The Signal, 1934-03-22, Page 1"r::�s. t�"i►"7'�4. LT.:'.alearRilaA Reid the Ness Serial 1'Tke May Day Mystery" by Gamow Roy 010ws kiosk Iasi soul le Ms Isom W iM IPS i lLIGHZT�11vsNTH TZAR. NO. 1f GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1934 Ottawa Hone -Backs Bennett re Titles rs jority Only 19. --Plume Yiai- ster Makes Statement on Wheat Agreement k$y J. A. Hume Spee.al Correspon- dent of The Signal) Ottawa. March 19.-Bennett-recom- easaded knighthoods wUl contipue to tower In Canada. at least until the stet stecton. By 11E to 94 votes the House of Commons on Wednesday de- feated it resolution wowed by Hum- mt.ra7 Mitchell. Labor, Hamilton Fart. asking Prime Minister R. B. /tassel to refrain K m George the recommend- ing to His Majesty panting of title,. honors and awards to Caaadle's& It was the largest recorded division asd the smallest Government majority _- dare ties Bessettt Gerer11100.1 wits elected le July, 1950. with =a working majority of 29 over all parties In a t _ house of 246 members. Party lines were lifted when the House In 1919 sad again to 1929 voted to request His Majesty to retrain from conferring titles on Canadians, but quite the op- _ petite was the case un Wedneday. er..ea pairs were sareeognlsed and We Orrernment whip cracked to minimise, as tar as possible. embarrassment to the Prime Minister. who. of nut owe accord asd without wafting for ap- proval geproval of Parliament. brought back titles last New Year's. George Spotton, Conservative, North Huron. and Dr. I. D. Cotoam. Conser- vative, North Renfrew, made the front Lase of ■11 Canadianvote spapersMy belling the party r. Bennett and In support of the Mitchell resolution. Major-General Sir Eugene Fleet. Liberal member for Rlmouakt. Que. and wartime Deputy Minister of National Defence, voted with the Oc cernu ent. as of course did RL Hon. lir George Perky, Bennett Minister without portfollo, the only other tired member In the House. Mr Mackenzie King led a solid phalanx of Idr.erais against the restoration of Missend likewise all the Ginger group members supported the Mitchell pro BE ISM Tenser Three *Teats of major importa el.leh occurred outside the Hoes! Should be mentioned. Fiat. the de- test by the United States Senate of the St. Lawrence deep waterway treaty atgiotlated by Mr. Bennett's brother - la -law, Hon- W. D. Berridge, Canadian Minister to Washington, a defeat which on Thursday Mr. Bennett re- gretted. esgretted. as he said, for various reas- PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Fred Player, of London. is visiting at the tame of Mr. and Mrs. Sold. Frith. Trafalgar street. Miss Gertrude Chase and Mr. Clifford Whetstone, of Wtndeor, will be the week -end guests of Mr. end Mn, Ber- nard Munn. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Elliott and Min lay are returning to London thin week, but may be back again to a few weeks. Sir. Kelso Johnston, of Kelso, North ern Ontario, spent the weettoes with his parent*. Mr. sad Mrs. George Johnston.- Mr. and MIL Frith and--hp-- 117 were Is London, on Saturday. at- tending the funeral of the 'ate Mr. Jame. Alexander. Kr. and Mn. Wm. Donaldson and son Charles, of Relies Corners. spent the week -end with Mrs. Donatdson'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Humber Mr. Wm. Row len this week for Detroit to join the crew of the str. Courella after visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rees; here for the past three months. - NEARLY ASPHYXIATED Alonzo Bodges, Goderich township narrowly escaped death by asphyxia- tion on Monday when he was discov- ered In an uneonselons condition by !:1r, daughter. Mrs. Wilmot Haacke, wife of the township reeve. Cal gas escaping from a stove that had bees :ranked by the elderly farmer was the cease of his nnronaclons condition. Dr. J. B. Whitely responded to the ur- gent call by Mrs. Haacke and the vic- tim was rushed to Alexandra boapltal, where be quickly recovered and now is progressing very favorably. Immense as River Breaks Up Rising Water Inundates Golf Grounds and Cascades into Harbor The Maitland Elver went on the rampage on Tuesday night and. break lug the icy bunds which had held 1t imprisoned.. swept/ -1 Ilatt ehaanel ;Tom Piffles Dam be 4b►-hesJ Maio* the Baltlot'4.$ d;e. Below 111 dear rpaee hundreds of thouunds of tons of snow and ice choked the river valley and month. creating the erasure jam witnessed here in yearn. As soon as the news of the break-up was made known, many citizens bur - rod to the harbor, in spite of the lett hour, to witness the spectacle of many taus of Ice being thrown high by the advancing wall of water. The tele phone operator was kept busy calling T tfovrtle s and fie termer- te-.wd them of the danger menacing their revels, and In • short time the min arrived at the harbor to do all they c,.uld to protect the fleet of fishing tug? and smaller boats. The water rose rapidly and In a short time Ice was piled up four and rive feet above the sea-wall at the river mouth. Whole sections of this wall. which is twenty feet high and a rotld cement structure, were forced hack nearly two Inches by the weight of the ice. which piled up and around It in a tumbledmass. Water Tumblesever Pier For nearly two hundred yards to the north pier Ice was piled from ten to twenty feet high and for several ho•trs on Tuedday night a wall of w■ ter cascaded over the pier into the har- bor entrance. The water also flowed over the crest of the hill between river and harbor and bore down upon the fl- ing tap in drydock at "Snug harbor." It was here that the men worked fee feebly until the early hours of the morning. throwing additional lines around the boats so that they would not be washed away. The light of early morning showed that the tugs were undermined by the rushing water Ind were tilted at a precarious angle where the ground was washed away nom under the sterns. There are several Inhabited shacke near the river breakwater and one roan, on hearing the break-up. stepped- from his little cable Into nearly two fret of water to observe a watt of pee rl:hin twenty feet of his door Need- less to say, he lost no time in vacating. lee Jane at MilordOn Sunday night. about 10 o'clock. re idents of Sanford were startled by the roar of the Ice se It came need - not *awe- tbr-r4va41%e e nfsclent force. however, to earn the broken Ire along and several people wto awaited the break -rap nntil long aft. -r midnight retired more or lees rose The crumbled Ire a;armingly Sunday night and entirely surrounded a small house rented by Joon Howrie and smashed In -the doors of a barn near the hone*. The lee al- so rose to the back doors of houses at ti -e northern end of Baltford. All EASTER DOLL PARADE A new feature for the Easter season 4 I•eing intrd" -ed by the Icons Club. The Lions have sponsored a number of events for the boys, and now la the girls' turn. On the Saturday after- noon before Easter, March 51st. there wlii be a doll parade on the Bemire. and prises are offered which it Is bnped will bring out girls of all ages with dolls of every description. Dolls fr. m the townships will be welcomed n!ong with their cousin of town. Patticalars al to the various classes are given to the Lions' announcement in theedvertldng columna of this lune. 440X CHURCH W. M. S. TIN regRlargoeeting of Rnoe rharcb W.Y.S. was held on Tuesday with a gond attendance. Mrs. Lane sad her group 'provided the program. while Mrs. A. Taylor prealded,over int bad- ness The devotional period ryas tak en by Mrs. Reddttt, Mrs. Sandy sod Mrs. Waite. Wes Jeckell, ptesldent of Huron Presbyterial. was present for port of the meeting and spokes few w'urds of greeting. Mrs. A. Taylor - his.( tato-c0DTt - elea-.appotutellAdeat5..te_thc= BMUS): tit of the Canadian Legion and the+c.s1 meeting to he held at Hemttten In April. Mrs. Herald had 'te topl• from the atndy book asd rare v splen Ma paper on "Other Riese In Canada. - dealing with the Finn., Scandlravien'. Italians and Doukhobor* MI's Rnth Caldwell sang a hymn. "Ren, -nth the ('rows of Jinni*" after erhicl. Mrs Gordon Mout .gave the Emitter mss sage. Thle woe in the Corm of two poems entitled "Jess. and the Angels" Ino "Easter Tidings," which were very appropriate. The meeting Nord with prayer by Mrs. Sanderson. Amputations Association of the Great War, at which the Government sad the peuslons administration were scored as Inhuman. Tbird. the divurt-e be- tween the Co -Operative Commonwealth Federation and the United Farmers ,f Ontario, a development with politi- cal ramlflcstfons, on the eve of Pro - ethicist and Federal elections, which ere far-reaching to say the least Hon. E. N. Rhodes, Minister of Finance, announced officially before the banking and commerce committee .n Tuesday that the Government eel• Homes the moat thorough Invettlgetlon tato the Canadian banks. as sought by Major C. O. Power. i.iberal, Quebec �..apsith, before that committee a week ego. 1n tide -reassertion Mr. Remelt. riveters from Elneseltee. Honsall. E. W. Beatty, C.P.R. president. and Clinton. Stnpen, Kingsbridge. Amber - Iona s. Read the New Serial "T6e May Day Mystery" by Waves Ruy (,hAsra Seoul imienest Y els Yam it TM Opel THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. PaMlrma To Correspondents and Advertisers May we auk your kind co- operation for next week's paper/ Let w budgets have your and change of advertisement a day earlier H pos►Fri- day Good le t holiday. Shank you. THE SIGNAL THE FIRST sNownagr • The drat snowdrop of the season b!oasomed In the Robertson garden on Tuesday of thin week. This was about a month later than last year. and two mouths later than In 1932. SHELL DEALERS GET TOOi:TiI % (ln Thnreday night last. with Wm. Mond. Rhell company manager for tide 'Patrick In ehargs. a meeting of Shell Jackson Dodds, general mehsger of eke Bank of Montreal, will appear be- (Contlnued on page 41 -CHAaIAr 18 DEAD After a quarter of a century of life, the greater part of which was spent hauling the omnibus that used to meet all trains before the advent of the homeless carriage, Charlie is dead, baving passed away quietly in his stall on Sunday night. Char!le was sue of a team of grey 'buts -horses owned by Thoa. Swartz, the well - liveryman. Although the team, t oar and Trlxte, were only hitched sp o In the Last five yearn. and then when a heavy snowstorm ren- dered motor vehicles useless, they were kept on by Mr. Swart' for sen- timental reasons. lrtxia, the remain• tag sweber of the team, wbo is the same age as Charlie, will live In con- tort to her .table until she des a na- tural death. DRAWING FO* PUUZil! The card party and dance held at (lddfellowe' Hall last Friday night, under the auspices of the Ooderlch Agriesltur•1 Society, was well patron tom, Beth "609" and euchre were 11x711 Ma Fla* ekiri* at be- (rs >�lss O11• roans a0A Mr, J. H- P1se.. Sad at weirs Mrs. Sebt. Bream - lee sad Hr. Harold 1I111/wa After aa Wean of 1 ttheek•d INSTRUCTOR AT ACADEMY Miss Margaret Howland. B.A.• ar- rlvd from Toronto on Wednesday of this week, and has entered upon her luties as commercial specialist In Huron Commerclal Academy Miss Howland is a recent graduate of Tor- aa+a►en. L:st ereity sad -the Faculty..of Education. and L a real asset to the educational forces of our community Sae is a daughter of Dr. G. W. How - ,ted, eminent neurologist, of 72 For- est Hill road, Toronto. re -Recital by - Chas. G. D. Roberts Eminent Canadian Poet and Wri- ter of Nature Stories Heard by Interested Audience Dr. Charles G. D. Roberts. poet and writer of nature stories, was greeted by an audience of three hundred on Tuesday evening, when he appeared In North street l niteu church under Os auspices of the Central Home sada `School Club. The duties of chairman were discharged by Mr. Geo. Schaefer, 0H1111ARY MRS. JOHN OALLAGIIKR • On Friday last, after an illness of several weeks, resulting from a severe cold, Mary Longworth, widow of John Gallagher, passed away at her home on Brock street, In her eighty -drat year. Deceased was born in Goderich township, a daughter of the late Ben- jamin Longworth and Letitia Howe. :the was married to 11(76 and went to live with her husband on his tent. near Smith's Hill. She was an active member of Smith's Hill United church while residing on the farm. Twa feart. ago their home was destreeed -lel fire and the couple retired to Ooderich. where Mr. Gallagher died a year ago. Mrs. Gallagher is survived by a son. James, and two daughters, ]ilea Ma tilda, at home, and Mrs- A. C. Clark. all of Goderich. The funeral servb'e was conducted on Sunday at her home by Rev. Geo. T. Watts, pastor of North street United church, assisted by Rev. W. J. Patton, of Smith's 11111 church. intermernt was in Colborne cemetery. the potlbearers being Herbert Fisher. A,nos Stoll. Alex. Young, John Young, -levels McBride -and Alf. T,e out/...-_ chgloan of the public school trustee hoard,- who to his . Introductory re- works paid a tribute to the home and retool clubs for the work they are do- ing o- 1 is in Goderlch. Dr. Roberts In opening his recital expres-ed his pleasure in being at past In Goderich, which somehow he had always previously missed In his Jour- neys from wean _Le ocean, and as a nature writer he facetiously claimed- credit laimedcredit for bringing to Goderl h such a beautiful spring day. He com- utencect a recital of some of.his poems by reading his Confederation Jubilee (Me, "These Threeseore Years," and followed with what he described as 'a bit of backwoods verse," "in the Night Watches." In quite different vein was tt.e ballad "Crossing the Brook," and he explained in humorous manner the rtrcnrnstenc-es in which this wan writ- refl. Other selections were "The Sum- mons," "On the Road," "The Squat- ter," his latest poem, and "The House." Reminding his audlenc'e that he bad been through the Great War, rising from the ranks to his majority, ne read -Going Over." a "war poem" very dif- ferent from most of inch compositions, no the writer found that wnen he went over the top" everything about hien-eCifed unreal and his mind re - %erred to an experience of bi. youth. 'turning to what was perhaps the were popular portion of his talk, I)r. Roberts spoke of Iris researches into wild animal life and told of some of !cis experiences In owing upon the The white flag on thecounty jail. creatures of the wild in their native 'ndlcative of the tact that the -1* t1- Lannts. lie concluded with the nar- tm'an was without a prisoner, wan ( taxon of an adventure with a bear, lowered temporarily on Thursday last. telling in amusing fast ion of au ex - when two men were tacareera'Pd over periente that at the time was not at night. The flag fluttered on a more all amusing. Its :he morning breeze on Friday. when , An excellent musleal program in- . toned vocal solos by Miss Nelile Col- iarne and Master George Parsons, vita- 'in io-'in numbers by Mee. J. M. Roberts. and It very pretty quartette. "The World le Waiting for the Sunrise," by Mrs. W. F. Saunders, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, Mies Gertrude Heist and Mrs. D. 1. LiONS TROPHY PRESENTED At the Llooe Club meeting on Frldej evening the sliver cup offered_* to trophy In the series of junior hockey games sponsored by the Club was pre - sensed to the winning .term, cspt*TD1R1' by Jame. Garrick. The boys were las troduced to the Club by Lion Dr. J A. Graham, and the cup was presented by Lion D. I. Hill, and will be held by the Garrick team until next teea- non. Each member of the team re- ceived a chit for two dollar' worth of mercbandtse, this presentation be- ing mode by Lion G. L Parsons. Toe captains of the other teams also were In:roduced : Terry Costello, Beverly 11Ills, Donald Mason and Raymond Murray. and tickets for a theatre ma flare for ail the players were pre- sented. rtsented. FLAG TAKES A DIP • . • Ontario Election Forecast for June Legislature Looking to End of Session -Opposition United in Attack Toronto, March 20. -The Cleary Gov- ernment this week entered upon the .iec•isive stage of its battle with a uulted Opposition In this eighteenth _ L•gLlatuse of the ?ravine of Ontario Within the next two or, MAI* out- ah.e. three weeks will be decided the outcome of the final verbal exchanges and party manoeuvres. In one sense, the Government Is a► Hired of success. It will be difficult - = :udeed for any set of circumstances to '•umbine in a Government d.feat in any division between now and the end of the session. The Conservative steamroller is a solid block of votes which. barring any extraordinary etre- tegic surprise. will enable the Govern. - gl t.,J:o_ carry whatever metaures It wants, In the early ye rs o ;lament's life, It is not beyond the pale of possibility for a considerable sec- :ion ir:ion of the Government's ow'n ranks to forego party support on a measure where they feel they can exert Ise the right of Individual choice. But fn the crus aT TnaT Mrs ,the party me sufficiently on the qui sive t0 at* that any recalcitrant members lie jockeyed Into line and that the united irsrty trout is preserved. �_.. But the Opposition, even 1f it cane not hope for a numerical defeat of the Government, will now strain every nerve to effect the discredit of the Government to the eges of the Pruett.- ..lel ruetre..lel electorate. The coming Ontario election, sow • definitely forecast for June. Is LAM. rhtl text for Liberalism and the Opp!' ttlon parties in general, not only 1a this Province, but throughout the Do- minion. Government ranks at Ottawa. mindful of a series of successive Pro - slur -Lel victories for Liberalism, can- not but have an anxious eye on the forthcoming summer struggle for pow- er in the most populous seetlon of the interment was in Mattlend ecmetere. ccuntry. The date and fate of the MRS. JOHN E. `AEGLE Emma L. Richards, beloved wife of John E. Naegle, Reseed away at her home on South street early Monday morning. Deeeaeed, who was in her serent!etis year, had been- in poor health since December last. She w.. born in Bayfield, a deuahter of Mt. and Mrs. David Richards. anti fifty rears ago was married at Auburn. near whiel Rice-bFr Ttifsbalut-wan a encreesful farmer. falter. and Inc «one years, he conducted a hardware business In Auburn. Twenty-five years ago the couple enme to Goderieh and on New Year's Day of thin year they celebrated their golden wedding. Sur - riving. herddre the I -reaefs' husband are two sons and two daughters. John E., of Detroit, W. Roy, of London. Mts. John Cuthbertaon and Mrs. Harold Newcombe, both of Goderieh, and four grandchildren. A brother. Pone Etl. h •rds, of Pasadena, California, also snr- vlves. Deceased was nteochated wit1- the Melted church end Rev. (leo. 7' Watts eonducted the funeral service et the family reeldenre on- Wednesday the men were removed to appear les fore Magistrate Reid. One of the pair was charged with falling to main Grin his wife and family and was re :e'tsed on hall. to appear in court ,tgatn on Saturday. March 24. The •tier pleaded guilty to a charge of en.,snmtug liquor In a public place lith. The accompanists were Meesr& anel nrrid a fine and robs amounting LIC. F. Player, B. Munn and H. N. Lir- of .JJasae-obibo he..lu het. His liquor permit - was cem celled and liquor In hie possession war cnr.flscated. Whltechnreh. Laeknow, RayflMd end other paints to the Wel rnanseer'a Per•ritory was held at the Redford hotel The meeting was one of misty tsther- tnr. of dealers in variant' diatri"te of trnt.r14) and (')nese'. The meeting was atrlrtly private and a talking pietnre we..hown to which Shell enmrrn• 1seinesv for 104 waw dl•ene*ed Later a sing-I'ong wee entoyed by then. arse ern .lone with the showing of a uee- .md blklnt pi'Mre in another mem of the hotel. -topper war .erred to the deelerw end arrangement• for lnde- !nrs were mode of the hotel for those who, her.nee of the condition of the reeds. were nnehls to return to their !ewer that night. OSk'lale preeewt at the gathering 'vete the advertising and .ales men- aTers end the mnnerve of rewire .tationa. from the office at Toronto, and division manager from Tendon. First Step Must Be a Petition these buildings were wall clear of the Town Solicitor Outlines Prone pee before it was broken rap and In' summer the river flows by more than dure for Establishing a one hundred yards from the bnlMinge Park' Board When the Ire did go on Tuesday - nl;his •clear channel was made at the According to -s Bitter submitted to week side of the river, oppo.lte the vitiate, and a wild twelve -toot welt of the town council by. -Town Solicitor ice was piled up at the edge of the tiin, The billy trey 11T"wlttrs a torn mission can be estnblt•hed to take eon Golf Course inundated The rtrer found an inlet to the Maitland golf course along a shallow reltey below the club bonne, and. ear rying Immense cakes of Ice, flowed In over the fairway and greens of the eighth and ninth holes, completely Inundating them. An idea of the depth of the water and ice may be gleaned from the tact that a twelve- (: of hill that forms a natural hazard nn the course was nearly covered. Large cakes of ice were thrown well rip the slope of the C. P. R. embank- ment. From Me C.F.R. bridge to the river month is a solid mass of snow and ice, littered with logs, parts of trees and otuer debris, with here and there a email channel of rushing muddy water. The only evkleoce that Indian Island ec,nts is one lone tree -top that shows ebove the lee. In summer time this 1.:and, whlcb le overgrown with bnshes and small trees, is nearly three h',ndred yards long and one hundred yard. wide The steam -yacht Anona, for which saes concern was felt, was to no denier. but the men on it were tak- ing no chances and vacated with the Bret etgn of a break-aq The water had snbdded t'onatder- ably by Wedn.eday sad 1t Is thought that the dieser of another serlo se freshet le slight unless heavy rains come. MOHR FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. Cha.. Kukla' has returned Avis California. where be eyelet the atloatha He has some labor - tell of Na etay a the ems* * shad most* stars. te Ms MLA. vipaor et Mae we Mw =FORE THE MAOIRTRATR A conviction waw registered against Leslie J. Twos. of OodeHch, on a charge of reckless driving, to which he pleaded guilty before Magistrate Th 1d in Police ODart and paid a 110 fine with cost. es Friday last. TM charge was laid as a remelt of an se- eldent In the early morning heap of Monday. Marett 5, whin Laws, driving a car ,witheet lights and in • heavy fog. mailed head-on Into as aatosnelle driven by Warren C. Bam- ford. Tbe- aecldent retuned no high - "1,1 lin 4. MRS et Risen, and at image Laws was at. M00rest eat. channel. A vote tan `dirt vett Mowed by Principal J. P. Hume and se, onded by Mrs. J. A. Graham, and 1" rtily endorsed by the audience. During his stay In town Dr. Robert was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. G. 1. Parsons and Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Field. Dr. Field and the distingui-heel visitor %rte college classmates. Dr. Roberts :eft on Wednesday to fill an engage- ment at Seaforth. A PAL OF SIXTY YEARS AGO Mr. J. B. Kelly was much pleased to receive a few days ago a note from Thomas A. Campbell, of Soo Fakir, South Dakota, one of the companions of his youth In Blyth, over sixty years ago. Mr. Campbell had learned of the Keay golden wedding celebration. sent 1.1- congratulations and asked about Lr. Kelly's sisters, of whom he had trol of Maitland cemetery Is by the not heard for over forty years. A re- institution of a parks board which sn,.rcable thing about the note 1s the must have control of *ll town garb Le.tutiful handwriting, which could (except the exhibition part) as well am the cemetery. Such a -Weed may be established by the round] atter s bylaw has been enbm'tted to the rate otos ; set ;WC sato robe, 4e1,eagh toble..A. .Kates 2 Few doer, W. ft. Sowcotbhe: ACh, b of geseeriee. Miss Margaret Hsestoa; 'Ran Maker of grocer's* Misr 1t. Wrnt- aaa After lamb flawingwasga t sa�ho y, the made beim*applied Witmer orchestra. nut be equalled by most people of one-third Mr. Campbell's age. 1. O. O. A. SOCIAL EVENLNG thepallbearers being W. T. Fellow', Nel- son Htlt. Ham Watson. Archie Jack son, Oliver Clark and Fred Craigle. • • • MRS. J. T. FELL On Wednesday, Match 14th, Leila May Hammett, wife of J. T. Fel'. pawned awwy in Aleseedra hospital. She had never folly reedvercd from an nperstfon whlrh she nnderwcni le.t .-t-'r end was taken to the hospital about five week• before her death. She wee horn In Beatorth. the young- 's[ daughter of the late Mr. and Men. Richard Ilarrrtnett. and eighteen y ere living In iteiforth for two Peers -'--me to Goderieh. where Mr. Fell for enme time rondnMed a photograph stndlo. An aettve member of North *rept United church. Mrs. Fall wee ..,x -Feted with the Fvenlnt Auxili- ere. waw a member of the choir and I member of the tcerhing *sir of the Vnndsv whnol, end wee held In high redeem by n wide circle of friend. Rhe is stervivei by her hnse.snd. now e photographer with The Border Cities Star; two ware. Wilbur John, aged a't'en, and William Clsr'n''e. se .1 r.,nrteen, both students et the Colle- giate: a brother. (Terries E. H•Immett. of Toronto. a"d two sisters, Mrs. John Murray. of Preston. end Mrs. 1.. 1) iiamt'tnn, of •1frm*rnka, Rev. aloe T. *'tte- M North stre-1 United church, conducted the funeral service on Rsturdvv afternoon. ln- tertm'nt waw in Maitland cemetery, the pnllt'aarers befog •H. Sn%'d"r..7. Snider, Elmer Shewrlown, 91t L Hill, F. Bite hop and S. Cade._ . Payers and approved by a majority A social evening under the auspices vote. of Princess Mary Lodge, L.O.B.A., was In the mitt•, of flnanees the parks hold Tuesday evening at the spacious board would hare post -era -similar to ;.owe of Mr. and Mrs Thos. Bell, Cam - those of a school trna'ee hoard Thal br.a road, about fifty being present. 1e, it would .nhmtt a regntett!on to the 'i first part of the evening was de - town (onn• ll for the funds eoneidered necessary to carry nn It. work for the year, and the eoanell would levy a t 1 rate to sanest thin emonnt ruled to yards, both ":.00" and euchre being played. The winners at euchre were Mrs. Chas. Anstay and Mr. Wal- lace Iilack, consolation prizes going to which wonld then he tnrned over to"Iles. Young Nonce and Geo. r. Mum- the ble the parks board. y.•Mrs. duo Town Roliritor Nairn in hie letter rcnl9. wons the prizeng for the Advises that the procedure necessary fir the establishing of • cemetery Mm- liruck:ebank and Mr. Joe. MoNevin. mielon I. ns follow• • Lunch was served, and then a season 1. A petition uigned M et Tenet two ofvdancing Mr. W. was enjoyed tondu le rA- hnndred elertorespraying for the estate liuhment of a hoard to control the M:-Graw. eemetery mnst he pre/reeved to the MFT( RELIrMeCARB round'. 2. A bylaw may then he prevented- A quiet wedding took place on Sot- to the ratepayers, and if the majority urlay evening. March 17th, at the he in favor of ,the brine- It -hall 1'e Vit torts street United church paraofl- finally passed at the next regular age, Goderich, Edythe May, second meeting of the emtii il. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. F. Me - R. A Anent *Welt then he e"nn'n(t4-4-Saise, of Colborne township, being by the connell, teeing compn.ed of tihe-1 united to Thea, Arnold Mitchell, only tetrad of the mtibielpellte and sir other ecru of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mitchell persons not being members of the rat Colborne. The ceremony was per eosnen. formed by Rev. F. W. Craik. The. Section 40 of the ('mete -v AM bride, who was gowned In an ankle states (the .olleitor's letter t'nnttnnesl length blue rhona crepe, with grey hat that the control of the '•pmete-v msv ann whose, and aceeeaoriea lo match, be turned ever to a board of park war attended by her sister, MIAs Res ibeamagewsent Ia.titnted ander th• tie T. McCabe. Tek groomsmen was Pie Parke Art. Ilearloo (11 of Robert R. McCabe, brother of tis. Re Pahl Paths Art mekaa it iterated- hride. The wedding perry retained to isebd..91 take offer all a, (11e hums of the bride's parents, where a dainty rapper was waned. Tt.et table dereretsd iz !Mt sad geese sad rested With • wedding cake. TM - OM MFM sea Federal election itself may hinge on ,his outcome. Tire life of this session, at one time thought to end before Easter, must now undoubtedly gena that date by 01 :east a week. There are too many In- quiries o-quiries going on. They have bees lofted upon the Government at ■ somewihat awkward time by the Op- porition. But Mr. Henry could not, If he doea not wish to damage the chances of his party at the polls, re- fuse the fullest investigation Into any major charges levelled by the other side of the House. To have done me mould have been to court the eucrptcioa Government thought better (Sodded ID strrecy, And that is the very tmpreesion which Mr. Henry and bit Cabinet are determined to avoid. The Government Mot, strictly •peeking, no constnrrtive ,program to place before the voters of tae Province. if they are to win this election, they have decided to go tai Co. country on their five-year record. Tire party will maintain (het,coming 'nln 'tower at the beginning of a w,.rldwide and unprecedented depress- Finn. epre.vSinn, they nave done the best that was hpmnnly possible In the clreem- st:tnt•es. If there ere any definite sign/ of an ngrirnttural or industrial tip- 's -urn, and there ire some grounds for :sling a slight Imjororement, the par- ty will be able to take any credit the electorate is willing to bestow for It So now the final strenuous mages hare begun. And the immediate fight centres around the Government's beer ICentiaud Oil pep 4l Claytes le as a Chisholm a Rh 4. Toa sheerest Marek 1t*. • . MSR. WATR'FR F. HICK The death of Caroline Wakefield, wife of Walter F. Thick, occurred et 'tier home on the Huron road. town. on Thursday last, In her seventy -fleet year. Mrs. Hick had been In poor shoehealth for some year., shoe she was Injured in a fall et her home in God- e-ich townehlp. She was horn In God erieh townehlp. a daughter of the late David Wakefield and Ann Wilson, end forty-five yearn ago was married to Mr. Hk'k in St. Stephen's Anglican chnrrh. In that township. Their pleasant farm home was on the Hume road about four miles from town, where they Jived until their removal to Goderich only six mnnthe ego. Mns. dick wee a member of the Anglican church. but Attended the United ehnrch at Taylor's Corner during recent years. She was also a member of the Meter - !eh Town*htp Women's Hospital Anv- Itlary. Devoted to her home and faro - Cy, she endeared herself to all with whom she came in eontact by bet et gracious frtendlinexe and kindly in- terred. Surviving, besides her hat- , hand, are two daughters, Mn'. Ches. T. F•dward, of Goderich, and Mr* Alpert R. Oke, of Ooderlch lownehtp, and • sister, Mrs. Thos. Sowerby, also of Ooderlch township. The funeral 'meek* waft enndneted et her home on Ratnrday by Rev. J. W. Herbert. of Helmeaville United chnrrh. Interment was In Maitland cemetery, the pallbesreva being Reeve W. Haarke, Andrew Holmes. Chas. Walteea, Mae.Whitely, David Rode•e and Roy Chambers. Those attending the fun- eral from a diatoms) were Mr. and Rr Mee. nest Met. M», i)q TUF4Gent. Wr. sod Mn. M.Iv1111s Redggon. all of TateeM' M Al . Pardo. of Sten i Asa, theta the 1011. GOES TO PRESTON `Lias Marjorie J. Stewart, 11.A.. wheic for the geed Rix months has been os Inc staff of Huron Commercial Aca- demy, has been offerer) and has ac- cepted a position with the Premiss!' .drool board. and left today to begin her new duties. Mise Stewart was I.' y popular with the students at the Aredemy, and sincere regret Is felt at i.er departure from our community. MOTORISTS' TY (', A. Robertson's B111 Left Over Us. 111 Next Session Toronto, March 20. ---Ontario mo- torists will continue for another year et least to be liable for injuries suf- fered by voluntary passengers The hill of Charles A. Robertson, Liberal, North Huron, to prevent vo,untary passengers in motor vehicles from bringing action against the owner or driver for negligence white a penmen - ger, was withdrawn for the present session, with Mr. Robertabn'. consent H^a. Charles McCrea, prestding in the legal bills committee, said that the 'Government wenld 1n the next year make a atudy of similar legislating in two of the Provinces and some of the States acid legislation might thea he drafted. rhe committee was informed that the rate for passenger risk which now stands at 12 Is likely t0 be iner.aa5 to 1.3 110 or Pi nest year hoeing* et the increasing number of claims filed melee the change endorwing policies ft., thin rink. Mr. Rnbertsoe said that 'tit hammer' companies wee* Wag fleeceuLj),roagb collusion between are Naito, and parteenreers with the Mb detainee of racketeering lacy to "1 am entre mutest te let nest as 140111.1111 1 w b'. siff