12-inwater main
as a relict work, had been considered
and the committee recommended that
the matter he Inid over- for future
The cemetery and parks eommittee
eeponed the receipt of a letter from
Town Solicitor Nairn outlining the
proeeilure- required to gum Maitland
eeinetery under the control of a board
separate from the town emincil and
reeommended that a eopy of thin let.
ter he tient to Mies Maepheraon. The
eommittre had reeelved qnotatIone on
meking a bathroom on thp top floor of
the l'ark Howe and installing equip-
nient therein nnd recommended that
the tender of Earl Westbrook for the
building alterations. at $254), and that
nt C. W. W04**Pi i for installing the
bathroom equipinent, at $108, be se-
These reports were all rolopted,
A Bit of a Sent
Deputy RPI•VP Turner said stomp-
;hing should be done to get rld of the
wnter about town. There wer • plenty
of unemployed men and they could be
mit to work clearing the cetchbaelna.
Mayor Lee maid the trouble in many
case. scot thnt the pipes lendleg from
the cahlibneins were frown.
Conn( illor said bp hnd leen
congratulating the street Inspecter nt
tbc wrinderful way the water was get -
flog ewer around the mestrt of this
town at lenet
Reece Montane mid (kat sagas of
the meentser. did not worn to realise
that It had been a very serer winter
11.frher places were suffering moch more
severely theta Goderleh from Am04 eon.
either', im sal& asd, evidently resent -
DONNYBROOK, March '39. -The
People's Society will meet on
Friday evening, with Vice -President
Aruold Craig In charge.
A large number frow here attended
the tit. Patrick's concert at St. Augus-
tine Q I I Friday evening.
Some of our young people attended
tht• dance at the home of Mr. Thos.
Robinson last Wednesday night.
We are glad to know that Me. James,
Plowman la improving in health.
' WEST w*WANpnit-____
The Went Wawauesh . council held
:is regular meeting on !larch 5th, with
.11 tne members present and iteeie
-teiewart presiidliag.. The minutes of
last meeting were read siZraceireted;
on motion of Councillors liatiunnie uuti
Smyth. A bylaw furnishiug eitimates
fur the work for 1934, required by the
Department of Highways, was read
three times and Amity passed, on mo-
tion of Councillors Aitchition and
bmyth. Tbe treasuger was iusti•ucted
no.W...tbe county authorities of the
eorreet am-olillrOT-Ifflernref-te
certain properties. Tee englueer's re-
port ou the repair of the J. B. Young
drain was read and die council ad-
;eurned to•meet on March 2919, at
1 p.m.
• • '•
The municipal council the
townsbip hall March 13t9. Members
preseirwilli 'lliff-exceptIon- of Con
cllior Geo. resign. Minutes of Feb-
ruary meeting read and adopted.
Tbe treasurer received $2 from Earl
McKnight for one cord of wood; 89.40
from the Provincial Treasurer on re-
On mottos ft was resolved that ail
;Elie! be 'discontinued- after March
31s1; the clerk to notify each store-
keeper to that effect.
The collector's time was extended to
April 10th.
It was moved that Wm. Hardy he
paid for fifteen eords of wood at- $2
a cord for the township ball.
The road superintendent's vouchers
and other accounts were ordered geld:
Road souperintendents, vouchers,
$42.35; Wm. Hardy, for 15 cords of
wood. 530: Mrs. Rebema Morris, desk
for clerks' Dace, an: Fairview Che-
mical Co, 260 capsules, 1160.54i; county
-64--floron. 'maintenance of Indigent pa-
eenta, $1e.35; Win. G. Watson. ineur-
ance of townxhip hall. $6.50; relief
recounts for February, $84.58.
i'ouncil adjourned to meet April
loth, at 2 p.m.
WM. SALLOW'S, Clerk.
• • •
Council met March 12th. All pres-
ent except Councillor Farrish.
Right to Strike
Debate at G. C. I. Literary Society
Won by Helen Archer and
Mary Howard - -
Strikep.' are justifiable. At any
rate, the Collegiate institute etudents
lipholdiug this propoultion in debate
at the meeting of the Literary leociqty
pd the school ou Friday 'night hut were
declared the winhers. The right to
strike was upheld by-TheTin Aibr
and Mary Howard, representatires of
form I A, the negative speakers, repre-
-feral - 1 b._ 1M111$ eloth Robert-
son and Doris Baker. The judges
were Mrs. L. L. Knox, Mrs. Thornelue
aud Rev. 1/. J. bane, and Mr. Lane,
In announcing the decision, commended
all the debaters upon their excellent
puminand of language, their style. de-
fLvery MIMI good English. Unfortun-
atelyhe- said, the debaters for the
live had misinterpreted the sub-
.0ect of --trratTire .1-MitrilittreVelryed-a-
tine lu presenting their arguments.
The chair was occupied by Miss
Helen Bisset, vice-president of the
Literary Society.
A piano selection by Ruth Cur*en
was much enjuied and a "Pirate
Dance' by six girls, attired in vivid
hutabbre*rhttetj "pirate" costumes, was
a very Poptilar.eumber. Tbose taking
pert were Alma O'Brien, Margaret
haiwr-rieau-Loe, -Betty Whitten.
Margaret MeMehen and Eileen O'Brien.
Tile piano accompaniment was played
ity MOM Howell.
An exeellent PJournal," the school
Pater. was read by Its editor, Ilerbert
,:reene.• in it, beside* the usual run
of jokes on staff and students, were
enpresalie articles calculated to M-
aier, deep thinking, and a poem, "Play
:he Game." The editor also advised
Ilia amalgamation of the three school
societies, the Literary Society and the
boys' and girls' athletie societies.
A step back into the post was made
for the next Item on the program,
when a bustled and hooped trio, Mar-
garet liarnetL Jean Robertson and
Dorothy Greene, sang- the delightful
-Second Minuet," with Alma Howel
at the piano.
A high -bar act by the school's three
leading gymnasts, Phil Bisset, Audrey
Smith and Jack Snyder. provided
many thrills for the large sudience.
'them students, under the watchful
eye and careful training of Coach 1).
1. H111..bare attained a point of near
perfection in their many dItiletilt yet
graceful feats on the bar, whi..h drew
gasps of amazement and admiration
fie in the audlenise on almost every
=oiling. twisting or whirling trip.
The concluding number on the pro-
erasmoofr...reifflay entitled "Tii:171:11.e.:Le.......
The annual banquet of the Christian
church_was held recently in the lecture
rams of the church. The tables were
ittractive with decorations honoring St.
Patrick. Over sixty young People
partook ef the bountiful repast, which
•vas served by =unbend of the Polly -
unlit dab, of which Met F. W.
Craik Is the tea('her. /Rev. Mr Crab
was toastmaster and after • short ad-
dress proposed • toast to the King,
which was responded to by the sing-
ing ot the National Minim The
toast to the lady guests, propueed by
Mr. Jas. Adams, was responded to by
`Miss Wilda Brownlee, and the toast
to Rev. F. W. and Mrs. Cralk was re-
sponded to by Mre. Cralk. Intereas
big and inspiring messages were beard
from Rev. 1). MacLeod of town and Mr.
F. Savauge, of lieaforth. MK II. S.
Gm -enraged his pies -sure at Iselmoa___
ptesent and wished the Group con-
tinued seeress. Mr. Harry Barker and
Mr. Chas. Breckow also spoke briefly.
Interepersed with the addreesea
were musical numbers by Misses Vel-
ma and Mabel Brownlee. who played
a.plano duet; Mr. I. Graf, who contri-
buted violin solos; Ur. It. 'Munn, who
.ptemel,Har. „, E
Ends a Cold - -
Ede mew
IF trs
Plumbing, Heating
old Rho -e, who sang a pleasing solo
and Mimes Gertrude Heist And Mary
McKay, who sang a duet.
A delightful item on the program
was the preRentatIon to all the Ser-
vice Group members 0( class pins. Mr.
Russel Bloomfield, the, Group's erst
president, presented Mr. Craik With
and Mr. Craik In turn pinned
ihe first member's Otg on Mr. rilobin;
field. Mr. Craik premented the pins to
the -other member, and to -Mre -era*"
hom the Group.has honored with the
dintinction of being the only lady mem-
ber. Tbe eveningwaa brought to a
close by the bearti singing of "Auld
Lang 15711e.” '
Repairs for all makes of
stoves or furnaces
Prompt ser%111. MA remain-
'John Pinder
Phone 127 I'. 0. Box 131
rim EASTElt SUNDAY and through
Easter . the Kesler period we will have the
11.11/11 11114. Pia,* 1 CCT ri,owtois and
FLOWERING PLANTS ready for immedi-
Have Your Commercial Printing Done at The Signal Office
and approved, on motion of Zinn and
The road superintendent was In-
Atracted to amend the boundary ac-
count with Huron township and send
It to them.
Moved by Sherwood and Jobnston,
and carried, that a new bond for
48,900 be furnished by the treatturer.
Moved by Zinn and Johnston, sod
earned, that all chequer; in connection
with the railway eoupons be el;„oied by
the Reeve and treasurer jointly.
The following bills and amounts
were ordered paid, on motion of Zinn
and Sherwood:
Thos. Drennan, snow, $2; Milton
liiipatrick, snow, $3.00; Geo. J. Dren-
nan, snow, $5; Herbert Curran, salary.
S11.70-: Art. Courtney, relief supplies,
10.19; Roy Petrie, relief eupplies,
712.26; Imcknow Sentinel, printing,
$46.75; Clerk', quarter eatery $47.50,
postage $5-$52.50; Slurdo Matheson,
part eatery, $15; Richard Johnston.
do., $15; Ervin Zinn. do„ *15; Salnua
Sherwood. do., $15; Wilfred Parrish,
do, $15; Kenneth Farris% do.. mt.'s.
Bylaw No. 2, to provide for expendi-
ture on township roads, Wart duly
Moved by Sherwood and Zinn, and
resolved, that tax eollector be in-
structed to take legal etepit to collect
nil taxes outstanding by March 28t9.
Council adjourned on motion of
.1.thruton sad Sherwood.
C. E. McDONAGIL Clerk.
was not 4 Very handle/Me wid-
ower. "You are the Mirth "girl 9,
whom I have etoponed without avail."
"'Well," said the girl. klndly, "miff'
be if you wear cone when making your
s'vtntIi pmposal, you'll hive better
up to a fitting climax through a series
of farcical mimundendandIngs end me'
take.. When Sylvia Winthrop (Elaine
Burrows), meets an old school friend.
Maxine Barry (Ifirgaret Randy), at
a summer hotel, she tells tha latter
about her famous author-eousin. Nor-
man (Roy Errington). Maxine and
Norman meet unexpectedly and she.
suepecting bin identify, proceed. to
set her rap for him, but when on part-
ing he bands her n enlling earl!. In
'estbearing the name Simon tsrnel
Zibroweky. tailor (Jerk MeMeheit
she NBA for his prayer -al joke nnil,
becoming very Indignantdismisee
him As an impontor, meting 91 n
_gentleman at the hotel. Mneine is
later Put to reghtit tor fletverneiff-rerv
aharnefaredly nuke. up to Nommen
gin, with the reseilt the tbe play
ends very hnpidly for the cmin'e The
jinn of Miss Pringle an interterine
middle aged maiden at the hotel who
le constantly trylne to Insert herself
In the young people's Affairs. WRC
raken by Margaret Mason.
ir,g the implied criticism of tits (the
puldie work) department, he went on
mnke some remarks which drew
stit IT1 rejoinders from the Deputy
Reeve and Conneillor Molting,
worship feared the ieinntel
Reny from the onihject, and Councillor
Dumber then enquired about the flat
of arrearn a teitto "elfileetOr WI
.11 ppofied to RubmIt to the council.
The clerk explained that .the 004 -
tor had not yet filly recovered from
his ileums and probably had not been
atop tiike time from hie other work
I. mnke mit the list
Bylaw No 13 of 19R4, nuthroriagnit the
sale of lot* 1379 and 13144) In Write'
linen' to Ettiat R. ?maw. fra Om. wow'
ruined. These lot. were Piirchnsed tv
Om town -at Jaz sale .140 On.
Thin the Moline,* and the
Mnyor reminded this tnemners of the
Nit fair benefit at Oddfollowe' Hall
land left to take pert tbs proceed-
ing• there
On Thur. -41a.- last, lit the regular meet-
ing of the Vietoria Monte and School
Clod% the program was made lip moiety
of male tnlent It was "men'. night"
ard Principle It. Stonehoune and Mr.
C. 54, Rohertaon were respon.ible for
the excellent mulesl program that
.Sra present's& Rev. 1). J. Lane, the
gm -et 'speaker. wire an Interesting .4-
es, -”The 114111..totit .of Keeping
Clean." Canadinnehe mild. apenf
750 millions of dollars hurt year ear-
et'llg mit the inwe of cleanliness.
Other interesting statiefIcs were given
1.y the speaker.
The progrgai wept pre.ented as
!nws: Selections: by the -1flerniernirs
Ilan& a group now numbering nenriy
twenty boys; in.trumental ;Were by
Erntot and Roy Breckenridge. .play -
Ing the suixophone and vibraphone;
rood duet Ire Gus and Itud'Wortby,
to their own geltar aceommeilment;
rempipes aele(-tioun by It. C. Poste).-
firentne; 5 menet !off. he T-Tfenty:'
en instrumental Refection by Mr. A.
Shore, who played the mandolin, and
a vocal polo by Mr. W. GrIndrod, who
was aceompanied by Mr. B. Merin.
Tiatt meeting wax In charge of the
;provident of the ChM, Mrs. J. C. Cult.
It was deeele41 that oho should be 19'
411,1 repre.entative to the 0.E.A., eon-
vention at Toronto In April.
An attendance eonteat wee
.1aged for the parents, with the ehild
awn berhathfina by tboir parents' poet
, •'
"re at the Club meetleim. " rou
eall revealed that Mia. Ward.* Maps
ems, the handsome pletiere 'Rime
Boy" will hang in their clags-r000n
until the next meeting of the eltdo es
Apre 19.
_a/A, ta4,ft
Coal! Coal! Coal!
Owing to the long hard winter you find that
you arc going to require more Coal. Do not over-
look the fact when you are ordering that We carry
"mall.'11.11 giOit-bir A
aud Colce- and can give prompt service.
For Hardware, Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmith*
- - I RY-
..... es -Store 22; House 112 The Hardware Store at the Harbor
psglmfar., ••-••••
your boss is a czar ... and he
expects you to be two places
at the same time . . . and
he won't take excuses ..
re, MAIM%
Use your telephone ... Long
Distance will help you do
the impossible.
di The telephone will take you to the next
town or township or across the continent
with equal facility. It's your quick, easy, de-
pendable messenger in any emergency. And
Its inexpensive -100 miles for as little as 30e.
be list of rates in the front of your directory.
... • 411.t
• sem: .
sifiser•111.- "'IV