HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-16, Page 47have been in bed since eight
o'clock so I suppose they are
sound asleep. Santa went
•over to the fireplace to warm
his' bands and On the Mantel
;Piece was Paul and Sandra's
ieter. It read:
Dear Santa,
• Sandra and Ibave been
•good kids all year. Oh, and
thanks for last years gifts!
Sandra wants a dolly am,.
some books„ and I want a
race track set and an air-
plane. If you want, you you
can give us anything else.
• Well Thanks,
•Your friends,
• Paul, Sandra.
After he fmiShed Santa
heard a gilt* and turned
around dad saw Sandra and
Paul! Ai soma as Santa
looked d the children they
rail up tbe stairs and went to
*4)- •
After Santa filled up their
stockings, he put their'gifts
under *eine. As soon as be
did every house he went
The next morning Sandra
and Paul opened their gifts.
Their dad tokl him he heard
laughing downstairs last
night. He asked them if it
was them and they said
"yes". Wen it so happens
that they never watched
• Santa again and they never
told anyone that they had
that year!
Wendy Neable,
\ Grade 6,
Lucknow Central.
&mations had fallen off
again so we put them but
on. Everyone on the block
was putting decorations on
and that is the story of the
tallest Christmas tree ever.
Brad Hayes,
• Grade 4,
• Kinloss Central.
A Jelly Old Elf
I'd like to work in SaMa's
workihop to make toys for
girls and boys. That, would
make me happy..
-Ape, as everyone else.ali
(,4 rejoice in. the glorious
-,41:1 spirit that holiday days'
bring and in your I •
thoughtful Patronage. 1
1 Y Appreciated thanks
to you!!
t, t, t_ -t_• t -
The Tallest Christmas
Tree Ever
hall started one Christmas
when we• went out for our
Christmas tree. Werlecorat-
ed it and Went to bed.
• The next vitamin' g we got
• up and went to see it. it had
•growri through die roof_ and
was part upstairs. 'The decor-
ations had Mien off so we
• had to get more.
By the time we got home it
had gwwn through the roof
and was pardy outside. The
holidays 1,4111 he
bright 1,with the
light of Christmas.
We truly hope
your stockings
will be filled to the
top with gifts of
joy, hope and love
Our thanks.
Count our very
warm wishes for a
holiday without measure, iunong
your gift.% this Christmas-
• Thanks for being our /friend..
• jet us rejoice as
ire celebrate and
-remember the true
meaning of this
holy day. Thanks
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